Prince of Flowers

306 has a sense of justice

The consequences of getting into trouble with Luo Zhixin are more serious than getting into trouble with Second Master Luo.

Second Master Luo protects the child, and Luo Zhi's new method is fierce!

Now that Luo Dashao has suffered such a serious injury, today's matter is not easy to do, but he has to take care of it if it is not easy to do. This is his duty. It is impossible for him to escape. He can't deal with this matter himself, so he can only call to ask how to deal with this matter.

The * of Coconut Wind Hotel is very powerful, and Luo Da Shao's * is also powerful. Only the director of the police station is not strong. The director of the municipal bureau is not a headache to deal with such a difficult thing, because he is definitely going to talk to the Coconut Wind Hotel. The disobedient deputy director is finished, and he will arrange obedient people next. When he came up, the person who arranged to come up was a branch director, and the vacant position had to be held by the director of the police station, so he had to support his own people in this matter.

The director said, "Don't hesitate. Isn't it a serious beating now? That young master Luo should have been shot a long time ago. Now it happens to be an opportunity to do this thing. As for the second son of Luo, he doesn't have to pay attention to him at all. Now it's not the old society. If he wants to be a master, he wants to die. If he really doesn't want to live, I will definitely fulfill him."

After hearing this, the head of the police station immediately had a clear mind. He put down the phone and said, "These people will be taken away for me. You will also go to the bureau to cooperate with the investigation. Anyway, I will give you a fair one."

As soon as the police chief was about to take people away, the people of the criminal police brigade rushed in and wanted to take them away without saying a word. The police chief frowned and said, "Captain, aren't you under the management of the municipal bureau? The director has ordered me to deal with this matter just now. Are you sure you want to take someone away?

The captain of the criminal police was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't know that the director knew about it. If the director really knew about it, it would be a little difficult to do.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the captain said, "I'll report this to the director. You don't have to worry about it."

The director shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, it's not your turn to report this matter. This is my jurisdiction. Anyone who wants to cross the area to handle the case is not in compliance without my permission. We must take it away and take it away!"

The captain was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly asked people to take Luo Zhixin's group away. At the same time, he also handcuffed the security personnel of the Yefeng Hotel, and some of them also took action. As a result, the security personnel of the hotel were angry and knocked down all the criminal police under the leadership of the security captain. The captain of the criminal police wanted to pretend to be a grandson and beat them violently. Get up and hand it over to the police chief and take it away!

The matter finally came to an end, but this was actually just the beginning of a thing. The next day, when Zhang Yuan got up from the pile of fat powder and went out to exercise, he saw police cars outside. When he asked the beautiful welcome guests of the hotel, he knew that something had happened to the hotel last night.

Last night, the security captain of the hotel had a quarrel with the guests and was killed in the early morning. Now the police are dealing with the scene. It is said that he died miserably. He was stabbed dozens of times, and he couldn't see the human form!

As soon as Zhang Yuan heard this, an unknown fire appeared in his heart. He knew that this must have been done by the Second Master Luo. His son killed a man and was invalidated with one hand. He turned around and killed him. It was so rampant that he must kill this bastard!

Zhang Yuan admitted that his sense of justice began to overflow, and he was determined to kill this son of a bitch, no matter what method he used, as long as he achieved his goal.

Zhang Yuan felt that it was meaningless to kill a second master Luo. If he wanted to kill all the bastards around him, he would catch all the bastards around him. Otherwise, there will definitely be wildfires in the future, and the spring breeze will blow again.

There is a saying that the evil must be eliminated. If the evil cannot be eliminated, the disaster may be more serious than when it was not eliminated. In order to avoid this situation, Zhang Yuan must kill all the bad guys!

Zhang Yuan took a look at Second Master Luo. When he came back from work out for dinner, he watched the news and saw a piece of news. The police chief who took Luo Zhixin away yesterday was exterminated last night. All four generations and more than 20 people in the family were brutally killed. There is no human nature. In short, that's not something that can do.

But what made Zhang Yuan even more angry was that the case had been solved. It was done by two escaped fugitives. The two fugitives were originally sent to the police chief to prison. They escaped from prison for revenge. Now the two prisoners have been killed, that is to say, the bloody case has been closed!

It's not terrible to kill people. What's terrible is that there is no trace of doing things. This second master Luo is not only a bastard, but also a very difficult bastard!

On TV, Comrade Captain is being interviewed. The two escaped murderers brought to his death. He has made great contributions and seems to make progress!

Zhang Yuan looked at the TV and was angry. He smashed the TV screen with an ashtray and smoked for a while. Ye Qingfan came in and saw that the TV screen was broken. She asked, "What's the matter? Who provoked you so angry?"

Zhang Yuan looked at the smiling Ye Qingfan: "Your employees died for the benefit of the hotel. Why don't you look sad at all? It's really cold-blooded!"

Ye Qingfan was stunned when he heard the words, and then restrained his smile and said, "So that's what you said. It seems that you have a sense of justice. My employees killed two people. How can I not care about this matter, but I don't have to make myself look bitter. That's too pretentious."

Zhang Yuan said, "That second master Luo is really awesome. I have never seen such a cruel person in my life. No, he is not a human. He can't do such a thing. He is just a beast."

Ye Qingfan sighed, "No matter who he is, he can listen to the sky, and there is an uncle who will soon become the highest decision-making level. If you are him, I guess you will feel awesome."

Zhang Yuan heard the words and said, "No wonder he will be so arrogant, but I hope his uncle knows that he has done such a thing, and he will definitely not recognize him as a nephew. He is an inhuman beast at all. Normal people can't coexist with such a beast!"

Ye Qingfan said, "That's right, but it's really unknown how the big man will deal with this matter."

Zhang Yuan knew that Ye Qingfan was telling the truth, so he stopped talking, but he would not give up his idea and must destroy the bastard of Second Master Luo!

Ye Qingfan took Huang Rou and others out to play again. Zhang Yuan went to the construction site. When he arrived at the construction site, he found that there was a look like yesterday. Now it was a mess. The tower crane fell to the ground, and the whole construction site seemed to have been looted.