Golden Pupil

Chapter 274 Avalanche 275 Notarization

After all, the Ciyang Army couldn't wait for Zhuang Rong and stayed in Xinjiang for ten days! After that, he was in Beijing. Because he also drives a film and television investment company. Recently, there have been several dramas with the main theme. There are a lot of things at ordinary times. In addition, Xu Daxing is in a hurry to go back to shoot, so he can only go home.

Zhuang Rui didn't know that there were people waiting for him outside the mountain. He had a very carefree time during this period. Naturally, he didn't use him to work to open a mine. He had nothing to do every day. Seeing that the mining team was robbed, Zhuang Rui pulled Mengzi up the mountain to hunt during the day. The wild

The mining of the jade vein is going very smoothly. In five days, the mine has been hit by more than ten meters. Nearly 20 tons of jade were fired. Mr. Adilah was right, and the deeper he went. The higher the quality of jade, the higher the quality of several pieces of jade recently, the quality can reach the upper middle level, and the value is very high.

However, it rained heavily yesterday, which made the water level of the river mouth rise a lot. Although it has not reached the height of the rock wall mine, it is not far away. Now the mining team is facing the problem of diverting the stream. In the past two days, Axula has taken Zhao Gong to observe the terrain and is ready to block the Then open up a stream exit.

It's just that the water of this stream usually doesn't look very deep, only to the waist, but it's the mountain torrent season. It can spread to a depth of three or four meters above the river, so it is not easy to intercept and divert the course.

After inspecting a few places on the waist, Ran Dila decided to use explosives to blow up part of the body on the mouth of the river and let the gravel roll down. Block the mouth of the river, and then dig another ditch to guide the mountain torrents.

"Open the mountain to fire cannons, idle people stay away, open the mountain to fire cannons, idle Lu, stay away"

Four or five hundred meters away from the mouth of the river, you can hear the sound from the loudspeaker. Zhao Gong took people 30 meters above the mouth of the river. If more than 20 blasting points are hit and detonated at the same time, those rocks are enough to block the mouth of the river.

Although this is likely to block the entrance to the mine, there is nothing we can do. The terrain at the foot of the mountain is low, and if there is another rainstorm, I'm afraid the mine will become a water curtain hole, and it will not be mined at all.

"Xiaozhuang, here you are. There will be something good to see later."

Mr. Asura, standing next to Zhuang Rui, handed over a high-power military telescope.

"What do you want this thing for? You can see it so close."

Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled, with a distance of four or five hundred meters. Coupled with the sunny weather and high visibility, he can clearly see the people who are putting detonator explosives at several detonation points.

"You will know later that the old man smiled and said nothing.

After more than half an hour, the rapid whistle sounded, and the explosives immediately ran from the mountain to the camp.

"Time is up, detonate!!!"

Seeing that the workers had run back safely, Adila shouted loudly. After hearing the order, Zhao Gong held the hand of the remote control and pressed it heavily.

"Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!"

With a loud and rhythmic explosion, Zhuang Rui only felt that the earth was shaking. The mountain hundreds of meters away seemed to have been cut off by the waist, and countless rocks poured down. Large and small stones splashed everywhere, and several even fell dozens of meters away from Zhuang Rui and others. If this distance is a little closer, I'm afraid it will end up bleeding.

The frying points are one by one. The explosion was still coming. Zhuang Rui quickly picked up the telescope in his hand and put it in front of his eyes. Now it was more intuitive. Under the power of explosives, those hard rocks were as fragile as tofu, broken down into stones of different sizes, all blocked to the mouth of the river.

"A sound. Two, three, "Twenty, twenty, Zhao Gong, all the explosive points were detonated, and there was no dumb cannon." Someone next to him was counting the sound of the explosion. When the explosion disappeared, the man was also relieved and immediately reported to Zhao Gong, who was in charge of the interception.

It's not a joke to start a mountain with explosives. For various reasons, if you are not careful, there will be a dumb cannon failure, which is also the most difficult to rule out. When you encounter such a thing, you have to send someone to check it. However, in the process of checking, the dumb cannon often detonates, and the end Needless to say.

In some places where you can make a living by relying on mountains. It is common to use explosives, and there are many people who die on dumb cannons every year. Hearing that all the explosive points were detonated, Zhao Gong was also relieved. This excludes the work of dumb cannons, but no one wants to do it, which is equivalent to working with his head.

At this time, the originally low-lying mouth of the river seemed to be built into a dam in an instant, and all the water flowing from the mountain was intercepted, but Zhuang Rui was a little puzzled. This is to quench his thirst. When the water level on the mountain becomes high, it will flow down when it is full of those rocks.

