Prince of Flowers

381 Someone's little Tingting

Zhang Mei led Ye Xianglu to another place. Li Anran and Zhang Yuan kissed reluctantly and quietly returned to their own room next door. Yu Chunchun then sneaked in and suddenly said with big watery eyes and said, "Bad husband, you don't even let Li Anran's sister go. You are really evil!"

However, Yuchun instantly hugged Zhang Yuan and kissed him while talking cutely: "However, I just like your evil husband, hee hee, in fact, my good sister is a by-product of my mother, her cousin, my father and his cousin. We are all smart and beautiful. Bad husband, are you beautiful?"

Zhang Yuan made the little goblin's bare body boil with animal blood. Just as he took a bite of her, she quickly picked up and put on the nightdress on her little feet, hid by the door and turned off the light.

When the door opened and the person muttered how to turn off the light, Yu Chunchun had slipped out like a little mouse. The person who came to close the door and did not turn on the light, but gently walked to Zhang Yuan's side and suddenly hugged him. He didn't say anything, just a hot kiss.

This time, another person has changed. Lin Su, who has a relationship with Zhang Yuan. The main reason why she brought Zhang Yuan and others here is that she wants to make out with him for a while, preferably to be a real soul.

Last time because of that sudden arrival, Lin Su only made out with Zhang Yuan in that alternative way. It felt very wonderful, but the sequelae were very painful. She was still eager to enjoy the happiness of being a woman in a normal way!

However, the time was too short, and Lin Su was really anxious. Soon the voice of Ye Xianglu sounded outside the door. The girl who had been lying at the head of the bed waiting for the moment to come at that moment put down her skirt in a panic and quickly came to the door. When the door opened, she immediately flashed out and Yu Chunchun It uses the same kind of peerless martial arts.

Zhang Yuan had already sat at the head of the bed, feeling a little tired and laughing. With such a big fart, three girls came in a row and hurriedly left. Fortunately, those who came in this time could put out the fire for him. Wait, it seems wrong. This is not the breath of Lulu. She is Ye Piaoping!

Zhang Yuan looked at Ye Piaoping wearing a nightdress that could not cover her little ass, and quietly walked in with a red face. Her little mouth was still muttering something, and her eyes were full of shyness and cunning. She walked to his side, hugged him, stood on tiptoes as soft and lovely as a baby silkworm, and looked for his lips in the dark.

Zhang Yuan doesn't think he has such a charm that he can make all the women close to him fall under his suit trousers. He thinks that Ye Piaoping must have some conspiracy to do this.

Since she had a conspiracy, Zhang Yuan had to punish her, so he whispered about Lulu. When he kissed her little mouth that seemed to have never been tasted, he had turned her into an Aries. His big hand visited several times and buried his head several times.

Ye Piaoping is obviously the first time she has been so intimate with a man, and her astringent kiss has said everything. Zhang Yuan, a veteran among flowers, deliberately made bad. How could she be his opponent? In a short time, she forgot any conspiracy. She trembled like a poor little flower in the wind, and began to have clear her beautiful eyes. At this moment, she has been empty and lost its focus. The only thing that still exists is hot desire.

Ye Piaoping is a beautiful woman. Zhang Yuan didn't even dare to think of such a beautiful woman before he got the fire. At this moment, even if he was surrounded by a beauty, he still had the impulse to eat her when he saw her such a touching and enchanting appearance.

However, Zhang Yuan still didn't eat her in the end, let alone make himself uncomfortable. For a while, after Ye Piaoping quietly left the room, she slipped into the bathroom. While constantly brushing her teeth and rubbing her hairy cheeks, she was ashamed and a little resentful. She secretly scolded that the bad guy was not a person and tossed her for so long, and there were so many disgusting things, which was disgusting.

Zhang Yuan finally felt relieved. Although he deliberately released water, it was quite a sense of happiness and achievement to serve Miss Ding once. He sat at the head of the bed and wondered if it would be Zhang Mei who came in later? If she comes again, and finally he sleeps with Ye Xianglu in his arms, even if he has read all six beauties this night, it's a worthwhile trip.

As if to cooperate with Zhang Yuan's idea, Zhang Meiguo really wore another sexy nightdress that he didn't know where he came from. He secretly ran in and jumped directly to Zhang Yuan's body with a bad smile. As a result, he suddenly turned over and suffered a more terrible situation than Ye Piaoping.

