Prince of Flowers

321 Qingling

"You have stinky feet. Let go of me, you stinky hooligan, oh, look at the road!"

Wen Xiaoya was so scared that she closed her eyes and drifted again. Maserati turned a big corner, thrilling and exciting, and almost drove into the deep pit by the roadside!

Wen Xiaoya opened her eyes and found that nothing had happened. She touched her beating heart and pulled back her legs and said, "You are such a madman. I thought I was crazy enough, but I am still a normal person than you. I have never seen you drive like this. Your heart is going to jump out of your chest."

"It's exciting to play. Why, I thought you dared to play, but now it doesn't seem to work. By the way, where on earth are you going?"

"Qingling, do you know where it is?"

Zhang Yuan braked sharply and almost shot Wen Xiaoya out of the front of the car. She covered her painful forehead and hit the windshield and said, "You're crazy. How can you drive?"

Zhang Yuan said, "You're crazy. If you hadn't told me where to go earlier, you had already started and had to go back."

Zhang Yuan shook his tail, and ten minutes later, he went to a fork in the road. Wen Xiaoya was still rubbing her forehead, and a big bag appeared on it.

Zhang Yuan stopped the car, rubbed her hands, rubbed her forehead, and the bag suddenly disappeared. She didn't feel any pain, but it was still a little red.

Wen Xiaoya took a look in the rearview mirror and said in surprise, "My God, how did you do it? Are you really a master outside the world?"

Zhang Yuan continued to drive and said, "It's just something that can light the side door, such as a foreign master, that's all fling things. Well, you can call your car and those two bastards quickly."

Wen Xiaoya spit out her tongue, obediently took out Zhang Yuan's mobile phone and called home. She solved the problem in a minute. After hanging up the phone, she said, "Oh, this is still a new mobile phone. Where did you buy it?"

"It's a gift from the event."

"How old is your sister?"

"It's similar to you, but more beautiful and cute than you!"

"Get out of here, you really can't talk. I curse you that you can't find a wife all your life!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "If you cursed, it should have been a little earlier. If it had been a few years ago, it would have been too late now. I not only have wives, but also concubines and lovers, all of whom are more beautiful and cute than you, and they will not make money. Don't worry, even if they don't want me, I won't wrong myself. As a wife, you can rest assured to give yourself to the passing beggar fool!"

"Get out of here!"

Wen Xiaoya laughed at Zhang Yuan and kicked him again. As a result, she reached out to grab him again, and took off her little shoes with her fingers and held the cold little feet in her hand. Yingying couldn't bear to hold, three inches of golden lotus!

"Let go of me, why are you such a hooligan?"

Wen Xiaoya was so close to a man for the first time. His hands were like a fire, which made her body hot. The previous high itching began to flow in her body again. Her eyes were blurred and watery, and she was a little emotional!

"The jade bone ice muscle is cool and sweatless. Your feet are so cold, I guess there is some lack of qi and blood. Will your stomach hurt in those days?"

Zhang Yuan played with that tender and exquisite little foot for him, and Wen Xiaoya made his body crisp and his heart was also confused. Hearing the words, he was ashamed and said, "You big man is always thinking about what to do about women's affairs. What's really wrong."

Zhang Yuan didn't think so: "It's very simple, because I still have a profession as a doctor. If you don't treat this problem for a long time, it will definitely lead to infertility in the future."

"It's impossible. My family is like this, but my grandmother still gave birth to my mother, and my mother still gave birth to me and my sister. Don't talk nonsense. The more you say, the more shallow you appear. I have begun to despise you."

Wen Xiaoya pulled back her feet and put them in the shoes. The shoes that were originally comfortable suddenly became cold and hard, which could not be compared with his palm at all.

Wen Xiaoya was sad and then was shocked. She didn't expect that she would like Zhang Yuan a little, or fall in love with his hand. If it had been holding his little feet for him, it should be a five-star enjoyment.

Nowadays, it is popular to keep a child. Wen Xiaoya also wants to raise a child for fun, but she has never found a good partner. Now she finds that she has finally found a partner who can take care of a child, Zhang Yuan is quite suitable.

"Hey, Zhang Yuan, what about you, boy."

"Why, don't play hooligans with me."

Zhang Yuan was a little uncomfortable with Wen Xiaoya's careless appearance and thought it was very funny. Wen Xiaoya's beautiful black and white eyes stared at him and said, "How much does it cost to support you for a month?"

Ah? Do you want to take care of me?"

"That's right, let's make a price?"

"If you make me evil every day, I can give you money."

"Get out of here, you are a bitch. The ghost makes you suffer every day. I let you work for me. It's so beautiful!"

Wen Xiaoya's face is very hot. In fact, she has begun to imagine what it would be like to harm Zhang Yuantian every day. In fact, she has always been curious about things between men and women, but her self-control is good. She has not tasted the taste of being a woman for a long time like the women around her. Some I have already read three-digit men!

For Wen Xiaoya's daughters in this circle, it is not a rare thing to read countless men, but Wen Xiaoya and several best friends usually talk nonsense that they have not practiced or found a suitable object for practice.

It's not a bad thing for women to love yourself!

A light appeared in front of him, and Zhang Yuan said, "Qingling has arrived. What are you doing here to buy live fish?"

"Does Qingling sell live fish?"

"Nonsense, then why do you think this place is called this name?"

The sports car soon entered Qingling, and the speed has slowed down. The night here is very prosperous, and the town looks not small, and it feels like a small city.

Qingling is very ancient. Zhang Yuan has been here several times before and feels that it has not changed much from before. It is still those old flying eaves and painting buildings. However, if such a place really becomes a modern place, it will not be interesting. It is the best to be antique. He likes this place.

"This is Qingling. It's really beautiful. No wonder Feifei asked me to come here to play."

Although Wen Xiaoya looks fashionable, she is actually a very ancient woman, which can be seen from her likes to wear cheongsam and antique high heels.

"You are from Jincheng. Have you ever heard of this place?"