Prince of Flowers

326 Encounter Beauty

Zhang Yuan quietly made a detour and appeared in front of the two people. The shoehorn and the beautiful classmates were shocked, especially the shoehorn. He just said bad things about others, and I don't know if he heard it or not.

"Shoes, say what you just said again. What's wrong with me?"

Although Zhang Yuan is usually honest, he is not the master who can be bullied by everyone. He stared at the shoehorn, and the shoehorn suddenly screamed, "What do you want to do, Zhang Yuan, are you peeking at us? You shameless rogue, I'm going to sue you at the teaching office!"

Zhang Yuan said word by word, "Go ahead, bitch. If you want to flatter others, don't get involved with me. If I hear you again, I'll kill you!"

Zhang Yuan looked at the beautiful classmate for the first time and said calmly, "I know you have always looked down on me, and I also admit that I love you secretly, but Zhang Yuan is not the kind of obscene person. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, but what I just said is true. Zhang Yuan and others all know this matter. If you don't believe it, you can ask. Down."

"Shoes, don't let me hear you chew your tongue, or I will tear your broken mouth. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

After saying that, Zhang Yuan glanced at the shoehorn coldly and strode away. The beautiful classmate looked at the distant thin back and suddenly found that it did not seem to be obscene.

"You can't believe that son of a bitch."

The shoehorn didn't expect that Zhang Yuan would expose her to her face. In the past, this boy was not so bold, let alone once dare to say so. She is now very passive.

The beautiful classmate is not a fool. She just looks very simple. The shoehorn was originally a famous long-tongued woman. Now she thinks of Zhang Yuan's words just now and looks at the panicked look of the shoehorn. She dares to conclude that what Zhang Yuan said is true.

"Shoot, it can't be fake, it can't be fake. I'm going home. Bye."

The beautiful classmate waved away and disappeared in the corner. The shoehorn put down his hand and pooh, "What is it? If it weren't for a face, you wouldn't be as good as me. You will pretend to be noble with me. The day when you made broken shoes!"

The shoehorn took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "Hey, it's me"

"Well, what's the matter?"

The man's voice was very cold, which was completely different from when he rode on her. The shoehorn's heart was cold: "The matter of changing seats for the beautiful classmate was already done, but later it was disturbed by Zhang Yuan. You have to find someone to fix the rogue fiercely. He knows about us."

"What's the matter with us?"

"It's okay, hang up."

The shoehorn hung up the phone, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She felt that she was a person forgotten and cursed by the world. Any unlucky thing could be encountered by her, and good things were caught up by others. The world is really unfair!

The world is indeed unfair, but God doesn't have to be so fair to vicious people.

Zhang Yuan didn't pay attention to what happened just now. In fact, if he hadn't been in a bad mood, he wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to the broken shoehorn, let alone how the beautiful woman looked at him.

Zhang Yuan does not belong to this school, but to his business empire!

Zhang Yuan returned to the original old yard. His family and his family have moved into a new house, and he and Tang Beibei live in the Prajna Temple, which is completely vacant.

However, there are people here cleaning every day, and Zhang Yuan occasionally comes back to live, so the room is very clean.

Zhang Yuan came back to sleep, and he needed a good rest.

When he woke up, Zhang Xiaoli called and asked him to go to Bincheng to pick up a batch of medicine.

Zhang Xiaoli said that the medicine must be quite valuable. He knew that it was the safest to go. Anyway, it was okay. It was not a day or two that he didn't take classes well, so he agreed.

From Jincheng to Bincheng, you can take a plane or train, or drive there by yourself.

Zhang Yuan chose to take a long-distance bus. There is no need to wait for the bus, and he will not make himself tired, let alone experience the feeling of weightlessness!

As soon as Zhang Yuan got on the bus, it began to rain outside. The long-distance bus left the station and drove to Bincheng.

Zhang Yuan looked at the misty and rainy world outside the window and didn't realize the loss of time.

A gust of fragrance came, and Zhang Yuan turned his head and looked. He saw a girl in a black skirt put away her pink umbrella and got into the car. It turned out that the bus had stopped inadvertently, and there was another stop here.

The girl's skin is very white and has a faint moist light, which reminds Zhang Yuan of an idiom: jade bone ice muscle. He believes that her skin must be very cool, smooth and tender, which he can often touch.

Not only is the girl's skin very white, but her clothes are fashionable enough to remind people of movie stars, but she is also very good-looking. It's not just as simple as being beautiful. It makes people feel that she is far higher than beautiful, which is very attractive, but it makes people dare not look at it blatantly.

This made Zhang Yuan think of a lot of adjectives: temperament, noble, elegant, cold, unattainable, self-indecent and so on.

This girl is a great beauty. It is rare to be able to be compared with Zhang Yuan and meet her!

