Prince of Flowers

226 wolf is coming

Ning Hao said, "What, are you an ordinary person? Haha, Xiaoyuan, can you stop joking? I haven't seen an ordinary person like you. If you are an ordinary person, how can you let ordinary people live? OK, don't be modest. Without saying anything else,

Zhang Yuan asked, "Brother Ning, what else can I be if I don't become an ordinary person? We have nothing but to be ordinary people!"

Ning Hao looked at him playfully and said with a strange smile, "Xiaoyuan, you are dishonest. Have you ever seen an ordinary person who went to a five-star hotel for dinner with a military brand Land Rover? I guess you haven't seen tens of millions of ordinary people.

Zhang Yuan served himself, put the colored ball and continued to play. He said with a smile, "That car has nothing to do with me. It was given to me. As for going to a five-star hotel for dinner, I just went to eat guests invited by my family. As for tens of millions of riches, how can I start? I'm poor except for pen!"

Bai Runrun muttered, "Vulgar and uneducated!"

Zhang Yuan didn't pay attention to her, but Ning Hao said, "Runrun, pay attention to your self-restraint. Don't be endless. Your heart and Xiaoyuan are far from you. You need to practice well!"

After saying that, Ning Hao said to Zhang Yuan with a smile, "Ouch, you boy, just beat around the bush with me and don't have a pleasant word!" I won't say much, you know it in your heart. Work hard. If there is a chance in the future, we will also find an opportunity to cooperate. I hope there will be that day!"

Zhang Yuan just laughed and didn't say anything. After a while, he saw Song Xixi go out of the box and went to the bathroom, so he also found an excuse to make it convenient for Bai Runrun and Ning Hao to continue to fight.

Through the corridor and walked to the front of a luxurious bathroom, Zhang Yuan saw Song Xixi washing his hands at the door of the women's bathroom. He glanced inside as if there was no one else, so he dodged in, hugged Song Xixi and hid in the compartment.

The bathroom here is not only luxurious, but also very quiet, and there is also the fragrance of air freshener in the air!

Zhang Yuan inserted the door of the compartment, sat on the toilet with the lid down, held Song Xixi in his arms, and kissed him. At the same time, the big hand reached into the girl's clothes and shorts, touching and enjoying her beauty!

Lips, Zhang Yuan and Song Xixi are all breathless. Song's beautiful eyes have glowed with hazy water, which is very blurred. His face is red, and his body hurts. That place was already flooded and flowers were blooming when his hand reached in and stroked it!

There are no superfluous words. The two remove each other's obstacles in the simplest way and are deeply and closely united. At this moment, they couldn't help sighing happily, and then they became extremely crazy.

A little farewell is better than a new marriage!

After Zhang Yuan and Song Xi did it carefully, they put on their clothes and pushed the door of the compartment. Suddenly, they saw a beautiful woman staring at the two of them with incredible faces!

Especially, after seeing them, it seems to feel even more incredible!

Song Xi glanced at the beautiful woman, calmly washed her face, and then Shi Shiran left. Zhang Yuan blocked the beautiful woman and didn't let him go. He was a little annoyed, but he still looked at the beautiful woman with a smile and asked, "Sister Doll, what on earth do you always want to do? You have come all the way to the capital to peep. You are not the one who just heard the call and want to harm the little seedlings on the land of my motherland, right? This is illegal!"

Zhang Yuan's words provoked the contempt and ridicule of the snow doll and did not make her retreat. She put him against the wall, touched his face with her little hand, and said hooliganly, "Little brother, don't say such childish words. If you break the law, you are also breaking the law. I won't break the law. The key is that you still can't get my idea of crime. Don't be sentimental, okay?"

After saying that, she suddenly let him go, giggled and turned around to wash her hands. While washing her hands, she said, "Come to me tomorrow afternoon. I have something to talk to you about. If you are not afraid that I will tell you all over the world, you can not come to me. Ah! Little hooligan, wait and see how I deal with you tomorrow!"

The snow doll looked at Zhang Yuanyuan* and said hatefully. Her face turned red, and she quickly lifted her trousers and put down the raised skirt. I touched him there and felt hot, as if it was still wet.

She only gave this little bad guy so presumptuous. If it had been for other men, I guess she would have killed people with a gun!

However, why did he do this just make her feel. Is it fun? Has she reached the age of a tiger and a wolf?

No, how old is she? Those little hooligans are too bad.

