Golden Pupil

Chapter 14 Xiangzu Notes on

The winter day is always very short. Just around five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky outside gradually darkened. Looking out from the transparent glass door, the street that had just been cleaned in the morning was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the snow on the ground reflected in the darkness, which looked very dazzling.

Zhuang Rui took a long breath and carefully put the dilapidated books in his hand and almost scattered on the coffee table in front of him. To be precise, this should be a manuscript written by the ancients. After a cursory look, Zhuang Rui can be sure that this is a note from his predecessor, which should be in the early Qing Dynasty, because in the The year numbers of Emperor Kangxi and Shunzhi have appeared many times, and the words in Xiangzu's pen on the cover, if Zhuang Rui is not wrong, should be the note of the notes. Due to damage, only half of the fonts are left.

The preservation of this manuscript is not very good. In the first half of the manuscript, there are obvious mildew caused by worms, sweat, oil stains, dust and other things. Many fonts have become blurred and illegible. The appearance of the lower half is good, but the language is written in the form of classical Chinese, which is obscure Many traditional Chinese characters are not known by Zhuang Rui. They can only be confused, and the general meaning is also clear. Its content is extensive, and most of them are for the author to argue and express his personal feelings.

The last few pages of the manuscript are all poems, mostly seven-character sentences, but Zhuang Rui's reading is a little depressed, because when Zhuang Rui was in school, he was a little partial to the subject, the science is strong and the liberal arts is weak, for the poetry, that is, he will recite the hoe in the daytime, or the Although there is a red seal seal printed under the following pages of these poems, Zhuang Rui does not know those seal characters, and it is impossible to find out the author's origin from them.

With a glance, Zhuang Rui saw Liu Chuan, who was struggling with the computer. He stood up and walked over and drove Liu Chuan aside. Then he directly exited the game, opened the web page and entered the word Baidu. After clicked Enter, he waited for a long time, only to find that the page could not be opened on the computer.

"I said hooligan, can't you access the Internet on this computer?" Zhuang Rui turned his head and asked Liu Chuan beside him.

"Internet access? What's on the Internet? How to get on? By the way, I heard that they can play games online, but I don't know how to do it. Liu Chuan scratched his head. Obviously, this question was too profound for him.

"Damn it, why don't you buy a computer if you don't surf the Internet? It's like a pig's nose."

Zhuang Rui couldn't help swearing. He was reluctant to buy something that cost more than 10,000 yuan several times. This guy bought it just to play games, and he still played such a low-level game.

"There are several stores on this street that have bought it. If you don't buy it, don't you look down on others. We can't lose this one. Come on, wood, how can you surf the Internet?

Hurry up and do it for me. Let's also surf the Internet. I heard from them say that it's exciting to play games online. There is a legendary game. It's so popular. Those birds often brag in front of me, and now my buddies can also play.

When Liu Chuan heard Zhuang Rui talking about the Internet, he became energetic. Usually, he wanted to face, and he always fooled around on the street. He was embarrassed to ask the owners of several stores next to him. Now when he heard that Zhuang Rui understood this, he pulled Zhuang Rui to ask him to surf the Internet now.

"If you want to go to the Internet, you have to go to the Telecommunications Bureau to open the Internet first. You have never been to an Internet bar." Zhuang Rui replied with tears and laughter.

"Alas, I'm free this year, which is also the Spring Festival. How can I have time to go to the Internet cafe? Do you think the money is so easy to make? By the way, wood, why do you want to surf the Internet?" Liu Chuan was immediately discouraged when he heard that he could not access the Internet now. Then

"There are some poems on this manuscript. I don't know who wrote them. I want to check it on the Internet to see who the author of this manuscript is..."

In fact, Zhuang Rui just wanted to call Uncle De, but he couldn't help thinking about it. He never cared about these before, but now it's better to ask for advice one after another, which inevitably arouses Uncle De's suspicion, so it's easier to find out the author of this manuscript first, and then inquire about the price of Although it can no longer be absorbed from this manuscript, it cost 20,000 yuan to buy it anyway, and Zhuang Rui is really a little painful.

Liu Chuan was even less interested in poetry and so on. After thinking about it, he said, "Ask my mother. She taught history before she retired. She should know that we should not go to the sauna at night and go to my house for dinner."

It's okay to stay in the store. The two of them cleaned up, pulled down the rolling door and got on Liu Chuan's car, but Zhuang Rui took the cigarette he brought to Liu Chuan again. In his words, it was the filial piety of the old man. Don't think about it.

Liu Chuan's family lives in the dormitory building built by the Public Security Bureau in the early years, and now it has also been bought out into a private house. The house has three bedrooms and two living rooms, covering an area of more than 100 square meters, which is much larger than Zhuang Rui's family. Liu Chuan's father has not retired yet. .

Liu Chuan's mother, like Zhuang's mother, applied for internal withdrawal when she was in her 50s. She was usually alone at home. Zhuang Rui's goddest son went, but she was so happy that she was so busy preparing dinner.

After dinner was ready, Liu's father also came back. He had already known about Zhuang Rui's affairs in Shanghai from Zhuang's mother. He pulled Zhuang Rui to praise him. By the way, he took his son who was not doing his job all day long under his education. Liu Chuan, who was angry, was itchy. He quickly picked up the .

Liu's father and mother were just a little surprised to hear this. They wanted to read the book. After asking a few questions, they didn't say much. They all knew that Zhuang Rui had been very independent since he was a child, and generally did not spend money indiscriminately. Liu's mother also went to the study to check information for Zhuang Ah, I thought that I only spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a computer at the beginning, but I was educated by my mother with my ears for a whole day.

After dinner, Zhuang Rui was sent home by Liu Chuan, who was full of resentment, not only for a meal. The most important thing is that there are records of these poems in the book "Biography of the Qing Dynasty" found by the godmother. Now this book is in Zhuang Rui's hand and ready to go home and read it slowly.

After taking 20,000 yuan and throwing it to Liu Chuan, Zhuang Rui drove the guy who was facing his mother out of the house, and then told his mother that she had bought this manuscript today. Zhuang's mother knew that her son worked in a pawnshop and often came into contact with some antique calligraphy and paintings, but she didn't say anything. She just told Be careful and be careful of being cheated by others.

After dealing with his mother, Zhuang Rui hid back to his room and put the manuscript and the couplet left by his grandfather in the wooden box. The wooden box left by his grandfather was made of camphor wood. In ancient times, it was specially used to preserve calligraphy and paintings and some ancient books. If This manuscript has always been collected in a camphor box, and it will never be worn out like this.

After packing up, Zhuang Rui got into the quilt and opened the Biography of the Qing Dynasty brought from his godmother.

P: Well, I just looked at the recommendation ticket, and it turned out to be 250, sweating wildly. Let's not do 250. Brothers, raise your hands and smash some recommendation tickets. Er, ask for a collection. If you think the number of words is small, you can keep it first. In addition, thank you for the reward of