Prince of Flowers

323 Night Encounter

It didn't take long for Zhang Yuan to return to Jincheng. Tang Beibei called and told him that he was fine, so that he didn't have to worry about coming back and his little daughter's house.

Zhang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry. He came back. She said what's the use of these.

Zhang Yuan called Tang Beibei, and the little girl may have rested and turned off the phone.

Zhang Yuan took a look at the city not far away. It was dark, and only a few candlelight swayed, as if the power had been cut off!

The sparse light does not give people a sense of light, but makes people feel a little ghostly.

Zhang Yuan yawned and took a shortcut back to Prajna Temple.

Through a forest, over a high wall in the way, another forest, he walked through the forest.

Zhang Yuan's movements are very agile. Even if he does not raise the speed to the extreme, he is as light as a wild cat and as agile as a cheetah.

The dark sky is like day in Zhang Yuan's eyes, without any gloomy feeling.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan stopped and dodged behind the tree. The two men came out of the trees next to him with flashlight and almost passed by.

The two men didn't look like serious people. They were silent and hurried.

Zhang Yuan happened to go in that direction, so he followed the two people and walked forward slowly until he walked out of the woods and came to a small street.

The small street is dark and deep, and there are several alleys in it.

The night is thick, the alley is dark, and the visibility is extremely low.

The drizzle was like silk, and the night wind was gusty. A beautiful girl came with an umbrella and pressed the corner of her skirt.

Zhu Xingyu frowned and walked in the dark alley. Perhaps because she had learned to dance since she was a child, her posture was light and beautiful, and her raised head set off her arrogance and reservedness.

During the day, it rained heavily, and Jincheng turned into a water city. Although the water has entered the sewer or drainage ditch now, the electricity has not yet come. The originally brightly lit provincial capital is now dark except for a few high-rise buildings with its own electricity.

The light emitted by those candles or small light sources not only cannot illuminate the darkness, but also becomes darker and stronger.

With the light of the small supermarket at the entrance of the alley, Zhu Xingyu walked carefully, and the slate road under her feet was incomplete and smooth. Even if she was wearing sneakers, she still felt uneasy under her feet.

Zhu Xingyu regretted that he didn't go back to Jinshui Manor at night. There was a backup power supply, which was not only bright and safe. When he returned home, he could also play games online and swim in hot springs. What a wonderful weekend night.


Zhu Xingyu sighed. Fortunately, at the end of the alley was her grandmother's house, otherwise she would not have the courage to continue walking and immediately ran back to the street to take a taxi home.

Zhu Xingyu has seen the dim yellow light from the window of her grandmother's house. It was her grandmother lighting an antique oil lamp. Thinking that Grandma was guarding the old house alone and waiting for her granddaughter to return home, her depression and irritation in her heart were swept away and turned into a cavity of admiring tenderness.

There was a awning on his head, and the road under his feet became flat and dry. Zhu Xingyu accelerated his pace, hummed a light song, and his mood became beautiful.

"Little baby, it's really watery. There must be a lot of water to play. Haha, I'm lucky tonight!"

"It looks like a baby. I'm going to lick the soup. You lick the plate!"

Two masked people suddenly jumped out of the dark corner and stopped Zhu Xingyu with incompetent words. They all held snowy sharp knives in their hands and flashed in the dark light.

Zhu Xingyu was shocked, but she immediately realized what had happened, and she also recognized that this person was one of several small ruffians who often wandered nearby. She didn't know the name. She only knew that the nickname of this little ruffian was glass flower, and this miscellaneous eyes were a little glassy.

Zhu Xingyu knew that they were not coming well. She forced herself to calm down and said calmly, "Go quickly. My father and the bodyguard will come here soon. They have arrived nearby when I called just now. It's not too late to leave. If it's later, your life will be over."

"Little boy, don't scare my brother. My brother is so afraid. Come on, kiss my brother."

The glass flower was very obscene. She opened her arms and rushed to Zhu Xingyu. Zhu Xingyu smiled brightly and wanted to scream for help. The man next to the glass flower kicked Zhu Xingyu's lower abdomen, and she immediately snorted, and her stomach a terrible pain.

Zhu Xingyu endured the pain and retreated two steps and leaned against the wall. The cold wall made her awake. The glass flowers were empty and scolded his mother. His eyes were fierce. He waved Zhu Xingyu and slapped her again. He slapped the protruding brick corner of the wall, which made him trembling and extremely angry.

The glass flower waved a sharp knife and pierced Zhu Xingyu. Zhu Xingyu was unavoidable and closed his eyes in despair.

Zhu Xingyu didn't wait for the pain to come, but smelled a warm breath of sunshine. A beautiful male voice said, "Scum, just so capable. You have the ability to bully men and women, rubbish!"

Zhu Xingyu thought he had heard it wrong. He opened his eyes and saw that the glass flower and her companions had been lying on the ground. In the dark, he could not see what the teenager who saved her looked like. He could only hear that he should be young.

The teenager stepped on the face of the glass flower and said coldly, "This is not the first time you have done such a thing. People like you should chop and feed wild dogs. Wild dogs may not be willing to eat them. Don't be stunned. Go home quickly. Just leave it to me."

Zhu Xingyu felt that the sound was very familiar. At this time, a bright moon in the night sky showed her face from the clouds. She immediately saw the teenager's face and was stunned: Oh, why is it him!

It turned out to be Zhang Yuan, that boy!

Zhu Xingyu was stunned and was dumbfounded. Zhang Yuan called her a few more times before she woke up like a dream. She was embarrassed to be slapped and blushed with her face. She was very embarrassed!

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Zhang Yuan."

"You're welcome. Go home quickly. Don't walk such a dark road alone in the future. If you are an ugly woman, no one wants to do it. But you are a beautiful woman and you can meet people who are coveted everywhere. You'd better be safe and try not to walk alone at night!"

Zhu Xingyu quickly calmed down, regained his arrogance and arrogance, raised his sharp chin and said, "Thank you for your advice. I will reward you later."

Zhang Yuan saw Zhu Xingyu's behavior. It had already happened. He was about to leave when Zhu Xingyu's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Zhu Xingyu took out his flashing mobile phone from his backpack and said a few words, hung up the phone and put his mobile phone back in his backpack, and stopped Zhang Yuan, who had walked to the entrance of the alley: "Thank you for saving me just now. What kind of reward do you want? Let's talk over there."

Zhu Xingyu glanced at the Qianying standing in her grandmother's yard. It was her sister Zhu Xingying. Seeing that she did not find that she quickly slipped away, she didn't want to see Zhu Xingying's cold poker face, let alone listening to lessons and nagging.