As soon as the beautiful woman got on the car, she attracted everyone's attention, but all her eyes were just greedy and dared not look more. In private, she was speculating about her identity. At the same time, many people hoped that she could sit beside her, whether she was empty or not.

People who think so are naturally men, and Zhang Yuan is also a man. He also expects that beautiful women can sit by his side, just a simple love for beauty.

Unfortunately, when the beauty saw sitting next to Zhang Yuan, a woman in the front row stood up to get out of the car, so the beautiful woman sat there.

Looking at the beautiful woman's snow-white neck and long black hair, although the fragrance was close at hand, Zhang Yuan knew that she was just a hurried passer-by.

We meet occasionally, and the most are passers-by.

Zhang Yuan wanted to take another look at the touching back of the beautiful woman in front of him, but he just controlled himself and did not do this.

Continuing to look out of the window, Zhang Yuan's attention quickly sank into the window and forgot what happened around him, everything!

The car walked and stopped for a while. Zhang Yuan didn't pay attention to these. Anyway, it was the end and he would never overtake it.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan's arm was touched, and the half-sleeved exposed skin felt a wonderful touch of ice, which was fragrant. When he looked up and saw a pair of beautiful eyes like black grapes, he also heard a delicate, crisp and sweet voice: I'm sorry.

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a dream, and his expression was a little trance. He looked straight at others for several minutes and made the beautiful woman's face red, and there was already a flame in his eyes. Then he woke up like a dream. His face was slightly red, and he shook his head gently. Continue to read a book with your head down!

The beautiful woman restrained a faint smile, looked at Zhang Yuan indifferently, put on her headphones, and looked focused with Zhang Yuan, but she closed her eyes and felt more casual.

Zhang Yuan doesn't care about the indifference of beautiful women.

In Zhang Yuan's life, there has never been a lack of this.

Once upon a time, when Zhang Yuan was just a toad, he would never be so calm.

Zhang Yuan remembered a passage he had written before he had a biological potential system: No matter how beautiful the toad is, it is still a toad after all. It will not fly from the puddle gutter mud pond to the branch and become a phoenix. Both amphibians will be trampled on and trampled on. Don't think about ternities or genetic mutations to the beautiful swan princess. It seems that such a thing is a fucking group of people who are dissatisfied with the status quo and daydreaming. Toads should have the awareness of toads, and the highest ideal should not exceed that of frogs.

Lu Yao said that people should have ideals, and sometimes even fantasies.

Many celebrities, philosophers and great men have once said the importance of ideals. Not only ideals, but also dreams and fantasies are very important. That is the driving force for human beings to tirelessly move forward in difficulties!

However, if a person regards ideals, even dreams and fantasies as the goal of lifelong pursuit and ignores the environment and cruel reality, as well as his own conditions, then success is absolutely a miracle, and failure is inevitable.

Like a toad stubbornly wants to become a creature that can match a swan. It doesn't eat meat and becomes a vegetarian. It keeps patting its short forelimbs every day and is doomed not to evolve wings and feathers. If it is obsessed with jumping down from a high place without water, mud and only cement, it will lose its life for nothing and even become a toad. The opportunity for a female toad is lost.

This is the reality that ordinary people have to face. Cruelty is cruel, but if you can be down-to-earth, you will also have a happy life of eating meat in the mud in ordinary water and basking in the grass and flowers from time to time.

It is important for people to have self-knowledge.

People should dream bravely, and people should be self-a clear, which is a contradiction in itself!

Life is full of contradictions, and you can find a balance in contradictions, which is the essence of life!

Zhang Yuan's heart was full of countless thoughts, and finally settled into his heart. He took out a ballpoint pen from his pocket and wrote a sentence on the title page of the book: A toad will never become a swan, and a swan will not marry a toad. If such a thing really happens one day I don't know what kind of thing it will be called a toad's father and a swan's mother. I have never seen a toad with wings or a swan with puffy cheeks all over. Oh, I really fucking hope to see such a monster rampant between heaven and earth.

Zhang Yuan felt that someone was looking at him. He looked up and saw the sarcastic smile of the beautiful woman. She obviously looked down on him very much.

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that she was actually not beautiful, but very ugly. He also showed a disdainful sneer. Under the paragraph of the text, he wrote in a strong and smooth line: The swan is actually just a big white goose flying in the sky, in addition to having more hair and meat, or Many skeletons and feces dedicated to the world are the only contribution they can make. Better than toads can eat pests and dedicate toad crisps to treat skin diseases. In fact, it is happier and more practical to find a beautiful frog.

"I think it has connotation, but rural people are shallow and ignorant!"

This time, the beautiful woman's voice was obviously much louder, and her eyes were also aggressive. The disdain on her face was very obvious. She had taken off her headphones and stared at him.

