Golden Pupil

Chapter 183 Pay back the money on the spot

Dad the boss. You must be clearer about the risk of gambling than I do. To be honest, I can buy it or not. If this crack goes on, it will rise or collapse, and the immortals dare not break it. If you open a price of more than six million yuan, it is clear that there is no sincerity, "

Song Jun's original smiling face couldn't help getting stiff after hearing the price offered by Boss Yu. The wool boss was a little dark, and the gambling material of one and a half yuan was nearly 10,000 yuan per kilogram. If so, it's better to bid at the bid the day after tomorrow.

"Boss Song, that's not what you said. You can also see the place where these three pieces of wool open the skylight. It's all sunny and green. As long as it can seep in, it's a steady profit. The price is not high. Although Boss Yu spoke slowly, the price always refused to give in.

"What if it doesn't seep in? Gambling stones are originally a bet on luck, but the price you bought by Boss Yu is too unkind. The cracked half-gambling wool is just ice seed. The price is 50,000 yuan per kilogram. If you can sell it, I, Song Jun, will eat all the wool in your warehouse. What's the harm?"

Song Jun was a little angry. The thin old man obviously killed them as Kaizi. In fact, Song Jun didn't know much about the way of looking at private goods, so he was angry.

In Pingzhou, there are generally three channels for gambling stones. The first one is the so-called official "jade bidding fair". The wool is put there. If the price is high, you can get it. This is a hidden bid, and the second is clearly marked. There may be a lot of people who like a piece of wool. Then shout the price on The way is the most exciting. Because people who buy wool often solve stone on the spot. The rise and fall of gambling are all under one knife, and others are the most enjoyable to watch.

There is another way to look at private goods. The price here is not very transparent. It is often a sky-high price from wool merchants, and the buyer pays the money on the spot. However, basically both sides can agree on the price of the final transaction. However, Song Jun will obviously be a little impatient, and it doesn't sound very good.

"Cough, Mr. Song, that's what Boss Yu said. There is still room for negotiation on the price. Let's discuss it well. Don't be angry, don't be angry

The guest mustache beside him was a little stiff when he saw the scene. After quickly coming out to make a round, Song Jun's face calmed down, but he refused to negotiate with Boss Yu again. He motioned Master Zhang to go up and let him to talk.

"These three pieces of half-gambling wool with cracks. Twenty-one kilogram, with two and ten thousand left"

Master Peng obviously doesn't talk much about the price. The tone was even stiffer than that of Song Jun. After the price was quoted, he never said anything again. It sounded that the boss's face looked so uncertain under the dim and swaying light.

"Master Peng, the price is a little too low. At this price, I don't even have enough cost to pull it back from Myanmar. You can see if you can bring 3,1 kilograms of cracked wool, and the remaining two pieces, as you said, 11,000 kilograms. How's it going?"

Boss Yu thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said. His face looked as if he had been stabbed with a stick, with a painful expression.

"The gambling of three cracks is too big, and 30,000 yuan is not cost-effective. As for Myanmar, I have been there for more than ten years. I also know the boss's way. That's the price. If you don't agree, you can continue to keep it for others to see, and we will buy the remaining two and a half

Master Peng still looks like he doesn't smile. I bit the price I opened to death in one bite.

Boss Yu knew that he had met someone who understood. The meaning of Master Zhang's words also knew that his pieces of wool were left by others. If this is the case, there have been five or six groups of people in the warehouse in the past few days. They are not sure about these three and a half yuan gambling wool. Some people have paid the price, but The price mentioned by Master Peng is already the highest.

Boss Yu thought so much in his heart. It's not that there are not many people who gamble, but there are not many. Instead of pressing these pieces of wool in their hands, it's better to sell them. At present, he said, "Well, it's our first time to trade. It's a long time to come. Just think that I don't know which one is cash or transfer?

In such a place, checks will not be accepted. Even cash checks, these wool merchants will not receive them. That's why Boss Yu asked this question.

"Transfer. Let's calculate the price with the boss

As soon as Song Jun said this, the atmosphere in the warehouse immediately eased. Seeing that the business was concluded, Song Jun's face suddenly smiled. With his city. Naturally, he pretended to be angry just now, but Zhuang Rui didn't see it, and he was still slandering Song Jun in his heart, and his face became a little too fast.

"The total of three pieces of cracked wool is 101 kilograms. Let's not count the fraction, 100 kilograms, and the other two pieces add up to 40 kilograms, a total of 2.4 million yuan."

