Golden Pupil

Chapter 269 Yumai 270 Cooperation

Zhuang Rui couldn't believe his eyes. He stepped forward and took a few steps. He almost put his face on the rock wall, and tried his best to urge the aura in his eyes to look at the rock wall. Suddenly, a large amount of aura swarmed in from the rock wall.

The rock wall was peeled off layer by layer by aura, and the situation within ten meters deep completely appeared in front of Zhuang Rui's eyes. The pieces of jade wrapped in the granite and diorite formed by magma clearly reflected in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

At a depth of ten meters, there are five pieces of jade as big as a grinding disc, and its weight should be more than one meal. And by observing the amphibole rock, Zhuang Rui can conclude that the rock extends inward, that is to say, this is indeed a jade vein.

There are jade veins in Kunlun Mountain, which has been confirmed thousands of years ago. In Kunlun Mountain near Hetian, there are hundreds of jade mines, large and small, and these mine sites are all where the jade veins are located.

However, if you want to say the law of the distribution of jade veins, even the Jade Prince dares not assert that he can only make a rough judgment based on the situation of jade around him.

The jade veins in Kunlun Mountain have no rules to follow. Some go deep into the rocks for hundreds of meters, but some float on the ground. You can see it by digging three or five meters down, which has spawned many jade-picking millionaires. For example, the mine point in the bison ditch now is in the middle of the Of.

And the rock wall that Zhuang Rui sees now is also the jade vein, and the location is better and easy to mine, like those jade veins on the mountain, because it is very troublesome to carry machinery up the mountain, and it is difficult to mine. Every year, many jade miners die in the mine. Carving... Fanyang twist ratio 8 to... (pao Shuzhao) different experience!

Zhuang Rui can only see the situation within ten meters of the rock wall, but among these ten meters, the jade content is as much as five or six tons. From this point of view, this jade vein should be a large mine. According to conservative estimates, it should also be more than 100 tons.

The quality of jade that can be seen is slightly inferior to white jade, and it is also the main force in the soft jade jewelry market. In recent years, the carvings of white jade have been popular, and many people have bought it and collected it at home.

You know, the price of soft jade is also rising steadily. Although it is not as ridiculous as jadeite, the total sales banquet is large, and it definitely occupies the leading position in the jade market. A hundred tons of jade mine means billions of money. This ** is also difficult to resist for Zhuang Rui.

"What about longevity?"

Zhuang Rui was a little panicked. The excitement of the jade vein had gradually recededed. At first, he was a loss. He let him give up this jade vein. Zhuang Rui was absolutely unwilling. When the wave of picking jade in Kunlun was higher than the waves, this jade vein would be discovered by others sooner or later. If he didn't pick It's cheap for others.

However, in Zhuang Rui's current situation, it is also very difficult to mine this jade mine independently.

In terms of funds, it is not a problem. The key is that he has no connections in Xinjiang. Once the news of this jade mine is leaked, there must be a lot of forces involved. I'm afraid that what will bring to Zhuang Rui is not money, but disaster.

"Prince Jade!"

The name came to Zhuang Rui's mind. In fact, Zhuang Rui thought of him early in the morning, but it was not so easy to make a decision with one billion yuan. With Zhuang Rui's relatively calm personality, he was entangled for a long time before making the decision to cooperate with the Jade Lord.

Zhuang Rui is still wise. He knows the truth of making money and spending his life. If he is allowed to mine independently, I'm afraid he can't cope with these big and small forces in Xinjiang, but if he cooperates with the Jade Lord, these things are not a problem. The Jade Lord himself is the largest force in the jade world in Xinjiang.

Zhuang Rui squatted to the edge of the river, washed his face with a cool stream, shook his head hard, looked at the rock wall reluctantly, and turned back to the bonfire. Now what he had to consider was how to cooperate with the Jade Prince, and to find an excuse to find his own jade and veins.

The way of cooperation is easy to talk about. Since Zhuang Rui has made the decision to divide half of the interests, presumably the Jade Prince will also return the favor. At that time, everyone will pay half of the capital, and the benefits of the mined jade will also account for half. However, this excuse is not easy to find. You can't directly Jade vein, right?

"Brother Zhuang, where have you been? We were just going to find you."

A voice interrupted Cai Rui's thoughts. Zhuang Rui raised his head and found that Zhang Dazhi, who had gone to pick jade, had come back. Looking at the time on the watch, Zhuang Rui was shocked. He unconsciously stayed there for nearly two hours.

"It's okay. I can't sleep, so I walked upstream. How's your harvest?"

