Prince of Flowers

007 Baby in the Stone

"The power of the lion."

Zhang Yuan immediately felt that he was powerful and powerful, and the people next to him subconsciously dodged a distance, and his eyes were a little afraid!

This ability is very good. It doesn't need a high life point to be used, and it is best to use it to shock the male body and scare the little girl. Even Zhang Yajing secretly looks at him now and appreciates it more.

An Yajing's face turned slightly red. It was the first time for her to protect flowers for boys. Unlike those flies in the past, Zhang Yuan did not have any distracting thoughts, but simply wanted to protect her, which made her very warm and even a little moved!

And suddenly, Zhang Yuan had an indescribable momentum, which made her feel particularly safe, as if the people next to her were a little afraid of him.

An Yajing doubted whether she had a flood in her head. The momentum is a fiction in the novel. How can it really exist?

Zhang Yuan bought some vegetables. It's just past six o'clock on his mobile phone, so he doesn't have to rush back. Anyway, he doesn't have class until eight o'clock. It doesn't matter whether he goes to go to self-study early or not. Jincheng No. 2 Middle School is very loose in management of this.

Zhang Yuan knew yesterday that An Yajing also transferred to Jincheng No. 2 Middle School. Like him, she is a first year of high school. She won't know the specific class until she goes to school, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, she is not afraid of being late. The two of them can go to and from school together in the future. It's wonderful to be accompanied by beauty!

"Zhang Yuan, what time is it?"

"It's only 613, Yajing, don't worry. Jincheng No. 2 Middle School self-study is free, as long as you are not late for class at 8 o'clock. Even if you are late, it doesn't matter. The teacher usually gives you three chances, as long as you are not a recidivist."

An Yajing is relieved. An Yaqing has not been nervous from beginning to end. For him, going to school is just a hobby, and playing is the main business!

In the morning market, there are not only daily department stores selling vegetables and fruits, but also some stalls selling antiques and old things. Zhang Yuan has always been very enthusiastic about ancient things. Every day, he has to look at the bustle and occasionally buy some small things within ten yuan. Even if he can't pick them up, those antique small things also fascinate him. I'm not tired of it.

Zhang Yuan carefully looked at the antique stalls by the roadside. In fact, some things may be objects of any day, but each stall will still have a few old things, which is also called an antique stall.

An's sister and brother are also very interested in these things, but they are not as serious as Zhang Yuan, and they don't know some other ways. The sister and brother just watch a novelty and lively scene.

Zhang Yuan suddenly stopped when he passed a stall. He put down the dishes in his hand and picked up a dark stone, which gave him a very strange feeling.

"Eagle's Eye."

The mechanical sound automatically sounded, and the stone in Zhang Yuan's hand kept getting bigger, and there was a huge gap between the black particles. There was a green color in it. It was an extremely bright green, and a word suddenly appeared in his mind: emperor green.

Zhang Yuan's heart beat wildly, and his vision quickly widened away and returned to normal. He shook his head slightly, trying to calm himself down, and asked quietly, "Boss, what kind of stone is this? It's quite strange. How to sell it?"

Zhang Yuan's acting skills are good, and the boss doesn't see anything unusual. In fact, even if the boss sees that Zhang Yuan is very excited, it is difficult to believe that a 16 or 17-year-old child knows anything.

The boss waved his hand and said, "This is an emerald stone. A friend from Yunnan brought it to me. Just 50 yuan. Go back and wipe it. Maybe you can get an emerald or something. Then you will be developed, haha."

Zhang Yuan bargained and finally sold for 20 yuan.

Zhang Yuan casually put the fist-sized stone into his grocery bag. With this thing, he was not interested in the stalls behind him. He wanted to go home and open the emerald raw stone to see if there was really imperial green emerald in it.

"Zhang Yuan, what are you doing for 20 yuan to buy a broken stone?"

"Brother Zhang, is there really emerald in this stone? Jade is valuable. My mother's earrings are only a little big, hundreds of thousands!"

Zhang Yuan is more sure from An Yaqing's words that his family is very rich, with hundreds of thousands of earrings. If he didn't have tens of millions of people, he would not have bought such expensive jewelry.

Zhang Yuan is a poor man from an ordinary working-class family, and An Yajing is a daughter from a rich family. The gap between the two is a huge gap!

Zhang Yuan likes An Yajing and has fallen in love with her since he first saw her, but if he wants to be worthy of her, his current level and ability are definitely not good. He must work hard to stand out before he has a chance!

Countless thoughts flashed in Zhang Yuan's mind. He has never been so eager to succeed as at this moment. He is bound to get An Yajing. If he can't have her, he can't have peace in his life!

An Yajing stared at An Yaqing and explained, "Don't listen to him talk nonsense. My mother will believe him when she casually says it. However, the price of jade seems to be quite expensive now. My aunt is engaged in the jade business. I heard her say that with the large-scale mining of various non-renewable minerals in recent years, gemstones have become more and more expensive. Bai Fei, which used to be worthless, is now sold as a treasure.

When Zhang Yuan heard An Yajing's words, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Yajing, what you said is quite professional. Does your aunt specialize in jade business?"

An Yajing nodded: "Yes, my grandfather's family has been engaged in the jade business for generations. If you can trace it back, it will be at least hundreds of years. My mother originally wanted to do the jade industry, but later she entered the official career by mistake."

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that it was no wonder that Aunt Zhu had an official taste. It seemed that she was really an official, but it was really rare for her beautiful woman to be an official. It was normal to be a big star or a rich wife.

Zhang Yuan did not inquire about Aunt Zhu's specific position, but sighed: "I didn't expect that Auntie was an official. It's really not like that Auntie would make people feel normal if she was a big star."

An's siblings smiled. Zhang Yuan sincerely praised his mother's beauty, and both siblings were very happy.

Talking and laughing back to Sanyi Hutong, Zhang Yuan saw a local military Jeep at the entrance of the alley and looked at it curiously. An Yaqing said, "Brother Zhang, don't look at it. This is my mother's car."

Zhang Yuan nodded. Zhu Fangbing walked out of the alley in a small black suit, followed by a beautiful girl in a camouflage vest and shorts.