Prince of Flowers

377 road to see uneven

Zhang Yuan took a look and said lightly, "What's the difficulty? Our classmates learn a little. These are all side dishes! I'll do it!"

Zhang Yuan took off his coat, tied a large leather apron, came to a large steel plate, drew a large iron leaf with chalk, and skillfully cut it off with air. According to this fast cutting, the large iron plate would become several piles of iron leaves.

Those workers and bosses are dumbfounded. The best craftsmen in the factory are not as skillful as Zhang Yuan. They are simply performing.

Yu Chunchun and Ye Xianglu looked at Zhang Yuan even more infatuatedly, with pride and pride in their hearts, as well as some worship and admiration. He was really too powerful, as if he could do everything.

Zhang Yuan then threw an iron leaf quickly, made several solder joints on an operating table, put the iron leaf on it, simply twisted it a few times, tapped it twice, and welded it under the twisted flat steel armrest, and connected seamlessly. Everyone couldn't help clapping. This is not a show, but from Inner amazement and admiration.

Capable people will easily get the respect of others anywhere!

Zhang Yuan asked the two workers to operate according to his method. The seemingly difficult work became extremely simple, and everyone admired him more and more, although he looked so young.

Zhang Yuan then showed his welding, forging, machine tool operation, painting and other technologies. By the time he had instructed the workers, the workers were completely convinced, and his eyes were full of respect. Such an awesome person can't be respected!

Zhang Yuan doesn't feel how powerful he is. As he said, students who are a little serious in the class can do a good job, but it may not be as easy as him, but it's just a physical problem and has nothing to do with technology.

The work of this iron factory is basically the simplest cutting and welding, occasionally forging, and the rest depends on the paint. The difficulty coefficient is too low, but the most basic operation. Compared with the difficult work he did with Master Zhang before, the fart is not the same.

Yu Chunchun helped Zhang Yuan take off the scarf, and his eyes were full of little stars. He said with great admiration, "Brother, you are simply my idol. Why are you so powerful? How can you be so powerful? It's ridiculous. How can other men live!"

Ye Xianglu wiped Zhang Yuan's newly washed hands with a tissue. The gentle appearance made the owner of the iron factory envious. Unfortunately, he had no hope in his life. He married a female tiger, and he didn't even dare to move.

Zhang Yuan rubbed his pure little head, which made the little girl want to bite him with her little white teeth. He smiled and said, "What's awesome? This is the simplest job. The really difficult job is not this kind of work. Some jobs require at least dozens of processes, and the work of designing complex mold fixtures can be counted. It's a difficult job.

"It's not difficult. Isn't it difficult? Xiao Zhang, can you introduce your classmates? I can't work without a factory director here. You are now a big boss and drive a hundred times stronger than mine. I dare not count on you to help me introduce a skilled and manageable person. I will give him a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan and a bonus. In addition, I can drive and return the car. I don't have a good car. There are several cars in the Jinbei factory. Drive whatever you want!"

Zhang Yuan felt that the treatment was really good and said without hesitation, "Ok, I'll ask you later." What he thought was whether he wanted to open an iron factory and let his fellow friends come to start a business and work together. He really missed the hot life at school.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan also thought of another question, that is, whether his salary for Lao Sanjun was too low, but then he felt that he could not compare with the factory director who was in urgent need of manpower. If Lao San also took a management position one day, I believe that the monthly salary would never be as little as 5,000 yuan, let alone the bonus. !

Many things have to be done step by step, and you can't rush forward. Zhang Yuan suppressed the idea of giving Zhang Sanjun a salary, or wait and see. If he really has the ability, the commission alone will definitely be more than 5,000 yuan a month. The key question is that Xingmeng building materials already have it, but where is the store? There is no store for Zhang Sanjun to do what to do. Even if there are customers, they need to see the products. It's okay to get them from the factory, but the key is whether the customer is interested in it.

Generally speaking, unless industry insiders, or a very small number of users, will go to the factory to see the products. More people like to go to the building materials city, which is bright and tidy and comfortable all year round. Even if it is more expensive, they do not hesitate to do so.

Zhang Yuan has never forgotten the problem of the store, but this problem is really not easy to solve. Now there are many people waiting for people waiting for the stalls in the building materials market. This is a good building materials market. It is a waste of time and money, which is a very confusing thing.

Zhang Yuan and the three left the iron factory and came to Nanming solid wood just in time for dinner. Zhang Sanjun hadn't had lunch yet. They were so surprised to see Zhang Yuan leading two beautiful women over. They were as shocked as they were yesterday when they saw him drive a Benz.