Zhuang Rui changed the topic. Zhuang Rui will definitely not tell these people in front of him about this jade vein mine. With their ability, they can't guarantee that this jade vein can belong to him at all. Instead, he will leak the news. Then again, everyone enters the mountain to pick jade, not to find mines. Zhuang Rui doesn't say, but also It's understandable.

"Hey, Brother Zhuang, your method is really good. We also picked up some jade. Although the quality is not good, we can still sell it for some money."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Zhang Dazhi and others were excited. They put down the basket in front of them and poured out the jade inside. The three of them picked more than 20 pieces, some of which were bare jade. Under the reflection of the bonfire, they showed a warm luster.

Zhuang Rui looked over and couldn't help smiling bitterly. At least a dozen of these more than 20 pieces of jade were not picked up before. Unexpectedly, they were picked up by several people and had to be carried out of the mountain.

It's just that Zhuang Rui doesn't think about it. Although these more than ten pieces of jade are of average quality, they can also be sold for 10,000 yuan. For Zhang Dazhi and others, that's the usual annual income.

"Ah, Brother Tiezi, have you picked up so much jade again? No, I'm going to pick up the jade tomorrow

Zhang Dazhi's voice woke up the sleeping man, rubbed his confused eyes, and Mengzi saw the pile of jade on the ground, and his eyes suddenly widened. He didn't know that the value of this pile of jade was not as good as the piece of jade he picked up from the river.

"Mengzi, just look at these jades tomorrow. This task is very important. If it is lost or robbed by others, we will come for nothing."

Zhang Dazhi said to Mengzi half-truth that the value of these jade is already more than a million yuan. Without such a tall guy as Mengzi to guard, he is really not very good

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang, with my fierce son, no one can take away our jade." After hearing Zhang Dazhi's words, he hammered his chest with a shocking sound.

"Brother Zhuang, are you sleepy? If you are not sleepy, let's classify the jade."

Looking at the colorful jade in the place, even Mengzi is not sleepy now, and he is surrounded by the pile of jade.

"Yes, Brother Tiezi, look at this jade. Why is the color so beautiful?"

Zhuang Rui remembered the jade of good quality, but with a strange color. He squatted down and picked out the jade and handed it to the iron.

"The color skin of this jade is good, and the quality of jade should not be too bad, but the color is a little too mixed, and it is difficult to match when carving. If it can be matched well, it is a boutique, otherwise. It will be abolished

Tiezi is worthy of being a person who has been playing jade for more than ten years. You can see the advantages and disadvantages of this jade at a glance. People who play jade in Xinjiang value the most most is mutton white jade, followed by white jade, and then the best ink jade, or high-quality monochromatic jade. They don't care much about

"Is that so? Brother Tiezi, Dazhi, Wang Fei, do you think this is okay? I like this piece of jade very much. Take it back and find someone to carve it, but we agreed that the jade we picked will be divided evenly. I will take this jade, and the rest will be divided by you. My share is everyone's share.

Zhuang Rui pondered for a moment and said the above words. In fact, in his heart, he still thought that he had taken advantage of several people. After all, this jade was not untied, and the iron did not know that the jade meat of this jade was higher than the quality of the white jade picked up by Mengzi.

Many people will think that mutton fat white jade is the best. In fact, it is not the case. The price of some best ink jade and jasper is similar to that of mutton fat white jade, and the most rarest topaz, because topaz is the homophonic of "roy", its value can be dozens of times higher than that of m

But even if they know that this jade is of good quality, they won't care much about it. Their deep-rooted idea is that white jade is the best, and this miscellaneous jade is difficult to do.

"No, Brother Zhuang, you keep that piece of jade, but the money is also necessary!"

"That's right, Dazhi is right, Brother Zhuang. Since you like this piece of jade, just keep it. You don't have to count it in the jade we picked together, but you still have to take it, otherwise we can't explain it to the jade prince when we go back, and we will be scolded at the backbone."

For the words of Tiezi and Zhang Dazhi, Wang Fei and Mengzi nodded repeatedly. Based on the jade on the ground now, in terms of contribution, Mengzi is definitely the first. His piece of jade is worth millions, followed by Zhuang Rui. The dozen pieces of jade can also be worth 600,000 yuan.

As for the jade material collected by Tiezi, its value is only tens of thousands of yuan. If Zhuang Rui takes an irrelevant piece of jade material and does not give him money, he will definitely be despised by others when he goes back. I don't think anyone will partner with them to collect jade in the future. Spider Gang, Yangbi... (Bo Shu Zhao) It's a different experience!

