Prince of Flowers

216 Jade Man is pregnant

"Husband, uncle will treat you to dinner at home tonight. Will you go?"

"Go ahead, where's Jingjing?"

"Go to her grandfather's house. You have to be mentally prepared. That old man may want to see you."

Zhang Yuan said, there is nothing to be afraid of when meeting him. Even if he meets the head of state, he doesn't care.

In fact, An Yajing's grandfather, even if he is not a national leader, is almost one of the few fierce people in the center.

Of course, Nie Qingfeng is not an ordinary person, and many people will trembling when they see this big man, but for Zhang Yuan, everyone is the same in his eyes. They are all human beings, not gods!

And Zhang Yuan's own strength is constantly getting stronger, but it is really close to the power of the legendary god!

Zhang Yuan looked at the big yard: "Whose house is this? Quadrangles like this are rare now."

Lan Shimeng's face turned slightly red: "This is the dowry my grandmother gave me. In addition to here, there is also a company."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Such a quadrangle courtyard is well protected, and within the Second Ring Road, the price has been hundreds of millions. Honey, you are richer than me now."

Lan Shimeng stared at him: " Even I'm yours, and my things are naturally yours."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "It seems that I should be right. By the way, what company is your grandmother going to give you?"

Lan Shimeng shook his head: "I don't know about this. Now it is run by my cousin. She has 30% of the equity in the company, which I gave her. She helped me manage it."

"Is that the cousin last time?"

"Yes, Nie Xianyu."

Zhang Yuan nodded. The name Nie Xianyu is very suitable for the temperament of the iceberg beauty. It is cold and elegant as a fairy!

" By the way, my cousin may go home for dinner with her boyfriend tonight, and you can see it."

It seems that I have been approved by your uncle, and even invited me to such a dinner. I just don't know if your mother agrees with me.

Lan Shimeng sneered: "Don't be ashamed. Your parents will ask you to go to your grandfather's house for dinner tomorrow night. The family wants to see what you look like as a talented man and hero!"

"What is mother-like? She is a good little girl who can't speak. Ouch."

Zhang Yuan twisted Lan Shimeng. He pretended to be in pain. Lan Shimeng glanced at him and knew that he was pretending and did not give sympathy and comfort at all.

The meal just now was also yellow. There are special chefs here to cook. The craftsmanship is very good. Everyone had a very rich lunch.

After dinner, Zhang Xiaoli and Tang Shufang were too lazy to move and fall asleep. Tang Bao and Lan Shimeng were full of vitality and took Zhang Yuan to go shopping.

Zhang Yuan is not as afraid of shopping with beautiful women as ordinary men. He likes to go shopping with beautiful women, but the premise is that there must be many beautiful women in places where he goes shopping, which can feast his eyes.

The quadrangle courtyard is not far from Xidan, so the three of them went there. This is a woman's paradise. Zhang Yuan's eyes are here for the Spring Festival, and the eyes of the beautiful woman who are overwhelmed are hot. I guess it's because he wanders too far!

When Zhang Yuan's eyes were spinning violently, he suddenly stiffened, and his eyes were fixed on a woman in a blue skirt!

It was a beautiful woman with a devilish figure and snowy skin. She wore big sunglasses and a light expression. She just came out of a maternity and baby store, carrying a small bag in her right hand and gently stroked her lower abdomen with her left hand, which was slightly bulging.

Zhang Yuan's eyes saw a small baby coiled in the palace through his skirt and body, gently squirming!

Zhang Yuan's heart suddenly had an unspeakable feeling, and tears suddenly came out of his eyes, and he was inexplicably excited!

The woman in white next to the beautiful woman in blue skirt handed her the phone. She answered a few words and got on a Mercedes-Benz off-road with the woman in white. There was a special driver on the car. It seemed that she was not an ordinary person, and the off-road vehicle quickly disappeared on Chang'an Street.

Tanjiayu people!


Zhang Yuan felt inexplicably cordial and burst into tears!

In addition, Zhang Yuan once had a lingering affair with the Tanjiayu people in the woods behind Jincheng No. 2 Middle School, and even sowed seeds several times. Counting the time, her stomach seems to be the size of her current size!

Zhang Yuan's heart was rumbling. He suspected that the fetus in the belly of the Tanjiayu man was his. Although he was not sure, this possibility was really great.

"What's the matter, husband, even if she is beautiful, she won't be so excited that she wants to cry, right?"

"Yes, honey, you didn't see what you shouldn't see and beat others up!"

Tang Baobao and An Yajing came out of the underwear store, carrying two bags in their hands, and laughing at Zhang Yuan.

The two little beauties didn't know Zhang Yuan's thoughts. They thought he was fascinated by Sand. In their minds, he was a strong man who would never laugh and never cry, but he didn't know that the man didn't cry lightly, but he was not sad.

No matter how strong a person is, there will be times when he wants to cry, just like how weak a coward he is, and there are also dogs forced to jump over the wall crazily and fiercely, only to see that!

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you two to miss each other, so I want to cry. Have you bought it? Let me have a look.

Zhang Yuan went to get the bags of the two girls. They all blushed and dodged his hands and didn't let him move. How could the girl's underwear be randomly looked around on the street? They had to see if they went home and showed them on their bodies.

However, Zhang Yuan is like a normal man. He doesn't like the underwear he wears, but the kind of beauty that he likes to take off his underwear off!

Zhang Yuan and two little beauties walked into a leather store and wanted to buy him a bag.

Zhang Yuan doesn't like Bao. He prefers to be empty-handed. He thinks Bao is too cumbersome, but the two little wives are so persistent. He is also very affectionate and dares not let them get angry with him on the street.

Although their anger is just a small move, Zhang Yuan is still willing to make them happier, rather than depressed.

It is also a kind of disrespect for others not to accept the gifts of beloved beautiful women, just like the principle of not paying attention to others after finishing beautiful women!

Zhang Yuan did not participate in buying bags, and he let them make their own decision.

Just as Zhang Yuan was admiring the beautiful woman, he suddenly saw two men wearing sun hats enter the store with sinister eyes. Their eyes glanced quickly and suddenly fell on Tang Baobao and An Yajing, which was fierce.

These two people obviously didn't see Zhang Yuan, so they walked straight to the two girls. They were still looking carefully at a Gucci baby without notice.

When Zhang Yuan saw the two men's arms with bottles containing pale yellow **, he was suddenly shocked and thought of two words: sulfuric acid!

Zhang Yuan quickly came behind the two men from the side. At the moment they took out the bottle, he hit their heads together. The bottle in their hand was copied to him, but there was still a little splash on the shelf next to him, smearing smoke. It was indeed sulfuric acid, or the one with a strong concentration!