Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 281 Respond to Changes

In the cold palace, Yao Yujiao sat on a stone bench despite the cold weather, patted the small drum beside her hand in one hand, stroked her slightly bulging abdomen in the other, and laughed, "Huang Er, are you in there? You are about to see your mother. Are you happy?"

Bier stood aside and gently advised, "Mother, it's cold. Please come into the room."

"No, my child likes this kind of weather, cool and snowflakes. Look, you see, snowflakes." At this time, despite the bulkiness of her body, Yao Yujiao stood up lightly and was about to chase the snowflakes falling in mid-air.

Bier hurried forward, but she was already lame. She couldn't stand still and fell to the ground. Yao Yujiao laughed and said, "Huer, look, Sister Bier is splashing snowflakes for you."

In the Tailin Hall, Emperor Li Qingxiao listened to Grandpa Yu's reply and frowned, "Is the Jade Concubine crazy now?"

"When you go back to the emperor and look at the appearance of the Jade Concubine, you have obviously lost your mind." Grandpa Yu replied cautiously.

"Well, let her be there, quiet or not. In the future, when the emperor is born, you bring it back and give it to the queen and take good care of him."

"Yes!" Eunuch Yu gave a salute and slowly withdrew. At the gate of the palace, Yao Yulu was walking in. Seeing Eunuch Yu coming out, she smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Eunuch Yu."

"Mother, this is a slave's business. Madam is polite." Duke Yu replied humbly and retreated to one side.

When Li Qingxiao saw Yao Yulu, he was happy and waved, "My concubine, how is your health today? Why don't you have a good rest in the palace?

"My concubine has met the emperor, and my concubine is much better." Yao Yulu smiled and saluted, "Your Majesty, I came today to discuss with the emperor."

Li Qingxiao raised the dragon and walked down to the hall, slowly walked to Yao Yulu, stretched out his arm around her, and walked hand in hand to the apse.

"My concubine, what do you want to discuss with me?" Li Qingxiao gently pressed Yao Yulu on the edge of the dragon couch and looked at her broken face, with a joking look in her eyes.

Yao Yulu couldn't help showing shame, "Your Majesty, I have something important to discuss with you today."

"Ha ha, I would like to hear it." Li Qingxiao sat next to her, pretended to be serious and said, "I listen attentively."

"Your Majesty, I thought that the first month was coming, and the first day of the lunar month was the birthday of the empress dowager. This year is the fiftieth birthday of the empress dowager. I thought, should I celebrate the empress dowager?"

"It's rare for my concubine to be so careful. If you don't remind me, I will almost forget it." Li Qingxiao suddenly realized, "It's just that the Empress Dowager has always been low-key and doesn't like publicity. What's a wonderful plan for her beloved concubine?"

"This, I just thought about it for a while, but I don't know whether it's feasible or not." Yao Yulu was secretly overjoyed, but frowned, "My concubine thought that there are more than ten days away from the first month. I want to make a new dance for the empress dowager, but there are not enough people. Your Majesty, can I ask those beautiful girls for help?"

"Ha, it turns out that this is a dilemma. Don't worry, I will let my father-in-law give an order. Those beautiful women, together with anyone in the palace, as long as you think it can be used, just tell me, I won't allow anyone to disobey you."

"Thank you, Emperor!" Yao Yulu was overjoyed and quickly fell down to worship. Li Qingxiao had already hugged her and kissed her with a square lip.

Qiao Waner is telling Xu Qiuyang some palace rules in her Wanyu Palace. Epa Yu slowly came in with the dust in his hand and said, "Wan Guiren, the emperor has an order."

Qiao Waner raised her head arrogantly, "What's the purpose?" But he didn't even stand up.

gong gong was furious, but he hindered her noble identity and suppressed his anger. "The empress dowager's birthday is approaching. If the noble concubine wants to make a new dance for the empress dowager's mother, she needs the cooperation of the show girl and all the noble ladies. The emperor has decreed not to allow anyone to disobey the decree of the noble concubine."

"Is it that I should also obey her orders?" Qiao Waner couldn't help jumping up, "Why is the emperor so biased? I don't want to. I'm going to find the emperor!"

"Hmm, the emperor is busy now and has no time to meet you. Please take care of yourself." After saying this softly, Yu's father-in-law no longer ignored the violent Qiao Wan'er and turned around and left with Zhong'er.

At this time, Qiao Waner's heart was like a fire. She kept turning around in the palace and looked at Xu Qiuyang standing aside. Her heart suddenly moved and pulled Xu Qiuyang and said, "Let's go, Qiuyang, sister will take you to see the emperor!"

"However, didn't Grandpa Yu just say that the emperor is busy now, and I'm afraid he can't see us..." Xu Qiuyang said timidly, "In case we don't see each other again, sister, we really lose face."

