Golden Pupil

Chapter 248 Organs>

It is said that there are many tombs in the imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi, in the 1980s. It once became a back garden for stealing Shanwa. After entering the 1990s, the place increased its crackdown on tomb robbery and reported prizes. In places like Liujiazhuang, there were patrols passing by from time to time.

It took Boss Yu to be very careful. It took five or six years to explore the exact location of the imperial mausoleum. So last year, Boss Yu used some means to subcontract the orchard that was originally contracted by others at a high price.

With the cover of the orchard, Boss Yu soon explored the location of the underground palace, which surprised him with this. It is very likely that the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum of Tang Wenzong has never been stolen, that is to say,? A large number of precious cultural relics will belong to him.

Boss Yu came to this conclusion because after opening the tomb path, they found that it was a tomb with a hill as a mausoleum, consisting of three parts: the tomb path, the tomb pit and the tomb chamber. Such a tomb can only find the right direction and enter through the tomb path. And it is impossible to dig a hole from the wall of the tomb to enter the tomb.

And more importantly, after entering the tomb, they did not find the stolen hole hit by others, and there was no trace of outsiders entering. In addition, they actually found a chain of anti-theft lines in the road

Serial flaps are generally used in large tombs, most of which are set in tombs. Their width is roughly the same as the width of the tombs, and the length will exceed one meter. Such a size makes it difficult for tomb robbers who do not know the inside story to cross the past, often unable to dodge, and eventually fall into

The structure of the serial flap is actually very simple, that is, laying a wooden board on the trap pit, and heavy objects fall on both sides of the board. After the person steps on the trap, the doubling will automatically return to its original state and quietly wait for the next tomb robber to disturb the tomb.

Some serial flaps are designed more ingeniously. Install a shaft in the middle of the flap. When a person touches the organ, his body is already suspended and unable to retreat.

The traps under the serial flip plate are generally dug deep to prevent the grave robbers who fall into it from climbing up again. At the point of the trap, a dense sharp blade is usually placed, such as knives, guns, cones, etc. The tip of the sharp blade is up. As long as someone falls above, it is difficult to escape

In order to explore the tomb, Yu Laoda's family also suffered heavy losses. At that time, there were two people walking in front of the tomb, one was Lao Ba, and the other was a gang member surnamed Cui.

As mentioned above. Like these tomb-robber gangs, the members are basically their own families, and the Yu family is no exception, only in the past few years. The rush in Hong Kong is relatively tight. There are only three or four people in the family who are engaged in this business, so they recruited several members from outside.

These five people are all surnamed Cui, and they are also from Luoyang, Henan Province. Originally, they were also a small tomb robber gang. Later, they were merged into Mr. Yu's gang. The man who walked in front of them stepped on the flip board and didn't even have time to react. It was swallowed up by the flip board. The people above could only hear a fierce cry.

Lao Ba reacted quickly when he stepped in the air. He pushed the man surnamed Cui and took the opportunity to turn his body back, and then escaped.

When several people carefully opened the flip plate and took a flashlight, the man below wore a few sharp blades on his chest, which was so dead that he could not die, which was unbearable.

When such a thing happened, Boss Yu and others did not dare to continue to go down, but returned to the ground to discuss.

At this time, there was another problem. The person who died was surnamed Cui, but before he died, he was pushed by Lao Ba. After the above, several other people surnamed Cui frowned at Lao Ba and almost started to move. Under the dissuasion of Boss Yu, they were able to calm down, but everyone had a grudge in their hearts.

Yu Laoba is a cousin of Yu Ying's family. He has always followed Boss Yu wholeheartedly. In addition, he is gifted. Although he is short, he has some unique advantages in exploring tombs and digging holes. He has always done the work of going down to the tomb to get funerary objects. Therefore, Boss Yu is also more partial to Lao Ba in his words.

The Cui brothers were not in their hearts, so they proposed to Boss Yu to break up. In the future, they will go their own way and cross their own bridges, and the well water will not violate the river. And in the territory of Shaanxi, they will never take a step forward from now on.

As soon as Boss Yu heard this, he suddenly moved his mind. How could he let these people leave alive? For the sake of this imperial mausoleum, he even removed his parents, and never planned to give these people a chance to leak the wind.

However, Boss Yu's city government will naturally not be put on his face. At that moment, he agreed with a smile and said that it would be a brother and make some wine and vegetables in the evening, which was also easy to get together and break up. That night, Boss Yu put wine and vegetables in the orchard and ate and drank with everyone. The brothers surnamed Cui knew Yu very well, and they were not unprepared. They would not put down chopsticks on any dishes that Boss Yu had not moved. This wine was fine, because the knife boss drank was also poured out of the bottle. ......