Zhang Yuan introduced with a smile. Only then did Zhang Sanjun know that this beautiful woman was Zhang Yuan's girlfriend. In addition, she also looked a little ambiguous. He was envious and depressed. Why didn't he have such a good life? He can't even handle a girl like He Lin who is not very good. This height, her grandmother is a bear.

Zhang Yuan saw through Zhang Sanjun's mind and didn't know how to comfort his man's heart, which was not fragile but very **, which did not match his rough appearance at all. He could only divert his attention and said, "Lao San, is there any special restaurant nearby?"

This trick is very useful. As soon as he talked about food, Zhang Sanjun was immediately in high spirits. This is one of his biggest hobbies. As soon as he said this, he immediately called and tried every time.

Zhang Sanjun opened the window and pointed to the outside and said, "There is a mountain village restaurant over there. I heard that the northeastern cuisine is excellent. I have never been there, but a colleague brought back a big peel, which was very delicious."

Yu Chunchun immediately said, "Okay, okay, brother, let's go there to eat Northeast food. I like to eat peel and pickled cabbage, white meat and blood sausage the most. Lulu likes mashed potatoes and pine corn best. Lao San, what's your favorite food?

Zhang Sanjun has an open-minded personality. Although he felt a little flattered to call Lao San, he entered the role faster and said with a smile, "I like everything as long as it's delicious, a typical greedy man."

All three of them laughed, and Zhang Sanjun himself laughed. Zhang Yuan quickly drove to the mountain village restaurant and parked his car in the courtyard of a very distinctive wooden fence. Looking at this restaurant decorated with corn and sorghum, everyone was full of anticipation.

Zhang Sanjun and two girls ordered food. Zhang Yuan went to the bathroom to put water. When he came out of it, he saw a beautiful back that seemed familiar to flash away from the corridor. When he walked over, it was empty.

Back to the box, there were several dishes on the table. Zhang Yuan ordered two more specialties, and the four of them began to eat. The dishes here are very authentic and full of rural atmosphere, eating happily among the wind and clouds.

The owner of the restaurant is very good at doing business. He also gave away two dishes, one is a special fruit plate, which is superimposed with cucumber, apples and banana slices and put on a toothpick, which tastes very refreshing. The other is a special tofu, which is smooth and greasy as marrow, fragrant and tastes first-class.

Before the meal was finished, there was a noise outside. A man shouted: "Little **, do you know where this is? This is Laozi's territory. You dare to open a business without my consent. Do you owe grass, hahaha?

"Bang!" There was a crisp sound, followed by a crisp sound, and a woman's muffled voice.

Zhang Yuan pushed the door and walked out and saw a man on the other side of the hall with a group of men and women cursing. If it hadn't been for the person next to him pulling him, he would have kicked the woman who had fallen to the ground.

Zhang Yuan frowned slightly and strode forward. It happened that the man stretched out his foot and kicked the woman in the uniform skirt. He stretched out his foot and kicked his lower abdomen fiercely. The guy suddenly fell to the ground and covered his stomach and twitched.

"Your territory, what are you? This is the territory of Chinese people." Zhang Yuan glanced coldly at the group of men and women who were ready to move, and found that there were still people wearing * among them. Suddenly, his face showed contempt.

The man who wears * originally wanted to come forward, but now he smiled at Zhang Yuan and immediately stood up and said confidently, "Come with me. Do you know who the person you kicked is? It's a foreign merchant."

"Do business with your mother! Don't talk to me again!" Zhang Yuan looked down on this kind of person the most, raised his head and scolded indisputablely to help the woman up.

"Who are you talking to? It's the opposite of you. Raise your hand. Hurry up!" The red-dressed guy's face became more and more red. Zhang Yuan's disregard made him angry, and the alcohol in his body aggravated the power of anger.

The woman looked at the black muzzle, and her face turned pale. Zhang Yuan turned around and looked at it with a sneer and said, "It's not the way for you to die. If you don't look at what car I drive, can move!"

A big-eared thunder, the gun was gone, and the man lay on the ground. Zhang Yuan went to the man who was still smoking and asked, "Which hand do you use to hit the person?" Don't say it, it's better not to say it."

Zhang Yuan came up and came with two feet. He immediately broke the man's arms and immediately fainted with pain. He sneered at those who were shivering and said, "Remember, don't think you can bully people everywhere. There are many people you can't afford to provoke in places like Beijing! Hurry up and carry it away, or I will put you all here."