Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 308 The Queen

In the early morning, Li Qingxiao wore a purple jade crown, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, and sat on the dragon chair. His Royal Highness, civil and military officials, all dressed in brocade and jade robes. Qi Qishan shouted, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Li Qingxiao's clear face showed a smile. The dragon waved his arm and said loudly, "All Aiqing is flat."

Eunuch Yu cleared his voice slightly, took a step forward, and said loudly, "All officials, if you have something to play early, and retreat from the court if you have nothing to do."

At this time, the officials were slightly **. Prime Minister Song stepped forward with an arrow, gently lifted the official robe, knelt down on his knees, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

Li Qingxiao took a high look at the old prime minister because of Song Jinzhi. However, since Song Jinzhi left, Prime Minister Song has been sound and has not been in court for a long time. Seeing him appear today, Li Qingxiao was in a good mood and said in a relaxed voice, "Sang Song, are you in good health? If there is anything, just tell me."

"Thank you for your care. The old minister is grateful for your kindness. The emperor, today, in our Liang Kingdom, has such a wise master as the emperor, but the people are lucky, and we have also received blessings." All the officials immediately echoed, "The Prime Minister's words are reasonable, and his words are reasonable..."

Prime Minister Song looked at the emperor's smiling face and had a bottom in his heart, "Your Majesty, the harem is like a small country. You can't be without a queen for a day."

Li Qingxiao's expression was stunned for a moment. Prime Minister Song took advantage of the heat of the iron and said, "Your Majesty, the noble concubine Yulu is dede and elegant, and now she is pregnant with a dragon son, which is the best candidate for the queen."

Li Qingxiao nodded slightly and did not say anything, but saw Lord Zuo Shi Xu immediately dodging out and kneeling down, "Your Majesty, this should not be abrupt."

Prime Minister Song thought that this matter was already a fixed matter, but he suddenly killed a Cheng Yaojin and prevented the emperor from standing. On his old face, he immediately put a layer of cyan and looked at Lord Xu coldly.

Who is Lord Xu? It was the official who elected Xu Qiuyang to enter the palace. Since Xu Qiuyang entered the palace, he has been looking left and right, longing for Xu Qiuyang to ascend to the sky in one step. Although he is not her relative, he also hopes that she will miss her old feelings and take care of her house. Unexpectedly, he is looking forward to it, only a wisp of fragrant soul to go with the west.

At this time, he heard that Prime Minister Song wanted to protect Yao Yulu, thinking about how much Xu Qiuyang had offended Yao Yulu when he was in the harem. If Yao Yulu really became the queen, how could he, the Xu clan, have a place to live? So try your best to dissuade it.

Hundreds of officials in the court also have Yao Guozhang's counterparts. At this time, listening to Song Cheng's protection, they are also secretly hesitating. Yao Guozhang has become the best official. If his daughter is the latter, isn't it his world in the court? In addition to the emperor, there is still a way to live for these officials who have offended him? While hesitating, he suddenly saw someone coming forward and immediately echoed, "Yes, emperor, the matter is of great importance. I hope the emperor will think twice."

Li Qingxiao had already had the intention to put Yao Yulu as the queen, and only one person came forward to make it clear. Now that he heard Prime Minister Song's words, he was secretly happy and was waiting for the approval, but unexpectedly, there were many voices of opposition. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he did not want to quarrel with these ministers and was hesitating. Yao Guozhang took a step forward and said slowly, "Your Majesty, since there are many objections, please think twice about the affairs of the country."

Prime Minister Song looked at Yao Guozhang in surprise, but saw that his face was calm, his eyes flashed, and his heart moved slightly. He immediately understood Yao Guozhang's move as retreating. He secretly praised Yao Guozhang's keen mind and anger, "General Yao, how do you say this? In my opinion, Yulu can take responsibility. I didn't expect that you, as a father, would belittle your daughter like this!"

Yao Guozhang immediately looked stunned and looked at the emperor aggrievedly, "Your Majesty, my minister, my minister..."

Li Qingxiao smiled, "Song Cheng's words are reasonable, and I also feel that the noble concubine Yulu is indeed in the style of the future. Come on, check the auspicious day of the zodiac. I want to make Yao Yulu the queen, father-in-law, Zhang Bang and Huangwen, and amnesty the world!"

Lord Xu wants to say more, but Li Qingxiao waved his dragon arm, stood up and looked proudly at the officials and said, "I have made up my mind, and there is no need to say more!" " retreat from the court!"

Lord Xu and those opposing officials listened to the emperor's words and immediately bowed their heads, but looked at Prime Minister Song unconvincedly. Several military officers saw that the emperor had left, clenched their fists, and quietly came forward to surround Prime Minister Song.

Yao Guozhang has a tiger's body, protecting Song Qingshan. He stared and shouted, "With me, Yao Guozhang here, who dares to disrespect the Prime Minister!" At this time, the officials understood that Yao Guozhang deliberately said that Yao Yulu was not good, and let the emperor make a decision immediately. In his heart, he was secretly angry with his old traitor, but he was also afraid of Yao Guozhang's power and power. I had to endure a cowardice and gradually dispersed.