Who knew that even if he was so defensive, it was still the way of Boss Yu. The wine was drugged, but Boss Yu and others swallowed the medicine in advance. After pouring the medicine of the brothers surnamed Cui, Boss Yu revealed his fierceness and personally killed several people alive. Then he buried it in the ground of the fruit tree to make fertilizer.

After solving the Cui brothers, Boss Yu and others dived into the tomb again, explored the location of the chain flip plate with a long wooden pole, and ordered several alloy ladders that could be folded and stretched. Put the ladder on the flap before it can pass.

Just after passing the serial flip board, Mr. Yu and others still failed to enter the tomb. The reason is that the gate was sealed by a boulder, which is also a method often used in the mausoleum of the Han and Tang Dynasties. More than a dozen boulders weighing a thousand catties were blocked in front of Boss Yu and others.

Seeing this boulder blocking the way, Boss Yu was not angry but happy. This shows that this imperial mausoleum has never been patronized by his predecessors. He is also patient. At present, in the name of guarding the orchard, he has built a wooden house in this garden and lived in peace

Leave one person on it every day. The two went down to the tomb, because these stones were too huge. If you use explosives, it is likely to collapse the tomb. You can only use cobalt drills to crack the boulder little by little, and then transport the gravel to the ground.

It took more than a year to clean up all the boulders in front of the door. Just as Boss Yu was about to solve the last pass, something big happened again.

Boss Yu and others have robbed tombs for more than ten years, and have a lot of good objects in their hands. They have not broken contact with overseas, and have been smuggling cultural relics out one after another.

Originally, this matter was personally operated by Boss Yu, but because the Imperial Mausoleum of Emperor Wenzong was near Liujiazhuang, if he was not there, it would be easy to be suspected by others if he had left Yu Laosan, so he handed over the transaction with Hong Kong to his cousin Yu Laoliu, but he did not expect to make a mistake Yu Laoliu was also killed on the spot because of his violent resistance to arrest.

Boss Yu, a tomb robbery gang, except that their brothers are core members, the rest are peripheral members, and they don't know the origin of their names at all. Originally, Yu Laoliu died, and the clue was broken. However, Yu Laoliu was not cautious enough. After a drink, he mentioned the Imperial Mausoleum of Tang Wenzong to his subordinates. And the men were caught by the police again. This also makes some people think that the horse stepping on the flying swallow came from the tomb of Wenzong. In order to protect other cultural relics in the tomb of Wenzong, Professor Meng and others will come here.

Originally, when the archaeological team was stationed in Liujiazhuang, Boss Yu had the idea of flying away. However, in the following days, he found that the place excavated by the archaeological team was where he had previously fought the theft hole, and he did not find the real imperial mausoleum, which made him take a chance and wanted to The items in the imperial mausoleum, and then leave here.

However, the situation that the big foot sister-in-law informed him just now made Boss Yu feel a bad feeling in his heart, as if a big net had opened to him. It's just the greed in his heart, or let Boss Yu decide to open the last organ coming stone the day after tomorrow.

It was only chosen the day after tomorrow, because it was the wedding day of Liu Changfa in Zhuangzi. First, he would set off firecrackers to cover up the sound of explosive explosions. Second, many guests would come to Liujiazhuang, and his subordinates would not be very conspicuous, and it would help him escape after getting in the way Besides, it's all calculated.

The key question now is whether the people of the archaeological team can be dragged to explore the orchard the day after tomorrow. Boss Yu knows that if the village agrees to the archaeological team to explore the hole in the orchard, and with those armed policemen, he can't stop them at all, the secret will inevitably be exposed.

Put the passport in his hand back into the bag. Boss Yu took out the gun and hesitated for a moment. He put the gun back again. On this hot day in the countryside, the men are basically naked. Wearing a big pair of trousers, there is no place to hide guns at all.

Down his body, Boss Yu put his handbag back into the dark compartment under the green bricks. After laying the green bricks, he grabbed a handful of dust and sprinkled it on it and blew to see if there were any fw. Then he stood up, opened the door and walked out.

After walking out of the house, Boss Yu went straight to the sales department of Zhuangtou, took out 100 yuan to buy four bottles of Xifeng wine for chicken, put the recovered power yuan into his pocket, and took the wine to the village secretary's house.

"Uncle, I'm coming to see you. I have nothing to bring. I've brought you a few bottles of wine."

Entering the gate of the village secretary's house, Boss Yu shouted and put the wine in his hand on the table. C