Golden Pupil

Chapter 61 Bathhouse

The room booked by Liu Chuan is a standard room for two people. Originally, Zhuang Rui wanted to take a shower in the bathroom of the room, but Liu Chuan dragged him out of the hotel, saying that he wanted to show him the nightlife of "Rongcheng".

Regarding the origin of a person in Chengdu, according to the records in the "Taiping Huan Yu Ji" of the Northern Song Dynasty, it is borrowed from the historical history of the construction of the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty. From the king of Zhou, he lived in one year to form a gathering, two years to become a city, and three years of Chengdu, so Hibiscus trees are planted on the city wall. When the flowers bloom, Chengdu is "40 miles is beautiful", so Chengdu is also known as Hibiscus City, referred to as "Rong City".

It's late February. When people go out in Pengcheng, they have to wear thick cotton-padded clothes. Sometimes it will snow in this festival. However, as soon as he arrives in Chengdu, Zhuang Rui feels a breath of spring. He has taken off the sweater in his jacket in the hotel, but he doesn't feel cold at all. It's cold and windy at night, and the whole person is much more refreshing.

Liu Chuan didn't drive out. As he said, the place to eat was not far from the hotel where he stayed. Zhuang Rui was also lazy to ask. Wherever he went, he was like a local snake. Just follow him. He had heard of beautiful women from Sichuan for a long time. Zhuang Rui's eyes were also looking around at him at this Control the aura in your eyes, and you don't have to be as careful as before.

Zhuang Rui had heard such a saying before, that is, he didn't know his official until he arrived in Beijing, he didn't know that his stomach was bad until he arrived in Guangzhou, he didn't know that he had too little money until he arrived in Shenzhen, he didn't know that he was in poor health until he arrived in Hainan, and he

He is just walking on the streets of Chengdu now, and he has a deep understanding of the last sentence, because at this time, his eyes are already overwhelmed and dazzled.

The first impression of a Chengdu girl on Zhuang Rui was that her fair skin was like mutton jade. Although her height was relatively shorter than that of the northern girl, her concave and convex figure and delicate face covered up this flaw.

At this time, it's just the beginning of spring, but the girls on the street wear the most skirts, which are full of youth and health. Although Zhuang Rui also saw many beautiful women when he visited Nanjing Road in Zhonghai, when it comes to local manufacturing, it must be Chengdu.

Zhuang Rui once often saw in some wild history gossip that the ancients had the saying of "one promotion and two benefits", which means that the beauty in the world pushed Yangzhou first, followed by Yizhou, which is now Chengdu. At this time, when he saw it with his own eyes, he knew that the above two statements were not exaggerated at all.

"What's the matter? Let's see. Come in."

Unconsciously, he has come to the door of a hot pot restaurant. Liu Chuan is looking at Zhuang Rui with a bad smile, wondering whether he has ruined this buddy's virginity here, because he found that Zhuang Rui's recent interest in women seems to be much greater than before. Zhuang Rui has never looked at women like this before.

In fact, this is also normal. Zhuang Rui is just a young man in his twenties. It is the time when the hormone secretion in his body is most vigorous. In the past, he was single and worked in other places, and his life was stressful. In addition, his personality was too rational and introverted, so he never talked about girlfriends You, but since the reiki in his eyes, it seems that there is no need to worry about making a living. Coupled with his mother's urging, Zhuang Rui has also begun to seriously consider this problem.

However, Zhuang Rui did not have the idea of finding a one-night stand. Although a woman's first time is important, men can't be casual. During this period, when Zhuang Rui occasionally recalled the girl he knew in his mind, he felt that he had indeed failed in the past 25 years. In addition to the college girlfriend buried in the depths of his memory, the one who appeared in his mind the most times was Qin Xuanbing, who had been at a different path with him.

After shaking his head and driving out the unrealistic idea in his mind, Zhuang Rui found that he had already sat in this hot pot restaurant.

Zhuang Rui has no objection to eating hot pot. He has loved spicy food since he was a child. He has long wanted to taste the authentic Sichuan hot pot, and this restaurant did not disappoint him. In fact, when electric hot pot is popular, charcoal hot pot is still used, and after the hot pot is served on the table, a chef in a white coat The pot base was added to the thick soup. Zhuang Rui knew that this was probably the self-redemption carried out by many hot pot restaurants in order to attract customers after the gutter oil, water oil and other incidents were exposed.

In addition to a table of beef, mutton, vegetables and other side dishes, Liu Chuan also ordered a bottle of Lang wine and drank some wine after driving a long-distance bus, which was also a good way to relieve fatigue.

