Royal maid

079 It's not big if you don't fall

When the sky was bright, Zuo Liang and He Xuan came out of the county government together.

I thought that today's sunrise would be very dazzling, but now, the only thing they can feel is dazzling!

Two people rode their horses and walked forward aimlessly. Suddenly, one person stood in front of them.

He Xuan raised her eyes and saw that the person who came was none other than Yuqing.

"So, Mr. Zuo... Are you... all right?" Yuqing looked at the two people with pale faces and asked tentatively.

Zuo Liang nodded reluctantly.

He Xuan looked at Yuqing and asked softly, "Where's your young master?" Did he send you here?

Yuqing nodded and asked, "Son, why is your voice like this?"

Not only him, but even Zuo Liang heard He Xuan's strange words. One night, He Xuan's voice was completely hoarse, and she could only reluctantly make a new sound.

"It doesn't matter. You haven't said yet, where's your young master?" He Xuan said.

"Young master..." With that, Yuqing lowered his voice, gathered forward, and then said in He Xuan's ear, "The young master returned to the original inn... but he... did not want to rent the house to us... Therefore, the young master and the Prince Xian thought about it and decided that we would go to Mr. Leng Qian's house first. Days..."

He Xuan was about to speak, but was stared at by Zuo Liang.

"Hip your voice. Yuqing, let's go. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we go to Leng's house.

He Xuan smiled faintly, nodded, pulled Yuqing on her horse, and then the three rode to Leng's house.

As soon as I entered the courtyard door of Leng's house, I saw Liao Yong spinning in the yard. As soon as the three of them came back safely, Liao Yong's face showed peace of mind.

Don't ask, I also know how things happened last night. What's more, although it's just dawn, the whole county has known about the inspection of the warehouse last night!

"Let's go into the house and rest. This night, I'm exhausted." Liao Yong came over and said to the two.

He Xuan nodded, and Zuo Liang didn't say anything. She just walked into the main hall and sat at the table of the Eight Immortals. First, she poured a cup of tea for He Xuan, and then poured herself a cup of tea there.

Liao Yong looked at two tired and depressed people and came in with a smile.

"Let's take a break first. This night, not only you, but also the people in the yard didn't sleep. Anyway, even if the sky falls, we have to refresh our spirits first..."

He Xuan looked at the people in the yard and suddenly thought of something. She reluctantly made a sound and asked, "Where are Ziyue and Yumo?" Why don't you see it?"

Hearing that He Xuan's voice was so hoarse, Liao Yong frowned sadly and said, "Yu Mo was sent out by me to buy food. About Ziyue... Well, I'd better tell you directly, so that you don't worry about it... The person you sent to Beiyuan yesterday had disappeared when we went back, and even Ziyue... disappeared."

"You..." He Xuan said these two words and completely lost their voice.

"Didn't you look for it?" Zuo Liang knew what He Xuan wanted to say, so he said it directly.

"Don't worry, the prince has ordered his men to look for it..." Liao Yong comforted and said, "That Ziyue looks like a lark. Besides, the prince has more men than us. We are now a mouse crossing the street in Qing County, but the prince... After all, he still I didn't tear my face with Zhu Ze... So, this matter..."

He Xuan understood that Liao Yong was afraid of being worried about getting angry again, so she had to smile reluctantly and nodded.

At this time, Yu Mo opened the door of the courtyard, called Yuqing, and took two large food boxes from the car.

Although the food on the table is also exquisite, no one has any appetite at this time, just barely took a few bites and went to rest hastily.

Although the cold family is not big, it is also a few rooms. He Xuan found a room and walked in, closed the door, and threw herself directly into **.

She closed her eyes and recalled everything that happened this night, but she still couldn't calm down... It was that she underestimated everything from the other party. Thinking about it, the county magistrate should be planning to report it at this time. Instead of being suppressed and letting the villain participate in a book, it's better to write an invitation by herself. The fold of sin comes happily...

Thinking of this, He Xuan turned over and sat away from **. She looked at it. Sure enough, there was really a table in this room with pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it. He Xuan picked up the ink and thought about how to write the fold while grinding... Suddenly, a low knock on the door came.

He Xuan had completely lost her voice at this time and couldn't handle the door, so she had to go to the door in person and open the door.

"Sir, the young master said, if you are on fire, it will be better to take a bath... You can also go unlucky... Look..." Yuqing said.

He Xuan pulled him to the table and wrote on the paper, "Where's Mr. Zuo?"

