Prince of Flowers

352 Beauty in the same rent

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "Maybe, but I think it's rare. Now it's more an excuse and a gimmick for fame and fortune. If you can get works like the Virgin Mary or Venus, no one will say it's a bare ass photo. If it can be a little holy charm, no one will slander it. Unfortunately, there is no such thing at all. At most, it is a beast. I doubt that he did not drool when taking these photos. Is there any reaction? It is said that real artists will not look at models like donkeys, but like eunuchs. !"

Everyone laughed. Zhang Yuan's words were very vulgar, but they were not rude, and they felt that what he said was very reasonable. The uncle held the crooked glasses, and he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was the first time he heard such an evil saying.

"Okay, young man, I gave you this album. You can take it back and read it casually."

Uncle still has to do business. You can't let Zhang Yuan enjoy it endlessly here, so it's a little bullshit.

Zhang Yuan turned over the last page and shook his head and said, "Thank you, I won't want this. My wife is more than 100 times more beautiful than these models. How beautiful she is. If you really want to give it, sell me that antique appreciation and architecture at a lower price. That one is useful for me.

As soon as Zhang Yuan said this, his impression of him suddenly increased several levels. He thought that his rudeness just now was intentional and made everyone laugh. In fact, it was very connotative, profound and pursuit!

The uncle's eyes lit up and immediately said, "I think so. I just took these two books today. In fact, this is a series of 24 books in total. If you want to take them, I will give you the cost price. How about it?"

Zhang Yuan nodded without hesitation: "Then thank you. I'll come and get the book tomorrow. Will you give me these two instincts first?"

The uncle handed him the book and said, "What's wrong? Just give the money together tomorrow. Anyway, it's not worth much."

After Zhang Yuan thanked him, he left with the big convenient bag given by the old man and did not continue to travel. He went straight back to the rental house. After having a simple lunch, he blew the fan and read until the evening.

Finding that the room was dark, Zhang Yuan noticed that it was already evening. He left the alley and went to a small restaurant at the street to sit down and ask for a large plate of chicken and a bottle of beer. He drank it slowly.

Zhang Yuan looked outside while drinking beer and suddenly saw a familiar back. It was a girl carrying a bag of steamed buns, combing her ponytail, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, passing by the door of a small restaurant.

A dump truck passed by and blocked Zhang Yuan's sight. When he looked back, there was no trace of the girl, which made him a little sad.

"Well, it's hard to live without a wife."

Zhang Yuan sighed in his heart that he was used to the days of soft jade and warm quilts every night, and now it is suddenly empty, which is very uncomfortable.

Besides, Zhang Yuan is too energetic, and it is not enough for a beauty to accompany the bed every night, let alone the bed, which is simply a kind of suffering and torture!

Zhang Yuan began to hesitate whether to go to the bar to find a woman, as the two wives of An Yajing and Gan Tingting said. With his appearance and eloquence, he will definitely be able to hook up with that kind of high-quality lonely white-collar workers and even gold-collar nobles, play all night, clean You don't have to spend money, kill two birds with one stone.

They really know him and know that Zhang Yuan can't live without women. He is not a quality problem, but a physical problem, or the kind that can't be treated at all. Even if it can be cured, they don't want to. They can't make him indifferent or incompetence in order not to let him cheat, right? They can't bear it, and their heartache is not enough.

Zhang Yuan occasionally thinks about himself and feels so happy. In today's increasingly expanding feminist society, there are very few girls like An Yajing and Gan Tingting who would rather be wronged to give him the freedom to find women outside to release their desire, unless he This is the virtue, or there is no love at all!

Zhang Yuan sometimes wakes up from a dream and always doubts whether he is dreaming. An Yajing and Gan Tingting are such good conditions, so why do they follow him as a useless person? And it's unreasonable to be so good to him.

Perhaps, life is more dramatic than fictional literary works and film and television dramas, and often unreasonable existence also has the most reasonable reasons for existence.

Zhang Yuan drank a bottle of beer, ate three bowls of rice, and got rid of a large plate of chicken. Under the awe of the eyes of the boss and the boss's wife, he returned to his residence with a toothpick and a red face.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw a girl washing clothes. Zhang Yuan was stunned: Isn't this the girl just now? It turns out that she and I live in the same yard are really predestined.

Looking at the girl's enchanting back, his already calm blood rushed up, rushed to his big head and small head, licked his lips, and Zhang Yuan wanted to drink milk. No, I want to drink water.