Chapter 270 Cooperation

"Let's talk about this later. Let's take a rest first. I mean, let's go to the river tomorrow. If the harvest is not big, let's go out of the mountain."

Zhuang Rui followed him into the mountain this time. Originally, he wanted to see the jade picking, but now he has achieved his goal and found a jade vein. There is really no need to stay in the mountain anymore.

"Would you like to look for it again and go back a few days later? The food we bring can last for half a month.

Zhang Dazhi was a little hesitant. He had such a big harvest on the first day. He wondered if he could find some more high-quality jade materials, so he discussed with Wang Fei. After going back to sell these jade, he went back to Sichuan together. Maybe this was the last time they picked jade.

After hearing Zhang Dazhi's words, Tiezi shook his head and said, "I agree with Brother Zhuang's words. This jade collection depends on chance. For example, I have been in the mountain more than ten times, but I have earned 70,000 or 80,000 yuan. It doesn't mean that you can find jade after staying in the mountains for a long time.

Tiezi is an old jade man. What he said was very important. Zhang Dazhi and Wang Fei thought for a moment and nodded and agreed. After all, this harvest is enough for them to go back to their hometown to build a big house and marry a wife.

Before dawn the next day, Tiezi, Zhang Dazhi and others got up, went to the riverside in the dark and began to look for jade. Zhuang Rui and Mengzi guarded the jade they picked up, picked up some dry branches, picked up the river water, boiled it, soaked the dried meat and pancakes, and made breakfast.

Zhuang Rui was not very interested in picking jade. After breakfast, he turned to the entrance of the river and looked at the stream running down from the towering snowy mountains, and the ditch cut out like a ghost axe, and couldn't help frowning.

This jade vein has been found, but you have to find a saying. This jade vein is hidden in the mountain, not in the open air. With Zhuang Rui's empty words alone, the Jade Prince will not believe it.

"What is that?"

Looking at the stream flowing down in front of him, Zhuang Rui was suddenly attracted by a stone next to the rock wall of the mountain, which was a granite diorite, the same as the rock wrapped in jade in the rock wall.

It's just that there is no jade in this rock mass. Maybe he thought that there were also jade pickers. The rock stars had traces of being excavated and dug more than a meter deep. It is estimated that after those people did not find the jade, they thought that the rock was also washed down from the mountain, and did not frequently test the rock wall next

You know, in addition to explosives, it is very difficult to bring mountain-opening equipment into here, and this rock wall has been washed by mountain torrents for thousands of years, and it has been divided into two halves by the stream from the middle. From that section, it can also be seen that it does not look like emeralds, so Go blow up this mountain pass with explosives.

The formation of soft jade is a series of contact metamorphic rock systems generated by the contact between granite diorite body and dolomite. Dolomite becomes dolomite marble. The late hydrothermal fluid is along the tectonic fracture channel of dolomite marble, and soft jade is formed after metasomatic action.

That is to say, when there is generally granite diorite or dolomite, there are often jade veins. The reason why the granite diorite next to the rock wall has been chiseled is also for this reason, and the people who come here to pick jade later pay less attention to the traces of chiseling. .

"Go back and say that you have judged that there was magma flowing underground based on the granite.

Zhuang Rui found a reason for himself to find the jade vein. Although it was a little far-fetched, after digging the rock wall, he believed that others would only think that he was good-sighted and would not have any other ideas.

Taking out the camera, Zhuang Rui took pictures of the terrain on both sides of the river and the drilled granite. After going back, these photos are the vouchers to convince the Jade Prince. Even if he doesn't believe it, Zhuang Rui is ready to invest by himself and find someone to mine it. After the jade is opened, Dan and the Jade Prince will negotiate It's just that the shares that Zhuang Rui wants to occupy will not be half of each person.

Tiezi and others only thought that Zhuang Rui was from the city. They went into the mountain to get something new. They didn't pay much attention to his behavior of taking pictures around. The day passed quickly, but everyone's harvest was not ideal. They only found three or five pieces of poor-quality green jade, and even old jade people like Tiezi looked down

Several people discussed it in the evening and decided to go out of the mountain the next morning.

When I got out of the mountain, I took another road. I didn't need to bypass Death Valley, but it took more than half a day. It was already three days after returning to the transit station.

There are two buses at the transit station, which are specially used to transport the jade pickers back to Hetian. However, like the private buses in the city, they will not drive if they are not full.

Zhuang Rui and others were a little impatient. They simply negotiated the price with the owner and chartered a car back to Hetian. Tiezi and others had no objection. After all, they carried millions of jade on their bodies and returned to their own territory as soon as possible, so that they could feel at ease.

