Prince of Flowers

318 introspective

It is not surprising that Zhang Yuan knows this, because he is the head of the dragon thorn, and the dragon thorn holds information that many ordinary people in Jincheng can't know.

But Zhang Yuan knows this because he is a super hacker himself. I'm afraid that there is no hacker hacker than him in this world!

Wen Xiaoya herself is the focus of Zhang Yuan, and it is normal to know that she has seen some content that others don't know and haven't seen.

Zhang Yuan stood up and walked leisurely outside the Internet cafe.

The girls met such a person for the first time. After a brief ideological struggle, they trotted and chased them out and dropped their eyes.

They blocked Zhang Yuan on the small bridge not far from the Internet cafe. Wen Xiaoya looked left and right: "This is not a place to talk. Come with us."

Zhang Yuan shook his head: "You are fine, but I have something to do. I'm sorry to excuse you."

Zhang Yuan took a step and bumped into Wen Xiaoya. She said, "You can't go. You can make things clear, otherwise we will be endless today."

"See you soon."

Zhang Yuan smiled faintly, mysteriously.

Wen Xiaoya pondered: "I'll give you 5,000 yuan, to make it clear. At the same time, don't mention it in the future. Don't blame me for not reminding you that there are not many people who dare to speak to us lions in this land of Jincheng. You are one. But you are still alive now. You are the only one who can do it!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Don't threaten me. I don't hold the handle in your hands, but you have secrets in my hands!"

As soon as Zhang Yuan flashed, he escaped from the encirclement of the little beauties and strode across the bridge. Seeing that he was about to blend into the vast sea of people on the bustling street, the girls looked at each other and nodded helplessly. Wen Xiaoya immediately shouted, "Eight thousand!"

"It's almost the same."

Zhang Yuan immediately stopped and stood there waiting for them to come over.

The girls were confused by Zhang Yuan. They didn't know how he knew his own affairs. His secret was known by a stranger, and his heart was particularly unsteady.

When the girls came to Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan immediately became the most eye-catching focus of this 100-meter radius. There was no choice but to let him have a few beautiful girls beside him.

In fact, these little beauties are Lori, but in fact, it is not true. Although Wen Xiaoya and others are all caused by Lori's age, appearance, and overnutrition, their bodies are already in a girlhood or even more advanced stage. The contrast between the angel's face and devil's figure forms a strong attraction, which is abnormally attracts the coveted eyes of males.

Zhang Yuan is not used to being lively. He said bluntly, "Give me the money, and I will keep a secret for you. Otherwise, your secret will become a well-known topic."

When it came to this, several little beauties had no choice. Wen Xiaoya took a look nearby and happened to have a 24-hour ATM, so she pointed to it: "We don't have so much cash in our hands. Let's go to the ATM and give it to you right away."

Zhang Yuan nodded. Now he is actually bored and looking for something to do. By the way, he earns some extra money and kills two birds with one stone!

The bank is very close, and it is a journey that can't even be used for a minute to cross the road.

Several little beauties took their hands and ran over when the car was short. There were no traffic lights here, so they could only find time to cross the road. Zhang Yuan had not crossed the road with so much traffic. These iron-shell cars gave him a very annoying feeling. He looked ahead and accelerated his pace, but he couldn't prevent a Porsche sports car from suddenly rushing out of the corner and hitting him!

Several little beauties screamed and exclaimed. People who saw this scene also had a similar reaction. They all thought that Zhang Yuan must be finished and would be seriously injured if he did not die.

The road is not human, and the car is not human. Zhang Yuan did not see the scene in front of him in advance. He just instinctively ran against the car, jumped up and jumped on the car at the moment before the sports car hit him. His hands reached the windshield with his knees, and he jumped up and jumped into the convertible car.

The driver was a dage of Wen Xiaoya. He originally planned to perform a driving skill in front of Wen Xiaoya, but he didn't want to encounter such a thing. He saw that the boy jumped into the car and stepped on the brakes. At the same time, his face had been hit fiercely and heavily. His head suddenly went blank, but his eyes were full of paint. Black.

This can feel that he is constantly being attacked, but he can't react at all. The other party keeps hitting him on the head. He can't condense into action at all, so he can only passively be beaten.

Zhang Yuan didn't stay and didn't want to tease those little beauties anymore, so he went to the alley to the mountain outside the city to climb the mountain!

Time flies by, and it is a day in a blink of an eye.

The glow is like blood, the twilight is getting heavier, and the mountains and forests are infinitely deep, giving people an incomparable sense of mystery.

Zhang Yuan climbed to the top of a small mountain with his hands and feet, blowing the cool night breeze. After finding a stone and sitting down, he didn't want to move anymore.

Zhang Yuan enjoys the feeling of this moment very much. This feeling of traveling alone is very wonderful.

Zhang Yuan has always been surrounded by beautiful women, and he is used to hugging soft jade and fragrance left and right. Although this kind of life is warm and beautiful, it lacks the freedom and freedom when he is alone, let alone the deep thinking when he is lonely.

In fact, people are destined to be lonely animals. Only when they are lonely can they better see themselves, recognize their value, and know who they are, where they are, what their value is, and what they can do!

Some things, if you don't think well when you are alone, you will be affected by many things outside the body, so that there is less correct judgment.

Zhang Yuan feels that today's trip is a very right choice. He should do such a trip every once in a while, so that he can continue to settle down and not be lost by the glamorous life and lose his heart.

Life is endless, self-reflection!

Zhang Yuan stayed on the top of the mountain for a long time before he got up and continued to move forward and came to the highway.

Now that the sky has completely darkened, and the moon has just climbed up the treetops from the east. The situation at this time is very beautiful and charming. This is also the best time for criminals to commit crimes, so this period is the easiest time for stories to happen!

Maybe because of its remote location, there are almost no vehicles passing by on this road, and the silence is very depressed.

Zhang Yuan sat on the edge of the road and waited for the ride to come. He was not in a hurry.