Zhang Yuan looked at the high mountains on the girl's side and was extremely thirsty, and his fingers were itchy and cramped. He especially wanted to knead something more elastic and soft, preferably smooth and fragrant!

Zhang Yuan's not easy-to-use brain turned at this moment, and finally remembered that such a thing can only be found in women, and at this moment, there is such a seductive criminal baby on this girl's body.

Originally, Zhang Yuan's cerebral blood vessels jumped as soon as he drank, but now even his heart jumped around. He swallowed his saliva and walked to the girl's side to enjoy the scenery in her open collar with his eyes.

It's so white and round, but it's a pity that there is a white mask covering two-thirds. The beautiful scenery Zhang Yuan can see is really limited, which is very regrettable.

The girl did not realize that there was one more person behind her. There were four households in this small yard. The two families had not returned yet, and the old lady of the landlord rarely came out, creating extremely convenient conditions for Zhang Yuan to play hooligans.

It can also be seen from here that it is very dangerous for a girl to be alone. If Zhang Yuan is that kind of bandit, it is very simple to change this girl from a girl to a woman, and even become a little red-lipped lady!

Zhang Yuan looked at the girl's white and tender feet in transparent slippers, and his mouth was dry. He glanced at the willow tree above his head and saw a small bug, and suddenly had a very despicable and shameless idea.

Zhang Yuan reached out and quietly aimed the green and hairy bug at the girl's open neckline, leaving half of it lying on the willow leaves in that position, and half of it hanging in the air and shaky.

Zhang Yuan quickly stepped back a few steps and pretended to have just entered the door. A small stone picked up casually popped out of his fingers, hit the tree branch and fell to the end of the wall.

The branches trembled, and the little bug that was about to fall suddenly slipped from the willow leaves and made a lot of difficult flip movements in the air. In Zhang Yuan's eyes, the process was very slow, and he thought he had an illusion.

shook his head, and there was indeed an illusion that the little bug had hit the girl's snowy and round softness. He grabbed her hair without grasping it. It was too slippery. He fell all the way down the perfect arc, slipped into the deep gully, twisted his soft and fat body desperately, and tried to grab a rescue. Life straw.

Zhang Yuan looked forward to a sad scream, but he didn't expect the girl to calmly lift the hem of her T-shirt, revealing her smooth abdomen and sexy navel, put the little bug in her hand, and watched it roll with a smile. She was not afraid, and there was a feeling of love.

Zhang Yuan was stunned. The girl suddenly turned her head and said to him, "You still like to stare at girls as before. Don't you know that this is very impolite?"

Zhang Yuan looked at her face, banged in his head and said in surprise, "Why is it you? Why are you so beautiful?"

The girl smiled and said lightly, "You should have said this sentence with many girls. I don't want to take advantage of this set. You are not qualified to take advantage of me."

Zhang Yuan smiled and his desire calmed down. He sat on the side steps, lit a cigarette, smoked slowly, and asked, "So, what qualifications do you need to take advantage of you?"

A touch of loneliness flashed in the girl's eyes and said, "I won't give anyone a chance to take advantage of it for nothing. Now I'm as innocent as snow, without any flaws, and I haven't even held my hand to a man. If you want to get me, there are only two ways. One is to marry me, as long as you have a good character, a house, a car and a total assets of more than two million. If you can't marry me and want me to be a lover or support me, I must have at least more than 10 million assets and buy me a house and a car for at least 10,000 yuan per month. I promise to protect that person from the beginning to the end, but I won't have children.

Zhang Yuan appreciated her exquisite and beautiful face full of classical charm like an ancient maid, and sighed, "Then I'm really not qualified. We are a poor man. But I really like you. If I don't get you, I don't think I will be sad all my life, but I will be very sad. Do you think this is good? Can we pay some deposit first and try it for a period?

The girl's waist is straight, and her body is becoming more convex and curved. Her beautiful black and white eyes stared at Zhang Yuan sharply and said, "If you can take out 100,000 yuan, you can consider it."

Zhang Yuan immediately took out a passbook from his pocket and handed it to her, "Look at the number on it. It's exactly 100,000. If you confirm it, I can't wait to know if my money is worth it!"

The girl took the passbook with some surprise and looked at the numbers on it. There was still his ID card in the middle of the passbook. She looked carefully, put away the passbook and ID card, and said, "Yes, wait for me to finish washing my clothes."

Zhang Yuan spit out a smoke ring: "Okay, but should you also help me wash the clothes? This should be the content of your service."