Golden Pupil

Chapter 264 Sorry

" Ouyang Army. Sorry. I don't know. How do you know if my telegram is deleted?

I heard the man on the phone call out his name. Zhuang Ji is a little strange, his mobile phone number. Only a few people know about it.

"Oh, don't hang up the phone first. Didn't you stay with Yue Xiaoliu yesterday? We talked

Ouyang Jun is a little depressed. Yue Xiaoliu's mobile phone has not been turned on from yesterday to this morning. For his old man's words, he got up early in the morning and went to Yue Xiaoliu's unit to block the people. Then he wanted to come to Zhuang Rui's mobile phone number. Unexpectedly, others didn't remember him at all.

"Oh, you are the fourth brother, aren't you? Sorry. I didn't find out just now. Do you have something to do with me? Zhuang Rui heard him mention Yue Jing, and his surname was Ouyang. Only then did he think of the fourth brother yesterday. At that time, Ouyang Jun didn't say a few words. In addition, the voice in his mobile phone was a little lost. No wonder Zhuang Rui didn't hear it.

"Well, it's like this. Are you free at noon the day after tomorrow? Someone wants to see you. I just sent a message

Ou Shajun did not directly say that his father wanted to see Zhuang Rui. A husband and minister summoned him for fear of scaring Zhuang Rui.

"Who wants to see me? I don't have time the day after tomorrow. I won't be free until next week

Zhuang Rui was a little confused. He had nothing to do with this person named Ouyang Jun. He just met him yesterday. He couldn't guess who would let him send a message to him? But Zhuang Rui is indeed not free. I'm going to fly to Xinjiang with the old one tomorrow.

"Hey, can you put that off for a while? It's very important to see your person."

Ouyang Jun deepened his tone and became more and more unhappy, not to mention his own father. It's just that the bureau-level figures in those places. If you want to see yourself, you have to make an appointment. When you make an appointment, you have to decide whether to see him or not depends on whether you are in a good or bad mood. When will your buddy fall into asking to meet someone?

"Xiaozhuang, the ticket has been booked, but there is no first class. You can only take economy class. Oh, I'm calling. You can call first,"

While talking, the old man came out of the room and saw that Zhuang Rui was talking on the phone. He made a gesture to continue and went up to the lounge chair to make tea.

"Fourth brother, I'm sorry, I really have something to do these days. I have something else to do on the plane tomorrow. Let's talk about it when I come back

Although Yue Jing said that the fourth brother had a deep background in his family, Zhuang Rui did not pay attention to it. He was just a commoner. He obeyed the law and couldn't ask for these people. No matter how powerful he was, he had nothing to do with himself. Seeing the old man waiting beside him, Zhuang Rui hung up the phone after saying

"Hey, hey, hey, I said you boy

Ouyang Jun shouted a few times on the phone, and there was a busy sound. Obviously, the other party hung up the phone.

"Damn it, hang up my phone!!!"

Ouyang Jun was overjoyed by Zhuang Rui. In his memory, from the time he could use the phone to now, no one dared to hang up the phone in front of him except his elders and relatives. Today, he was actually hung up by Zhuang Rui, which really made him stunned.

After being stunned for a while, Ouyang Jun remembered to say something to his father. When he dialed the phone, the secretary answered it. After a while. Ouyang Zhenwu's voice just came, and Ouyang Jun quickly repeated what Zhuang Rui had just said.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "When he comes back, you can contact him again, just say that I want to see him. Is it difficult for you to see anyone? Can't give a name? You can't even speak when you grow up

The Internet was hung up by Zhuang Rui. This anger has not been straightened out. In a blink of an eye, it was given by his father again. Ouyang Jun was so angry that he almost threw his mobile phone out. This is all a reckless disaster.

"Fourth brother, why are you so angry?"

With the words, a soft body came up. In fact, Xu Daxing's age is two years older than Ouyang Jun's, but one is smooth and the other is calm. Who makes sister-brother love popular these days? Then Hong Kong's Wang Tianhou and Xie Xiaotian are still ten years apart.

"It's okay. The phone was hung up just now. It was yesterday that you said that Ouyang Jun, who looked like me, hugged the big star with his backhand, held her on his lap, and buried his face in the high place on his chest.

"Don't make trouble, in broad daylight, by the way, why did you call that man just now? Is it really the romantic debt owed by your old man? The big star has been with Ouyang Jun for seven or eight years. If the family hadn't agreed to the marriage, I'm afraid the two would have been married long ago. There are not so many scruples to talk.

"Looking for a draw for you? After my mother passed away, my old man hasn't married for so many years. It can't be that. It's just that awesome. No, I'm going to ask Yue Xiaoliu again.

