Prince of Flowers

333 Goodbye, Wen Xiaoya

It was not only Zhang Yuan who was stunned, but also the absent-minded Wen Xiaoya. She suddenly opened her eyes and couldn't believe that she would meet Zhang Yuan here!

Lin Zongheng noticed the strange look of the two people and was very unhappy. He looked at the restaurant owner standing at the door and glanced at Zhang Yuan.

The restaurant owner immediately stared at Zhang Yuan and scolded her mother in her heart. She smiled and said, "Welcome, four distinguished guests to the store. Please come in quickly." Naturally, she can't clean up Zhang Yuan in front of the guests.

Zhang Yuan reacted and laughed at himself, but he didn't expect a slap in the face. The young man standing next to Lin Zong, Lin Ni's boyfriend Meng Yu scolded, "What are you? How dare you talk nonsense?"

Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed. At this time, a crackling slapped Meng Yu in the face. Wen Xiaoya said coldly, "What are you? Why do you hit my lifesaver?"

After Wen Xiaoya finished speaking, she took out a handkerchief to wipe Zhang Yuan's face, but Zhang Yuan gently pushed it away and said to Meng Yu, "If you slap me, I will return it to you in person. And you, don't think I can't see your look. Don't think it's great to have an official. You are also human beings, and you only have one life!"

Zhang Yuan looked at Wen Xiaoya with an ugly face and sighed, "I didn't expect to see you again. We have been even, and you don't owe me anything in the future. This young master is not good. If you have bad intentions, let's stay away from him, especially her sister, who is still gritting her teeth. The eyes just now can eat people, and you should stay away. We can't be so punctual when we are in danger. Goodbye."

Zhang Yuan strode to the stairway at the end of the corridor, and the hotel owner shouted, "You stop."

"Shut your mouth and don't make trouble for yourself. You are not qualified." Zhang Yuan threw down this sentence and went downstairs.

Wen Xiaoya turned her head and looked at the three people with very deep eyes. Those eyes had never been cold and sharp, which made them all tremble in their hearts and felt their backs cold.

"Remember, from now on, stay away from me and stay away from my home, otherwise you will not only get what you expect, but also lose everything you have now. Really, I'm not scaring you!"

Wen Xiaoya finally took a look at Lin Ni in disappointment. There was a vicious resentment in her eyes that could not be hidden. What Zhang Yuan said was right at all, and she was not wronged at all!

Wen Xiaoya looked at the restaurant owner again. She said indifferently, "The man just now is my savior. You can try to touch him to see if he loses a hair, and you will lose your life!" What about being in a high position? Humph!"

Wen Xiaoya snorted disdainfully and brushed her sleeves. Her slender back, in the eyes of those service personnel who witnessed everything, was tall and magnificent, more shocking than Zhang Yuan's back just now!

Wen Xiaoya left the Cropyard, did not go to find Zhang Yuan, and returned home directly by taxi.

Seeing Wen Xiaoya seemed to be very happy, the grandmother who was reading a book with a reading glasses smiled and asked, "Xiaoya, is there any good news with the Lin family?"

Wen Xiaoya waved her hand with a smile and said, "Grandma, don't mention him again. I've been sick for more than a year and don't want to put up with it anymore. Grandma, I have someone I like, so you don't have to worry about me. I'm still young, and it's not too late to think about marriage in a few years!"

The old lady was stunned for a moment and did not show the expression of gentle elegance's imagination. She smiled and said, "It's good to have a sweetheart. As long as you like it, grandma will be happy. Then hurry up and bring it back to grandma to have a look. Let's see if my baby Mao Mao's vision is. She is also as old-eyed like grandma, treating him as a playboy. Binbin gentleman."

As soon as Wen Xiaoya heard this, she knew that her grandmother did not know nothing about Lin Zongheng. Maybe she knew more than her, but why did grandma know this and let her stay with that garbage?

The old lady's eyes were like a torch, pulled Wen Xiaoya to sit beside her, gently patted her granddaughter's little hand, looked at her beautiful face, and felt exactly the same as herself when she was young. At that time, she was also a young girl.