Boss Yu took the calculator, quickly calculated the price, and then opened the table drawer at the door. There were actually four bank card swiping machines connected to the line. Bank of China, CCB, ICBC and Agricultural Bank of China

, but

"Boss Yu, don't worry, I still have a piece of wool that I haven't seen."

Zhuang Rui is a little upset. Doesn't it cost money to buy things? They all ignored me.

"Ha ha, little brother, don't worry. I saw this piece of wool. In front of Master Zhang, I don't say it's false. Although the performance of this piece of wool is not very good, it also comes out of the old pit material of Pagang Factory. Six thousand yuan per kilogram, what do you think?

When Boss Yu chatted with Zhuang Rui just now, he saw this piece of wool clearly. To be honest, he was not optimistic about this piece of gambling material, otherwise he would have opened the skylight or wiped out the edge by himself long ago.

"Mr. Zhuang, this material is not very gambling

Master Peng squatted down, carefully wiped the piece of wool that Zhuang Rong had carried out, and shook his head slowly. The meaning was obvious that 6,000 yuan was not worth it, but Zhuang Rui was not his boss after all, and he couldn't speak too much.

"Master Zhang, you also know the price of this old pit material. I didn't ask for it blindly."

Boss Yu was a little anxious when he heard the words. He has a lot of such wool here. If he can't sell it, it will be all accumulated in his hand. Although the price of 6,000 yuan per kilogram is not very high, this piece of wool should weigh more than 20 kilograms, and it is more than 100,000 yuan.

"6,000 yuan per kilogram, 20 kilograms is 10,000 yuan. Forget it, I still don't want it. Boss Yu. I just want to be addicted to litcite. But it costs more than 100,000 yuan to solve a stone. It's too prodigal. Forget it, forget it."

After hearing the words of Boss Yu and Master Zhang, Zhuang Rui calculated with his fingers and shook his head repeatedly. It really seemed that he knew nothing about the gambling stone.

"Little brother, that's not the way it's calculated. If you can solve the jadeite in it, it will be more than 120,000 yuan. If you get out of the jadeite the size of a fist, you can also save your capital. If you don't even have it, you can still have a good time. It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Boss Yu didn't even believe what he said. The performance of this all-gambling wool is really poor, and it is very likely to be green, otherwise it would have been picked away long ago.

Zhuang Rui's face showed an indecisive look. He looked at the wool on the ground and turned to Song Jun and asked, "Brother Song. What do you think? Shall I buy it or not?

"Op, don't ask me, boy, make your own decision, or you will fall back in one sle. I also complained that Song Jun ignored Zhuang Rui. Although more than 100,000 yuan was not much, he was unwilling to help Zhuang Rui make this idea.

"That's right. If it goes down to more than 100,000 yuan, it will be gone. Zhuang Rui said to himself.

"I'm old and unlucky. Well, little brother, how about I give you a partner?

Boss Yu saw that Zhuang Rui was still inclined not to buy it, so he couldn't help but be a little anxious. This mosquito is also meat. Anyway, more than 100,000 yuan is not a small amount. Although the wool does not perform well, he will spend tens of thousands of yuan to pull it back from Myanmar.

bi., ten thousand

"A partner? What's the boss?" Zhuang Rui looked blank and asked.

Boss Yu pointed to the stone at the foot of the shelf and said, "Well, that piece, the wool you just saw, add up to this one. It's 7,000 yuan per kilogram. How about that? That one is only 1,000 yuan per kilogram for you. It's not a free gift or something.

Zhuang Gao was immediately ecstatic when he heard the words. After acting for a long time, he was ready to introduce the topic to the piece of wool, but he didn't expect that the boss would bring it up by himself.

"Calm down, you must be calm

Zhuang Rui couldn't help warning himself in his heart. There was a disapproving look on his face and said, "Boss Yu, brother, I may not speak well at my age. Don't be surprised. Your broken stone is just right. Still want to sell money?"

Zhuang Rui's words were a little hurtful. Boss Yu was also excited when he heard the words. He called the mustache to give him a hand, took a few and a half pieces of gambling wool on the shelf near the corner to the ground, and then bent down. Pull out the all-gambling wool.

Not to mention that the boss looks very thin. The strength was not more than a hundred catties of big stones moved and dragged by him, and it was actually taken out from under the shelf. The boss was also sweating and gasping.

"Little" young man, let Zhang Shijian have a look. If this hadn't been for the wool from the old mine pit of Mukan Factory. If I always say a nonsense, it will be thunderous.

Boss Yu doesn't look like a pretend. He is really angry. No wonder that these wools are his treasures. Although this piece of performance is very poor and there is no sign of jade wool, he did get it from the old pit mine in Myanmar.

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