Prince of Flowers

229 Badou Club

Fill the big pit, fill the big pit, fill it with silver and colorful banknotes. In fact, playing this kind of game is not a game, but coins and courage.

The former, Zhang Yuan is not much compared with these people. But the latter, he has a lot of bubbles!

Everyone played for more than three hours. When the game broke up, there were already a lot of old people in front of Zhang Yuan. According to preliminary estimates, there can be at least one million.

However, Zhang Yuan is not the only winner. In front of Ning Hao and a prince, there is also a lot of money. Although it is not as much as his, it is not much different.

In tonight's card game, three people are big winners, and the rest are losers. However, so many people don't feel much after losing these. Especially the three young people, it's simply nothing, hundreds of thousands of pocket money. It doesn't count!

Zhang Yuan didn't come home this night, but he has said hello to his family, and there is nothing to worry about.

I woke up in a suite and looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock in the morning. He washed and saw that Ning Hao hadn't got up yet, so he said hello to Xiaoyao and left.

An Ruoxi called and asked Zhang Yuan to go to Shuiyue'an.

"Sister, I'm in Beijing now. How can I get to Shuiyue'an?"

"There is also Shuiyue Temple in the capital, don't you know?"

"I really don't know where it is?"

An Ruoxi told Zhang Yuan the specific location and asked him to go to the place before ten o'clock. Master Beauty looked for him.

Before ten o'clock, Zhang Yuan came to Shuiyue'an, and Xianyu was already waiting for him at the door.

I took advantage of the little nun and walked into the inner room with her. Xianyu is used to his hooliganism, without clothes, with an extremely beautiful little body, no shyness, and no evil intention. Except when she can't tease him, she will behave very much. The rest of the time, she is extremely detached and innocent.

The innocence of Xianyu is the innocence of the soul. Her detachment is also a detachment from her heart. Zhang Yuan has no doubt that even if this little nun is thrown into the dirtiest mud pit, she will still come out of the mud like a water lotus!

What is this? This is the realm of life. If she can reach such an ideological realm, the world can no longer change her, but she will affect the people around her!

Zhang Yuan felt that although he had always wanted to turn Xianyu's little nun into a goblin. However, he was still surprised. Although it was only a few short meetings, he still moved her innocence and admired her very much - even this admiration could not delay him from eating other people's little tender tofu.

Zhang Yuan learned a new set of techniques and needles under the beautiful and enchanting torture of the beautiful master and the whip and gentleness of Xianyu. After eating the tender tofu of the little nun of Xianyu, he left Shuiyue'an contentedly and returned to his residence.

Time passed in a hurry. In a blink of an eye, the trip to the capital was over. Zhang Yuan and his party returned to Jincheng, and Jincheng II also started school.

On the first day of school, Zhang Yuan sent Tang Baobao to the class. Seeing that Tang Baobao, a little beauty, was so intimate with him, the male students in the class were envious and jealous, so don't mention it.

Back to their class, the students in the class were very surprised to see Zhang Yuan. Now they don't have any hope to see this buddy who can't see the end of the dragon, but they didn't expect him to come back. The sun really came out from under their buttocks!

The head teacher Feng Huazi saw Zhang Yuan and felt a little strange, but there was nothing special about it. She was used to his random access to the class, regardless of time.

The head teacher glanced outside the class and left. He only nodded slightly to Zhang Yuan's greeting.

Zhang Yuan came to his seat and looked at the little beauty who became more and more beautiful.

Huang Rou was reading. Suddenly, she felt that there was one more person beside her. She was about to look up when she suddenly had a long, soft and warm big hand on her leg. She shuddered, and the ruler in her hand snapped down.

Her movements are quite fast, but unfortunately, Zhang Yuan's movements are faster. Therefore, her ruler did not hit his bad hand, but actually hit her snow-white and beautiful legs. With a crack, she made a red mark, which made her smile in pain!

As soon as Zhang Yuan saw it, he quickly took out the ointment and applied it to his fingers to help her rub it. After a few times, she didn't hurt, but his hand didn't take back.

Huang Rou came with another ruler and stared at him, and then he withdrew his hand with a smile. He whispered, "Tonight, I'll go to your house to treat you. Take off your clothes and wait for me.

Huang Rou cursed in a low voice, "Bad hooligan, get out!" But his face turned red, and he nodded to him paradoxically and responded to this matter.

The bell rang, and the students in the class hurried back to the classroom. Then, the head teacher came in with a smile on his face.

After standing up and saying hello, Fenghuazi began to call the name. After the name, Fenghuazi said, "Classmates, several students in our class have achieved good results in the essay competition during the make-up class and participated in the rematch on behalf of the school, and I don't say that everyone knows the most outstanding performance, that is Zhang Yuan !"

The students in the class applaud Zhang Yuan. No matter who it is, it is a great thing to have such a famous writer!

"Zhang Yuan not only won the championship of the essay competition, but also became popular all over the country, inside and outside the Great Wall. His articles have now been reprinted or translated by the media of many countries. It is likely that he will become a world-class best-selling writer in the near future!"

He was a little flattered by the exaggeration.

"Next, let Zhang Yuan give you an award-winning speech."

Fenghuazi's words made everyone laugh. Zhang Yuan stood up with a wry smile. Just as he was about to speak, the beautiful woman asked him to go to the podium.

Zhang Yuan came to the podium helplessly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp. The students suddenly felt cold, and even the wind and purple felt breathless.

Zhang Yuan's eyes returned to normal: "Mr. Feng asked me to make an award-winning speech, so I would first thank my father and mother. If it hadn't been for their painstaking feeding, I wouldn't have been who I am today."

The students and Feng Huazi laughed. Zhang Yuan's words "feeding a lot of shit" just now made people laugh.

Zhang Yuan also smiled: "Just kidding, my taste is not that heavy."

Everyone laughed even more. After everyone finished laughing, Zhang Yuan continued to speak: "Actually, I really have nothing to say. I am grateful to Mr. Feng and my classmates. It was you who gave me inspiration, and verbal thanks were useless, so I thought, I would create a literary club called Badou Society. Si is talented, learns to be rich, and accepts all knowledgeable people.