Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 296 Xiao Xuanzi Leak

Yao Yulu sat in the palace and was discussing something with Xiao Xuanzi. Suddenly, there was a panic in her heart. She couldn't help but say, "Xiao Xuanzi, I suddenly felt frightened, as if something was going to happen?"

"Madam, things in the world are unpredictable. Don't worry too much. When something happens, there must be a solution." Xiao Xuanzi comforted: "Now that the Eighth Prince has investigated the general's mansion, there is nothing against it. At one time, it can be calm, but he is afraid that the secret person will not give up."

"Where can you find that person these days?" Yao Yu showed off her eyebrows slightly.

"She has not appeared in the Queen's Palace these days. Xiao Xuanzi can't see her. Mother, don't be bored."

At this time, Ning'er hurried in. Yao Yulu's face was pale and her eyes were distracted, as if she was greatly frightened. She couldn't help asking, "Ning'er, what's wrong with you?"

Ninger was speechless, just stretched out her hand, and a small swallow-shaped blade with a letter appeared in front of Xiao Xuanzi and Yao Yulu.

Yao Yulu exclaimed "Ah", "This swallow-shaped blade, little Xuanzi..."

Although Xiao Xuanzi was also nervous, he did not panic. He took the swallow-shaped blade, gently pulled out the letter and handed it to Yao Yulu. "Mother, don't worry. Since she has sent the letter, she is obviously not malicious. Let's see what happened!"

Yao Yulu calmed down, slowly opened the letter, took a look, and immediately turned pale. She stared straight at Xiao Xuanzi and was stunned.

Xiao Xuanzi looked at the Empress like this and was puzzled. He took the letter and only glanced at it, but with a wry smile, rubbed the letter into a ball, secretly transporting internal force, and pieces of paper fell down like snowflakes. There is only one line on the letter: The queen knows that Xiao Xuanzi is not a eunuch!

Yao Yulu was confused at this time. She explained anxiously, "Xiao Xuanzi, I, I..."

"Empress, at this point, you don't have to blame yourself. This is also Xiao Xuanzi's fate, but when the queen knows this, our plan will be disrupted again. It's not too late. Madam, we need to cut the chaos quickly."

"Xiao Xuanzi, what should we do?" Yao Yulu regretted herself quickly and told Ji Shuidong about this matter. Sure enough, she betrayed herself and Xiao Xuanzi. If she avoids this disaster, she will definitely not let Ji Shuidong go again!

Xuanzi said calmly, "Don't worry, I already have an idea. I just wait here, but don't mess up."

Yao Yulu's eyes were slightly red at this time, and she was worried. She looked at Xiao Xuanzi and said, "It was this palace that hurt you..."

"Xiao Xuanzi is willing to do everything for his master, even if he goes through fire and water!" After saying that, Xiao Xuanzi bowed deeply to Yao Yulu, "Your mother must not trust others in the future, and don't be so kind to leave trouble for yourself!"

"Xiao Xuanzi..." Yao Yulu couldn't help it any longer and burst into tears. At this time, she felt as if she were separated from life and death. Can she see Xiao Xuanzi again in the future?

Yao Yulu's heart was heartbroken at this time. She looked at Xiao Xuanzi and spoke to her throat, but she couldn't say it.

Yao Yulu was angry and wanted to go to Ji Shuidong's theory. Xiao Xuanzi stopped, "Empress, you go, Ji Zhaoyi will definitely not admit it. Besides, since she told the queen, she naturally thinks that she has the support of the queen. Don't be impatient for a moment. Everything is decided."

Yao Yulu was worried and sent people to secretly pay attention to the news of Fengyuan Hall, but it was calm. Yao Yulu was puzzled, but her heart gradually let go.

She thought that she hadn't visited her sister Yao Yujiao for a long time, and she didn't know how she is now? While thinking about it, he ordered Ninger to pack up some spring clothes and bring them to the cold palace. Bier was guarding Yao Yujiao in the courtyard. When she saw Yao Yulu coming, she immediately came slowly and saluted, "I have seen the noble concubine."

Yao Yulu smiled and came forward to hold up Bier, "Your legs and feet are inconvenient. Don't be too polite. Sister, are you doing these days? Bier looked at Yao Yujiao sitting aside and replied with a smile, "Thank you for remembering. Now the Empress Yufei is fine."

Yao Yulu couldn't help looking over. She saw the thin and almost bone-shaped jade concubine a few days ago. Now her face is round and red. Even in the lower abdomen, it is also abrupt and amazing. Yao Yulu couldn't help but be shocked. She pointed to Yao Yujiao and asked strangely, "Bier, sister, why did you do this?"

Bier couldn't help saying, "Since the noble concubine, after beating the kindness of the eunuch of the cold palace, the charcoal fire is red and the food is continuous in the cold palace. The jade concubine thought that she had been hungry for a long time and stuffed everything into her mouth, so it gradually became like this."

Yao Yulu shook her head and said, "My sister has hurt my sister. She eats so fat. I'm afraid that when the prince is born, my sister will suffer."

When Yao Yujiao saw Yao Yulu, she couldn't help but come forward, smiled, took her hand, and shouted affectionately, "Sister, sister, my emperor kicked me in the stomach."

At this time, Yao Yulu suddenly thought of her lost emperor. Her heart was sad, but she suppressed tears and smiled with tears: "Sister, in a few days, when my sister gives birth to a dragon, we can see him. It must be a handsome and strong child." Bier was on one side and saw Yao Yulu's sudden sad look, and there was also a burst of guilt in her heart.

When she returned to Xinghui Palace, Yao Yulu sighed faintly and Ning'er came forward and advised, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The emperor and the Empress are young. In a short time, there should be another prince." Yao Yulu nodded slightly and was about to say something. But I only heard the crisp voice of red silk outside the palace door, "I have seen the emperor, and the emperor is auspicious."

"Ha ha, I haven't seen you for a few days, but the red silk mouth can speak." Li Qingxiao joked, slowly walked into the palace, looked at Yao Yulu, and smiled jokingly, "My concubine is clever and makes a silly girl ** smart."

Yao Yulu couldn't help but come forward and said coquettishly, "Your Majesty, there is nothing clever and strange about my concubine. My concubine is docile and tight."

"Ha ha, you ghost girl, I like your docile cleverness." Li Qingxiao sat casually on the side of Yao Yulu, pulled her to sit down together, hugged her affectionately, and said something in her ear. Looking at the emperor's intimate appearance, Ning'er couldn't help blushing and quickly retreated.

Xiao Xuanzi has been secretly paying attention to the movement of the queen's side, but the shadow did not appear after sending the secret letter. Although Xiao Xuanzi was strange, he did not dare to act rashly.

On the spring equinox, in the palace, everyone was busy tying bamboo branches, making balls and feasting. Xiao Xuanzi was packing up in his room, but he heard a scream in Xinghui Palace. He was shocked and ran over quickly.