Golden Pupil

Chapter 53 Three Hands

In front of the main hall of the City God Temple, there is a huge iron incense burner, which is full of incense dedicated by good men and women. There is a incense table in the hall. In front of the incense table, the statue of Master Chenghuang is worshipped on the divine platform. Behind it is the "hundred pictures" of children with different expressions The whole city god temple is even more lively, and the voices of calling friends are endless.

"Sihui Building" is open, and there is no tower body of an ordinary pagoda. From each floor, you can see the outside landscape. After Zhuang Rui and other five floors, you can look around and have a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. In the distance, there are shopping malls around the towers and a central square that seems to be quite large.

On the northwest side of the tower is the destination of Zhuang Rui's trip. The City God Temple Antique City. Standing high, there are streets in the whole antique city building and shops in the street. The layers are quite clear. Due to the distance, the surging crowd in the antique city has become like ants, dark.

Looking at the time, it was almost half past noon. He was about to leave Hefei at five or six o'clock in the evening, but he didn't have much time. Zhuang Rui hurriedly walked down the "Sihui Building" and walked to the antique market next to him.

The antique market of the City God Temple does not look very big from the ground, but the four-story building is surrounded by a quadrangle courtyard. If it hadn't been browsed from the air, Zhuang Rui did not know that there was another universe in it, and the gate of the market was also very inconspicuous. However, when passing through the Horses stopped several times, and even a phantom Rolls-Royce, which is rare in China, which also made Zhuang Rui full of expectations for this Chenghuang Temple Antique City, which is known as one of the top ten antique markets in China.

Because it is not long after the Spring Festival, people still have some holidays. The antique city is also overcrowded. Like the Pengcheng Antique Market, there are also many stalls here, and the most lively are these stalls. On the contrary, those formal antique shops with doors are crowded, and there are not many tourists.

This reason is actually very simple. The things on the stall are cheap. In the language, they are called fancy goods, and there are also some fun in them. It depends on everyone's eyesight. However, Zhuang Rui knows that those stores have some fixed customers, and they don't care much about these individual customers who want to pick up Taobao.

During this period of time, in Pengcheng, Zhuang Rui also ran to the antique market a lot. He knew that he often went to the antique market. There were only two kinds of people. One kind of person was mostly elderly. The purpose of coming here was to cultivate his self-cultivation. When he met the real product, he could collect it. If it Type, this kind of people have a relatively high taste, and they often see more and do less.

And the purpose of another person is the same as Zhuang Rui. He came here for Taobao. Of course, Zhuang Rui's biggest purpose is to add some aura in his eyes. As for Taobao, it is defined by Zhuang Rui himself as an additional product after reiki absorption.

People who come here to Taobao can be divided into two types. One is because they like it. After buying it, most of them are used for collection and play, and they rarely resell it. The other is an industry insider, just like the boss Wang Zhuang Rui knows, who specializes in antiques to make money. In their eyes, all All items can be sold, as long as the price is right.

Zhuang Rui's time was relatively tight, and he had no goal. He followed the crowd to shuttle in front of each stall. He only stopped to observe before he met the stall selling calligraphy and painting antiques. As for other stalls, he just walked around and watched the flowers, but he also gained a lot of knowledge. The variety and quantity of antiques here are obviously more than those in Pengcheng Antique Market, but those dazzling small pieces of jade are casually placed on the stall, but the grade looks much lower.

Along the way, Zhuang Rui actually saw a lot of villain books, as well as cigarette boxes, sparks and all kinds of tickets, which were the most common items in the 1980s, which reminded Zhuang Rui's memories of his childhood life.

I casually asked the price, but the price was not low. An early little book was sold for hundreds of yuan, and the complete set was ridiculously expensive, ranging from hundreds to thousands. Zhuang Rui didn't expect that these things would be left to this day and become antiques.

"When I was a child, this thing was all in boxes at home. You sold it so expensive for a few cents of things."

Zhuang Rui squatted on the ground, looked at the gadgets on the stall, and muttered to the stall owner in a cap in front of him.

The stall owner looked about 40 years old and simple. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he was not angry. He said with a smile, "Young man, that's not what you said. Twenty years ago, you could buy a lot of things for a few cents. Now I'm afraid you can't find a few tickets and coins. Go to There is no point calculation for buying vegetables in the market. Don't you think so, young man..."

"Brother, what you said makes sense. A cream popsicle is just a penny. Now you can't buy it dozens of times. This thing is getting more and more expensive every year..."

Although he was robbed for nothing, Zhuang Rui was not angry. The words of the owner of this stall were indeed reasonable. Among other things, in the early 1980s, the three words "ten thousand households" were synonymous with the rich. The object of everyone envy, but if it is put now, the people on the street are all ten thousand households, Zhuang Rui, a few months ago, counted his whole fortune, and he was also a 20,000-yuan household. In the early 1980s, the status of the 10,000-yuan household may at least be compared with the current multimillionaire.

"Yes, the young man is right. What is antiques? It's the things that have precipitated in time. What can be preserved until now are all antiques. See..."

The big brother of the stall was quite talkative. He pointed to a red iron thermos bottle under his feet and said, "This thing, after five hundred years, it is also an antique. Of course, if it is not broken."

Zhuang Rui heard what this man said interestingly and laughed. That's right. Didn't you see those broken bricks on the ancient city wall of Xi'an, and they have become treasures until now? Zhuang Rui was about to joke with this man when he suddenly heard a noise in front of him, and the Chinese people's nature of watching the bustle is There is no doubt that Zhuang Ruigang heard the sound, and in front of him was already surrounded by three circles on the left and three circles on the right.

Zhuang Rui has just turned 25 this year. Although he is old and strong, he is also curious. He immediately stood up and was ready to squeeze in and have a look, but he was caught by the stall owner.

"Young man, it's nothing if you want to watch the fun. When the people from the market management office come, it will disperse. It won't be too late to watch it..."

The big brother of the stall was obviously out of good intentions, because when Zhuang Rui looked at the crowd with his eyes, he suddenly saw a man's hand pulling out his wallet from his trousers pocket, but the hand that took out his wallet was not the owner of the trousers.

P: This week's essence is gone, and it will be refined in the early morning of Monday. Thank you for your support...