Golden Pupil

Chapter 159 East Window Incident

Wang must have hummed a song and stopped and bought the Honda Fit online for less than a year. He is becoming more and more dislikable of this car. The exhaust volume is too much and it is a hatchback, which is not generous enough. A few days ago, he went to an auto show with A Xia. He took a Buick Regal, , just give the car to Axia.

Thinking of A Xia, Wang must have couldn't help humming the song "Hot Girl" again. A Xia's full name is Li Xia. She is a Sichuan girl. After graduating from college, she stayed in Zhonghai to work, but she is just an ordinary clerk. By chance, Wang must have met A Xia and opened it up from then on. Very enthusiastic pursuit.

It's just that girls nowadays seem to be very realistic, especially women who are wandering in an international metropolis like Zhonghai. Is learning, appearance and character important in their eyes? Very important! However, as long as you have money, the above conditions can be relaxed, and even cancelled.

Wang must say that the annual salary is more than 100,000 yuan, which is also a good income for senior white-collar workers in Zhonghai. However, not long after he came back from abroad, he spent a lot of money. Up to now, he is only driving an old car of more than 10,000 yuan, or a rented house. Li Xia, who is very confident in her appearance, did not list Wang must be the number one boyfriend, that is to say, Wang's certain assets are not enough to let Li Xia lower her requirements for his knowledge, appearance and character.

We have been dating for more than half a year, and the money has costing 8,000 yuan. However, Wang must not even touch Li Xia's little hand a few times, let alone go to bed, which must be very depressed for Wang, who has always been self-towing to be handsome and young and rich. However, the relationship between the two was fundamentally changed more than a month ago, and made a breakthrough development a few days ago, which must make Wang recall. I couldn't help smiling.

Thinking of Li Xia's graceful figure, white and tender skin, and ecstatic moans, everything on Wang must have hardened involuntarily. Well, at night, I asked A Xiabao to stew chicken soup. The king must have taken it out while thinking about it. However, there was a voice on the phone that no one answered, which made Wang frown. Was it too much yesterday that Axia was still sleeping?

Look at the time on the mobile phone. It's already 8:30, and I'm already half an hour late. Wang must have quickly got out of the car and walked into the pawnshop. He casually joked with Xu Ling. After dealing with Li Xia, his interest in Xu Ling was greatly reduced, but he still had to take advantage of it every day.

"I'm free in the morning. I'm going to invite Lao Shen of the auction house to dinner at noon and finalize next week's auction, huh? Why don't you answer the phone?

Wang must be sitting in the office, looking at his notepad, and casually called Li Xia again. There was still no one answering the phone, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

Wang's mind is relatively narrow-minded. After he asked Li Xia to quit his job, he regarded it as forbidden to leave. He had to talk to her a few times every day before he could feel at ease on the phone. From a psychological point of view, this is a manifestation of extreme lack of self-confidence in himself. Of course, Wang must regard this as a concern for Li Xia.

"Damn it, Lao Shen is really dark enough. He knocked out my two Chinese cigarettes again. Looking back, let's see if the invoice can be credited for reimbursement. Anyway, these two managers rarely look at these things." Wang must be drunk at noon. When he walked up to the second floor, he saw Xiaoli, a salesperson in the absolute district. He quickly reached out and took out a 50-yuan Zhao from his pocket and shouted to Xiaoli: Xiaoli's sister. Help Brother Wang buy a bottle of drink. This mineral water is tasteless. Wang must have stuffed the money into Xiaoli's hand as he said, touched it again, and walked to his office with a smile.

"Wang appraiser, please come here. Let's have a small meeting

With Wang's certain laughter, the door of Zhuang Rui's office was opened. Zhuang Rui stood at the door and waved to Wang.

Wang must have burped, looked at Zhuang Rui with drunken eyes, and said unhappily, "What's the matter? I have a meeting. I'm going to accompany the customer to dinner. Alas, there's nothing I can do. The customer is so enthusiastic that he was just given a few glasses. Manager Zhuang, if it'

Zhuang Rui frowned. He had never seen anyone who must have done something like Wang. He was not panicked at all. He took a look at Xiao Li, who was a little at a loss with 50 yuan in his hand. Zhuang Rui suppressed his anger and said calmly, "You'd better come here. There are some things I need to ask you."

After saying that, Zhuang Rui turned his head and went into the room. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Wang must have woken up a little and followed Zhuang Rui and walked in.

"Oh, Uncle De, you're here too, brother Lai. I heard that you received a foreign oil painting some time ago? Or in the early 20th century? You are not kind, and you don't want to show it to your brother. I didn't know until Lao Shen said it today, Manager Zhuang. If there is anything, please tell me quickly. Maybe the customer will come later."

Wang must have walked into the manager's office. Seeing Uncle De and Lai Jindong sitting in it, he hurriedly greeted the two of them. Without waiting for Zhuang Rui to let go, he sat on the sofa, fought with his upper and lower eyelids, and leaned back and wanted to squint.

