Golden Pupil

Chapter 164 Five Brothers

"Old silk. The second and the third. I will be here in a few days. Our brothers have been in Guangdong this time.

Lao Si had booked the hotel. After taking a few people to the hotel and opening a room, because the brothers had not seen each other for almost two years, they were very excited and did not go to the room. They simply sat in the hotel room and chatted.

Speaking of the brothers in the dormitory of the Department of Accounting and Accounting of Zhonghai University, it is really famous throughout the college, from ordinary teachers and deans to principals, from freshmen to graduated brothers and sisters. Few people don't know, and there is no other reason. The names of these people are too loud.

There used to be a professor when he was having dinner with the principal. When I mentioned this person when I was chatting, I sprayed wine on the headmaster's face at that time. The result was that I failed the make-up exam once in the professor's course.

Needless to say, although this Viagra is not the other Viagra, its popularity is equally high.

The second brother is an authentic Beijinger. The word you in Zhuang Rui's mouth was influenced by his people. The second brother's surname is Yue Mingjing. This name was given by his old revolutionary grandfather who came out of the bullpen. It is said to commemorate an old comrade-in-arms who did not survive in the cowshed.

Since Brother Yue Jing understood the rich meaning of the name at the age of his mouth, he has fought for many years to change his name. His perseverance is comparable to that of the old revolutionary grandfather's eight-year war of resistance, but it is obvious that he and the old man in his family are not the same level of opponents at all.

until he graduated from college, the second brother still used the name, but the thickness of his face also became like a city wall with age. When he introduced himself at the meeting of the post-military freshmen, he once explained the correct pronunciation and writing of his name in detail, which made the girl down.

The old revolution in Brother Yue's family has retired to the second line, but most of his father's predecessors have worked in all departments in Beijing, in his own words. We were born at the foot of the emperor and grew up under the red flag. The size can be regarded as an yamunior. Yue ya lived up to his name and joined the party in the third year of college. As soon as I got the graduation certificate, after returning to Beijing, the organizational relationship was immediately transferred to a ministry. I heard that he is now a small section chief and has a bright future.

Maybe Shanghai people and Beijing people naturally don't like each other. Yue Jing only compared with Yang Wei for eight days. In order to be the boss, Yue Jing once ran back to Beijing to change his ID card, but he was slapped back by the old man for a while. In his words, "Don't let me change my name, I let Can't you come out for a few days?" Under the power of the old man, the second brother can only say this in private.

From admission to graduation, Brother Wei and Brother Yue had endless lives and quarreled unremittingly. They spent four of them noisyly, which added a lot of fun to everyone. However, at ordinary times, they quarreled with each other, and everyone's feelings were still very deep. At the graduation party. They drank the most.

At that time, the second brother pulled the boss with snot and tears. He insisted that the boss go to Beijing with him to develop, and turned a blind eye to the paper towels handed over by Zhuang Rui, and wiped his snot and tears until the boss was ugly. I bought a lot of new Mengtejiao T-shirt. Viagra sneaked out Brother Yue Jing's mobile phone and dialed it. Hong Kong will accompany you to chat on the voice station. After that, he stuffed it back into his buttocks pocket. The second brother drank too much that day. It was estimated that the machine was automatically turned off when there was no power. After returning to Beijing, he found that the mobile phone bill was as high as the cost of the month, and there were more mainland customers on a voice station in Hong Kong.

As for the name of the old, it is the most famous among the five brothers, but it is really a little wrong for the third brother to be famous.

The third brother is from northern Shaanxi. The name is very ordinary. His surname is Liu, and his big name is Liu Changfa. Compared with those names such as Ergou, Sanmao and Siyan, it is relatively normal. The third child's family is poor, and his parents are in the poor and addicted yellow land of northern Shaanxi. Few people know about the third college student. The third brother is a family-betic authentic northern Shaanxi red boxing kung fu. According to him, he began to practice when he was wearing crotch pants.