"There are no rural people, you eat a ball, pretend to be noble, what is it?"

Zhang Yuan did not look at this beautiful woman that he already hated. He turned his head and looked out of the window. Unfortunately, his good mood just now has completely disappeared.

The beautiful woman's face changed and she was about to lose her temper. When everyone was about to watch the scene, the bus stopped abruptly. The bus shouted in a loud voice, "Go to the toilet. Hurry up and don't stop halfway. Hurry up!"

So, the battle between the beauty and the steamed buns finally did not start, and everyone was disappointed to get out of the car and go to the toilet.

The beautiful woman also went to the toilet, and then she never came up again.

I don't know when the rain stopped, and the golden sun showed a smiling face. This is another good day!

A man sat next to Zhang Yuan, but the bus lay down without going far away.

Zhang Yuan took a taxi to the railway station. He didn't take the bus, but the train!

Jincheng Railway Station is full of people. This is not about the inside of the station, but also the large open space outside the station, as if you can't spend money and make a lot of money by car. It is full of people and crowds.

Zhang Yuan took a lot of effort to buy a train ticket. Without looking at the contents of the ticket, he also knew that he must not have his own seat. It is a great luck for so many people to buy tickets and squeeze into the bus.

Just found a place to sit down, Zhang Yuan's stomach rumbling and he was hungry.

Zhang Yuan didn't eat much before leaving. Looking at the vast sea of people, as well as the dirty air and noisy environment, he still chose to eat an orange mat.

Under an orange belly, Zhang Yuan was even more hungry. He imagined the delicious food. He swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, which made the girls who were eating beside him a little embarrassed to continue. She is very kind and doesn't want to eat and stand by others.

The kind girl doesn't seem to be too beautiful. Zhang Yuan looked at the girl who was putting a bag of crispy intestines into the convenient bag and didn't understand why she looked at herself as if she was a little sorry and embarrassed.

The girl raised her head, her eyes collided with Zhang Yuan's eyes, and quickly moved away. Her face was not very white and chubby, and her face was red and hot, which made Zhang Yuan ring the burning clouds in the sky on a summer evening.

At this moment, the girl who originally looked ordinary looks very beautiful: her eyebrows are pleasing to the eyes, and her long upturned eyelashes are gently fanned, like two cute little brushes. Her big black and white eyes are foggy, straight nose, and small mouth. From Zhang Yuan's perspective, he actually saw a lively and shy classical beauty!

If there is a camera, Zhang Yuan must take a picture of the girl at this moment. I believe it will be amazing. Perhaps it is more eye-catching than the girl in black she met in the car just now.

Thinking of the girl in black, Zhang Yuan was in a bad mood. At this time, the sitting girl stood up, pulled the suitcase of the same color as her pink clothes, bowed her head and hurried out of the station.

Zhang Yuan looked at the girl's back as thick as Wang Kai and sighed. He felt very sorry that the classical beauty was gone forever, and he also regretted that the girl could really become a classical beauty.

Zhang Yuan always has a deep attachment and affection for beautiful things, especially beautiful girls. In Hong Wenwu's words, he was definitely a Jia Baoyu-style aza in the door of an ancient mansion.

The radio sounded. Zhang Yuan left the waiting hall with the crowd, walked through the high steps and squeezed into the iron gate. After waiting on the platform for a while, the train bombarded into the station. As soon as he stopped and opened the door, the conductor sweated. The people who got on and off the bus were miserable. There were too many people and the high quality could not be maintained at all. Good order.

Zhang Yuan was too lazy to wait aside until the train was about to start and a lot of people didn't go up. He simply threw the box into the car from the window opened beside him and climbed in quickly.

There are a lot of people in the car, but it is obviously much better than the congestion at the door.

Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and finally came up.

The train is very crowded, and some people smoke. Even if you open the window, it doesn't taste good.

There was a sudden shock under their feet, people shook, and the train slowly left the station and headed southwest.

Zhang Yuan took out a book from his bag and read it. He was very distracted and didn't realize the passage of time. The train had stopped, and there were a lot of people getting on and off the bus. He was so uncomfortable that he noticed that the people around him had changed a batch.

"Big brother, hey, big brother, help me, pull me up, I can't go up." A crisp voice shouted. Zhang Yuan turned his head and looked out of the window. She saw a dark little girl keep jumping and trying to put her hand on the window of the car, but she couldn't do it anyway. She was too short.

People in and out of the car looked at the girl indifferently. Most of them were expressionless and laughed harshly, but Zhang Yuan did not hesitate to reach out his hand, held the little girl's outstretched hand, and pulled her into the car hard.

"Thank you, brother. You are such a good person. I'll treat you to something later."

The girl is about 16 or 17 years old, with ordinary appearance, dark skin and unnoticed ordinary appearance.