After a burst of sigh, the old lady spoiled and said, "Baby, don't think that our family is the kind of family that can sacrifice the happiness of the next generation for the so-called marriage. You are the future heir of the Wen family. Everything is yours, and naturally the happiness should also be controlled by yourself. Grandma, the boy of the Li family still had medicine to save. In those years, your grandfather was a prodigal son who would not change money, but he was not like that. He had a bad character and was too evil in his mind. From now on, we will try not to contact each other.

Wen Xiaoya was very happy to hear that. She put her arms around her grandmother's neck and kissed her. The old lady smiled and said, "I'm 20 years old, and I'm still like a child. Baby, who is the sweetheart you mentioned? Is it the person who makes you more and more irritable and doesn't smile for two years, but suddenly turns cloudy?

"Grandma, look at you." Wen Xiaoya shook the old lady's hand with a red face. The old lady smiled kindly and said, "Baby, be gentle. Grandma, this old bone is going to break up for you."

Wen Xiaoya didn't shake, hugged her grandmother for a while, and then said shyly, "Grandma, he is my lifesaver and the first person to refuse me. I don't have much contact with him, but I really like him so much that I can't forget him. Grandma, do you think I'm stupid?

Isn't the old lady looking at her granddaughter's drunken red face and her eyes full of happiness, sweetness and faint melancholy, isn't this exactly the same as her aunt?

When thinking about the eldest daughter, the old lady is a little entangled. This time, she won't have a love with another man like that, and then a child without a father, and she will be stupid and lonely for a lifetime, right?

The old lady frowned slightly and slowly unfolded. She smiled and said, "My baby is smart. How can she be stupid? As long as the baby wants something, we will grab it!"

Wen Xiaoya nodded absent-mindedly, hugged her grandmother and acted coquettishly. She didn't notice that when the old lady said this, she looked very solemn and had a little decisive meaning.

After leaving the hotel, Zhang Yuan returned to the dormitory to pack up his things, left a note for his three roommates, put them on the table in the dormitory, locked the door, and took a taxi to Bincheng Square with a suitcase.

Zhang Yuan looked at a small shop diagonally opposite Bincheng Square a few days ago and was wondering whether to take it down and make it yourself. Now there is no need to continue to struggle. Fate has made a choice for him.

The store is a small bookstore of less than 20 square meters in an alley. The business is very light. Zhang Yuan and the young boss who was in a hurry to take action bargained again. After reading the rental contract and visiting the owner to confirm that it was correct, he spent 2,000 yuan to take it.

The store still has more than eight months of rent, leaving a lot of things left. These alone are worth 2,000 yuan. Zhang Yuan has the right to find a place to live and earn some pocket money. He can kill two birds with one stone. Why not do it?

Zhang Yuan spent two hours tidying up the two small bookstores inside and outside, and thinking about how to decorate it. When his stomach was cooing, he looked at the watch after three o'clock in the afternoon, so he locked the door and found a snack shop at the entrance of the alley to solve it casually.

Surprisingly, the dishes in this snack bar are very authentic and cheap. No wonder the business is booming. Zhang Yuan decided to come here for dinner when he was too lazy to cook in the future.

For the rest of the afternoon, Zhang Yuan was busy with the small bookstore until nine o'clock at night. He took a shower with tap water and looked back at the new store. He was very happy. He locked the door and whistled to the "real" snack shop at the entrance of the alley to solve the stomach problem.

It's already summer, full of flying skirts and white arms and thighs, and even impulsive gullies. As for whether it is squeezed out or natural, you can't see it without taking off your clothes.

In a word, this is a restless season, a season that is easy to turn men into beasts and girls into women.

In such a season, Zhang Yuan, who has tasted the wonderful taste of women, looked at the tender snow-white skin and undulating curves, which has suppressed his desire for two months. On this cool summer night, he longed for a woman who could make him spoil and toss freely.

After dinner, Zhang Yuan walked on the street and looked at the couple in Bincheng Square, as well as the affectionate mandarin ducks in the shadow of the roadside trees. His body was hot and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt that he should find time to have a good time for his woman.

It's okay to pull a small hand, it's better than staring.