The third son is about 1.8 meters tall. He is an authentic man in northern Shaanxi. He always has a simple smile on his face. At least he brought home a beautiful daughter-in-law when the third brother-in-law graduated. This is also what the rest of the people did not do, and he is indignant about it.

They should be famous as soon as possible. The third brother is the earliest among the five brothers, and it should be said that he is also the earliest among their students.

That was the first day of the freshman army after entering the school. The emergency assembly whistle that did not say hello in advance sounded at 6 o'clock in the morning filled the playground of Zhonghaimer University with untidy and sleepy college students.

But boys wake up quickly. Because there are many girls who buckle the wrong buttons and wear the wrong clothes. They cheered up like hormones. A pair of thieves' eyes were looking for targets everywhere. There were fewer wolves and more meat, so many... Zhuang Rui and other individuals had long been fascinated. The boys in other departments looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes, and the expressions of jealousy, envy and eager to replace them were different.

The instructor of the army is a second lieutenant officer of a Zhonghai Armed Police Detachment. It is said that he was an excellent soldier who won the first place in the competition of the Zhonghai Armed Police Corps last year. However, after the second lieutenant met, he gave this group of proud children with excess hormones to the power, and In the old circle, the girls tidy up their internal affairs clothes.

A circle of school runway is like rice, the old circle of 4 concave rice runs down, tired one by one sticking out their tongues to make local dog-like **s, before they have time to catch a few breaths, stand up

"Hon, everyone. In the coming month, I will be your military instructor. I have never been to college or even high school. In my impression, college is sacred. And college students are the proud sons of heaven. In ancient times, they were all Hanlin champions, but..."

Although Comrade Second Lieutenant has not been promoted for a long time, he has only gone through three months of surprise training at Nanjing Armed Police College. However, he has the art of speech as a leader, first and then suppressed. The words are also very simple. If there is no turning point after the word "but", this speech is also successful, but It is the accident derived from the word "but" that has led to countless topics about the rise of universities in the future, and it is also the culprit of Professor Chi's spray on the president's face.

"However, what I saw was a group of unorganized, undisciplined and spoiled college students who shouted their names to answer "to" instead of "oh." Ah, "If you are in the army, you are all unqualified garbage, and you are all cannon fodder on the battlefield"

The instructor's words made the playground boo loudly, but they were all girls. The boys hadn't breathed yet, and they were slapped a lot since childhood. Relatively thick-skinned, this level of language attack can be tolerated.

"What, are you unconvinced? The regulations issued the day before yesterday. Girls' hair is up to the ear, and the boys are flat. Look at you one by one, untidy clothes, long hair"

Speaking of this, the second lieutenant and the women were ready to pause for a moment.


A loud and powerful voice. The bamboo cut off Comrade Second Lieutenant's next words.

The sudden voice made the instructor's words stop abruptly, which made it rare to have the opportunity to teach college students, and the second lieutenant, who was in a state of speech, was very dissatisfied, and the key was. This abrupt word "to" also asked the second lieutenant to recite the words he wanted to say for several days to


"Who's talking?" Comrade Second Lieutenant shouted sharply.

"Report instructor, it's me"

The third brother's voice was in the first place of the team: the row was loud, the voice was loud, and the body was straight, which made the other animals who had not recovered after running 4,000 meters admire the strength and courage of the third brother very much. "Damn it, this is a thorn. I specialize in treating thorns,"

Seeing the answer that the old three is not red and heartless, there are some second lieutenants who have rich work experience in the company at the grassroots level, and they immediately think of the thorn soldiers in the army.

The instructor, who had not completely changed from a grass-roots squad leader to a second lieutenant in the army, instinctively walked over to Lao San and raised his right leg. He bent slightly inward and kicked straight to the third brother's abdomen. The force was not very strong. It is estimated that the second lieutenant just wanted the third brother's buttocks to squat and suffer a little. If it had been his own soldiers, Comrade Second Lieutenant would have slapped his ears long ago.