When Zhang Mei went out, his walking posture was a little strange. He sneaked into the bathroom and didn't come out for a long time. At this time, Ye Xianglu finally came out of Li Anran's room and walked into Zhang Yuan's room with a red face, which soon sounded her cry that could make the stone man crazy.

When he woke up in the morning, there was no more Ye Xianglu's delicate body beside Zhang Yuan. Several girls outside the bedroom were talking and laughing, and there was the movement of pots and pans. They seemed to be cooking breakfast together.

Zhang Yuan yawned, stretched his body, and sighed a long sigh. At this moment, his heart was full of An Ya's quiet and peaceful warm and happy feeling. This is the kind of life he wants most: surrounded by beauty and harmony.

Zhang Yuan didn't understand what Ye Piaoping and Zhang Mei thought. He didn't want to see them as that kind of cheap girls, but their behavior really puzzled him.

After taking advantage of it, I still have to doubt the quality of others. I have to say that Zhang Yuan is really not ordinary shameless, but shameless to a certain extent.

After a rich breakfast, Zhang Yuan dragged the six girls to the dam, where they had a good day, and returned to the capital the next morning. They returned to school for class, and Ye Xianglu Yuchun accompanied Zhang Yuan to the construction site.

Zhang Yuan now has several lists, all of which are introduced by beautiful women.

Because there were many construction sites, Zhang Sanjun followed Zhang Yuan to the construction site. Zhang Yuan felt that there were not enough people, so he called Wu Tian to ask if he could not come to work together. Just like what he thought, Wu Tian had his own ideas.

Zhang Yuan had known this for a long time. When Zhang Sanjun saw that Wu Tian disagreed, he sighed and didn't mean to talk nonsense, but had some views on him in his heart.

Zhang Yuan has no opinion. Everyone has their own lifestyle and ideas. That is everyone's freedom. Others can't interfere and have no right to talk about it.

Zhang Yuan thought about it and found several acquaintances through some contacts, but did not go to the talent market to recruit, so he asked these acquaintances to share all kinds of work.

Zhang Yuan took Zhang Sanjun to turn around all ten construction sites, and Zhang Sanjun sorted out all the things that should be paid attention to into details, conscientious, responsible and meticulous, which Zhang Yuan couldn't do.

The next day, Zhang Yuan bought a house in installments on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road. Zhang Sanjun lived in it. At the same time, Zhang Yuan bought a house with three bedrooms and one living room in installments. He landed under the name of Ye Xianglu and gave her another Passat.

Ye Xianglu didn't say anything about this. She was still so gentle and charming, but the more and more down-to-earth feeling in her heart made him the most important existence in her life, and even all of it.

Yu Chunchun is a little tasty, but when she thinks of Zhang Yuan's promise, she has to take the initiative to let him eat tofu, so that she can grow up faster, quickly grow into a real big girl, be his woman, and enjoy the treatment of Ye Xianglu or better!

In fact, Yuchun's desire for a house and a car is very simple. Her sister can easily realize these wishes, but she thinks it's boring. What she gets from Zhang Yuan is meaningful.

Zhang Yuan sometimes feels that girls nowadays are too difficult to understand. They can't tell what they are thinking, as if they have nerve problems.

He just thought that if he said it, he would be hunted down by almost all the beauties around him. Not to mention whether he can enjoy the blessings of others in the future, he is afraid that he will be beaten and injured all over his body.

It doesn't matter if you don't tell the truth.

Zhang Yuan suddenly became busy. The store, the construction site and the factory are not idle all day long, because most of his subordinates are new, and many things need him to master and teach. This busy situation cannot be changed in a short time unless he can teach all his buddies or has a good manpower. .

Zhang Yuan is energetic, and he is more inclined to cultivate his own manpower. His buddies know that as long as he grasps the scale and proportion, he must have a deeper and stronger cooperation foundation than outsiders.

Zhang Yuan left early and returned late all day. Ye Xianglu and Yu Chun gave him enough consideration and care like a wife. Although it was hard, they felt very happy.

Time passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, in early October, Golden September and Silver October, which is the best time for business.

The building materials store received several orders of more than 100,000 last month, with a total value of nearly one million. The newcomers did not run out in the first month, which has given them confidence in their own ability. Coupled with the accumulation of experience, it is no longer a problem to take orders independently.