"She Yao Yulu can kneel in the courtyard all night, and I, Qiao Wan'er, can also do it. Don't be afraid of wolves before and tigers later. If you want to see the emperor, what face do you have to worry about?" Qiao Waner took Xu Qiuyang's arm and came to Tailin Hall.

Yao Yulu had just come out of the hall and lowered her head with a pink face, but she was almost hit by Qiao Waner who rushed over. Ninger was shocked and quickly protected Yao Yulu, "Qiao Guiren, please slow down."

"B bastard, how can you speak in front of me!" With that, Qiao Waner came forward and raised her palm to slap her in the face.

Yao Yulu hurriedly pulled Ning'er aside, endured the anger in her heart, and said with a smile on her face, "Sister, please calm down your anger. It's my maidservant who is ignorant. When my sister returns to the palace and punish her well, my sister will forgive her."

Qiao Waner took an inch and didn't know how to retreat. Seeing that Yao Yulu smiled at her, she thought that Yao Yulu was also afraid of her noble status and said more arrogantly, "Well, such a slave doesn't know the rules. My sister is reluctant to teach her a lesson. Just give it to my sister."

Ninger was secretly angry and was about to rush forward, but Yao Yulu grabbed the corner of her clothes, stared at her secretly and turned her face and said, "Sister, I am soft and have no temper with slaves. If my sister is not tired, you can help them teach them a lesson. For reason, they should also be well disciplined. "

Xu Qiuyang heard something from Yao Yulu's words and secretly pulled Qiao Waner's sleeves. Qiao Waner dumped her fiercely, "Don't be afraid. Such a masterless slave should be well disciplined." With that, he had to raise his palm and condense again. But he listened to an angry shout beside him, " Stop!"

Qiao Wan'er was shocked. She stopped in mid-air and turned to look at the voice. Li Qingxiao stood beside her with an angry face. "Who made you so arrogant!"

Qiao Waner was terruffed. She quickly withdrew her hand and knelt down. "Your Majesty, I have seen the emperor."

"Hmm!" Li Qingxiao snorted coldly, "Ninger, help your master and go back to the palace to rest first."

"Yes." Ninger saluted, helped Yao Yulu, and slowly went to the Starlight Palace. Li Qingxiao suddenly stopped them: "Yulu..."

"What else does the emperor have to order?" Yao Yulu turned her head with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well, I'll go to your palace in the evening. Please prepare well." Li Qingxiao nodded.

"Yes, my concubine left." Yao Yulu didn't look at Qiao Waner anymore and went away.

Qiao Waner knelt on the ground and looked at Yao Yulu's weak willow-like figure. She couldn't help saying in a coquettish voice, "Your Majesty, you haven't been to the palace of my concubine for a long time."

"What can I go to in your palace!" After Li Qingxiao said coldly, he turned around and wanted to leave. Qiao Waner immediately pulled Xu Qiuyang and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty, I have a little sister..."

Li Qingxiao ignored them and left by himself. Qiao Waner knelt in the local area, so embarrassed that she couldn't speak. Xu Qiuyang sighed slightly, "Sister, let's go back to the palace."

Returning to Xinghui Palace, Ning'er thought about what had happened just now and was still angry. The red silk looked at her angry face and said, "Sister Ning'er, what's wrong with you?"

Ning'er said angrily, "Just now in front of the Tailin Hall, Wan Guiren openly bullied our mother."

"Wan Guiren?" Red silk couldn't help frowning and said, "Is it the newly selected actress who has won the favor of the emperor?"

"It's that noble person." Ning'er wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Yao Yulu. "Ning'er, don't say more. Is it your fault that I didn't defend you?"

"Little Lord, Ninger didn't mean that. Ninger thought that the little master is now the emperor's favorite concubine. Why is that Wan Guiren still so arrogant? The little master should teach her a lesson.

"Teach her a lesson?" Yao Yulu suddenly smiled and whispered, "Although the emperor doesn't often go to Fengyuan Hall, he respects the queen the most. Do you know the reason?"

"The maidservants don't know." Ning'er, red silk looked at Yao Yulu, showing suspicion.

"Let's not talk about the queen we know for the time being. The queen's gentleness and elegance in front of the emperor are visible to everyone in the palace. Therefore, no matter how irritable Qiao Waner is, we can only win if we respond to all changes.

Ninger was smart and immediately nodded and said yes, but the red silk was natural and asked blankly, "How can we not change?"

Ninger patted her, "It's really stupid, that no matter how angry the noble man is and how unpleasant he says, we just need to be patient."

"Oh." At this time, Hong Silk suddenly realized, "In that case, wouldn't we just watch fools act?"

"Haha, your metaphor is interesting." Yao Yulu couldn't help laughing, "Ninger, bring me those music scores. I want to make a new dance for the Empress Dowager. Only by getting her happy can I be more sure and wash away my father's grievances."