Snow doll remembered what happened just now. Somehow, her body was a little crisp. Her face turned redder. Looking at her beautiful eyes in the mirror, she spat and scolded, "Damn rogue, little pervert!" She turned around and went away.

In fact, Snow Doll was wrong. It's not that she has reached that tiger-like age, let alone that she has "understand" or wants to "open"!

The reason why she felt so strong and reacted so much was that Zhang Yuan used some means on her. Don't underestimate such a short touch, which is enough to make the snow doll toss and turn all night and can't sleep!

Zhang Yuan crossed the corridor and was about to return to the VIP room No. 1 when suddenly the door of a VIP room opened, and the familiar middle-aged face looked at him quietly in the door.

He walked in and the door was closed by the fierce man he had seen once. The hot beauty he had also met once gave him a wink.

Zhang Yuanchao smiled with the beautiful woman, sat in the chair opposite the middle-aged man, took out the osmanthus smoke from his pocket, lit one, smoked slowly, spit out a few smoke rings, picked up the wine poured for him by the middle-aged man in front of him, took a sip, and slowly felt the mellow aroma of grapes and wine in his mouth. As he shook the blood-red ** in the cup, the rare depression and distance appeared in his eyes.

The middle-aged man also smokes and is still his Havana cigar. Drinking an unknown brand of gin.

Hot beauty and tough** all feel very strange at this time. This teenager actually has a momentum and temperament no worse than their boss, which is a very frightening and frightening thing! But he is so old, and the boss is at least twice his age!

With such a comparison, the two can naturally see who is more terrible! This Zhang Yuan is like this now. What will it be like in the future? I can't imagine that I feel really perverted.

In the memory of beauty and **, there seems to be only one little pervert comparable to Zhang Yuan! That man's surname is Lang, a crazy and cruel teenager.

Lang Shixun, their young lady's fiance, is a horrible genius teenager with infinite depth and strength*, with a frightening personality that can't sleep at night, and acts like mental patients and beasts.

"He's coming!"

The man suddenly said such an inexplicable and endless sentence.

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "He? Who is he?" In fact, he already has a vague answer in his heart.

The man drank all the wine in the glass, and the fierce man carefully poured him a glass. He looked skillful, but he was humble. Zhang Yuan felt that he must have done this often!

A fierce man behaves like a woman, which is quite frustrating. Fortunately, Zhang Yuan's psychological endurance is relatively strong. I didn't drive him crazy.

Zhang Yuan withdrew his eyes from the fierce man, smoked a cigarette, and continued to spit out his smoke ring, waiting for the man to give him an answer. Or, to be more precise, he just wants to confirm what he thinks.

Men's patience has always been very good, and even makes people feel a little excessive and excessive. After a while, he suddenly said, "Actually, I think you should know who he is. Young master, he's coming!"

Zhang Yuan nodded slightly and asked casually, "When?"

The man answered cheerfully this time: "A week later!"

Zhang Yuan nodded slightly and asked, "How long?"

The man obviously understood what he was asking and said, "Don't go!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned and looked at the middle-aged man. He didn't look at him, but continued to drink his golden wine and smoke his Havana cigars!

Zhang Yuan smoked a few cigarettes, crushed the remaining cigarette butts in the ashtray, and asked, "How's it going?"

The middle-aged man didn't say anything, just took a look at the hot beauty. The beautiful woman handed a file bag to Zhang Yuan with a charming smile and said coquettishly, "Little handsome man, it's all in there!" Take out and have a look at your goods!"

The beautiful woman's words are very ambiguous, her expression is more ambiguous, and her posture is more ambiguous. Zhang Yuan looked at her with a smile, reached out and pinched her chin, and said lightly, "If you have time, I'll have a good look." However, you have to do it yourself!"

After saying that, he picked up the file bag and stood up. He walked to the door and then turned around and said, "I heard that he is crazy and perverted. I like crazy people and perverts, which are challenging to play. Hahaha."

Zhang Yuan laughed wildly, and the beautiful woman and ** looked at each other and looked incredible. And the man, after frowning, suddenly laughed, not a wild smile, but a faint smile.

When Zhang Yuan returned to the VIP room No. 1, Song Xixi and Bai Runrun had already left. Ning Hao was obviously very happy. For the first time, he showed an obscene look and said, "Xiaoyuan, let's play together after playing this!"

Play? What are you playing?" Zhang Yuan asked knowingly.

Ning Hao punched him and said, "Don't pretend to be stupid with me. Although you are young, I know you are definitely not a good bird when I see you like this!"