Prince of Flowers

147 Deadly Encounter

Zhang Ziqiang's lips trembling for a long time, but still didn't say anything. At this moment, he really doesn't know what to say.

Originally, he had no choice but to ask Niu Jiqing to find Zhang Yuan! He didn't expect that Zhang Yuan, who had only one fate, would really take care of them!

Zhang Ziqiang's eyes turned red, but he didn't cry. Since he grew up, he has never cried and is not used to crying. He was silent for a while and suddenly laughed, laughing very happily.

When the three of them saw this, they also laughed. After laughing, Zhang Yuan said, "Strong, I'll deal with your business. This matter is not urgent. Don't be in a hurry and relax. Especially your strong son, take good care of yourself and don't let grandma worry about you. You don't have to be careless about money. This little money is nothing to me!"

After pondering for a moment, he said, "Don't carry the house. After you are discharged from the hospital, I will find a place for you to live first. Do you think there is no problem in this way?"

Qiangzi bit his lip, and a strong hatred flashed in his eyes, but he still nodded. He also knows that there is nothing he can do.

In this world, it is not so easy to find justice, especially for ordinary people like them who have no money, power and no people. What else can they do if they encounter such a thing?

Mrs. Zhang sighed and said gratefully, "Son, thank you. We can't live there anymore! Qiangzi is stubborn and has the same temper as his grandfather and father. If he meets those people again, he must be a big deal! In this world, the poor will not be alive!"

Zhang Yuan wanted to say something, but it reached his throat and swallowed it again. After all, he has never suffered like this, and he has also experienced the darkness of society. Although he does not feel that this society has reached such a hopeless level, for people like Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Ziqiang, I'm afraid that they have really reached that terrible level!

"Grandma, Qiangzi, you can rest assured. I'll take care of it. Qingzi, I'll call you Qingzi. Is there anything wrong with your family? If it's okay, take care of grandma and Qiangzi here. There is no special care in our hospital, and it's not our turn!"

Niu Jiqing has admired and even admired Zhang Yuan at this time, whether it is his fierceness, domineering or calmness. He shook his head and said, "Brother Zhang, I'm the only one in my family. It's okay! I'm here to take care of grandma and Qiangzi. If you have anything, just do it quickly!"

Zhang Yuan took out a pile of money, didn't count it, handed it to Niu Jiqing, and said, "Take this money, buy some tonic fruits or something for grandma and Qiangzi, and go to a restaurant outside to order dinner. You can't eat anything in this hospital. If anything happens, call me. Well, this is the phone number of my sister's restaurant, and this is the phone number of my home!"

Zhang Yuan handed the written phone number to Niu Jiqing and said to Mrs. Zhang and Qiangzi, "Grandma, Qiangzi, I have something to do. I'll go first. Have a good rest and get well!"

He patted Niu Jiqing on the shoulder again and said with a smile, "Qingzi, I'll leave it to you."

Niu Jiqing quickly said, "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I'm fine here!" You can do whatever you need to do. If you have something to do, I'll find you!"

Zhang Yuan nodded. Zhang Ziqiang and Mrs. Zhang didn't know what to say, so they could only tell him to pay attention to safety on the way back. It was dark.

Zhang Yuan left the hospital and took a taxi to the riverside. The scenery here is very beautiful. When he is not open enough, he likes to come here to relax.

Zhang Yuan took out the red panda and lit one. While pumping, he crossed the road along the river, walked to the south of the highway and walked down the steps.

In summer, it is another weekend, and the riverside is very lively. People who enjoy the cool, people who travel at night, people who do business, etc. are all wandering or busy between small squares and shady roads by the river.

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath of the refreshing air, and the cool feeling suddenly exploded in his hot body. He had a cold war and sighed as comfortably as a drug addict had just had a good time.

Stretching his limbs, Zhang Yuan held a cigarette in his arms and saw that there were many cruise ships on the nearby shore. Many tourists took boats to the beach on the other side of the river, where the vegetation was lush and the scenery was beautiful. Many smart merchants opened shops there and made a lot of profits.

In the past, doing business in Jiangtan was regarded as a fool, but in the past, everything was the easiest to do when there was no popularity. When everyone saw that it was profitable, it was not so easy to do.

Now that Jiangtan has been managed by the government, it is even more difficult to enter.

The night is dark and the moonlight is hazy.

The brocade water ripples, reflecting the hazy moonlight and gorgeous lights on the surface of the water and shaking with the waves.

The cold and fishy river breeze blew on Zhang Yuan's face, and also on the white-dressed woman's body not far away.

The skirt is flying, and the two snowy tender calves are looming, dancing long, like the tentacles of the sea monster.

The woman is very beautiful. Even if Zhang Yuan only sees her snowy and jade-like delicate side face, he can be sure that she must be a beauty!

Moreover, from her faint fragrance sent by the wind, he also boldly guessed that she was a noble and elegant woman, with a sense of being free from vulgarity!

However, paradoxically, under the face of an angel, there is often a devil's figure. Maybe the real beauty should be like this, right?

Anyway, among the beauties Zhang Yuan met, there were many similar women. However, it is not as dazzling as the beauty in front of us!

Any man or woman who sees her by the river will be attracted to her, go far and look back frequently.

Zhang Yuan felt a little surprised to see that among such a city, there may not be a peerless enchanting among such 100,000 people.

The boat came, and Zhang Yuan got on the boat. He is regretful that he has no fate with that beautiful woman. But suddenly I smelled a faint fragrance, and a pair of small hands held his arm, which was cool and moist, delicate and soft, and felt extremely wonderful.

Zhang Yuan's heart trembled and looked up, but he saw the beautiful woman in black looking at him apologetically and said in a coquettish voice, "Thank you, little brother. If it hadn't been for you, I would have fallen down."

Zhang Yuan looked at this beautiful woman with a throbbing heart, which was a very strange feeling.

Zhang Yuan's heart throbled, but his face behaved normally. Zhang Yuan is a monster. The more others can't control himself, the more he tends to control himself. At this time, he controlled his expression very well and calmed.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "It's okay, my sister is polite. It's my honor to help such an angelic beautiful sister like you.

The beauty let go of his arm and made him feel a little sad. She sat down, stretched out her little white hand, and motioned him to sit down.

Zhang Yuan sat in the only seat next to the beauty under the envious eyes of many men on the ship. The fragrance was attacking, and the warm fragrance was as drunk. He looked at her beautiful face and was a little distracted.

"Sister, where are your wings?" He suddenly asked.

"Ah?" The beauty was stunned and didn't understand what Zhang Yuan's words meant.

Zhang Yuan laughed again and said, "Isn't your sister an angel? How to fly without wings? Did you come by rocket?