Prince of Flowers

270 Jiangtan recalls the past

There are many people who are ready to move and want to find an opportunity to get rid of Zhang Ziqiang, a very threatening newcomer, but few people know the toughness behind him*. With their strength, they are hitting the stone with egg and pure death!

When Zhang Yuan came to Ziqiang Logistics, Zhang Ziqiang was punching in the yard with his generally young men. Zhang Yuan taught them eight-step boxing.

Zhang Ziqiang's men are no stranger to Zhang Yuan and know that Zhang Yuan and Zhang Ziqiang are good friends. More, they don't know, and Zhang Ziqiang and Zhang Yuan don't intend to let them know this.

Zhang Yuan and these little shrimps nodded and went to his office on the second floor of the logistics company's office with Zhang Ziqiang.

After Zhang Ziqiang greeted Zhang Yuan to sit down, he asked, "Brother Yuan, what do you drink? Soda or beer?"

Zhang Yuan said, "Sui, is it Gervas?"

Zhang Ziqiang nodded and brought him a bottle of iced Gevas soda. He took a five-star beer himself. The two drank separately and didn't talk for a long time.

Zhang Ziqiang said first, "Brother Yuan, you have been to the south for so long. I heard that the electronic products there are very cheap. Really?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "Really, the TV and washing machines over there are much cheaper than ours, and the price difference is very big. However, the food and drink there are very expensive. What, Qiangzi, do you want to do business in electronic products?

Zhang Ziqiang said, "There is such an idea. You see, we have so much money on our books now, and I have made a lot of money from there. It's useless to put the money here, and you don't need it on your side. Let me think, it's better to do some more business and make more money. Let these brothers live a better life. In case Brother Yuan has a place where you are in urgent need of money in the future, I can also help you make up!"

Zhang Yuan patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Okay, Qiangzi, I agree with you very much. I think you can simply get a sales department, transport the goods from the south and the goods from the north to the south, and you will earn the middle price difference. This is a good business. If you don't have enough money, take it from me!"

Zhang Ziqiang said with a rare smile, "No, Brother Yuan. There is enough money, but there are still people missing. People here can fight, and business is not as good as one! Brother Yuan, your vision is the most accurate. Find a few people for me.

Zhang Yuan said with a wry smile, "I'm also short of manpower here. Well, it seems that I have to find some people to come back. It's not a solution just now. Well, don't worry, I'll settle the formalities and vehicles first, and I'll solve the personnel matters for you!"

The two chatted for a while and went to the river to catch fish for a while. Zhang Yuan saw that it was late, so he went there with Zhang Ziqiang*, called Luo Tong and Niu Jiqing, as well as Huang Routang Baby and Song Xixi, and went to Jiangtan for dinner together. By the way, they had a good night.

Originally, Zhang Yuan planned to call his women, but they were all too busy to go. That's good. They are all of the same age and have more fun.

It's not the first time for Song Xixi and everyone to meet. During this period of time, she has often gone to * to play, and everyone is no stranger to her. Moreover, she is still a friend of Zhang Yuan. Although everyone can't figure out how they can become friends, Zhang Yuan has told them to get along well, so they are also familiar with each other.

Huang Rou and Tang Bao and Song Xixi get along well, but Song Xixi's personality is a little sparse. As for the three boys, not to mention, they can't be compared with the two little girls who get along with them!

This is Song Xi's temperament. In Zhang Yuan's memory, her only friends seem to be Bai Runrun and Ning Hao, but to be more precise, in fact, they are all her relatives, not pure friends!

Originally, Hua Jin and Xiao Nuan could become Song Xixi's friends, but he destroyed it again. Later, they left here and went to the capital.

Now that you think about it, Zhang Yuan regrets what he did at the beginning. At the same time, he also loved and spoiled Song Xixi, a lonely little girl, because she was the most pitiful and cute little fool.

Zhang Yuan intends to make Song Xixi and Huang Routang's baby get along well. It's better to become her best friend. In that case, when he is not at home, she will not be so lonely and lonely.

After yesterday's incident, the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Tang Baobao Huang Rou has changed a lot. In the past, it was impossible for Baby Tang to accept other women, but now she has accepted it, and there is no psychological barrier. Huang Rou is also more gentle, not as fierce as before.

This is an opportunity for Zhang Yuan to sleep together.

After taking a boat to the river beach, the seven people did not take a taxi. They strolled directly against the golden sunset and the cool breeze.

After walking for a while, they all felt that the tree-lined road next to them was more interesting, so they walked into the woods, stepped on the path paved with cement boards, and wandered to the depths of the woods.

This path was exactly the path that Zhang Yuan and Ye Qingfan walked last time. Seeing the boulder in the woods by the roadside, Zhang Yuan remembered the beautiful night, the beautiful girl, and the beautiful encounter.

The path is still, the woods are still the same, the boulders are still the same, and the Jiangtan Jincheng is still beautiful. However, the beautiful girl on that beautiful night has disappeared and does not know where she is!

Thinking of Ye Qingfan, Zhang Yuan thought of the Tanjiayu people. They all met by him by chance, had an intimate relationship, and had their innocent bodies. However, except for such a love, there seems to be no intersection again!

Ye Qingfan saw it, and he also saw the Tanjiayu man, but he didn't see it!

If you don't see it, there are still good memories and beautiful expectations. After seeing it, there are only memories left, and that beauty seems to have turned into irony.

The fetus in the belly of the Tanjiayu man has become a mystery.

Zhang Yuan sighed, took Song Xixi and Huang Rou's little hands, and said to the extremely delicious Tang Baobao, "Baby, you are not strong enough. I'll carry you. Let's climb the mountain together!"

Baby Tang immediately smiled happily, put on his back with some pride, and hugged his neck tightly. Zhang Yuan took two, carried one, and shouted to the three brothers behind him, "Brother, sister, let's go up the mountain together!"

Everyone shouted and ran to the hill not far ahead.

The more the seven people ran, the more energetic they became. The more they shouted, the more fun they felt, and their hearts were excited and happy. They all ran and shouted desperately, frightening countless birds, insects and wild mandarin ducks, and tourists, rushing to the top of the mountain.