However, this situation was obviously expected by Axilla. Just after the first round of explosion had just stopped for three or four minutes, Zhao Gong pressed the button of a remote control in his left hand. Suddenly, the deafening explosion came out again. The burial of the explosion point was in the shape of a long dragon, from the foot of the mountain to fifty or sixty A line of meters exploded downward.

The situation in the telescope is different from the one just now, and this time the fry point is relatively shallow. Zhuang Rui only saw the place where the explosion passed. The land seemed to have been ploughed, and it opened to both sides one after another, and a deep chasm appeared in sight.

"Xiaozhuang, look at the top." The words of Mr. Adila came from the side.


Zhuang Rui raised the telescope for some reason. At this look, he was stunned.

In the place where Zhuang Rui and others camped, it is already more than 3,000 meters high, and the peak in front of it is more than 5,000 meters above sea level. At the top of the mountain, the snow does not melt all year round. Even in summer, the white snow halfway up the mountain is slowly melting and flowing to the bison



Zhuang Rui saw in the telescope that almost halfway up the mountain, there was a crack in the frozen ice and snow as hard as hard iron.

Zhuang Rui seemed to hear the "cle" sound of the ice breaking in his ear. Then, the huge snow body began to slide, and the snow body quickly gained speed in the process of sliding down. Therefore, the avalanche body turned into a white snow dragon that almost poured straight down, flying clouds and fog, roaring fiercely towards the mountain. Go down.

The snow layer was broken, and the white, layers of snow and snowboards rose up in response, as if the mountain god suddenly launched an internal force to shake off a white robe on his body, and it was like a white snow dragon driving girl, roaring down the mountain, like a white-cooked Japanese beast. Swallowing Zhuang must collect everything he can see.

"Wild goat?"

In Zhuang Rui's sight, he suddenly saw a group of wild goats running for their lives, but their speed was far less than the snow. After a few seconds, the dozen wild goats disappeared in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

The avalanche lasted for half an hour. How many hours. After the momentum slowed down, the speed of the snow pouring down slowed down, but the bushes in the middle of the mountain had disappeared, all of which were covered by thick snow. I believe that in a few days, all the snow would turn into snow and flow down.

The principle of avalanche Zhuang Rui knows that there has always been a contest on the snow stop: gravity must pull the snow down, but the cohesion of the snow hopes to keep the snow in place. When this competition reaches **, even a little outside power, such as the running of animals, falling stones, Windy, slight earthquakes, and even shouting in the valley, as long as the pressure exceeds the cohesion of condensing the snow particles into a mass, it is enough to cause a catastrophic avalanche.

For example, if the wind blows, the wind will not only cause a large amount of snow to accumulate, but also cause snow particles to condense, forming a hard and brittle snow layer, so that the upper snow layer can slide along the lower snow layer and cause an avalanche.

And this avalanche is obviously a man-made disaster. The huge explosion far exceeded the cohesion of the snow particles, making the snow on the mountain unable to withstand the pressure, and the avalanche occurred.

The power of nature makes Zhuang Rong stunned and deeply feel a kind of powerlessness. In the face of this natural power, human beings show that the insivious life is here, and it shows that they are so helpless.

"It's time to work. Clean up the stones at the entrance of the mine, you guys. Follow me up the mountain."

After an hour, no more gravel fell, and Zhao Gong organized people to open the mountain and get busy. The explosion was very successful, at the original mouth of the river. It has been completely blocked, and more than ten meters away on the right, there is another gap, and the snow that has begun to dissolve on the mountain has turned into a stream. Run down from here.

The water in the stream became colder. Zhuang Rui stretched out his hand into the water and actually felt a piercing chill. From time to time, there were ice pieces the size of grinding discs, which rushed down from the mouth of the new river.

The original mouth of the mine is now blocked by gravel, but it is much easier to clean up these stones than to dig a mine. By noon the next day, the outside of the mine was cleaned up, and the deafening sound of diamond machines began to echo in the canyon.

Today is the day to go back. Zhuang Rui and others have been in the mountains for half a month. The jade vein has been identified and mined. Adirah decided to take the mined jade back first. In addition, some people have been sent here. After all, there are only seven or eight people working now, and the progress of mining is too slow.

Except for the donkey that transported jade, all the other tools and materials were left. As the general manager of the mine site, Zhao Gong also stayed here, and Zhuang Rui followed the Jade Prince.

Chapter 275 Notarization

In addition to seven or eight mining workers, there are also five minekeepers of live-fired nuclear bombs.

