Golden Pupil

Chapter 250 Arrest

It's very windy in Liu'er. Hanging Tianbu hung a half-round moon, but the roar was blocked by a dark cloud that was very low. Not to mention reaching out and not seeing five fingers, the visibility was also very low.

A gust of wind blew through the orchard, and the branches made a "sand" sound. The three figures quickly climbed over the railing outside the fruit forest and entered the orchard. The shadows of the trees were upside down, like ghosts.


A low shout stopped the two wolf dogs rushing up. After the originally fierce wolf dog saw Boss Yu. He gathered around and wagged his tail and was chased away by Boss Yu.

"Brother Ya,"

Yu Sansheng greeted him with a drunken atmosphere. His half-black yin and yang face is more like a ghost against the background of the night, which absolutely has the effect of stopping children's night cing.

What they did was the night owl's business. Yu Laomao always sleeps during the day and drinks when he wakes up. After all, he is left alone in the wilderness. In addition, there are still a few former partners buried not far away. No matter how bold Yu Laosan is, he still needs to use wine to anesthetize himself.

Boss Yu didn't talk. He glanced at the wine bottle in Yu Laosan's hand and slapped Yu Laosan's face with his hand. Yu Laosan, who was tall and big, was actually turned around by this slap. When he stood firm, half of his cheeks were already high and swollen.

"Damn it, it's not promising. What time is it now? Do you still dare to drink? If it's bad, I'll ask you to go underground to accompany the Cui brothers.

Boss Yu's vicious words made Yu Sansheng's wine immediately wake up, and he didn't dare to fart, like a primary school student who was listening to the teacher's teaching. Standing in front of Boss Yu, he bowed his head and said no words.

"The old rule is that you go on it in three provinces. Fourth, go to the edge of the fruit forest. If you have something to ring the bell, wake up, "

Yu Ying took out two walnut-sized copper bells from the backpack behind him and handed them to the two of them, but the metal copper tongue in the bell was pulled by a thin thread and circled around the outside of the bell lock. After Lao Si and Yu Sansheng took the bell lock, they skillfully untied the thread that hit the tongue and grabbed it The bell lock makes it impossible to make a crisp sound.

Although there is a walkie-talkie now, the bell lock can make the sound far away in the quiet night. Boss Yu and others have been used to using this for a long time. After all, if something happens, they may not have time to talk on the walkie-talkie at all. The bell lock is different. If you throw it on the ground casually, you can make a noise.

After Boss Yu finished his explanation, he put down the backpack in his hand and took off the shabby clothes he was wearing, revealing a black wetsuit close to the skin. He took out a mask from the bag and put it on his head, revealing only a pair of eyes outside.

Lao Ba is also in the same costume. The clothes they wear are specially made, which will not stain the body with dirt, and can also protect the skin from debris and other objects.

Not only that, in Boss Yu's backpack, there are also jacks and gas masks. Due to the long-term closure of many main pit tombs, the gas inside is full of toxins. Boss Yu has been peeping at this Wenzong tomb for more than ten years and is quite well prepared.

"Let's go

Boss Yu glanced out of the dark woods and took the lead in entering the wooden house built in the middle of the orchard.

The wooden house is about a dozen square meters. In order not to be contaminated with moisture, the floor of the wooden house is covered with a layer of green bricks. There is a bamboo bed in the innermost part, with a table in the middle, by the door. A bunch of wine bottles were also thrown away. Next to the wine bottle, there was a stove for burning fire, but the fire inside had been extinguished for a long time, and I don't know how long it had not been used.

Mr. Yu squatted down and picked up the blue bricks on the right side of the stove. After prying out more than a dozen green bricks, two four grooves were actually exposed on the ground. Lao Ba and Yu Laosan walked to the left side of the stove and pushed the stove to the right.

With a "cuck" sound, the stove, which seemed to be fixed on the ground, slowly slid more than one meter to the right, and a hole more than one meter wide appeared in the original position.

Lao Ba didn't wait for Yu Ying's order. He took out a miner's lamp and put it on his head. As soon as he was short, he got into the hole. His figure quickly gathered and lost to the ground, and in the original dark hole, he also yearned to disperse


"Lao San, wait for us to go in and push the stove back."

Boss Yu's body is halfway down. I don't know what he remembered. He came out again and told Yu Laosan.

"I see, brother, take this bell lock down."

Yu Sansheng handed over the bell lock in his hand to Yu Yu. After seeing Boss Yu go down, Yu Laosan passed the thread through a hollow place on the stove. And tied the thread to the leg of the table against the ground. Then he pushed the stove back to its original position and paved the green bricks up one by one.

