Prince of Flowers

063 unknown

"Miss Guangye, it doesn't mean much here. Where on earth do you want to take us and what do you want to do?"

An Ruoxi suddenly asked, and the beautiful eyebrows frowned, and the two beautiful eyebrows were almost twisted together and twisted into a beautiful rope.

Zhang Yuan looked at An Ruoxi doubtfully and didn't understand why she suddenly changed her face. This is a space channel. Doesn't she think so too? Is there anything strange in it?

"Eagle's Eye."

Zhang Yuan took a closer look at the lane. As he condensed his eyes, the lane gradually disappeared. It turned out that this was not an alley or a part of the tunnel. The lane was an illusion that did not exist at all!

"This is the plane channel."

The light night tide looks inexplicable, but it looks very hypocritical in Zhang Yuan's eyes. Dongying people are not credible!

An Ruoxi suddenly sneered: "Miss Guangye, don't you think I'm a fool? This is obviously a blindfolding method. If I don't read it wrong, this blindfold is still very low-level. Otherwise, the environment that will not be created will look full of loopholes. As long as you take a closer, you will know that it must be fake!"

A faint light appeared on An Ruoxi's body. A layer of mist wrapped her body and wrapped Zhang Yuan in it. Her face was even colder: "Miss Guangye, where's the thing?"

Guangye Tide smiled and said, "I have never had that thing, but I still want to treat it, so there's nothing I can do. I have to bring you here. It's useless to say more. See you!"

Zhang Yuan felt the strong pressure. He was between the two women. They pushed and fought with each other. He was in the cracks of the storm. It felt really terrible.

Zhang Yuan thought he was also very powerful, but at this moment he found that he was actually very small and had a long future, searching up and down!

In the battle between the light night tide and An Ruoxi, Zhang Yuan felt that it had nothing to do with a little person like himself, so he flowed his strength to the extreme in his body. Then he encouraged him to push away the pressure that made his bones hurt a little and took a few steps back. The pressure on his body suddenly loosened, and he almost flashed. Fell to the ground.

Light night tide and An Ruoxi did not continue to talk nonsense and fought together. Zhang Yuan kept retreating until there was nowhere to retreat in the middle of the alleyway. He still couldn't avoid the expanding pressure between the two. He was a little suffocated.

Zhang Yuan hates the feeling of suffocation, but for a weak person like him, it is already very valuable to be able to suffocate without paying the cost of life.

"The power of the giant elephant!"

Zhang Yuan operated the power in his body to the greatest extent, and took advantage of the moment when his body was relaxed, he suddenly left the battle circle of the two people to avoid the city gate fire and causing the fish in the pond.

"You are smart, but no matter how you escape, you can't leave here. Good boy, I won't kill you."

While fighting with An Ruoxi, the light night tide also chatted with Zhang Yuan very leisurely. It looked very relaxed. On the contrary, An Ruoxi's fighting method alone has made her appear tired, sweaty and crumbling.

As soon as Zhang Yuan saw that An Ruoxi was going to be defeated, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. An Ruoxi is now with him. If there is anything else, the light night tide may kill him, which would be too unfair to die.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan fought hard for his life. He would rather die vigorously on the battlefield than die silently.

"The power of the giant elephant!"


He roared and once again ran the airflow in his body to the extreme. With great pressure, he rushed to the tide of the light night.

The light night tide didn't take Zhang Yuan in his eyes at all. He glanced at him and sneered, "You can't even reach my side. You still want to fight with me. It's so naive!"

Before the words fell, Zhang Yuan felt a little more pressure from her side. At this time, An Ruoxi's pressure was also a little louder. With a few clicks, his ribs were broken and he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. He roared crazily. This roar seemed to have given him magical power, not only was not powerful. He fell under pressure and took a few more steps forward instead.

"Biological devouring!"

Zhang Yuan kept spitting blood. He found a magical phenomenon. While the body was running its power to resist the external pressure and crazy consumption, every sweat pore of the body was wide open, desperately absorbing the breath from the outside world and replenishing it into his body. The airflow in the body was not getting thinner and thinner. Small, on the contrary, under the crazy absorption, he became stronger and stronger, and ran faster and faster. He heard the rumble sound of his body, like thunder, like a dragon roar, like a tiger roar, full of domineering.

Zhang Yuan heard the sound in his body, but An Ruoxi and the light night tide did not hear it. They just suddenly found that their power was rushing in a certain direction and quickly disappeared into Zhang Yuan's body standing in that direction. They couldn't help but be shocked.

Realizing that something was wrong, An Ruoxi and Guangye Tide stopped fighting, but they could stop the crazy flowing power. Zhang Yuan stood there, his eyes were dull, and there were clouds in his eyes. His people also kept rotating like a whirlpool, crazily devouring the two women crazily. And the breath of the outside world.

Zhang Yuan's consciousness is awake at this time, but his body is not at his command, and it feels like he has gone crazy. Yes, this situation is very similar to that time. The difference is that he is so crazy to devour his breath at this moment.

The three people were in a state of glue. The breath of the two women kept losing, and Zhang Yuan's body kept absorbing. Those breaths entered his body and kept spinning, spinning crazily, highly concentrated, and finally entering an unknown place.

That is a place that must exist in the body but cannot find a specific location. In fact, it is a space. The size of the space can be limited or infinite. The key depends on the strength of the owner!

Zhang Yuan is like a bottomless hole and constantly absorbing the breath in the body of An Ruoxi and the light night tide. The breath is power, and the power is the breath. The loss of breath is actually the loss of power. For the two women, if Zhang Yuan continues to suck it, it may make their lifelong efforts go to nothing.

Zhang Yuan crazily devoured the breath of An Ruoxi's light tide. In a blink of an eye, they all became weak, and they only had a little breath left. If Zhang Yuan continued to swallow and absorb it, they would not only waste their life's hard work, but also their lives would have to be explained. !

At this time, with a bang, the illusion in front of him disappeared. Zhang Yuan was shocked. The two women immediately took the opportunity to get rid of the bondage, jumped far away and looked at their bodies. They found that they had nothing to do before they took a breath together and finally got out of trouble. It turned out that the feeling of freedom was so good!