Prince of Flowers

289 Dalong Bay

Zhang Yuan and Huang Rou put the suitcase in Zhang Yuan's room. The two locked the door and washed a mandarin duck bath and did bad things for an hour. Then they put on cooler clothes together, put on sun hats and sunglasses, and took wallets and cameras to play outside.

The wind collection activity will officially start tomorrow. Today's main content is to sign in, and the rest of the time will be arranged by yourself. Free activities!

Outside the hotel is the grove road, the other side of the grove is the beach, and then the vast sea.

Coconut Wind Hotel is the most famous sea-view hotel in Dalong Bay. In front of the hotel is a very beautiful beach.

However, the most beautiful beach in Dalong Bay is not in the urban area, but in Dalong Bay, which is said to be a place for many bold beauties swimming and sunbathing abroad.

Zhang Yuan decided to go there with Huang Rou today, but before going there, he would take a good walk in Dalongwan City.

Dalong Bay used to be a small fishing village, but now it has become a big city with good economic development.

There are many beautiful women on the street. The beautiful women wear very cool clothes. Some of them even wear bikinis, and their white arms and thighs shake makes people's eyes hurt.



"Isn't the beauty beautiful?"

"Well, it looks good."

Zhang Yuan's waist hurt, and he quickly grabbed Huang Rou's little hand: "Wife, I didn't look at it. I'm joking with you. Don't twist me anymore. It's already broken."

"Can you break your skin so thick?"

"No matter how thick my skin is, it is also cell tissue, not atomic structure."

The two quarreled and unconsciously came to a street selling small commodities. Huang Rou was very interested in the special small commodities here, so the two slowed down and strolled slowly on the street.

"Husband, do you think this is fun?"

Huang Rou pointed to some handicrafts made of conch and shells, which looked very cute.

"It's pretty good. Buy a few to play."

"No, I'm going to buy some for the baby and Jingjing to play with."

"Oc well, it's rare that you still remember them."

Huang Rou picked more than 20 things, because the price is not expensive and the shape is unique. She likes it very much.

The stall owner is a young girl. She gives Huang Rou a business card. If Huang Rou still wants it, she can be responsible for mail order.

The bodyguard had an extra bag in his hand. Huang Rou and Zhang Yuan continued to walk around. By the time they went out of the street, Huang Rou had already bought a lot of things.

Zhang Yuan found for the first time that Huang Rou was still a shopaholic.

There is nothing wrong with shopaholics. For rich people like Zhang Yuan, it is drizzle.

However, if this is placed on ordinary people, you may have to vomit blood or sell blood to support such a wife!

"Soft, are you thirsty?"

"Well, I'm a little thirsty, husband, let's go drink that."

There is a string of small bells on Huang Rou's feet, which are very cute when walking.

The yellow and soft legs are slender and tender, and the ankles are thin and moist. The silver bells tied with red rope set off the beautiful legs and snow feet, which feels very attractive!

The yellow and soft toenails are painted with pink colors, and she herself is also pink and tender, which is mouth-watering.

Huang Rou has already attracted other people's attention. Now the bell keeps ringing, which attracts other people's attention more, but she is unaware of it. She doesn't want to be in the limelight.

Natural beauty is hard to give up, and Huang Rou belongs to this kind of beauty disaster!

"Let's go and listen to you."

"Okay, ah."

Huang Rou was very happy and took Zhang Yuan to a place selling cold drinks, where many flavors of coconut juice were sold.

"Husband, what flavor do you want?"

"Well, you can give me which one you like."

Huang Rou looked at it and said, "Boss, can you give me two original coconut juices? Is it sweet?"

The boss's wife is a young girl, joking: "It must be sweet, but you are definitely not as sweet as a girl."

Huang Rou's face turned red, and it was a beautiful thing to praise people, but she felt very embarrassed in front of so many strangers.

The cold drink will be ready soon. Huang Rou and Zhang Yuan sat under the sunshade and drank slowly. The people next to them secretly looked at the two people, mainly looking at Huang Rou. Her beautiful legs and snow feet were too seductive.

"This pony is so tender, with bells hanging on it, Mao, what do you think?"

"Brother Guang has a good eye. I'm going to play with her today."

A boy came to the table and sat down on Zhang Yuan and Huang Rou. The chair was broken, and a beam plunged into his back door. Suddenly, he let out a earth-shaking scream!

Several of the boy's accomplices immediately rushed over. Originally, they thought it was acting, but when they saw that they really penetrated in, they didn't dare to neglect and quickly called the emergency phone.

"Kid, why did you hurt my brother?"

The boy with yellow hair looked sideways at Zhang Yuan, but more eyes fell on Huang Rou's body.

Beauty is a disaster. It's true. Where there are beautiful women, there will be trouble.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuan is now used to this troublesome life, and he also has the ability to deal with all kinds of troubles. If he is an ordinary person, it is really challenging to have a beautiful woman like Huang Rou, but for Zhang Yuan, this is just as easy and simple as breathing.

Zhang Yuan didn't pay attention to such a small ruffian at all. The bodyguards around him can solve these small problems for him anytime and anywhere.

However, Zhang Yuan doesn't want to bother others. He likes to be self-reliable and deal with everything he can handle by himself.

"Ky, if you want to trouble me, prepare for bad luck first. One leg is the least, and you may be disabled for life."

"Nima, how dare you scare me, ah."

"If you dare to play with me, you have lived enough!"

Zhang Yuan looked at the boy who stepped on the bodyguard: "Spent a leg and throw it into the sea."

The bodyguard meticulously carried out the task assigned by Zhang Yuan and soon returned to his life.

"Well, that's good. That's it. If these blind people also want to die, tell me directly that I will fulfill your great wish to go to the West to get scriptures!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, several of them quickly fled.

The ambulance came soon. At this time, Zhang Yuan and Huang Rou had already left the cold drink shop and took a bus to Dalongwan Beach.

Zhang Yuan and Huang Rou went to Dalongwan Beach by bus, which is also a very famous scenic spot now. Although it is not in the city, there are many people who go there to hunt or play.

There were many people on the bus. Zhang Yuan and Huang Rou had no seats. In order not to give people to eat tofu, Zhang Yuan circled Huang Rou in his arms and stood in a corner.

Many people are secretly looking at Huang Rou, some people whispering, and some people come forward.

Several tattooed men came to Zhang Yuan's side. Zhang Yuan looked back at them and said, "Get away."

"Nima, who are you talking to? No, don't do that."

The hunting knife in the bodyguard's hand is aimed at the soft ribs, and at least half of the life is pierced with one knife. If a small life is not guaranteed!