After doing all this, Yu Laosan took out a bottle of wine from under the bed and drank the braised meat on the table. It was not that he was big-hearted, but that he did too much work. Basically, there was no problem, according to Yu Laosan's experience. Without two hours, they won't come up. It's better to have a drink than to sit stupidly.

Yu Laosi, who is blowing around the garden, is not so comfortable. The mosquitoes in the orchard are all nested, and he can't stay in one place at all. From time to time, it is used to suck blood on the body

The geographical location of Liujiazhuang is relatively remote. The west side of Zhuangzi is a big mountain. Usually, except for some married girls who go back to their mother's home, few people come here.

But today is an exception. Not only the people in the surrounding ten miles and eight villages, but also people in the county drive a car. For nothing else, because Liu Chang got married, a large group of classmates and colleagues came. The flowing banquet has been set up for a day, and occasionally there will be a car driving into Liujiazhuang.

On the roadside, which is two miles away from Liujiazhuang. There is an earthen building, which is built with mud and grass mixed with water. After drying, it will become very strong. In the past, even many people's houses were like this.

In a hay field behind the sharp building, a Santana car has been parked since more than five o'clock in the afternoon, just hidden in the shadow of the earth building and hay stacks. When the sky is completely dark, it is hidden in the darkness.

Santana's front window was open, and a bright spot flashed in the night.

Yu Laoqi just came back from Wuhan yesterday. After his own brother was killed in Guangdong, Yu's tomb robbers immediately dispersed to the whole country. They have money and have accommodation in different cities. No one knows except Boss Yu.

For more than half a year, Yu Laoqi always felt that he dreamed of his brother. If his passport and money hadn't been in Boss Yu's hands, he would have gone abroad long ago.

Pulling the door, Yu Laoqi came down, trampled the cigarette butt in his hand under his feet, peed on the hay hay, and shivered all over his body. When I was about to pull up my trousers, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind my ear. Before Yu Laoqi could react, a pair of big hands like iron pliers grabbed his neck and pressed him directly on the grass girl who had just peed.

Regardless of the fishy smell from his mouth, Yu Laoqi struggled desperately and shouted, "What do you do? What do you do?!"

"Pull it over."

Yu Laoqi's struggle was in vain, and his hands were handcuffed from his back by mistake. Then his body was pulled to the front of the car and his head was pressed to the front of Santana's car. A strong beam of light lit up and shone on Yu Laoqi's face. Yu Laoqi, who half squinted his eyes, had a trace of despair on his stunned face.

"The aftershock river?

A male voice sounded in Yu Laoqi's ear. Hearing his real name, Yu Laoqi no longer struggled in vain. At this time, he had already seen it clearly around him. The public security armed police were full of live ammunition, and a police car drove over.

"Go ahead, raid, report to me if there is any situation."

Chen Wei waved his hand, and Yu Laoqi was taken to the police car. Naturally, there was an old pretrial to deal with him.

"Criminal brigade, how is the main criminal's situation now? Chen Zhi asked a middle-aged man in casual clothes beside him.

"Sirlong Director Chen, we have arranged someone to follow. They have just left the village and gone in the direction of the back mountain, which is similar to our judgment. It should be done tonight."

The criminal brigade was sent by the Shaanxi police to support the arrest of the brother unit. They monitored Boss Yu's actions in the village. They were all subordinates of the criminal brigade. Chen Wei had a different accent, so he was afraid of beating the grass and startling the snake. In addition to interviewing with Professor Meng once, Chen Zhi has always been remotely commanding outside the village. The burglar hole of Lao Ba Da is in the shape of a slope. From the ground to the tomb road, it is more than ten meters high, which is about the same as a three-story building. After going down to the tomb road, Boss Yu immediately released the bell lock in the palm of his hand and let it hang vertically at the entrance of the burglar

The tomb road is about 1.6 meters high and more than two meters wide. This was needed to place the coffin at that time. Boss Yu must bow forward here. On the side of the tomb, there is actually a drainage tank. According to Lao Ba's analysis, this is likely to be connected to the underground river.

With the light of the miner's lamp, Lao Ba and Boss Yu walked to the depths of the tomb road one after the other.

Although he entered the burglary hole of the tomb and was sealed by Yu Laosan, the air in the tomb is not dull. After operating here for several years, Boss Yu is not just a boulder. Just the vent, he let Lao Ba hit three, and the whole periphery of Wenzong Mausoleum had long been thoroughly explored by Boss Yu.

This tomb is 28 meters long, and the sides and top are made of stone bricks, tightly stitched, smooth and smooth. It can be seen that this Wenzong tomb will not be inferior to those prince tombs that have been unearthed.