In the border of Xinjiang, there has never been peace. Before liberation, let's talk about it. Even after liberation, Xinjiang was also the most concentrated place for heavy prisons in China, bringing together reform-through-il criminals from all over the country, and some prisoners have been closed for more than ten years. After being released from prison, many people stayed here.

In addition, Xinjiang is vast and sparsely populated, which also makes many criminals come here to hide, so the public security has not been very good. For example, the Hetian area is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people, and a piece of fat meat like the jade mine is often targeted by some To protect the existence of the mining team. It is very necessary.

To Zhuang Rui's surprise, Mengzi was unwilling to go out of the mountain, but chose to join the mining protection team. In his words, the outside of the mountain was too complicated. If you are always tricked, you might as well stay here to hunt and have a drink.

Due to the lack of those heavy mountain-opening machines, the jade is cut and evenly placed on the backs of more than 20 donkeys. When I went out of the mountain, I had to do it smoothly, and there were no accidents, four days later. The group of people came to the transit station.

The car driven by the Jade Prince has been waiting here, and everyone did not delay. They got on the car directly and returned to Hotan. The jade mine has just been mined the tip of the iceberg, and there are still many things to do. Gather miners to strengthen the escort force. When Adila returned to the manor, although it was already evening, he was still busy, and even the ancient man didn't have time to see him.

Naturally, Zhuang Rui couldn't help. Although he had done nothing for more than half a month, he was also very tired. He simply went back to his room to take a shower and fell asleep.

The time to sleep was not short. When he woke up, it was already noon the next day. Zhuang Rui picked up the charged mobile phone and called his family and Qin Yingbing to report that he was safe. I just walked out of the room to find the old man.

"Do you still remember your uncle?"

Sitting in Adila's vineyard, tasting the self-brewed wine, the old man had a comfortable expression, but what he said was not very pleasant to hear.

"Uncle, I'm going to get up. I'm just coming to see you."

Zhuang Rui doesn't know what kind of evil fire the old man sent. Be careful to stay with it.

"Yesterday, I sat in the living room and watched your boy enter the room without saying hello to me. Do you still have my uncle in your eyes?

"Ah? Then the lights will be turned off. There seems to be no one in the living room, right?

Zhuang Rui was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words. He was also very tired yesterday. He climbed directly to the second floor to sleep. He didn't notice that the old man was sitting in the living room blindly in the dark light.

"All right, let's take a look at these things I've made." The old man was already teasing Zhuang Rui. During this period, his old friend was not there. He had nothing to do except Zhuoyu, and he was also idle.

"Is it done?" Zhuang Rui asked in surprise.

Gu Tianfeng did not answer, but handed over a palm-sized box. Zhuang Rui took it over and opened it. There were three green Maitreya Buddha pendants. Appeared in front of me.

A wide forehead. His belly was like a drum, and his smile was often open. He sat cross-legged his legs, and the wrinkles on his clothes were clearly visible. His narrowed eyes made Zhuang Wu feel that this Maitreya Buddha seemed to be smiling at him.

What's more amazing is that a pendant actually has three forms and expressions, including smiling at people, squinting and sleeping, and lancholy. They are all vivid. Zhuang Rui, who looks like a living thing, can't put it down.

Next to the emerald Maitreya Buddha, there are two earrings in the arms. The style is very unique. The throat of the dry leaves is about two centimeters, about 1.5 centimeters wide, and the middle is hollowed out, and the lines of the leaves are carved like real objects. In the corner of the earrings, the earrings are also inlaid with white gold. It is already a finished product.

The last piece of emerald the size of a small thumb has not been carved. It is left by the old man to his old friend, and it can also be polished into a ring face.

"How's it going, boy? Are you satisfied?" The ancient man asked in a surprised way.

"Satisfied, of course, satisfied. There is nothing to say about your craftsmanship. Those Yangzhou craftsmen are not as good as you

Beautiful words don't cost money. Zhuang Rui praised the old man vigorously. Zhuang Rui knew that this was himself. If someone else came to the old man with materials, it was estimated that he would be at least hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Zhuang Rui's words are not all compliments to the old man. The craftsmanship of these pendants is really very good. There are not many knives. But the character's expression was completely outlined. Compared with the Guanyin pendant given to him by Qin Yingbing, it is much stronger in the knife method.

The old man pointed to an object covered with a red cloth on the table and said to Zhuang Rui, "How many of these things do you want?" It takes a month to be carved out. When I go back to Beijing, I will study it slowly before I use the knife.

"What is this?"

Zhuang Rui lifted the red cloth strangely. At a glance, he also understood that it was the colored leather he brought, but the colored leather has now been removed by the old man, and the whole piece of jade meat has been exposed.

