Prince of Flowers

198 genius

Zhang Yuan said his requirements, which he had just thought of, and he also had some ideas and ideas. In order to make Liu Chenguang understand more profound and specific, he also drew a picture for Liu Chenguang with the pen and paper he just bought.

Liu Chenguang looked at Zhang Yuan's drawings and said in surprise, "Oh, Xiaoyuan! If uncle had the ability like you, it would not be like this now.

Although he has seen Zhang Yuan's powerful hand-painting ability, Liu Chenguang was still amazed.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Isn't it a pity that you can't be a boss if you have the ability like me?"

Liu Chenguang laughed and nodded, "That's the same thing. Xiaoyuan, I think you are really a genius! By the way, I think you are more suitable for this industry. With your talent, you will definitely achieve great achievements in the future. At that time, your family will have it from inside to outside. Then you will make more money when you start the project!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said no: "Ha ha. Uncle Liu, how many people need to be sent here?

Liu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this matter. I'll do it. By the way, how is this friend's relationship with you?

Zhang Yuan understands that Liu Chenguang wants to discuss the price. If you have a good relationship with him, Liu Chenguang will collect more; if you have a normal relationship with him, you will charge more.

He immediately said, "The relationship is very good, but Uncle Liu also has to make money. You can do as much as you should."

Liu Chenguang smiled and said, "That's it. It's good. The decoration time is 350,000 yuan a week. I can earn a little bit of this, and the rest is the cost.

Zhang Yuan said without hesitation, "Okay. Well, I'll make the decision. I'll add another 2,000 yuan for you, which is a cigarette for Uncle Liu!"

Liu Chenguang laughed and suddenly said mysteriously, "Xiaoyuan, you must be fooling me. I know you are not an ordinary child, but you have coins in your pocket. You didn't do it with others, did you?

Zhang Yuan was stunned, touched his nose and said, "Ha ha, I really can't hide it from Uncle Liu. They all say that your eyes are like a torch. It seems that what you said is still inaccurate. You are simply golden eyes!"

Liu Chenguang beat him and scolded with a smile, "You stinky boy, do you scold me? I'm still making a scene in the Heavenly Palace. You are the monkey! Well, wait for me, I'll call someone, and I'll start work. Don't run. I'll wait for you to treat me to dog meat!"

Zhang Yuan took out the red panda and handed one to Liu Chenguang. He also took one himself. He first gave it to the fat man, and then smoked it himself and said, "Uncle Liu, don't worry, I will definitely wait for you. Let's have a good drink in the evening."

Liu Chenguang exhaled a mouthful of smoke, narrowed his small eyes and said with a smile, "Okay, like a man. If my boy had half of you, I wouldn't have lived in vain. Wait for me and I'll be back in a minute."

As he spoke, Liu Chenguang had already left the store and drove away in a Xia Li car.

Zhang Yuan opened all the windows of the store with a cigarette in his hand and blew the cool breeze. He stood on the second floor and looked at the bustling streets outside the window. He smoked silently while swallowing clouds and fog. While looking at the dusty Xia Li, he scolded: What's wrong, there is a Jetta that can't open it. It's really a day to break Xia Li.

Suddenly, a sound of firecrackers disturbed Zhang Yuan. He smelled a smell of gunpowder and followed the sound. Far from the diagonal opposite, a * named "Adventure Island" opened in the sound of firecrackers!

Zhang Yuan looked at the tall man standing in front of the * luxury gate with his trousers in his pocket, and he narrowed his eyes. He had a strong hunch that the prince would be his enemy. That* is his competitor!

Just like what is written in the novel, the prince seemed to feel something. He looked up from afar, but saw nothing. He frowned and walked in*.

Zhang Yuan stood in front of another window, squinting and silently looking at the many cars parked in front of the door, the noisy Adventure Island*, and a cold and indifferent smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

An hour later.

Zhang Yuan and Liu Chenguang were eating and drinking in the backyard of the dog meat restaurant when Tang Baobao suddenly pushed the door and came in. Seeing Liu Chenguang, he obediently called "Uncle Liu", and his face suddenly changed. He stared at Zhang Yuan and said, "Brother, why did you skip class again? You still smoke and drink. Are you still going to play with the young lady?

Baby Tang crossed his waist and looked angry. His beautiful and watery eyes stared into two small light bulbs!

Zhang Yuan sweated violently, and Liu Chenguang suddenly choked. He drank the wine into his trachea and laughed and kept coughing.

Zhang Yuan quickly stood up, attentively pulled a chair for his little cousin who turned into a little tiger and sat down, put bowls and chopsticks for others, filled a bowl of rice, poured a cup of iced peanut milk, and put some vegetables in someone's small plate, which made the little girl turn angry and happy, hummed twice, and began to eat and drink.

Liu Chenguang put a bowl of soup for Baby Tang, and the little girl said thank you to Uncle Liu sweetly. The fat man smiled and said, "It seems that Xiaoyuan is also afraid. As soon as the baby is powerful, you will become a little mouse, haha. Oh, baby, why did you come here?"

Baby Tang said casually, "Here, I come here every day. Help me if you have nothing to do!" Ah, this uncle, you don't know about this. Hehe, who let you eat dog meat and don't want to pay for it. Hee."

Liu Chenguang covered his mouth and coughed again, and his face became more and more red. While coughing, he pointed to Zhang Yuan and said, "Why are you so generous? This is your own restaurant. You boy, it's slippery. Cough, cough."

Tang Baobao didn't want to hear this and retorted, "Uncle Liu, what you said is wrong. There is no cost to treat your own restaurant? This dog meat banquet made by a dog is not blown by the wind. If you treat, the money you spend can make you feel sad and can't sleep for three days and nights. Drink some soup and don't cough. Don't be embarrassed, hee."

Liu Chenguang took a sip of the dog soup that Baby Tang gave him and finally stopped coughing. He gasped and said, "Baby, your little mouth is really no one to be your opponent. I think your future son-in-law must be a strict wife. I was wrong. I drank too much, haha, I won't talk about it."

Seeing a malicious smile on the corners of Tang Baobao's mouth and the flames in his big eyes, Liu Chenguang immediately closed his mouth knowingly. Zhang Yuan, a flatterer, has been serving the little princess, Tang Baobao, for fear that she will compete with him!

Tang Baobao suddenly calmed down when he saw Zhang Yuan's clever appearance. He took a sip of cold soda and asked, "Brother, what did you write in your composition? Why did you hand in the paper so quickly and make those teachers praise it?"

Zhang Yuan took a sip of cold beer and ate roasted quail, which made him feel a little disgusting.

"It's disgusting, son of a bitch, I really don't let people eat!"

"It's so bad that you can't eat it. It's disgusting that you can't eat it anymore. I hate it."

Zhang Yuan lowered his head* and ate, looking at the two people who had lost his appetite. He laughed and provoked the two to beat him violently.