In fact, when Emperor Wenzong reigned, he had been imprisoned by eunuchs and was not taken seriously. The original tomb would not have such a scale, but no matter which dynasty he was in, according to the usual practice, the new emperor would build his own tomb as soon as he ascended the throne, and Emperor Wenzong was naturally no exception.

Moreover, after Emperor Wenzong was imprisoned to death by eunuchs, these eunuchs also buried Emperor Wenzong in order to escape the mouth of the world to show the innocence of themselves and others. The tomb of Emperor Wenzong was no worse than that of the previous emperors.

On the ground five meters ahead of the burgling hole. Laying a ladder made of alloy, Lao Ba and Yu Ying carefully climbed over the ladder. Under their bodies, their ears were a chain flip board. When they first entered here, the Cui brothers were planted here.

After crossing this chain of turns, Boss Yu turned around and pulled the ladder over, because there was another place like this in front of him, and he would fall down if he was not careful.

At a distance of more than 20 meters, the two walked for nearly ten minutes before they arrived at the gate of the tomb. This is a stone door of white jade. The door is open and made of a whole piece of white jade, which fits quite well. Only a few millimeters thick blade can be inserted into the gap of the door.

On the two doors, each of them is inlaid with a bronze unicorn head, and each of them has a copper ring in his mouth. The erosion of thousands of years has made the ring rusty.

This door is the last obstacle between Boss Yu and the tomb. If the archaeological team had not been stationed in Liujiazhuang, Boss Yu would have opened the door long ago, although there was a self-style stone blocking the door. But this can't stop the grave robbers.

The tap stone is a simple principle, but a clever anti-theft setting. To put it bluntly, the tap stone is the latch that locks the tomb door from the inside.

But the ancients still had a lot of brains to let the stone door be automatically locked from behind them.

They first made the upper and lower ends of the stone door shaft into a ball, and then carved a surface protruding groove in the same part of the door gap between the two stone doors, and then chiseled a shallow front and deep groove on the stone floor not far from the inner axis of the door.

Before closing the stone door, people first put the stone strip with a considerable width in the four grooves on the ground. And slowly lean forward to make it in contact with the stone door. When people withdraw from the tomb, the stone helps with its own tilting pressure and the "ball" at the end of the door shaft. It automatically pushes the stone door to close. Until its top falls in the convex groove of the shoulder stone door.

At this time, who wants to push the stone door open from the outside? It can only be delusional.

All my friends have been to Mingding Mausoleum in Beijing. The gate of the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum was also sealed by a self-stained stone. At that time, in order to enter the underground palace, the archaeologists spent a lot of effort, and finally learned from the cruccoy used by the ancient tomb robbers to open the door.

The so-called crutch is a kind of one with a long handle at one end. The other end is a semicircular metal device. When opening the tomb door, the nail is extended through the crack of the door, then the semicircular part is put on the tap stone, and the tap stone is slowly lifted. At the same time, the tomb door is pushed until the tap stone is erected on the ground, and the tomb door can be fully opened

However, not all people who want to open the tomb door will rack their brains like this to find a way to crack the mechanism of the coming stone." When Zhao Nian Sun Dianying was stealing the Dongling Mausoleum of Cixi and the Yu Mausoleum of Emperor Qianlong. I also encountered the tap stone blocking the way. At that time, the bandits ran out... The door of the tomb could not be opened, and finally it could only be blown up with explosives. At that time, the stone door slammed the key, but it hit the sarcophagus that drifted to the tomb door because of the groundwater rose.

Later, when digging Cixi's tomb, Sun Dianying was afraid of damaging the treasures in the tomb again, so he used more than 40 people to knock the tomb door open with thick large logs, and after the tomb door was opened. The tap stone inside was actually broken into several sections.

When Boss Yu saw the door of the tomb, he also wanted to open it by opening the Dingling Mausoleum, but it was not as good as change. Lao Liu's failure in Guangdong and the arrival of the archaeological team made him have no time to customize that kind of tool, so explosives became his first choice.

At the stone gate one meter above the ground. It was also the stone blocking door at the door, which had been cut out by Boss Yu's fist-sized round hole, about 20 centimeters deep. This is where he is going to put the explosives. Boss Yu did not dare to be as unscrupulously as Sun Dianying's tomb robbery. It is hundreds of meters away from here, but there is also a class of armed police guarding the excavation site. If the movement is too loud, it will definitely disturb them.

The tap stone is generally not very large. Boss Yu wanted to break the tap stone at the door with the impact generated when the explosive explosion. He used this method when he robbed the tomb of the Ming and Qing Dynasties before. More than ten meters deep from the ground. The movement is not very big.

