Prince of Flowers

391 sister and brother

It seems that bosses like to take eight. Song Shijing's office is on the 28th floor of Song's Building, and Lan Cairong's office is also on the 28th floor of Caiqin Building.

As soon as Zhang Yuan got out of the elevator, a beautiful receptionist asked in a sweet voice, "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

"I made an appointment with Miss Zhou Yan."

Zhang Yuan nodded slightly to the receptionist and said slowly in a magnetic and pleasant voice.

It's the first time that Miss Front Desk has met such a handsome man. It's no exaggeration to say that Zhang Yuan is the kind of man who can make women flow at a glance. He is so handsome that Miss Front Desk feels that her petty is about to pop out!

"OK, please wait a moment." The receptionist made an insideline call with a red face. After saying two words, she took Zhang Yuan into it. She went to the front of the president's assistant's office and knocked on the door. Zhou Yan's "Please come in" came, a very majestic little voice.

When Zhang Yuan went in, Zhou Yanzheng was wearing a pair of glasses like Zhu Xiantao and was frowning and looking at something carefully. His serious and solemn expression was a bit like the legendary extermination master. No, it was Joan of Arc!

Zhou Yan nodded to Zhang Yuan. A few minutes later, she stopped the work at hand and said, "Mr. Zhang, how much does this list cost, plus the part you did before."

Zhang Yuan had already said, "It takes 350,000 yuan in total." He has calculated all the material costs and labor costs, and this job is not unexpected and has a profit of at least 2 million.

Zhou Yan nodded, took out the chequebook, and asked, "Does it include the design fee?" Zhang Yuan shook his head: "No, what I calculated is the material cost and labor cost."

Zhou Yan hummed and wrote a check to Zhang Yuan. When he handed it to him, he said, "Mei always feels that your design is valuable, so you can't use it for nothing. I'll give you a design fee of 100,000 yuan. That's what it means."

Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment, looked at the amount of two million and one hundred thousand yuan, and said with a smile, "It seems that I can make a living on this in the future. Thank you, Sister Lan for your reward. Thank you, Miss Ning. If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Zhou Yan said lightly, "Wait a minute, and there is also a list for you, but I hope you don't mess it up." After saying that, she walked out of the office, and a few minutes later, she came in with a man and a woman.

An extremely beautiful woman and an extremely arrogant man. As soon as they walked in, Zhang Yuan suddenly thought of their identity: the woman is Lan Cairong's partner, and the man is Zheng Guangyu, one of the four young men in the capital!

Zhou Yan and this beautiful woman have many similarities. Zhang Yuan suspects that they are sisters. Zheng Guangyu and the beautiful woman are very close, and he doesn't know what the relationship is.

"Mr. Zhang, this is Mr. Ling and this is Mr. Zheng. They all have houses to decorate now, but they need to take a look at your design drawings first." Zhou Yan is still so cold and stylish. Whenever Zhang Yuan sees such a beautiful woman, he will think about whether they can continue to maintain this posture if they strip off their clothes.

This idea is more evil and exciting. Unfortunately, Zhang Yuan has not found a chance to try it so far.

Zhang Yuan was more sure of his judgment. He nodded to the two handsome men and women who had no intention of shaking hands, took out his notebook and opened it and showed them the design drawings he had made.

After some detailed modifications, the design drawings looked more beautiful. Zhou Yan explained on the sidelines. Zhang Yuan specially answered some questions about details. Mr. Ling and Mr. Zheng were very satisfied. After reading it, they decided to let Zhang Yuan do their house and went directly to the construction site together. Zhou Yan did not accompany him. .

Bentley is Mr. Ling's car and Lamborghini is Mr. Zheng's car. Obviously, they did not expect that Zhang Yuan drove a military-branded Benz or an imported luxury model worth millions of yuan, which was a little surprised.

Although neither of them said anything, Zhang Yuan saw doubts in their eyes. Normally, people who can drive such a military license plate car should not carry bags to run the business. It is normal for them not to understand.

"This is a car given by my friend. I can't afford it yet."

Zhang Yuan explained with a smile. Originally, he meant that he was still a poor man, but the handsome man and beauty thought of another direction, which was his*.

Having a friend who can send millions of cars and get this kind of military license fully shows that * is not bad.

"Your friend is quite awesome. The whole Huaxia can get this kind of license plate for people. There are not many. I don't know his surname?"

Zheng Guangyu looked at Zhang Yuan sharply, with an undisguised aggressiveness.

Zhang Yuan didn't care about Zheng Guangyu's arrogance and said lightly, "The surname is Yang." After saying that, he got into the car.

Zheng Guangyu was stunned for a moment and suddenly thought of a person and said, "It turns out that you are the one who saved Yang Xin. It's really a pleasure to meet you."

"I dare not be, it's just a chance encounter."

