Imperial Road

Chapter 5 Wolong Kingdom

Chu Tianqi smiled, and then the topic changed without mentioning the injury at all. He looked at Chu Tianyang and said, "My brother can't leave his brother and run away by himself, and let his brother face the dark evil tiger alone, right? Mature monster, I don't believe you can beat it, hum!"

"Yo-yo, so arrogant child. But it's quite energetic. I thought you were going to lie down for ten days and a half months.

At this time, Xiang Longzi staggered over and smiled at Chu Tianqi lying in **.

And the latter was laughed at by Xiang Longzi and suddenly became very angry and shouted, "You psycho! Who asked you to come to our house? How dare you laugh at me? Believe it or not, I beat you all over the ground looking for teeth!"

After saying that, Chu Tianqi rolled up her sleeves and was about to get up to fight with Xianglongzi. Chu Tianyang was afraid that his brother would make any mistakes. He hurriedly pressed Chu Tianqi and said, "Tianqi would not be allowed to come. If it hadn't been for him, we would have died under the palm of the bear king in the dark night!" Moreover, your injury will not get better so quickly.

When the former said this, Chu Tianqi suddenly listened confusedly. Although he didn't know why, he, who had always listened to his brother, still grinned at Xiang Longzi and grinned: "I'm sorry just now, and thank you for saving us! Hey..."

When Xiang Longzi saw Chu Tianqi's appearance of being turned over faster than the book, he was immediately made to cry and laugh.

But Chu Tianyang stood up at this time, hugged his brother in his arms, and said silently, "Tianqi, please, don't die... No matter what happens, you are not allowed to die!"

Seeing this, Chu Tianqi quickly wiped the tears on her brother's face, grinned and said, "I won't die. Who am I! It's hard for a person as hard as my life to die~"

Seeing Chu Tianqi's funny appearance of saliva flying and constantly pointing at himself with his thumb, Xiang Longzi slammed and laughed. Chu Tianyang also swept away the previous haze, raised his hand and gave the former a shudder, helplessly saying, "Can we not be ashamed?"

But Chu Tianqi touched her head and giggled...

However, how can he realize that the teenager, who has been living in the midst of ridicule and condemnation for many years, is afraid of losing the person who can snuggle with each other when he gets a partner he can truly trust?

"Well, let's all have a good rest. I'll take you to the city for a big meal tomorrow!"

When the atmosphere gradually eased, Xiang Longzi suddenly proposed.

As soon as he heard the word "eat", Chu Tianqi raised his hands high and agreed, and Chu Tianyang couldn't help shaking his head. There was nothing he could do about this brother - since it was already like this, can he still pour cold water on his head?

They were speechless overnight. The next morning, the three of them changed into a new set of clothes and moved towards the Wolong Kingdom.

Although it is a kingdom, it is just a small city of tens of thousands of square meters, because it is built behind a series of garbage mountains, which can be said to be completely isolated from the outside world, and this is also the place where the market necessary for people living in the "paradise" to live circulate. They vividly called this small city the "Wolong Kingdom" to comfort themselves that it was just a dragon lying in this garbage dump.

It is said that a long time ago, in this endless garbage he invested in an open space, and then used the "universal capsule" to build pieces of commercial buildings and ordinary houses, thus making this area of wanderer Concentration camps gradually turned into a normal city. Because of this, the nobleman and his descendants also became the royal family in this small country.

Along the way, except for Chu Tianqi's endless nagging there, the other two people were ignored, allowing the former to talk to themselves there.

After about an hour's effort, when crossing the last strange garbage mountain, a very antique city appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

When seeing this city with prehistoric Jiangnan characteristics, Chu Tianqi sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Because today, which is completely different from the previous real world, big cities that like to use canopy devices in the future can be said to account for more than 98% of the world, because the "canopy" device known as an artificial miracle can be completely photographed and blocked from the "big explosion" After that, all kinds of radiation harmful to the human body. In cities that can't afford to build a canopy, people are dozens of times more likely to suffer from skin cancer than the former.

The film is only a few microns thick, with an area ranging in size from tens of thousands to millions of square kilometers. As long as it covers the sky on the surface of the city, it can filter out all kinds of radiation that is harmful to human health while passing through the air.

The formation of the canopy is to use the spacecraft that built the canopy to eject fine bimolecular filaments in the air, which will expand into a thin film that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye after encountering air.

In addition, there is a kind of canopy, but this canopy is not a physical object, but an electromagnetic wave, which can shield all components other than system management, thus putting the city in an "extremely confidential" state. The cost of this canopy device is not affordable at all. Even the superpowers only install this canopy in a few important cities within the country.

However, Chu Tianqi, who has never seen the world, is only firmly tied to her thoughts by that 98%. He didn't know that it was just a self-deceiving textbook used by the heavenly department to brainwash people living there. On the contrary, it is a city in the world without a canopy, accounting for 98% of all cities!

"Let's go to Wolong City!" Hearing Chu Tianqi shouting, he jumped and ran to the antique city.

"Hey, slow down! I broke my new clothes, but you have to pay for it!"

Xiang Longzi shouted angrily to Chu Tianqi, who had run dozens of meters away.

And the former, I don't know if he really didn't hear it or deliberately pretended not to hear it, but just ran forward.

Chu Tianyang looked at Xiang Longzi helplessly and sighed, "Let's go, buddy."

"Hey! Why is this boy so happy all day!"

Seeing that Chu Tianqi, who had been severely damaged, returned to the best state after a night's rest, her body and spirit returned to her best, and she couldn't help but feel a sour smell.

"Of course, you are good at medicine!"


Xianglongzi shrugged his shoulders, and then walked towards the Wolong Kingdom.