Prince of Flowers

140 pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

Walking around, Zhang Yuan admired the beautiful woman.

Although there are not as many beautiful women here as Chongqing Road, Guilin Road and Zhuozhan Shopping Mall, their eyes can be lit up from time to time.

It is the hot season, and beautiful women wear very little, but no matter how much they wear, they are still bikinis in Zhang Yuan's eyes.

Of course, Zhang Yuan also occasionally sees two beautiful women who make him have a nosebleed without wearing trousers. The taboo setting is not prohibited for this kind of beauty who only wears stockings, so he can see everything he wants to see.

The beautiful women in Jincheng are very bold. They don't wear them occasionally, even if they wear the popular T-shaped trousers, which are embarrassing, and more **!

Zhang Yuan was a little hot when he saw it. He came out of Gate 10 and walked into Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut's business is very good, many of which are beautiful men and children, and the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people is not large.

Zhang Yuan glanced and saw Zhou Ning sitting by the window. She was not alone, but eating with several beautiful women he didn't know.

It's not just a beautiful woman, but also two handsome men walked over and sat down. It seemed that they were all acquaintances.

Zhou Ning saw Zhang Yuan from afar and waved to him. Zhang Yuan waved his hand and walked over.

Zhang Yuan noticed that the two handsome men's eyes were not very friendly and seemed to be full of hostility. Could it be Zhou Ning's pursuer, but he was not jealous of him as a teenager?

Zhang Yuan thought he was still a teenager, but he felt like an adult, and the little childishness on his face was not enough to prove that he was still a little boy!

Zhang Yuan is disdainful. If these two grandchildren dare to compete with him, he doesn't mind having fun with them.

"Sister Ning, you are so beautiful today, more beautiful than ever!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the beautiful women, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He found that he really met a bold group. These young and beautiful girls did not wear pants, some thin crystal stockings, some black silk, and some were simply bare, bold and hot!

"Good night, I'm Zhang Yuan, your little brother."


The beautiful women laughed, and some of their faces turned red. When Zhang Yuan saw their blushing legs, he knew that they were not a good woman, let alone a child, but a dissatisfied person who ate bamboo shoots and wanted to taste.

Zhang Yuan finally looked at the two handsome men and just nodded slightly. They looked at him disdainfully, full of contempt.

"This little brother."

The handsome man wearing glasses hung a joke at the corners of his mouth, which itself was playing Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, this uncle, I'm just the little brother of several beautiful sisters, not your little brother. If you want to find the little brother, you'd better find someone else. I don't like to fight with people of the same sex, because I'm not glass!"

Zhang Yuan means that the man with glasses is a glass.

The women laughed, and the glasses man's face was not very good, but it was not too obvious, but there were some cities.

Another white handsome man looked at Zhang Yuan with a smile: "Where is this little brother?"

"Sorry, I don't have a high school yet. I think you can see that I'm still a student and a high school student."

"Really, I really didn't see it. I thought you were a successful person."

The white handsome man is expensive, especially the watch on his wrist is estimated to be worth at least 1.8 million yuan. He is a cow master.

"I'm an ordinary primary school student. I have to take the bus when I go out. This uncle, it should cost hundreds of yuan to buy this watch, right?"

Zhang Yuan seemed to have never seen anything good. He sat there and looked at the white and handsome man's watch, looking greedy.

Zhou Ning knew that Zhang Yuan had no good intentions, but she also hated the pursuit of these two dans, so she didn't say anything and was happy to watch the fun!

All the women laughed. In fact, they all heard Zhou Ning talk about Zhang Yuan, a little guy and knew that this little guy was unusual, but since the two duffian wanted to find abuse, they just watched a joke.

"Yes, this watch is less than 200 yuan, and it is sold on the second floor of the store. Now there is a special price, and it is estimated that you can buy it for more than 100 yuan."


"Really, go and buy it?"

"Uncle, then buy me 100 yuan, and I'll set up a stall!"

Zhang Yuan took out a pile of old man's head and stuffed it into the hands of a white handsome man. Looking at his expression, his expression seemed to be windy and clouds in the sky, erratic!

Luo Zhiyuan originally wanted to play with Zhang Yuan, but he didn't want to play with Zhang Yuan. The limited-edition Swiss watch in his hand turned into a stall, and all this was caused by himself. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood!

The women laughed, and the men with glasses also laughed loudly.

Luo Zhiyuan glanced at Sun Jingwen. This boy's virtue is really annoying. If he is put in the war years, this man must be a traitor!

"Xiaoyuan, what would you like to eat?"

"I just finished eating, so I came to Coke."

Zhou Ning called Zhang Yuan an iced Coke. This was the first time that everyone had seen Zhou Ning serve others, and they felt strange. Luo Zhiyuan and Sun Jingwen looked at each other and suddenly felt a chill.

The dunglish children will not be gentle when dealing with their rivals, and there are no fewer people who kill and maim them. Fighting bravely has always been their strengths!

"Ha ha, just kidding, don't mind."

"Oh, I don't mind. I really want to set up a stall. Uncle, can you help me buy a watch?"

Zhang Yuan's face was innocent, and Luo Zhiyuan's face was not good-looking. He didn't expect that a small bun would not give him face. Damn it, when did he eat such a suff?

"My watch is more than one million yuan, and your money is only enough to buy a second hand."

"Don't you say it's more than 100?"

Zhang Yuan looked at Luo Zhiyuan doubtfully. His expression gave people a disgusting feeling of Luo Zhiyuan. I have to say that Zhang Yuan can get everyone's favor to the greatest extent and increase the evil feeling of his opponent. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone!

"I said it, it was a joke."

"So your watch is really more than a million?"

"That's right."

"Isn't it a ghost coin?"

The women laughed so much that Luo Zhiyuan's face became more and more ugly, and he looked at Zhang Yuan coldly: "Are you provoking me?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "What does provocation mean? My language has never been good."

"Then what's good about you?"

"Foreign language."

Zhang Yuan then said a lot of words in 18 languages. Luo Zhiyuan was confused. He was good at English and didn't understand anything else!

The women applauded. The industries they are engaged in are related to foreign languages, so they can understand most of Zhang Yuan's language and know that he is a real powerful person. His pronunciation is very accurate, and his tone is very authentic!

Zhang Yuan's performance made Luo Zhiyuan and Sun Jingwen more and more vulgar, leaving a very deep and good impression in the hearts of all women!