The profit created by the store was as high as more than 500,000 yuan. Zhang Yuan gave them a generous bonus, and all four of them were very happy.

The business of Internet cafes is very good, not the hot one, but the profits are also very considerable. After a month of exercise, the two brothers are no longer as busy as they were at the beginning, and basically no longer need Zhang Yuan to ask about things there.

Zhang Yuan also gave bonuses to the Internet cafe, but they were a little embarrassed to take them. It was Zhang Sanjun who gave them a meal before giving up twisting them. The men received a lot of bonuses.

Zhang Sanjun's work is the best. He not only made no mistakes in the operation of the orders on eleven construction sites, which was well received by customers, but also took advantage of his awesome mouth to receive two orders, with a total amount of nearly one million.

Zhang Yuan gave him a 10% commission on the total amount, with a down payment of more than 500,000 yuan. Zhang Sanjun suddenly got a commission of more than 50,000 yuan, which made a group of buddies envious.

However, Zhang Yuan and these guys have a lot of income. At least in September, they also got more than 4,000, and the better ones are tens of thousands. For them, they have exceeded their imagination and are very happy.

Everyone has made money. Naturally, Zhang Yuan, a buddy, is more convinced and grateful. They are working hard and crazy, hoping that they can make more and live up to his expectations and trust!

The buddies all made money, so they went to Donglaishun for a meal on the night of October 5th. They were full of wine and food. Everyone scrambled for it. Finally, Zhang Yuan paid the bill and went to K for a few hours before returning home.

Zhang Yuan sent his brothers to his residence. On his way home, he received calls from Gan Tingting and An Yajing. They will return to China at noon tomorrow and ask him to pick them up.

There is no problem to pick up the airport. They are all wives. Even if they don't say it, as long as Zhang Yuan knows, he will go. The problem is that their flight is at the same time, or the same plane at all, which is a little bad.

The most tragic thing in the world is that the first wife and the youngest wife landed together and the guilty husband to pick up their plane.

Zhang Yuan has never felt such a strong sense of crisis. Even if he is extremely cunning, he can't think of a perfect way at this moment.

So, Zhang Yuan decided not to answer anyone. He found an excuse to avoid the chance of Halley's Comet hitting the earth.

Zhang Yuan hid at home and pretended to be ill. Looking at the time, they should have got off the plane early and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. He went to the door and looked through the peephole. It was An Yajing, a baby dressed in pink.

Zhang Yuan suddenly forgot to pretend to be ill. He suddenly opened the door, hugged An Yajing and kissed her. As soon as he was entangled with the girl's little tongue, his eyes suddenly stared at the boss and looked at Gan Tingting standing behind An Yajing like a ghost?!

Gan Tingting was not surprised. She looked at Zhang Yuan with a smile, which made his old face red and green and embarrassed. However, An Yajing was very enthusiastic at this time. He passively kissed her. In the eyes of Zhu Fangyou and Gan Tingting, he seemed to be spoiling An Yajing.

An Yajing kissed enough. She looked at Zhang Yuan with a red face, and her eyes were also a little red and full of tears. He felt a pain in his heart, took her little hand and asked softly, "Why are you like a child and not afraid to be laughed at?"

"Anyway, there is no one else. They are all their own people." An Yajing's resentful words made Zhang Yuan's heart suddenly, and the corners of his mouth twitched and nervous.

An Yajing suddenly laughed and said, "The color is bold and small. Do you want me to introduce it to you? This is my aunt, this is Tingting, someone's little Tingting."

Zhang Yuan's head suddenly hit, and his legs were soft. He sat on the ground with a bang and shocked the three women. He thought something had happened to him. Fortunately, his face quickly returned to normal and helped Gan Tingting and An Yajing up. He was so ashamed that he didn't know what to say.

An Yajing and Gan Tingting looked at Zhang Yuan's pitiful appearance. Even if they were a little uncomfortable, they were replaced by heartache. An Yajing decided to forgive him. Gan Tingting never blamed him, but just tasted a little.

Zhang Yuan's fart is very useful. This unintentional move has been very rich, and he didn't expect it before.

Zhu Fangyou saw that it was inconvenient for her to be here, so she greeted Zhang Yuan and went home. An Yajing and Gan Tingting looked at the man smoking on the opposite sofa and were silent, only staring.