Originally, Ouyang Jun was just a little curious about the old man's meeting with Zhuang Rui, but now he was interested and took out the phone to call Yue Jing. It still doesn't work. Just stand up and block Yue Liu again. As for whether it will affect other people's work. That's not his. It's a big deal. That's also work! ...

Brother Yue Jing didn't understand because he was busy calling Zhuang Rui. Ouyang Jun found Zhuang Rui's mobile phone number and didn't say anything. The second brother was afraid that Zhuang Rui would offend others. He didn't know, so he was calling to ask Zhuang Rui.

"I said, second brother, it's really okay. He said that someone wanted to see me, so I pushed it because I didn't have time. Yes, let me tell you something. I'm flying to Xinjiang tomorrow. I can be back in three or five days. Let's talk about it then. The old man was still waiting, taking a few phone calls in a row, which was a little impolite. Zhuang Rui wanted to hang up the phone after saying that.

"Oh, I said, call me immediately if you need anything."

Brother Yue Jing shouted such a sentence, and there was a busy sound from the phone. He shook his head and turned back to the office. He didn't know that Zhuang Rui was even more sharp when he hung up the fourth brother's phone.

After hanging up Yue Jing's phone. Zhuang Rui recalled Ouyang Jun's phone call again. He didn't know anyone in Beijing except the ancient man and Yue Jing. Who on earth asked Ouyang Jun to send a message to see him? And listening to Ouyang Jun's tone, the man seemed to have a lot of status.

"Is it because of mom?"

Zhuang Rui couldn't help but associate it with the surname Ouyang, remembering that his mother spoke. It has a little Beijing accent, but later it became Zhangcheng dialect. Is it possible that my mother is really from Beijing and has something to do with Ouyang Jun's family?

Thinking of his similar appearance to Ouyang Jun, Zhuang Rui was a little sure in his heart. For a moment, he was a little confused. He didn't know whether he would promise Ouyang Jun to meet the people who invited him when he came back from Xinjiang.

Zhuang Rui is afraid that his behavior will hurt his mother, because for more than 20 years, his mother has never improved his mother's family. Even if Zhuang Rong and his sister asked, he got his mother's scolding. From this point of view, if he rushes to meet others, I'm afraid his mother will not I'm excited.

But in Zhuang Rui's heart, he was full of curiosity about his mother's past. What happened in those years made his mother never mention the past. What kind of relatives did his mother have? All these mysteries made Zhuang Rui full of expectations for Ouyang Jun's invitation. After the old man sitting aside found that Zhuang Rui had answered the phone, he became a little uneasy, so he said, "Xiao Zhuang, what happened? If you have something to do, you don't have to go with me. The ticket can be refunded.

"Uncle, it's okay. I'll deal with it when I come back. You don't think I'm a burden and don't want to take me, do you?"

Zhuang Rui shook his head, suppressed all the thousands of thoughts in his mind, and made a joke with the ancient man. He also wanted to use his trip to Xinjiang these days to sort out his thoughts. If Ouyang Jun's family really had anything to do with his mother, what attitude he needed to face, at least for now, Zhuang Rui still hadn't thought It's not a bad thing to slow down for a few days.

"Bad boy, I'm kidding with the old man. Go back and return the hotel room. Let's have a good drink in the evening. This is pleasing to a person's eyes, and he can be tolerant. In ancient times, this is the opposite of Zhuang Rui.

In the evening, the old man ordered Liubiju's pickles and Quanju's roast duck, and sat under the tree and drank a few drinks with Zhuang Rui. Of course, he instilled some knowledge about soft jade appreciation in Zhuang Rui, and the old man promised Zhuang Rui. When he came back from this trip to Xinjiang, he took Zhuang Rui to The precious jade left over from generation is still an ancient consultant in the jade antiques of the Palace Museum.

Sleeping in a quadrangle at night. Listening to the cries of trumpts in the yard, Zhuang Rui felt extremely quiet in his heart. All kinds of impetuous emotions during the day were swept away, and he slept until dawn.

After getting up in the morning and washing up, Zhuang Ji followed Gu to the airport. By noon, the two had arrived at Xinjiang Hotan Airport.

Zhuang Rui also made it clear the reason for this trip to Xinjiang. It was a private matter for the ancient man. He had an old friend for decades. He was originally a jade picker on Kunlun Mountain, but later made a fortune by picking jade. Instead of going up the mountain in person, he collected jade from other jade pickers and then sold it to the mainland. Now it has become the largest supplier of Hetian jade raw materials in Xinjiang.

From the material of a piece of mountain jade collected some time ago, the jade meat exposed from the skin, it is very likely to be mutton jade. This man was a little unsure, so he invited the old man to identify it.

"Old friend, thank you very much for coming this time

Zhuang Rui and the ancient net walked out of the airport exit. An old man from Xinjiang with a high nose and slightly blue eyes greeted him and hugged the old man. C