Prince of Flowers

073 has *

Wang Shu unhappily stretched out her hand and cut the policeman's hand, which made the man grin. She said coldly, "Don't touch me. Even if I'm a suspect, I can't prove that I'm a criminal. You have no right to prohibit me from calling. Move me again, and I'll sue you for harassment!"

The leading policeman looked at her with lust and said shyly, "We enforce the law impartially. Who are you willing to sue? What are you looking at? confiscate her mobile phone quickly. Also, I'm going to search her body to see if there is a murder weapon!"

When Zhang Yuan saw them like this, he really wondered if they were policemen. One of them wanted to wear * for him. He suddenly twisted the man's arm and cut the man to the ground with one slap. At the same time, he knocked off the leading policeman's hat, grabbed his hair, and bumped into the opposite one. The two guys fainted to the ground together.

The rest was kicked on Wang Shu's lower abdomen, curled up on the ground and could not move.

At this time, the manager of the hotel came over with the two waiters. As soon as he saw the police lying on the ground, he was shocked and said, "Oh, how did you attack the police!" This is terrible."

Wang Shu stared at him and said coldly, "Shut up! Who knows if they are policemen? They just tampered with me. The police won't do this. Only hooligans do this. Stand here and don't move!"

The manager of the hotel really didn't dare to leave now. He called a security guard, and then took out his mobile phone to call 110. But Zhang Yuan snatched his phone and locked it in the room with two waiters. At the same time, the door of the box was locked inside.

Wang Shu made a phone call and angrily told what had happened on her side. After hanging up the phone, he said to Zhang Yuan, "Don't worry, someone from the municipal bureau will come to deal with it soon!"

Zhang Yuan didn't expect Wang Shu's energy to be so great, not only in Tianfu, but also here. That's awesome!

But this is also good, so as not to make it too troublesome for him to find someone.

Outside the box, the security guards were in a mess. After a while, another siren sounded. After a while, someone shouted outside, "Listen, the gangsters inside. You have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender quickly." You have been surrounded!"

Zhang Yuan looked at the trembling hotel manager and broke a wine bottle against his neck and said, "Are you the police? You move very fast. It seems that you pretended to have just seen them knocked down by us. Did you have a plan to say it? Say, are you that man's subordinate? If you don't say anything, I'll kill you!"

The manager was scared and said tremblingly, "Don't kill me, I said, I'll say everything!" Our boss asked me to do it, and these two chain stores are our boss's. Please, don't kill me, it's none of my business!"

Zhang Yuan asked, "How did your boss know we were here?"

The manager trembling and said, "When you left, I happened to be there, so I knew you. When I came back just now, I happened to see your car, so I recognized it.

"What does your boss have*?" Zhang Yuan's wine bottle made the manager feel cold behind his back. My heart can't beat.

The manager was about to cry. He said, "Our boss's brother is the second chair in the city, that's it*. Please let me go. I said everything."

At this moment, there was another siren sound from outside, and later, there was a large group of footsteps. It was noisy outside for a while and returned to tranquility. A man knocked on the door and asked respectfully, "Miss Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Shu opened the door, and outside stood a handsome man and several seemingly high-ranking policemen. When the man saw Wang Shu, he smiled gently: "Miss Wang, you have been wronged. I'm really sorry!"

A policeman next to him said, "We all know about this. Miss Wang, please rest assured that we will deal with this matter well!"

The handsome man said, "Miss Wang, this is just an accidental incident. Believe me, there will be no similar incident in the future. Don't worry! This is a place worth your investment.

Wang Shu nodded indifferently and said casually, "I hope so. I don't like such things very much. All right, I'm tired. Let's go first. Goodbye!"

After saying that, Wang Shu turned around and left. At this time, Zhang Yuan had already let go of the manager who almost peed his pants and left behind Wang Shu. When he left, he inadvertently looked at the handsome man and found that this guy looked at him very wrong and unfriendly. Moreover, Wang Shu's eyes are very impure.

The man didn't seem to expect Zhang Yuan to notice his eyes and didn't hide it. His look made Zhang Yuan very uncomfortable. He believed that this guy was definitely not a kind person and not a good thing.

After paying the bill, walk out of the hotel. The two returned to the opposite hotel. They went to see Zhao Yiyi first. She was still sleeping and slept sweetly and peacefully. When they saw that she was fine, they went to the next room.

As soon as he entered this room, Zhang Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was peeping at him. His heart suddenly jumped and felt that the previous handsome man smiled a little evilly.

When he came back, a passing waiter seemed to look at them strangely. That's a cunning look of watching the play.

Wang Shu is about to hug him and want to make out. He suddenly booed, motioned her to stay still, and said in her ear, "Why do I think it's wrong? It seems that something is staring at us and watching us." He looked around vigilantly, remembered some scenes in movies and TV series, and looked on the roof of the chandelier and some secret places. After a while, he found several cameras!

When she saw these cameras, Wang Shu was so angry that her face turned green! She came to the dead corner of the camera at the door, picked up the phone and was about to call. Zhang Yuan held her down and asked, "Who was that man just now?"

Wang Shu said, "He is the deputy secretary here. His family is very *. What's wrong?"

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and told her what he had just seen. Wang Shu was silent for a moment and said hatefully, "It seems that this should have been instructed by him!" I know that their family has been thinking about our family for a long time, and I didn't expect him to deal with me in such a despicable way.

Zhang Yuan asked her, "Let's change places to live. Go to Zhao Yiyi's house. It's so unsafe here!"

Zhang Yuan saw Zhao Yiyi's ID card. Her home is in the city, and she also has the pass card and key of the high-end residential area.