Yuqing pointed to the small house opposite He Xuan and said, "Mr. Zuo is still locking himself in the woodshed. It is said that he wants... wants... what kind of bed and taste gall..."

He Xuan smiled and wrote, "Call him to come. He said I had something to discuss with him.

"Would you like to take a break?"

He Xuan shook her head and wrote, "Go quickly."

Yuqing nodded and went to the woodshed to invite Zuo Liang over. I don't know whether Zuo Liang fell asleep because of fatigue or something... By the time he came over, He Xuan had drafted a fold, and he had fallen asleep on the table.

Zuo Liang picked up the fold and looked at it, which said:

He Xuanqi:

The minister was wrongly loved by the emperor and entrusted with heavy responsibility and came to Qing County to investigate the fake medicine. However, I acted recklessly and had the Holy Grace, so that I repeatedly destroyed the evidence in front of me and was unable to save it...

Zuo Liang looked at this fold that took full responsibility on himself and burst into tears.

He looked at He Xuan, who was sleeping soundly on the table, and stretched out his hand. Although he hesitated, he finally squatted beside He Xuan and gently stroked this quiet cheek...

Zuo Liang raised his eyes and saw Liao Yong standing at the door, staring at himself and He Xuan.

Zuo Liang stood up in a hurry, but he felt extremely calm, as if he had always hoped that one day Liao Yong could see this scene...

Liao Yong's heart is full, but he doesn't know how to fulfill this embarrassing scene...

Two friends, looking at each other so much, are the first time they have met...

"Young master, your water is ready!" Yumo's call broke the silence that consumed both physically and mentally, and also awakened He Xuan.

She rubbed her eyes, saw Zuo Liang standing beside her, smiled, and coughed gently, "I fell asleep... My voice is better..."

Zuo Liang nodded and said, "I read the fold. It's not good to write like this, at least it's not honest enough... Let's discuss it again. Then... 800 miles was sent to Beijing urgently.

He Xuan nodded and saw Liao Yong also standing at the door and said with a smile, "Yu Mo didn't call you. Go quickly. I've finished it and have a rest."

"Drink more white water..." Liao Yong left such a sentence and turned around and left...

Back to his room, Liao Yong locked Yumo outside, and his whole body was immersed in water. Now he feels that only in this way can he calm himself down and focus on the overall situation...**************

Three days later, Kyoto.

Han Mingyue handed the fold in his hand to Zuo Junzhong.

"Look at it."


Zuo Junzhong took over the memorial and read it carefully word by word. In fact, he has seen more than 20 of the memorials about Qing County these days. Zuo Liang and He Xuan naturally knows how many things have happened there.

But after reading the fold written by He Xuan and Zuo Liang, Zuo Junzhong still frowned...

"Your Majesty..." With that, Zuo Junzhong knelt down.

"What is this? What do you want to say? Han Mingyue saw Zuo Junzhong kneeling down and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty," Zuo Junzhong did not get up, but continued to say, "Although the puppy and He Xuan are favored by the emperor and shoulder heavy responsibilities, they failed..."

"Do you think I called you here today to pursue their mistakes?"

Hearing this, Zuo Junzhong looked at the emperor standing in front of him doubtfully.

"Get up first and let's talk."

After Zuo Junzhong apologized, he stood up. Han Mingyue nodded, and Zuo Junzhong sat down on an embroidered den.

"Junzhong, do you still remember what happened when we were at their age?"

Hearing Han Mingyue say this, Zuo Junzhong smiled and nodded.

At this time, Han Mingyue took a fold from the bookcase and handed it to Zuo Junzhong. When he read it, Han Mingyue said, "This was sent from the barracks when Zuo Liang went to borrow soldiers that day. When I received this fold, I knew that this time his heel would fall more fiercely than the last time he burned the warehouse..."

Zuo Junzhong nodded.

"But, Junzhong, children don't fall, they don't grow up... We can't protect them all our lives, can we? Occasionally, let go of their hands and let them fall and beat them. Although it will hurt a little, both Ziqing and He Xuan are all people who will learn to behave after falling. I believe them.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to send some help..."

Han Ming shook his head and said, "Let's take a look. If necessary, you don't have to go, I will order myself..."

Zuo Junzhong nodded, but he was really worried. He all said, "The Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot high". His son is a straightforward person, which is known to his father than anyone else. However, the matter in Qing County is not open and upright. It can be solved with real knives and real guns. People are playing with evil, which is more troublesome than the straight one...

Falling is conducive to growth, and Zuo Junzhong also agrees, but... he really doesn't want his son to stand up again!