Prince of Flowers

312 Conan Corbe

On the homepage of Tianyuan Literature Network, there is a special topic of the 100-day establishment of Literature Network.

This topic includes text content such as website review, author review, reader review, book reviewer review, editorial review, etc.

At the same time, there is also a large-scale award-winning essay solicitation activity to celebrate the opening of the station. The essay winners will not only receive generous rewards, but also directly participate in the annual meeting of the website at the end of the year.

This essay hung up a week ago, and the click rate and * volume of the website immediately soared sharply. The effect is very good, but it is also a development and reading opportunity for authors and readers!

On the homepage of Literature Network, there is also an announcement of the opening of is a website specializing in selling various published works on Tianyuan Literature Network. At the same time, it also sells derivative products of some websites, which are exclusively sold.

yan sheng products have been sold a month ago, and the sales volume is rising. Tianshu sells these products online, which can better serve customers better.

Zhang Yuan went to and found that the traffic was very strong, which was expected, but there were still some gaps with his expectations. However, today is still a long time. He has to look at the 24-hour traffic and the number of orders to see if he can achieve the expected effect!

If Tianyuan Literature Network is Zhang Yuan's test of the network IT industry, then there is no doubt that the test has succeeded. is Zhang Yuan's second water test.

In Zhang Yuan's concept, these two are just culture-based online industries, and his next step is the shopping website and online game industry.

In fact, Zhang Yuan's Tianyuan Age Festival is for online game novels. Now many companies want to buy game adaptation rights, but he has no intention of doing it.

Tianyuan Times Network Technology Company was established as early as three months ago. When Zhang Yuan uploaded the Tianyuan Age Festival, he had already told the design team the story structure and main ideas, and the design team began to design the game.

Zhang Yuan has been paying attention to the progress of the design, and the design will be successful in the next two days.

Zhang Yuan walked around twice, felt it, and put forward some suggestions for improvement to the technicians. The technicians immediately improved it and felt it again, so he withdrew from

Zhang Yuan entered the literature network again, read the update of Night Ambiguity and wrote a comment.

Zhang Yuan is not only the most popular author on Literature Network, but also the sharpest book reviewer. Many people like to read his book reviews.

As soon as Zhang Yuan finished writing the book review, Conan's head lit up.

Conan: Fengda, it's rare to see you online.

Zhang Yuan: I forgot to be invisible. In fact, I am there many times, but you may not be there when I am.

Conan: Fengda, your book review is really beautiful. When can I have your writing skills?

Zhang Yuan: You and I are not in the same style at all. I can't learn your style, and I can't learn your style, so you still don't want to learn from my style. I can learn from your style.

Conan: Why? Why can't I learn from your style of writing?

Zhang Yuan: My style of writing is very complicated, and it doesn't matter if it tastes a little more. It's like a hodgepodge, and I don't care about the richer taste. But your style is very unique and pure. If you have one more flavor, it is like a little seafood soy sauce and mustard mixed with white sugar tomatoes. The taste is not only strange, but also unpalatable.

Conan: Thank you for your praise.

Zhang Yuan: Just call me Brother Feng. It's not a big deal. Even if you are big, you are also the future literary boss. I'm old and can't be compared with a little Zhengtai like you.

Conan: I'm not young anymore. Compared with those little kids, I'm already an old man. The little girls in our class said that I'm a little anxious.

Zhang Yuan: Ha ha, that's what the female students in our class said. It seems that we have the same compassion.

Conan: That's not called pity for the same disease, but pity for each other.

Zhang Yuan: Well, heroes have similar opinions, Conan, I heard that your nightlife is very rich. You can't learn well at a young age. Pay attention to your health.

Conan: Which prodigal has ruined my reputation and slandered my glorious image? I am a good child, and I don't have any nightlife at all. Occasionally, I also write novels.

Zhang Yuan: You are still young. Don't stay up too late. It's not good for your health. If you have nothing to do, go out and get some fresh air. It's too early for you to be an otaku now.

Conan: Brother Feng, I want to go to Jincheng. My sister works there. Can I meet you?

Zhang Yuan: No problem, come here. I will treat you well as a landlord.

Conan: That's great, Brother Feng. I've arrived at Jincheng Airport now, and I'll go to Tianyuan headquarters in a minute. Where are you?

Zhang Yuan: I'm at school, Jincheng No. 2 Middle School.

Conan: Ah, by the way, Brother Feng is still a high school student. Hey, a high school student with a fortune of more than 100 million yuan, a literary giant, is really awesome. Are there many beautiful girls in your school?

Zhang Yuan: As many as cow hair. Haven't you heard a word?

Conan: What are you talking about?

Zhang Yuan: There are many beautiful women in Jincheng and many beautiful women in Bincheng.

Conan: I haven't heard of it. It feels like a copycat.

Zhang Yuan: Nonsense, absolutely original.

Conan: My sister is here. It's over. I'll contact you in the evening.

Conan went offline. Zhang Yuan smiled. He knew Ke Bei, who was a very sharp beauty. Being her younger brother must be under a lot of pressure.

Zhang Yuan read a few more books, checked the chapters he wrote and uploaded them, and then entered his email to see if there was anything.

There are not many people who know Zhang Yuan's mailbox. They are all beautiful women around him.

Wang Shu sent an email, all of which were photos taken by her in Switzerland. She went there to work and traveled by the way.

Zhang Yuan wanted to call Wang Shu, but considering the jet lag, she should be sleeping now, or she should not call, which will affect her rest.

Zhang Yuan was thinking about Wang Shu, and Wang Shu called.

"Sister Shushu, why aren't you sleeping yet? Do you miss me?"

"Don't stink. My friends and I are drinking."

Zhang Yuan heard the bustling voice: "Why is it so noisy?"

"My former classmates came here and are all gathering here."

"Boys and girls."

"I knew you would definitely ask this. They are all girls. You don't know what kind of person I am. I'm suspicious."

"I'm not a suspect, I'm full of distrust of foreign devils."

"Ha ha, don't talk nonsense. My friend is listening nearby. He is your loyal reader."

"I have foreign readers?"

A magnetic voice sounded: "Qing Feng, I really haven't found that you still have a tendency to be racist in your work."

"Who are you? You still have a Beijing accent."

"I'm Shushu's classmate Sarana."