Prince of Flowers

054 attractive

When Lvzhu came to the apartment, An Xiaorou and Li Qin had already left. Lvzhu opened the door for Zhang Yuan. When he saw him coming, he came out with her small schoolbag on his back and closed the door seriously, "Brother, let's go."

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's go. I'll lead you."

Green Pearl took Zhang Yuan's hand: "Brother, let me hold you." The little girl smiled cunningly. She was scolding.

Zhang Yuan rubbed her black and cute doll's head: "You little man, aren't you scolding me?"

"No, brother, I like you the most. I'm your little wife. How can I scold you?"

Lvzhu smiled very well. Zhang Yuan said that she came downstairs with a smile and drove Luhu to the nearby bilingual kindergarten.

There are many bilingual kindergartens now, but there are not many good bilingual kindergartens, but the one Zhang Yuan sent to Lvzhu is really a very good bilingual kindergarten.

This is what Luzhu said. She wants to go there to learn English. In fact, she can also study by herself at home, but it is definitely not as fast as talking and learning with foreign teachers in kindergarten, so this is one of the main reasons why she goes to kindergarten. Another reason is that she has not been a child well. It's a little cruel and regrettable to become a little adult, so she decided to live a good life with a child, that is, her peers, for a period of time to find the feeling of being a child.

What does it feel like when a child is a child? When Zhang Yuan leaves, Green Pearl looks at the innocent little guys around him. His eyes are so pure, his smiles are so simple, and his words are so direct and childish. In short, it is incompatible with the adult world.

"What's your name, little beauty?"

"Get away, I don't like kids."

Lvzhu suddenly pushed a child aside and looked at him pouted to cry. She stretched out her little fist and said, "If you dare to cry, I will fart you on the head. Do you hear me?"

The children were so scared that they didn't dare to cry. When other children saw the most powerful little bully, they were shocked by Lvzhu, and they were very afraid and worshipped her, so soon Lvzhu became the king of kindergarten children. The prestige was just a cow!

Green Pearl is doting in the kindergarten, but Zhang Yuan is not so lucky. He is being disciplined in school.

Lan Shimeng looked at Zhang Yuan and said, "Zhang Yuan, can you be more stupid? If you are stupider, you will become an idiot!"

Zhang Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "Can you not make fun of me? I know that I am not your opponent in this respect, but in terms of play, you are not my opponent, so people have strengths and weaknesses. No one has advantages or disadvantages."

"Oh, let's talk about what your strengths are. Jingjing and I listen to it."

Lan Shimeng looked at Zhang Yuan playfully and smiled quietly. He and Lan Shimeng have completed their tasks. Now there is Zhang Yuan, who is confused about chemical experiments. The three of them are an experimental team, so there is nothing they can do to meet such a fool.

If Lan Shimeng and An Yajing were not Zhang Yuan's girlfriend, he would not have such a burden, but there is nothing he can do now. Who made such a close relationship?

Zhang Yuan was about to brag. When he saw Mr. Feng coming, he suddenly started to work crazily like chicken blood. His on-the-spot performance was really powerful. The live experiment was done very quickly. Feng Huazi came over and saw Zhang Yuan's work process and praised: "Well done, continue to work hard. Strength."

After class, Zhang Yuan's hands were itchy and ran to the internship factory of the technical school next door to play with machine tools, which has become an indispensable part of his life.

Zhang Yuan was working, and a girl came in, and it was the school beauty!

Ye Qingwu was wearing a camouflage suit, hat and sunglasses. When she saw Zhang Yuan here, she was immediately stunned. She thought that there was no one here and couldn't think that there was anyone here. She frowned slightly, nodded to him, then went to the welding machine beside her, put down a few steel plates in her hand, and opened it. The welding machine began to test welding.

Ye Qingwu herself did not study electromechanical. I didn't expect that the end of her welding seemed to be good. At least she had a good posture.

However, when Ye Qingwu officially began to weld those steel plates after the test welding, it was not so smooth, and he sweated profusely but failed. Finally, he threw the welding gun aside and leaned there tiredly for breath.

Although the camouflage suit is very wide, Ye Qingwu's chest is tall and plump. When he gasps, he fluctuates violently. Looking at the snow-white gully in her neckline, it still makes Zhang Yuan feel hot!

Zhang Yuanche had a small axe, walked to Ye Qingwu, silently picked up the welding gun she threw there, opened it, changed a welding rod, and squinted without wearing sunglasses.

Zhang Yuan has long seen that Ye Qingwu wants to weld a small box, which is a very simple job for him, but it is a huge test for Ye Qingwu, who has only played with this.

Zhang Yuan's nose was fragrant, and his forehead was suddenly icy and smooth. A pair of small hands quickly put a pair of sunglasses on his eyes. It was Ye Qingwu.

"Capture the skin of a 14-level beauty and get 10,000 life points."

The sudden mechanical sound was far less valuable than Ye Qingwu wearing glasses for Zhang Yuan. He was in a very good mood and turned to smile at the beautiful woman. She nodded shyly: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's okay."

Zhang Yuanyan was concise and turned his head to continue welding the box calmly and quickly. More than ten minutes later, he put down the welding gun and took off his sunglasses and handed it to Ye Qingwu: "It's welded. Do you think it's okay?"

Ye Qingwu nodded hard: "Very good. Your skills are really good. It's better than the box I imagined. The mirror is for you. This is a male style. The famous brand my brother brought back from Hong Kong is a little gratitude. If you don't mind, I'll treat you to lunch later!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Of course I don't mind. It's a great honor to have a beautiful woman invited to dinner. By the way, are you Ye Qingwu?"

"Well, I'm Ye Qingwu. You seem to be Zhang Yuan next door, right?"

Ye Qingwu smiled and said, "I have met you many times. Many girls in our class know you and say that you are very handsome and want to make friends with you. However, it is said that your girlfriend is very beautiful and there is more than one, so they have to give up this unattainable ideal."

"Hehe, just kidding, I'm not that popular. I'm just a bad student who likes to skip classes."

"You are too modest. Our classmates have inquired about it and said that your grades are very good, and your performance has been particularly good recently. Teachers of all subjects have become accustomed to your skipping classes. Anyway, you will not affect your grades. If all this is true, how can you do it?"

Ye Qingwu suddenly flashed with big black and white eyes and looked at Zhang Yuan curiously. Now she stood up and bent down. In the open neckline, the seductive scenery like a grave snow strawberry made Zhang Yuan couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva!