Prince of Flowers

129 Harm seedlings

"Sister doll, if that's the case, I will have a good time with nine people in the future."

"The accurate hand is nine groups of people in nine places. The Mo battle suit is in that group. The team leader of that group and Sister Xixi are sworn against each other."

Snow doll felt that she had said too much, so she didn't want to continue this topic. She changed her words: "Although you have made a big basket, you have also done some meaningful things, such as you captured Batu Ruyork and Sam. This is a very good result. Because of this achievement, you can Become a member of the two places with a just name, otherwise, Sister Xixi is really hard to talk about you.

"Is this over?"

Zhang Yuan doesn't care about these, but the bonus of this action.

Snow doll was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"Sister doll, haven't you forgotten that there is still a bonus for this action?"

"Oh, that's what you said. Of course I haven't forgotten, but now we lack funds to develop sideline. There happens to be a project that costs 10 million US dollars. It happens that your bonus is these, so we use them all."

"What, how can it be like this? That's what I bought with my life!"

Zhang Yuan was angry. No matter how successful he was in this operation, he almost lost his life. For another person, there are only two possibilities for this operation. One is that he burps, and the other is that Nie Qingfeng finished the mission. No matter which result, it is not so beautiful.

Not everyone has the ability to get the bonus. The $10 million bonus is swallowed like this, and anyone will be anxious!

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and An Ruoxi came in with a smile. It seemed that she was in a good mood.

"Sister Xixi, has my bonus really been swallowed?"

Zhang Yuan can't be calm at this time. If this is true, he will quit. He will kill all the bastards who swallowed his money. It's not that Zhang doesn't have this ability, but he still has reason and doesn't want to be so crazy!

An Ruoxi stared at the smiling snow doll: "You little girl likes to make trouble. Look at Xiaoyuan in a hurry."

The snow doll smiled and made a cute face.

Zhang Yuan didn't know why, but vaguely guessed that the matter was not as serious as Snow Doll said. He couldn't help staring at the little liar. Snow Doll spit out a cute little tongue at him, and her face was very playful.

An Ruoxi sat down and stretched her snowy and straight legs. She pounded her legs. Zhang Yuan quickly walked over to help her beat her legs and stared at her as if she hadn't seen it. An Ruoxi blushed slightly and beat him very comfortably. She hummed and went with him.

"Sister Xixi, tell me about my bonus quickly, or I will be out of breath."



Snow doll and An Ruoxi both laughed at Zhang Yuan. An Ruoxi flicked his head. At this moment, in her eyes, Zhang Yuan is a boy who has not grown up, not the fierce man who captured the killers of the three worlds!

"Looking anxious, you have captured a total of three masters of the world killing list, and also saved Nie Qingfeng's family. According to the bonus agreed in advance, in fact, there are only 3 million US dollars, but because there are two more masters of the world killing list, and they are all captured alive, the bonus amount is as high as 12 million US dollars. At the same time, the bureau will give you special merit once, award a medal, directly raise your rank from section member to section chief, and give you the rank of captain!"

An Ruoxi rubbed Zhang Yuan's head with a giggle and made his hair like a bird's nest. Looking at his innocent smile, her heart was suddenly full of unprecedented warmth and warmth, feeling that he was her relatives and her little brother.

It is also rare for Zhang Yuan to hold the beautiful woman's slender snowy and tender legs without crooked thoughts. An Ruoxi's body fragrance makes him feel at ease. Her smile and her behavior are like a sister, more like Zhang Anran!

"Sister Xixi, what about my bonus?"

Zhang Yuan held An Ruoxi's beautiful legs, and the tender and fragrant touch was fascinating.

"Your child knows the bonus. Can you not give it to you as agreed in advance? This is a national act and cannot be changed, but."

"But what, Sister Xixi, just say it quickly. Don't beat around the bush."

An Ruoxi smiled and said, "But your baby sister is right. Your bonus is indeed occupied by the bureau, because the bureau has been running a foreign project recently, and there are not so many dollars for the time being, so I used your money directly, but it is not in vain. When I came back, the director said this thing. Now you have two choices. The first choice is to return the bonus of 12 million US dollars to you in a month and give you 100,000 US dollars in interest. The second choice is to give you 30% of the shares of the project, but you have no management right, only the right to pay dividends.

Zhang Yuan pondered and massaged An Ruoxi's beautiful legs, which was actually a disguised take advantage, but the technique was indeed very good. An Ruoxi originally wanted to push him away, but the feeling that went straight to the bottom of her heart made her unable to refuse, so she blushed and received his massage with her heartbeat.

An Ruoxi is very wary of Zhang Yuan, and he is still a little boy and not a man, so An Ruoxi let him go, but he didn't know that doing so was tantamount to luking a wolf into the room!

Snow doll was shocked to see that An Ruoxi did not refuse Zhang Yuan to touch her, and then she was a little sour, as if her things had been stolen by Zhang Yuan.

"Zhang Yuan, are you playing hooligan? While Sister Xixi doesn't pay attention, you can touch her legs and go up more and more. Are you going to put your hand into the skirt?

The sudden sound of the snow doll made An Ruoxi no longer feel embarrassed to pretend to be deaf and dumb. She opened Zhang Yuan's hand and blushed with shame: "You little hooligan, you dare to take advantage of anyone. I think you are really impatient!"

Zhang Yuan was really wronged this time. He didn't want to take advantage of him. He just did what he had done to Lan Shimeng An Yajing and Tang Baobao. He just did a massage and didn't think about anything else, but he didn't want to misunderstand him. On the contrary, when he really took advantage, no one said so about him.

There is really no reason to talk about things in the world. Sometimes some things are so strange that there are no rules and rules to follow.

"Woman, how can you wrong me like this? I just see that Sister Xixi is tired, and the meridians on her legs have a tendency to bend. Help her massage her to recover. Do you think it's delicious that I only massage Sister Xixi and didn't massage you? You're jealous of Sister Xixi!"

Zhang Yuan began to talk nonsense: "Sister, if you are really fascinated by my demeanor and want to have a vigorous and modern sister-brother relationship, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the beauty. I agree to date you, but since I am still a minor teenager, although I can live together, we You'd better do it secretly, or you're harming the seedlings!"