What people didn't expect was that the third brother's feet did not move at all, but his body turned slightly to the side, and he dodged the instructor's right leg. While dodging, the third brother's right hand seemed to pull on the instructor's right foot, just as if, because later the third brother did not admit that The body immediately flew forward from rubbing Lao San's body and made close contact with the hard cement floor.

The ashamed instructor immediately reported the matter to the school, which immediately caused an uproar in the school. The fight between the freshmen and the instructor attracted the attention of many boring people from freshmen to seniors. Although after investigation, it was shown that this was a bloody case almost caused by a misunderstanding of the name. In fact, the third brother was also wronged. When running, he was the first to stand in a military posture. Why was he the first to be criticized and almost beaten? It was purely bullying honest people.

After this incident, Liu Changfa has become one of the most famous outstanding figures in the history of Shanghai Mo College, and in an accident after the end of the army, several animals in the dormitory fully realized that the motto of this man is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

As for Lao Si, from the appearance, he is a little thin and handsome young man, about 1.75 meters in length, plus a pair of glasses, a typical literati, everyone thought so at the beginning, when Lao Si introduced himself. He never mentioned his family until the five brothers went out to celebrate after the first group fight. The guy who had drunk too much did not need to be questioned by others and came directly to the bottom. If this is put in the war era, there is no need to use beauty tricks. If you give this guy some old wine, everything will be tricked.

Lao Si's name is Bi Yuntao. I heard from him that he was sick when he was a child, and his family was afraid that he could not support him. I specially invited the name given by the famous Huang Daxian in Hong Kong. I don't know if the Huang Daxian is still alive. Anyway, the fourth brother carrying the "condom" has cursed him for more than ten years.

Lao Si is a coastal person in Guangdong. Since the reform and opening up, the town where he was born has been the most famous car, motorcycle and clothing trading center in the country. To put it bluntly, it is to vigorously develop trade exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland. Lao Si's family has been engaged in this trade since the late Qin Dynasty. From electronic watches to flared trousers to TV cars.

For more than 0 years, the Bi family has accumulated a large amount of wealth, because the fourth brother has been in poor health since he was a child. Unable to engage in maritime operations, the family also has the consciousness to cultivate the next generation with knowledge and culture, so Lao Si became the only college student among many brothers in the family.

Although he is a figure on the edge of the family's business, he has seen the fourth brother who has also eaten pork since he was a child. Is it definitely a different body of Yi Xunshu among the five brothers? Of. The twenty-second after the beginning of school was the group frame after the end of the Tang Dynasty in seven months. The first stick was the beer bottle in Lao Si's hand.

Men's friendship is nothing more than carrying guns together, squatting together, fighting together, and whoring together. The friendship between Zhuang Rui and others begins with fighting.

It was the second day after the end of the army. After a month of hard and excellent struggle, it finally overwhelmed the second brother to get the title of boss. In order to celebrate the end of the army, I decided to invite everyone to have a meal in the restaurant outside the school in the evening. After arriving at the restaurant, it was surprising that the group of girls who cried all day long to lose weight came earlier than they had already ordered the dishes and were ready to eat.

The second brother and the fourth brother are the thickest-skinned. When they came forward to scream from their sister and sister, they actually asked the girls to agree to celebrate with the five animals. After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. Other students were greedy.'s eyes were overwatched. But I'm not familiar with it, and I'm embarrassed to rush to make up the fun.

Due to the end of the military network, the freshmen have been holding back for a month, so this restaurant is also full of business. Most of them are freshmen coming to open meat. Unfortunately, seven or eight junior sports school basketball teams also come to dinner, and there are not enough seats. When the boss of the basketball team shouted for a while and was about to leave, they saw the second brother toasting with satisfaction in the flowers. Suddenly, I had the idea of teaching my juniors the glorious tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, and I could also show off in front of the girls by the way.