Zhang Yuan smiled faintly, regardless of whether Zheng Guangyu's tone was sarcastic or not.

Lingqin took a deep look at Zhang Yuan and said, "It's too modest to dare to save people regardless of their own lives. Not everyone has that bold experience."

Zhang Yuan didn't say anything, but just smiled. Zheng Guangyu kicked the accelerator, stretched out a thumb and stood up: "Ok, it's a man. I like really bold people. Let's go."

Lamborghini was in front, Bentley followed, and Zhang Yuan followed at the end and turned on the music. Listening to Zhao Chuan's singing, he was a little distracted, but he did not delay driving.

An hour later, three cars parked in front of a detached villa with a large garden near the artificial lake in the luxury villa area.

Zhang Yuan got out of the car and sighed secretly. This is his mother's rich man. The total area of this villa is at least 2,000 square meters. The trees and stones planted in the garden alone are valuable.

This is also because Zhang Yuan has been running in the high-end villa area since he came to the capital, and has gained a lot of knowledge. If he had not known what tree and what stone were worthless in the past.

"Sister, didn't you say you want to get a swimming pool? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

Zheng Guangyu stood on the lawn, broke a branch from the tree next to him, shaking gently, looking very boring.

Lingqin frowned and said, "Don't harm my tree. It's hard to survive. In this winter, how to dig a swimming pool and ask some idiot questions.

Only then did Zhang Yuan understand that this beautiful woman of Ling Heqin was a sister and brother with this young master Zheng Guangyu. No wonder their faces also have a lot of similarities!

Just now, Zhang Yuan did not see any similarities, but now he feels a lot of similarities. To put it bluntly, it is actually because of psychological effects. People are still those two people, but the hearts of the viewer have changed.

Legend has it that Master Chen, who was extremely arrogant, scolded his sister as an idiot and just smiled. He didn't even return his mouth. He scratched his scalp and said, "Forget I forgot, haven't I? When the weather gets warm, I will. Zhang Yuan, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Although Zhang Yuan has never had a swimming pool, he also knows how to do it. At that time, he will just find a professional to play with it and nod with a smile: "No problem."

The three people walked into a large three-story villa with only two workers working on the wall. In fact, it is not three floors, three floors above ground and two floors underground. A total of five floors should be very large. The amount of work is very huge.

"I like the retro style, that is, the ancient European style, but don't have too many complicated things. After all, this is a living place, and the first thing to consider comfort."

Lingqin told Zhang Yuan what she thought. Zhang Yuan nodded and said nothing. She just wrote down her request. The two finished the five floors and finished her request. Zhang Yuan wrote it down one by one and asked some questions.

Zheng Guangyu's villa is nearby, not too far away, only more than ten minutes' drive away.

Zheng Guangyu's villa is larger. Zhang Yuan initially estimated that this villa is worth at least 100 million yuan. The real mansion is not mixed with moisture at all!

It is said that Zheng Guangyu is very rich. It seems that this is not a legend, but a fact.

"I don't like European things, I just like Chinese things. Zhang Yuan, do you understand Chinese-style decoration?" After Zheng Guangyu finished speaking, he suddenly patted his forehead and said, "Yes, I forgot that you didn't learn design at all. Then you know that you don't learn design, let alone a decoration company. Why do we do the work for you?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head. In fact, he also had some doubts about this matter. It can't be said that it's because of his good character. That's too bullshit!

Lingqin didn't follow. There was only one boiler burner and Zhang Yuan and Zheng Guangyu in this villa. They said a lot of words and echoed. It felt like they had walked into the valley. The villa was too big.

"Sister Lan trusts a person and has never been emotional. Since she believes in you so much, naturally there is her reason. It is because she believes in you that we believe in you."

"Is that it?"

"What do you think?"

Zhang Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "There are many Chinese styles, and different dynasties have different styles. Do you want the gorgeousness of the Tang and Song Dynasties or the simplicity of the Ming and Qing Dynasties?"

"I want the style of Tang Dynasty. Do you think you can do it?" Zheng Guangyu looks down on Zhang Yuan's overconfidence. Tang Shi's style, even if it is an old scholar, how many of them can figure it out, not to mention that he is a hairy boy.

Zhang Yuan didn't care about Zheng Guangyu's disdain and said indifferently, "Of course it can, otherwise I won't say it, but the cost of this kind of decoration is very high. According to the current situation of this villa, there are no more than 10 million people who can't do well, and the amount of work is also very large!"

"Money is not a problem, and it doesn't matter if it's demolished and rebuilt. As long as you can really make a decoration that engers 80% of people's vision, I'll give you as much as you want."

Zheng Guangyu wants to see if Zhang Yuan is arrogant. Does he really have more advanced skills than those old academics? Let's see.

"That's good. I'll show you a plan in a week, and we'll talk about the rest at that time."