"Your boy is lucky, just this piece of material. It is worth the number of ancient times to raise a finger to Zhuang Rui.

"One million? It won't be so cheap. Uncle Gu, the quality of this jade is not bad.

Zhuang Rui frowned. Is it because there are too many colors of this material, which reduces its value?

"You boy, you can't guess big. Let me tell you. This piece of jade can be sold for 10 million even if it is not carved. The ancient words surprised Zhuang Rui and opened his mouth wide. If he said three or five million, he still believed that ten million was a little too much.

Naturally, Zhuang Rui will not doubt the old man's words. Hold the emerald in your eyes and look at it carefully.

"S Uncle, this color is too messy. What can you come up with?"

To say, this piece of jade is really a big deal. The two fists in the middle are pink, a bit like garnet, around the pink, purple, green, yellow, black, white, orange, almost all of them. Zhuang Rui was dazzled. He didn't understand why this thing was worth 10 million?

"Of course you can't see it. Don't ask. When it's done, you can pick it up. As long as you don't lack money to spend in the future, you are not allowed to sell this thing."

Gu Tianfeng's attention to this jade is still far above the glass imperial green, which makes Zhuang Rui's heart full of curiosity, but no matter how to ask. The old man refused to go on.

"You son of a bitch, you actually came here. It's easy for me to find it."

Adila's voice came from the vineyard, and then the three of them passed through the maze-like grape shed and came to Zhuang Rui.

"Tian Bo? What are you looking for me for? I can't help much. We have agreed before.

Zhuang Rui was a little puzzled. Looking behind Adirah, he was followed by two people in uniform, and he was even more confused.

"I want money from your boy."

Adila rudely pulled Zhuang Rui up from the chair and sat up by herself. In fact, there are many chairs in this place. Adila doesn't like Zhuang Rui's leisurely appearance. Why does my old man have to do so many things?

"Look, take a look first, sign it if there is no problem, and then bookmark it."

Adila threw a document to Zhuang Rui, and then greeted the two people behind him to sit down. A Uyg Miu woman immediately brought tea.

Zhuang Rui opened the document and found that it was an equity book, which indicated the total value of the approximate content of the jade mine. The shares you own, of course. Corresponding to the funds that should be paid.

According to the estimate of the Jade Prince, the total content of the jade that can be mined by the jade vein should be more than 100 tons, and its value is also about 2 yuan, with an advance investment of 20 million yuan. In the future, 30 million yuan will be added one after another. Zhuang Rui accounts for 50% of the shares, and he will first take out 10 million yuan. And there will be an additional investment of 15 million in the future.

In fact, the money added later is just a form. The jade mine is already profitable now, and it can be fully spent from the profit.

Adila's equity book is very detailed. There is nothing to be picky about. After reading it carefully, Zhuang Rui signed his name. Then in front of the notary, he wrote a check of 10 million and gave it to Amarla.

After the notary reads the notarial words, all three parties sign the notarial certificate and keep one copy. In less than half an hour, even if the whole procedure was completed, Zhuang Rui had to admire the connection of Prince Yu in Hetian and could actually invite all the notaries to his home.

After the notary left, Gu Tianfeng said to Adila, "Brother, I've been with you for more than a month. It's time to say goodbye. I'll go back to Beijing tomorrow." "Oy, when I finish my work, I will go to Beijing to stay in Xiaozhuang for a few days. Do you still go to the mine?"

There is a new jade mine to be mined, and Axilla did not retain his old friends, but looked at Zhuang Rui,

"No, I'm just in trouble there. It's better to go with your uncle, and I'll ask Uncle Tian to do anything in the future. Zhuang Rui shook his head, and the time to go out this time was not short. In addition, his goal has been achieved, and he wants to return to Zhangcheng.

"Shall I go back to Beijing with me?" The ancient turned his face and asked Zhuang Rui.

"Should I go back to Beijing first, or go straight back to Zhangcheng?"

To be honest, Zhuang Rui hasn't figured it out yet. He learned about Ouyang Jun's pursuit of Xinjiang from Yue Jing's phone, and he also wanted to stop this matter. Learn about what happened that year. Let's see if we can untie the knot in my mother's heart. We can't make her unhappy all the time.

"Uncle, I'll go back to Beijing with you first. There happens to be something to deal with. Thinking about his mother's secret tears during the Spring Festival, Zhuang Rui was sure to pay attention to it.

Compared: Thank you for being so awesome that you actually rushed to the twelfth place in the general list. There is still a chapter later. If you can get the ticket today. It will continue to be updated tomorrow. Shit, the monthly ticket is a bit like opium, and it is addictive and energetic.

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