It's easy to find faults. A brother who is more than nine meters long and five or three thicks deliberately kicked the second brother, and then began to warn everyone not to be too flamboyant and not to stretch his feet too long. If he fell down with his brother, the consequences of hurting him was very serious, but what he didn't expect was that these bloody brothers really didn't have a good temper. Just as the second brother was about to touch the wine bottle, the fourth brother sitting next to him had already stood on the chair and directly used the Tsingtao beer bottle with half a bottle of wine Zi helped the senior brother open the ladle.

How have the old students who are used to rampant in school ever suffered such a loss? They were ashamed in front of a group of eye-catching schoolgirls, and suddenly seven or eight people gathered around. Lao San and Zhuang Rui wanted to persuade a few words, but after a few punches in the face, they did not say that they wanted to convince people with virtue. Five of the seven or eight old men were put to the ground by the third brother. Brother Wei and Brother Yue cooperated happily and put one. Zhuang Rui had fought a lot since he was a child and put one with a

Several people who won a complete victory changed places to drink after the girls left. The next day was the school's punishment. Fortunately, they fought outside the school. The school also knew that several freshmen would not take the initiative to provoke the old students. In addition, the boss was a local. After a family activity, they only let a few people compensate. Medical expenses, the third brother with the largest number of people put down was punished.

After this battle, the name of the five brothers is the whole school of Weizhen. In addition, the third brother actually gained love because of this. At that time, a girl in Shaanxi who was present was full of praise for the third brother's generous behavior and strong force. After going there for a year, the two of them somehow hooked up. This made Lao Si depressed for a long time. He stood on the chair and waved the bottle, which was hit by no one to appreciate it.

There are four classmates, the second brother wants to go back to Beijing to inherit the family's traditional officialdom, the third brother wants to accompany his girlfriend back to his hometown, and the fourth brother is the accountant in the family. Only Zhuang Rui was deceived by the boss and coaxed to stay in Zhonghai. The whole thing is not high or low. There are also enterprises in Zhonghai that the world persuades to be strong. However, others don't like the Zhang family.

But it's okay, Zhuang Rui is also bitter and sweet. Now when it comes to the family, although the background is not as thick as those brothers, when it comes to the money at his disposal, he is the most.

After Lao Si and Zhuang Ruiwei graduated from Blade Weinian. There are still a few days left, and we haven't seen each other for two years. When it comes to the past in school, it's all panting. I'm not sleepy. From four o'clock to six o'clock, it's already dawn outside.

After chatting for a while, Zhuang Rui knew that the second brother came in the name of a business trip in a few days, while the third brother came on leave. The plane ticket was all paid by the fourth brother, and he may also bring his family. Now the five brothers are gathered together.

"I'm doing well now. I took my bodyguard with me when I went out. After Zhou Rui went back to his room to rest, Lao Si said to Zhuang Rui with his thumb.

"Don't answer me. Your Ferrari can buy two of my cars. Brother Zhou is my friend. Don't say anything like a bodyguard or anything like that. Zhuang Rui quickly corrected Lao Si's words. The others said that there was nothing wrong here. If they were accidentally heard by Zhou Rui, it would be bad.

Lao Si pointed to Zhuang Rui and smiled, "You don't know what humor is, or it's the same as before. Well, old man, are you really going to fool around in the antique industry now? I heard that before the original stone fair is held in Pingzhou. There are ghost markets. Why don't you go and have a look?

"Is there a ghost market here?

Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words. After following Uncle De for the past few months, he also knew a lot about the doorway in the antique industry. Hearing Lao Si's words, he was really moved.

Prevention: Several students of the protagonist should write the following plots, and simply introduce them into a chapter. Today's concave character is turned into a small outbreak. If my friends watch it, it will be good. With the support of the recommended monthly ticket.