After five or six hours of turbulence, Zhuang Rui finally returned to the Jade Prince's manor. It has been a whole week since he entered the mountain.

Adila looked at Zhuang Rui, whose beard was in front of him, his hair was dirty, and his jeans were worn out of a few holes. He asked with a solemn face, "Xiaozhuang, this is not a joke. Are you sure?"

When Adirah was just tasting the wine made by the Internet last year with Gu Tianfeng, he was rushed to find by Zhuang Rui and told him that he had found a jade vein.

Adila didn't take Zhuang Rui seriously. You know, Adila has traveled almost all over the places where Kunlun came out of jade. He didn't believe that Zhuang Rui could find jade and veins when he entered the mountain for the first time.

"Xiaozhuang, this is not Shan Li. What do you think it's a jade vein?"

Looking at Zhuang Rui's embarrassed appearance now, he handed over a glass of red wine.

"Uncle, are you sure I'll talk nonsense? Look

Zhuang Rui took out the digital camera and pointed out the rock wall he had photographed to the two of them.

"Ha ha, you're talking about here, Xiaozhuang, that's not the jade vein, and the stone was also washed down from the mountain..."

Seeing the photo, Adila's expression was much more relaxed and smiled disapprovingly. He didn't know how many times he had been to the bison ditch. At a glance, he could see the location of the scenery in the photo. There was indeed a lot of jade in the river, but it was all the mountain water and scraps that

"Uncle Tian, I'm talking about the position of Zhuang Rui pointing his hand to the rock wall in the camera.

"I suspect that this jade vein is deep in the rock wall, because the mountain rock at the exit of the river is a bit like dolomite, that is to say, before the change of the earth's crust, this is where the underground magma flows, and there is a high possibility of jade veins."

Zhuang Rui's words made Adila's look solemn again. Although he has specially inspected the river, he did not pay much attention to the mouth of the river. This is also because of the darkness under the light. The more conspicuous the place is, the easier it is to be ignored.

"It's also possible. There has been a jade vein on the Maca Peak not far from here, which is now being mined. It's the past to form a jade vein here, just like..."

Adila looked at the photos on the camera and frowned.

"Uncle Tian, are you in trouble? We can drive in from the rock wall first to see the structure of the rock inside.

"Xiaozhuang, it's summer now, it's the season of flash floods, and now it's just a stream. After a while, I'm afraid that half of the canyon will become a river, and it will be very difficult to mine unless it is intercepted at the foot of the mountain. In addition, an exit of the river is blown up. Spider's "yin twist ratio of 8 to four (pao Shu Zhao) is a different experience!

Adila is very familiar with the terrain there, and knows the seasonal changes of the climate of Kunlun Mountain. It is rainy in summer, and only one rainstorm can lead to flash floods, and it can't be mined there at that time.

Zhuang Rui thought that Adila was afraid that he would not find the jade vein again, so he said, "Uncle Tian, let's blow up a river exit. I'll pay the money."

When Adilla saw Zhuang Rui's appearance, she laughed and said, "You little guy is very confident. This early preparation costs a lot of money. The cost of manpower and equipment alone costs millions. Aren't you afraid of being wasted?"

"He is a rich man, and millions are nothing to him, Brother Adila, do you think it's worth it?" The old man also laughed. He didn't have much experience in jade mining, so he didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

"It's hard to say, but as long as you open a tunnel of 20 or 30 meters from here, you will know by looking at the rock layer inside."

After answering the old man's words, Adilla turned his face to Zhuang Rui and said, "Little guy, in this case, I won't take advantage of you. I'll pay for the equipment, and you pay for the artificial money. Let's open a tunnel here first. If there is really a jade vein, I'll do the matter of Half of the shares account for 50% each. What do you think?

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and said, "Ok, just do what Uncle Tian said, but I don't care about the sales after the jade is mined. I think this share as a venture capital. Uncle Tian, just give me a dividend every year."

Adilla laughed loudly when he heard the words. In case there was a jade vein, he was really afraid that Zhuang Rui, a young man, would dictate in it, so he said, "Oy, that's it. Go and have a rest, and we will go into the mountain tomorrow morning."

Adila has been able to dominate the jade world in Xinjiang for decades, and he is also a daring person. Now that he has made a decision, he immediately stood up and gathered people to prepare.

Wang: Chapter 2 has been issued together. I will strive for three updates tomorrow and ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket. Friends have the support of the monthly ticket. The competition in the urban monthly ticket list is too fierce. Thank you in advance. C