"This, take a look at it first. I think you need to give it to the pawnshop or the investment company. Explain it."

Zhuang Rui did not talk nonsense. He directly listed the list of fake items that Wang must receive. He put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and his eyes stared at Wang.

"Is this a good thing?"

Wang must not have realized that Mao Yixun's book has said that it is a different body clam. For the fact that it has happened in the Jiadong window, he picked up the paper very casually. I was lazy when I looked at the net, and my eyes narrowed into a crack, and I stared round in an instant. The drunken face suddenly woke up most of it.

"Manager Zhuang, what do you mean? The items written on this paper are all the items I received recently. Why do you make a list for me?

Wang must shake the paper on his hand and make a clup sound. He asked Zhuang Rui knowingly and pretended to be confused. The flash of panic in his eyes was captured by Zhuang Rui, who had been staring at him


Looking at Wang's clumsy performance, Zhuang Wu was too lazy to go around with Wang. He said bluntly, "Wang appraiser, let's have a fight with your colleagues. I'll give you a chance to say it yourself. I will bear the responsibility of this leadership, otherwise. You bear the consequences!"

"What are you talking about? I collect goods according to the regulations. Even if these are fake, I don't know. I was also deceived. What do you want me to say?

Wang must have raised his voice, but in the eyes of Zhuang Rui and others, it is under the fierce and tough appearance. He can't hide his inner weakness.


Zhuang Rui's right hand patted heavily on the table, and then his body stood up. He looked at Wang and said harshly, "Wang must, I've given you a chance. No matter how lost you are, don't blame me for not thinking about the same things. I didn't say that these items were fake. You didn't identify it as a fake at that time. Why are you talking like this now?

Wang must have read the form in his hand carefully again. It only listed the pawn time and amount involved in the eleven fake items. It did not mean that it was a fake item, but he just spilled it.

"What's there to say? It's just that I received a few pieces of Xiamen jewelry. After all, when I collect these items, they are charged at one-sixth of the price of the real products. At that time, I can immediately earn at least 80% at the auction house. This time, I can create a lot of profits for the pa What do you think?

Wang must have seen that this matter could not be concealed and began to make excuses for himself. Maybe he really thought so in his heart. The more he said it, the more proud he became, as if the things he did were all for the sake of pawnshops. As for the fake money, he naturally didn't mention it.

After hearing Wang's words, Uncle De's face turned blue, and Lai Jindong gloated beside him. However, Zhuang Rui was laughed at by what Wang must say. This is still a master's degree student who returned from studying abroad, and he is actually so legally blind.

Zhuang Rui had seen one before; it was a joke that a doctoral couple had been married for three years and had no children. When they went to the hospital for a check-up, both husband and wife were very healthy, which was a little strange. The last old doctor asked a few words about the husband and wife to have sex, and then he knew that in the three Just sleep in a **. There was no other substantial physical contact, which surprised everyone present.

Of course, our Wang appraiser has often gone to those red-light districts abroad, and has often promoted his national prestige on tall and hairy horses, but he has a good understanding of legal knowledge. But it is almost the same as the couple's understanding of human physiological knowledge.

"Wang must, did you take a Chinese passport?" Zhuang Rui suddenly asked such a question.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Wang must be a little puzzled.

"That's good. Chinese laws are very applicable to you. Let me tell you the relevant explanation of the criminal law on fraud. Article 266 of the Criminal Law: Defrauding public and private property in a large amount. He shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also, or shall only, be fined.

The amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances. He shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined.

If the amount is particularly large or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or confiscated. "Fraud" mainly refers to the act of defrauding public and private property by fictitious or concealing the truth for the purpose of illegal possession.

By the way, Appraiser Wang, let me remind you again. Individuals defraud public and private property of more than 10,000 yuan. The amount of fraud is particularly huge. As for which of the above applies to you, you can sit in the right seat.

With Zhuang Rui's words, Wang's body trembled involuntarily, and his red face, which he had drunk, also became pale and colorless. His eyes were full of fear.

"Dang, Dangdang,"

Just as Wang's psychological defense line was about to collapse, there was a knock on the door from Zhuang Rui's manager's office.

"Manager Zhuang, I sent drinks to the appraiser Wang. This is the fruit shackles you want every time"

Xiao Li, who pushed the door open, also seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the room was a little solemn. She stuck out her tongue, quickly walked to Wang's certain, put a bottle of fruit orange drink and the returned change on the coffee table in front of Wang's certain, and quickly retreated.

If this was put in the past, Wang must have held Xiaoli's hand and pretended to be generous and stuffed the change into Xiaoli's hand, just today. Wang must no longer have that thought, and he didn't even know how to open the bottle of drink. For the first time, he felt that the sweet drink was so bitter in his mouth, and the model on the juice bottle was full of vitality in a short skirt and showing her thighs. For the first time, he lost his attraction in Wang's eyes.

