Prince of Flowers

144 hugged and cried

Zhang Yuan sighed. It must be not only him but Song Xixi who was stimulated. He suffered such great grievances and witnessed the process of him and Song Xixi. He may have been more stimulated!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan's mood just got better and became worse. But he still smiled as before and said, "I'm fine, so I'll take you home!"

"The person who picked up the ninger sent you a text message."


After watching it, Hua Jin didn't say anything, just lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Send me home."

"Let's rest here."

Hua Jin shook his head, very resolutely.

Zhang Yuan sighed and sent Hua Jin home.

Zhang Yuan's eyes have been sending Hua Jin's figure into the unit building.

At this time, he especially hoped that Hua Jin, who had never looked back at him, suddenly leaned out of the doorway and waved to him with a gentle smile.

However, Zhang Yuan stood for a long time and didn't see anything.

He turned around lonely, lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and let the cigarette die. The curling smoke stung his eyes, and his nose was a little sore.

Zhang Yuan didn't see it. In a window upstairs of that unit, Hua Jin bit her lip, looked at his back, and stared intently. There was a sweet smile on her mouth, but her pretty face was full of crystal tears.

The sun on my head is still poisonous and hot. However, Zhang Yuan didn't feel hot at all. His heart was cold and painful.

Zhang Yuan has a very strong hunch that his relationship with Hua Jin will definitely be greatly affected by this. It seems that the moment she walks into the building, the relationship between the two becomes a little strange!

The sister left, and Hua Jin was also unfamiliar. Zhang Yuan suddenly found that he had failed and was very unhappy!

However, he can't blame anyone, and he has no right to blame anyone. If he wants to blame, he should blame this damn fate, and he has never become really powerful.

If Zhang Yuan had had strong strength, today's thing would not have happened at all, because no one could have captured Hua Jin again and again. Even if he was saved, it still left a shadow in their hearts.

Zhang Yuan didn't wake up from his wild thoughts until the cigarette butt burned to his lips. He smashed the cigarette butts fiercely and shouted, "Go to the fate of Nima, I want to control this damn fate by myself", and then drove his Land Rover car and left.

After a while, Zhang Yuan came to Song Xixi's residence.

Zhang Yuan pressed a string of passwords, opened the anti-theft door of the unit, went upstairs to the door of Song Xixi's house, and rang the doorbell.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement inside. He pressed it a few more times and waited for a while, but there was still no movement!

Zhang Yuan lit another cigarette, smoked it, ran out the cigarette butt under his feet, and rang the doorbell.

After a while, just as he turned around and was about to leave, the door opened. Song Xixi, wearing a cute bear's nightdress, held the door and looked at him coldly. Her face was very pale, her tender and slender legs, trembling, frowning, and biting her lips hard!


Zhang Yuan doesn't know what to say. Song Xi was wrong. Not only did he play tricks on An Yajing, but he was scared. He played with him more fiercely, which not only made him lose face, but also forced her in front of his beloved because of his anger!

Song Xixi suffered by herself. If it hadn't been for her, Zhang Yuan would not have created such a big estrangement from An Yajing, and she might not have been able to eliminate the psychological shadow in her life!

Originally, Zhang Yuan wanted to make a break with her and warned her not to make any more trouble. But at this moment, looking at the thin and immature her, those resolute cruel words can't be said!

A girl's innocence may not be as good as a piece of paper for some girls. However, for some girls, it is more important than life!

Zhang Yuan didn't think about this problem on the road, but now he suddenly thought of it. From his perspective and vision, Song Xixi is actually the kind of girl who looks crazy and avant-garde. In fact, it is just to hide her weakness and conservatism. She is just a little rebellious, not the kind of girl who is promiscuous!

Thinking this way, Zhang Yuan's words are even more unspeakable. Thinking of the past between himself and her, he couldn't tell how he was now!


"What are you doing here? It's to see what I made you look like, right? You want to see me in pain, don't you? Do you still want to treat me again and treat me as a beast to destroy and torture me? Come on, I'll do it for you, come on, beast!"

Song Xi looked at him coldly and rudely took off his pajamas. Inside the pajamas, it was empty and empty.

The original snowy and flawless little body is now covered with blue and purple bruises, especially it looks really miserable!

Zhang Yuan heard a voice coming from the stairs. He was afraid of being seen, so he had to hold her into the room and closed the door casually.

Looking at Song Xi's unbearable body and her lack of angry eyes, Zhang Yuan was already in an extremely bad mood, and now it is getting darker and darker!

Zhang Yuan took Song Xixi to the bedroom, put her flat on top of Simmons, took out the ointment from his pocket and put it aside. He warmed his hands and massaged the bruises on her body.

Song Xixi has been staring at him with extremely cold eyes. She wants to see how to torture herself!

She has been cruel for a long time. As long as she sees him again, she will definitely kill him! Doesn't he like to abuse her? Just let him die on her!

However, Song Xixi didn't wait for Zhang Yuan's lightness. He just massaged her, just like when he massaged her last time. However, his expression should not be like this last time. He was proud and bad, but now he is lonely and desperate. It's a little similar to myself. Is there a time like this?

Suddenly, Song Xi felt that her body was wet, and another drop of cool** fell on her body.

Song Xi narrowly opened his eyes wide and was surprised. He cried! He suddenly hugged her, buried his face in her, and cried in a muffled voice.

Song carefully thought about even a thousand possibilities, but she couldn't imagine this little boy, the bastard, animal and bastard she hated to the bone. He, he would cry! Moreover, he held her and cried as helpless and pitiful as an aggrieved child!

Somehow, Song Xixi suddenly wanted to cry and wanted to hold him and cry for a while. So, she hugged Zhang Yuan tightly and cried!

They hugged and cried and said something that they didn't understand. The more they cried, the more sad they became, the louder they cried! Until I cried so much that I couldn't cry, my heart suddenly felt so uncomfortable and heavy. However, I feel too empty and need something to fill it.