The charcoal in the exquisite copper pot was very strong, and the soup in the hot pot soon boiled. Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan put the side dishes on the table and sipted them a little, and ate a lot. Both of them had not had a serious meal for more than 20 hours. The side dishes on the table were not too much, and they were It has been wiped out. Although the mouth is crisp and numb, the stomach is warm and comfortable.


After dinner, Zhuang Rui originally thought that Liu Chuan would find a sauna to steam, but unexpectedly, this man actually took him to a large bathhouse. He did not expect that in the era of hotel saunas everywhere, Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, there were bathhouses that have been passed down to this day, which surprised Zhuang Rui, because including him In the hearts of many people, soaking in the bathhouse has become a complex.

When you take a bath in the bathhouse, you can see that the body of white flowers is all naked. This is an undefended world. There is no difference between noble and low in the bathhouse. Whether you are rich or poor, you need to take off your clothes and make yourself naked when bathing. In this way, the high and low are gone, naked The posture.

In the bathhouse, everyone has become the same. He has, and you also have. Everyone treats each other with sincerity. There is no intrigue, no deception. The social level of you and me has been cancelled, the career gap has been filled, and the familiarity is getting along with each other. Laughing and scolding are unrestrained. What

Nowadays, there is little left in the old bathroom in Pengcheng, either because of serious losses or because of regional demolition. This is indeed a transformation of bathing culture. Zhuang Rui has not entered the bathhouse for many years, but he watched a movie called "Bathing" a few years ago, which aroused him a lot. Memories.

When Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan were young, they often held their breath in the bathhouse and had a water fight. Although they could not avoid being slapped twice by Liu Chuan's father on the buttocks every time, in Zhuang Rui's heart, those memories were still beautiful. Presumably, Liu Chuan also had such an idea to bring himself

The business of this bathhouse is very good. The door face is not big, but when you enter it, you feel very refreshing. The light is bright and the ground is flat. There are rows of wooden boards next to the walls and wooden railings in the lobby. There is a large pool. Even if more than 20 people wash at the Some people shout and sell from time to time, send water to some brewed guests to deliver green radishes, and hold towels from time to time, which makes Zhuang Rui feel very warm when he sees it.

The pool in the lobby was wrapped up, and he hadn't taken off his clothes yet. Zhuang Rui had already felt the fog. At the moment, he asked for a small lock and found a cabinet. He took off his clothes and entered the pool. A heat wave suddenly came to his face. Although it was a little stuffy, it was very cool. There was Seeing the sound of people stirring the water in the pool, the pounding sound of the back, and the sound of drops of water dripping down from the ceiling, as if playing a wonderful music.

The essence of the bathhouse lies in the word "bubble". As the saying goes, "In the morning, water is for the skin, and in the evening." Taking a hot bath with a shower head can achieve the effect of sweating in a short time, but this is only a temporary increase in the surface temperature of the skin. It only discharges the sweat of the epidermis. Only by slowly soaking in hot water can blood circulation be promoted, the whole body sweats, the pores are opened, and the dirt and oil are pushed , and soften the keratin, so that sweat can be excreted with old waste and toxins.

The two soaked in the pool for more than half an hour. After sweating several times in a row, they asked a bather to rub his body again, and then he came out of the pool. Someone next to him immediately handed over two large towels. Zhuang Rui wrapped himself, took the hot hand towel handle thrown by the man, and applied it to his face. The heat went straight into the pores. When I couldn't breathe, I lifted the towel. The comfortable feeling was indescribable, and the fatigue of running around all the past few days had disappeared.

He ordered two cups of tea, four slices of green radish cut into strips, and lay down on the wooden board. Zhuang Rui seemed to return to the old bathhouse in Pengcheng more than ten years ago, and his thoughts couldn't help but be a little erratic.

"Wood, let me tell you something, but don't worry about me..."

A somewhat erratic voice reached Zhuang Rui's ear and looked up, but it was Liu Chuan, who chewed the radish in his mouth and said vaguely.

P: When I was a child, I had a wish that has not been realized, that is, to walk around the women's bathhouse. Mi has a chance. Don't slap your face, female comrades. Many people have this idea.

This chapter is the most satisfactory. It should be that the post-70s friends have the most feeling after reading it. The post-80s also have some memories. The post-90s generation may feel boring. I hope this chapter can remind everyone of the beauty of the past. If you are satisfied, vote more recommendation votes and reward a few more, so that we can also be Come on, hey hey...