"Manager Zhuang, Uncle De, I really don't know that these things are fake. You have to believe me. I can review this matter, and I can resign to the investment company, but I really didn't cheat

It seemed that the cold drink inspired Wang to think that he must have been almost frozen. He put down the drink in his hand. He shouted for injustice loudly, and he didn't admit what he had just said. For a person like Wang, he didn't want to spit out what he ate. Even if he resigned now, he had earned more than 500,000 yuan in his hand. There are many pawnshops in China, and he can make a living by finding another one in a different city.

Zhuang Rui didn't expect that Wang must still be a role who didn't shed tears without seeing the coffin, so he picked up one. The number said a word.

In less than two minutes, the door of the manager's office was pushed open again. Miao Feifei came in a neat police uniform, put a recording pen and a confession on Zhuang Rui's table, and stared at Zhuang Rui fiercely. She spent a lot of money to get these two things.

"Thank you, officer. Please, police officer. Please go to the conference room for a meeting first, and then we will do the suspect's work here. We are also in line with the principle of punishing the sick and saving people."

Zhuang Rui stood up and pretended to be a businessman. I don't know what you look like, so I sent Miao Feifei out. The people in the room raised their thumbs up at Miao Feifei.

Since Miao Feifei entered the office, Wang must have become extremely flustered with a calm face, and the original straightened rocker also shrank. When Zhuang Rui sent Miao Feifei out, Wang must stared at the two objects on the desk, but his mouth was dead and closed. There must be a fluke mentality.

"Look at this thing. If you still need to listen to the recording after watching it, I can also satisfy you."

Zhuang Rui made the confession on his desk. Throwing it in front of Wang, he heard the confession and the contents of the recording pen at noon, so he was killed by Miao Feifei again. At that time, there were also Miao Feifei's colleagues who helped her. Now the reason why Miao Feifei sent these evidence was to deter Wang.

"I'll explain, I deserve to die, I'll explain everything. Don't arrest me to go to prison, Uncle De, you have to save me, Manager Zhuang, I really don't know it's illegal.

Look at Li Xia's confession on the paper. There were also bright red fingerprints and Li Xia's signature. Wang's spiritual world finally collapsed, tears and snot. He pulled Uncle De beside him, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw and cried.

"Oleve it, howl at the funeral."

Uncle De shouted fiercely and interrupted Wang's voice.

"I didn't let the police take you away just now, just to give you a chance to cry, explain the matter clearly, and withdraw the stolen money. My old man pleaded to Manager Zhuang for mercy.

Uncle De's words made Wang calmer. After seeing Zhuang Rui nod, he believed that what Zhuang Rui said before was true. Wang must have only been online for 30 this year. He doesn't want to go out to enjoy life after ten years in prison. So he explained the process of deceiving him.

It turned out that at the beginning of Zhuang Rui's becoming a manager. Wang must not have had this crooked idea. He just wants to cooperate with the auction house and auctione a few of them he took last year. Who knows that the auction of the four fake jewelry last year was unexpectedly smooth, and no one objected to the authenticity of the jewelry, which made Wang's greed in addition to getting a large commission bonus.

Wang must have gone to Macao for a few days before returning to China. As we all know, Macao is a world-famous oriental casino, accompanied by it. It is the developed pawn industry there. Wang must have visited several pawnshops due to professional reasons. He liked a few pieces that could almost be made with fake quality jewelry and precious watches, so he bought them at a very low price. According to his idea at that time, the watch was to support himself. Those jewelry are naturally reserved for pick- up girls in the future.

But the cooperation with the auction house made Wang must have re-evaluate the value of those high-quality jewelry watches, so he found Li Xia and asked him to take those fake jewelry and watches to the pawnshop for gold. At first, Li Xia did not know that these jewelry and watches were fake. Wang must have just said that he worked there, no It's convenient to estimate what you took, so Li Xia helped,

Li Xia, who thought that Wang must be just a white-collar worker, didn't expect that he had so many precious jewelry. Suddenly, she secretly promised that Wang Da's appraiser had a double harvest in his love career. Even if Li Xia later knew that those products were fake, she must have admired Wang when she saw the hundreds of thousands of Already, as long as you can make money these days, who cares how your money comes from? In the eyes of most people, it is not illegal not to steal or rob.

Wang must have thought the same, Zhuang Rui's decentralization. Let him have the opportunity to deal with his quality jewelry and watches through the auction house. Through the auction, the pawnshop can get the money paid from the fake jewelry. With several times more funds, the auction house can get a large commission,

As for Wang himself, it is even more of a bumper harvest. He can come up with such a good idea of killing three birds with one stone. He must have been proud of Wang for several days. It's just that he didn't expect that there would be an incident in the east window.

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