Zhang Yuan vowed that he would never do such a stupid thing as pretending to be handsome again. He was waiting for him with good cabbage eyes. Even if he was really a pig, he should know how to run over and arch fiercely!

He is even more stupid than a pig. This discovery made Zhang Yuan very angry, and the evil fire in his body became more and more vigorous.

Zhang Yuan did not dare to stay here any longer. He was afraid that he could not control himself from making unforgivable mistakes for a while. He still had to stay like jade for peace. It's just a matter of nonsense. He couldn't really cross the minefield and enter the minefield.

This small alley is very long. There is a street on this side of the alley and mountains on the other side of the alley. Zhang Yuan strolled there last time he came here. It felt very good. The air was very fresh, and there was also a small river ditch, which was extremely rare in this dry city.

Zhang Yuan did not return to the bookstore and passed through the deep alley and shocked several pairs of mandarin ducks, which reminded him of his days at the provincial agricultural machinery school. Unfortunately, he did not encounter the snow-white and round scenery, let alone the desolate embankment stream.

There are very few mountains and rivers in Bincheng, and there are rare ones here. Zhang Yuan stepped into the mountains and fields with the moonlight. There is no wild mandarin ducks here. There is no trace of crazy species like the provincial agricultural machinery school that is not afraid of insects and snakes for pleasure.

Zhang Yuan had less beautiful scenery to see, so he focused on enjoying the scenery of the mountains and fields.

The last time I came here was during the day, and this time it was at night. It is a completely different feeling to see the same thing day and night, especially this kind of natural scenery that is different from different angles and distances. There is an extremely huge difference between day and night. It looks like two worlds.

Zhang Yuan hasn't climbed the mountain for a long time. The last time he came here in a hurry, he was just walking around and watching the flowers. Not to mention climbing the mountain, he didn't take a closer look at the scenery. Now that he has time and interest, he simply climbs to the mountain.

The mountain was not too high. Soon Zhang Yuan climbed to the top of the mountain. He stood on the top of the mountain, and the moonlight poured down on him like water. Suddenly, there was a strange movement in his heart. Something was attracting him, or calling him.

Zhang Yuan moved like a rabbit and suddenly burst out. He rushed into the woods and saw a cave in the depths of the forest.

Zhang Yuan didn't have time to think about it, so he climbed down. There was a lot of space inside. It was made of stones, and the gap between the stones could be used to climb.

The lower the tide, the stronger the tide. Zhang Yuan faintly heard the sound of water and the sound of animals singing. He looked at it, but when he saw that about ten feet down, he reached the bottom. There were many rare plants growing there, among which moss plants were the most, and some strange creatures squirmed through it, and the number was terrible. It makes people's scalp numb.

The strange thing is that these creatures can obviously climb up along the stone wall, but none of them do so. They would rather overlap and bite inside and fight to death than go to the wider world outside.

Those creatures made Zhang Yuan feel a huge danger. The situation was strong. He had no choice. He gritted his teeth and scolded "Male Gobi". They slipped to the end and fell into the slippery moss full of insects. As soon as they saw him, they were like ghosts and dispersed away from three feet away.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan felt wrong and paralyzed, as if there was an earthquake!

It doesn't seem that there was a real earthquake, and it came as fast as lightning. Zhang Yuan didn't have time to escape. The ground left a gap and a fog came out, which enveloped him, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Yuan opened his eyes weakly and was dark in front of him. After a while, he gradually saw that he had returned to the underground cave.

There is only a little moss left here, and the rest of the creatures have disappeared.

Zhang Yuan jumped up and moved his body without any discomfort, and he did not feel weak.

Something must have happened just now. Zhang Yuan missed it and frowned.

The feeling of being summoned disappeared, and Zhang Yuan went home.

After returning to the small bookstore and washing up, Zhang Yuan looked at the time. It was almost midnight, but he was not sleepy at all. He sat at the small desk by the window, spread out the snow-white knife cutting paper, and wrote three words with a pen: blurred night.

Zhang Yuan looked at the three words "Mizure Night" and drank three cups of tea in a row. He only wrote two words: before. Many things were full of excitement in his mind, but he couldn't write them down. He yawned and turned off the lights and went to sleep frustratedly.