The light in front of the stone door was a little dim. Boss Yu took out two fluorescent sticks from his backpack and threw them on both sides of the stone door. Suddenly, it was much brighter. Lao Ba stood in front of the door, took out the detonator, explosive and sealing tape from the backpack, and prepared to fix them in the middle of the stone

"Old Eight, slow down, our fuse is not long enough, let's use this"

Boss Yu suddenly said something to stop Lao Ba. After walking over, he put the detonator explosives into his backpack, stuck the thing he held in his hand like a piece of plasticine to the stone door, and accumulated it hard, so that a large part of it could seep into the crack of the door.

Lao Ba saw what Yu Ying had in his hand. He couldn't help stepping back a few steps, but he recognized this thing. Full name. Plastic explosives, simple plastic bombs, the main component is polyisobutyl feng, made of gunpowder mixed plastic, which is extremely powerful.

The plastic bomb is made of a mixture of high-performance explosive substances such as "rigid" and white phosphorus. It can be crushed into powder, can be installed in rubber material at will, and then squeezed into any shape. If the adhesive material is attached to the outside, it can be placed in a very hidden part and firmly adhered to it like chewing gum, Known as cruel "chew gum"

This kind of plastic bomb is resistant to strong pressure, kneading and even waterproof. Except for detonating according to a specific fuse, it will not explode automatically at pure high temperature or in case of fire. It's not like a gunpowder bomb. If you encounter a slight impact, it's easy to hurt yourself.

The plastic bomb in Mr. Yu's big hand was bought from the Hong Kong black market in those years. He could easily avoid light security checks. He brought three of them back then, and now there is only one left.

After pasting the bomb on the door, Boss Yu took out a metal piece with only small nails as big as the battery in the watch, stuffed it into the plastic bomb in the crack of the door, and then greeted Lao Ba, and the two quickly retreated.

After retreating to the bottom of the tomb robbery, Boss Yu stopped. After putting on the gas mask, he took out a car remote control from his pocket, looked at Lao Ba, and pressed it fiercely.

"Boom!" A muffled sound came out, and the ground under Boss Yu's feet shook a few times. The movement is not very big. I believe that if I hadn't stood above the explosion point, I wouldn't have felt the vibration of the ground. Even the copper bell hanging next to Boss Yu didn't ring.

"It's done!"

Yu Xue waved his fist excitedly, with a greedy look in his eyes, but he did not rush forward, but stood quietly in place, waiting for the gas in the tomb to wave for a while before entering.

The underground Yu Laosan would not have thought that just outside the wooden house above his head was already full of people, and Yu Laosan, who was highly expected by him. It will be crushed like a dead dog


At this time, Yu Laosan remembered his boss's words. Drinking made a mistake. In fact, when Yu Laosi was captured just now, he had already shook the copper bell, and Yu Laosan also heard the crisp bell and the barking of the dog. It's just that his mind was a little dull after drinking, and Yu Laosan didn't ring the copper bell at the first time. Instead, he went to the door to wait and see, and was rushed up by the police who had lurking at the door and pressed directly to


The vibration from his feet made everyone in the wooden house stunned. Yu Laosan, who was pressed to the ground, took the opportunity to break away. He didn't even stand up. He climbed to the table and pulled the rope connected to the copper bell under the ground fiercely.

Although Yu Laosan was immediately subdued. But the signal has been sent out.

"Dingling, jingling

The crisp sound echoed in the tomb. Boss Yu and Lao Ba, who had already walked to the flip board, suddenly changed their faces and hurriedly retreated back.

"Come on, find the entrance of the stolen hole"

Chen Chi was unable to interrogate Yu Laosan and gave orders repeatedly. Although he had formed a situation of catching turtles in the urn, Chen Chi still did not dare to be careless. If the criminals felt that they could go five ways and destroyed the tomb crazily, he could not explain it to Professor Meng.

Following the line connecting the copper bell, the burglar hole under the stove soon appeared. There was no light in the dark hole, and Chen Wei and others did not dare to rush down, because according to their grasp, the tomb robber gang was in possession of guns.

Chen Ji grabbed the loudspeaker from a policeman beside him and shouted at the thief's hole, "Listen to the people below, you have been surrounded. Put down the martial arts in your hand

In the words, there was a gunshot from under the hole, but the hole was in the shape of a slope, but it could not hit the people above.

"Tear gas!"

Chen Chi's face showed a trace of tantrum. Suddenly, several armed police stood above the stolen hole, shot a few tear gas bullets down, and then pulled over Yu Laosan's sleeping mat and covered the exit of the stolen hole.

Comparison: Two-in-one chapter, alas, my classmates don't like this story, and I don't have the pleasure to write it. I thought it could end today, but it seems that it will be tomorrow. Tomorrow's typhoon in Guangdong, I pray that I won't be blown into the sky. Er, I solemnly ask for a recommendation.

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