On the sixth day of May, the whole country celebrated and the people congratulated. In the palace, there are lights everywhere, and the eunuchs are all happy, and the bodyguards are three pavilions and five guarded closely.

Yao Yulu is today after being sealed. On the Taihe Hall, civil and military officials stood at the door of the hall, all dressed in brocade robes and jade clothes. Further up, the four royal princes stood on both sides. Today, the eighth prince Li Qingyu specially wore a silver-gray royal costume. Such an elegant color actually showed his jade tree in the wind, and his face was like powder.

Since getting the information after Yao Yulu's seal, the ** heart of Li Qingyu, the eighth prince, has been painful for a long time. Today, he didn't want to come, but he was afraid that the royal brother was suspicious, so he had to endure the hidden wounds in his heart and appeared on the ceremony of the queen.

The remaining princes still looked plain, but Li Qingxi, the thirteenth prince, grew much taller and stood there as steady as a handsome young man.

In the hall, several well-known officials were gathered together and whispering, but listening to the sharp voice of Eunuch Yu suddenly sounded, "Your Majesty!"

The officials were neatly arranged in two rows. Under the leadership of the prince, they immediately knelt down and shouted, "I wait, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"All loves you!" Li Qingxiao looked at the group of courtiers who bowed down under his feet, and his face was open and said loudly.

At this time, a middle-aged eunuch hurriedly ran to his father-in-law from the back of the palace and said a few words in his ear. Eunuch looked at the sun and immediately came forward and whispered, "Your Majesty, it's auspicious time."

"Well, it's time to start." Li Qingxiao sat upright.

"It's auspicious time, and the canonization ceremony begins now." Eunuch's sharp voice echoed above the hall, and immediately passed on one voice after another outside the door, "It's auspicious time, and the canonization ceremony is now open... beginning..."

Only listening to the joy outside the hall, the noise of gongs and drums, and on the road to the hall paved with red carpet, a beauty with a phoenix crown came slowly.

When Li Qingyu, the eighth prince, saw the figure, the pain in his heart was even more severe. He couldn't help but pale and stared at the people with good eyes. Yao Yulu was dressed in a golden hare, reflecting her pink face like peach blossoms, and her skin was moist. He is curled and elegant. The phoenix crown on her head trembled with her footsteps.

The more Li Qingxiao looks at it, the more he loves it. Yao Yulu was pregnant. Although this journey was not long, it also made her tired. When she walked to the hall, she saw a slight sweat oozing from her pink cheeks. When she arrived in front of the hall, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly knelt down.

Li Qingyu, the eighth prince, was close. Seeing that Yao Yulu's hair had been soaked in sweat for a long time, he was heartache. He couldn't wait to kneel in front of the hall instead of her. His heart was surging and he couldn't be himself. However, he only felt that his hand was gently pulled. He couldn't help looking down, but he saw the thirteenth prince Li Qingxi staring at him with handsome eyes and secretly shaking his head at him. Li Qingyu just woke up with a burst of shame in his heart.

Li Qingxiao's whole mind was on Yao Yulu at this time. Yao Yulu's smile and every move always attracted his attention. He did not notice Li Qingyu's change at all. When he saw Yao Yulu finally came to the front of the hall and was so tired that she was panting, Li Qingxiao was in a hurry and immediately turned to Yu Gong. The minister gave a winp.

Prince Yu was by the emperor's side for a long time, and immediately understood the emperor's mind and smiled, "Your Majesty, the sealing ceremony begins. What else does the emperor want to say?"

Li Qingxiao cleared his throat, immediately stood up and said loudly, "Yao Yulu is elegant, decent, kind-hearted, and can be a model of the harem. I will make Yao Yulu the queen and flat immediately." After saying that, regardless of the eyes of the officials, he came down and gently helped Yao Yulu. While wiping the sweat off her forehead, he said softly, "Queen, thank you for your hard work."

Eunuch Yu opened his mouth and looked at the imperial edict in his hand. This was what he was going to say. Now the emperor Li Qingxiao was distressed for Yao Yulu and actually said it himself. For a moment, Eunuch Yu was stunned and stood on the spot.

Yao Guozhang and Prime Minister Song saw Li Qingxiao's move and couldn't help smiling. Those ministers who opposed it were full of resentment and dared not say it, but their faces were really ugly.

Yao Yulu rested for a while before calming her breathing and watched the emperor personally come down to help her. She was so glorious, but she did not show a compladen expression. She just knelt down deeply again and said in a tone, "My concubine, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Li Qingxiao nodded slightly, picked up Yao Yulu again, slowly climbed the steps, and sat down on the high dragon chair. At this time, Yao Yulu just raised her jaw slightly, and her eyes were full of peace, but she looked not angry and arrogant, looking at the civil and military officials.