Golden Pupil

Chapter 300 The lively antique market

The hustle and bustle of the crowd, all of them are happy, waving their intentions in the New Year. Calling friends loudly, there are two tall foreign girls, one wearing a Peking Opera face, and the other carrying a Yangqin erhu on his back. Zhuang Rui was quite speechless.

However, Zhuang Rui also has a trace of understanding in his heart. The people who came here just had a Taobao imagination. What I really enjoy is the lively environment and the unique cultural atmosphere with Chinese characteristics.

When Zhuang Rui was still standing at the gate of Pan's home and calculating the proportion of real and fake things here, Officer Miao rushed in with great interest. It was so messy that he could leave without mercy. Zhuang Rui had no choice but to keep up.

"Come on, it's time to visit and travel

Zhuang Rui can only comfort himself in this way. If there is no real object in this scene, it is impossible. It's just that if you can pick out the real thing in millions of things, it will definitely be a great luck, even if Zhuang Rui has aura to use it.

You know, there are several pairs or even more than a dozen hands picking on each booth. Is it useless to have aura? Is it rare for Zhuang Rui to comb his body for those people for free?

"When your quadrangle courtyard is built, you can buy some high imitation things and put them in it"

Zhuang Rui followed Miao Feifei to turn a few stalls. Not to mention, he is really interested, because the high imitation porcelain and some pottery here are very exquisite. If you don't hold it in your hand to distinguish it with aura, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Judging process, it should be according to the ancient firing formula. Cheng came.

In fact, there are some modern craft porcelain, the production process is no less than the ancient firing technology, the quality is much more than that, and the artistic appreciation is also stronger. It's just that antiques are played with an ancient character. It is not like Feiyu, and good quality is valuable. This thing is not an old object. It has no inheritance history. No matter how exquisite it is, it is useless.

After wandering around for more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui finally found that Miao Feifei was simply crazy. Wherever there are many people, you can squeeze in. After squeezing in, you can watch the fun there. Zhuang Rui is suffering unspeakably. He wants to pick a few good imitations, and there is no free time.

"Zhuang Mu, come here, come and help

Just now, when Zhuang Jie squatted on the ground and wanted to see a snuff bottle, Miss Miao waved to him five or six meters away, but there was still a tall white man standing beside him, and more than a dozen people were watching the excitement not far away.

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Rui walked over and asked.

"I don't know. This foreigner is pulling people everywhere to talk. He looks very anxious. Can you ask him what he wants to do?"

Officer Miao was happy to help others, but he didn't pass the English very well. He compared with the foreigner for a long time, but he didn't understand what the other party meant.

Zhuang Rui suppressed his smile and said to the foreigner, "Friend, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Oh, can you speak English? Great, I want to ask where the bathroom is? In fact, my body language is great, but this is a beautiful lady."

The foreigner is very humorous. Although he will feel uncomfortable with urine, he still doesn't forget to open it with Zhuang Rui. It's a joke. It's hard for Zhuang Rui to imagine that if the foreigner posed a peeing body language to Miao Feifei, would make him unable to pee from now on.

Miao Feifei saw that Zhuang Rui just smiled and didn't say anything. She quickly pushed him and asked, "What are you laughing at? What is this foreigner going to do?"

"He wants to go to the bathroom, and I don't know where it is." Zhuang Rui replied casually that it was also his first visit to Panjiayuan.

Miao Feifei blushed when she heard the words. She was familiar with Pan Jiayuan and pointed out the place for the foreigner. The spectators also dispersed. After this, Officer Miao was much more honest and followed Zhuang Rui to the stalls one by one.

Under the crowd of people, Zhuang Rui soon finished a row of stalls, just a row of more than 3,000 stalls in Panjiayuan. I don't know how many rows to divide it into. Because it can't be seen for a few minutes at each booth, it is crowded to move forward by the flow of people, so Zhuang Rui has nothing to gain. Using Reiki to distinguish a few objects are all Xiamen products.

When he was about to enter the second row around the corner, Zhuang Rui saw that there was a circle of people at the door of a shop. It was a dead corner. Before the flow of people passed there, Zhuang Rui was ready to go there to have a look. When the net turned back to say hello to Miao Feifei, the young lady had already squeezed over. Zhuang Rui sweated in his heart and dressed so hotly that he was not afraid of being eaten tofu.

Zhuang Rui squeezed in and couldn't help but be a little disappointed. It turned out that the store set up several stalls at the door, which were full of ceramics. For these objects, Zhuang Rui is not very cold. The really valuable ceramics are all placed in the store, and there are many people outside. In case they are broken, whose is it?

"Boss, can you make this cheaper?"

A slightly strange voice came into Zhuang Rui's ear, which seemed to burst out word by word, but the pronunciation was very accurate. It also has a Beijing accent, but it's awkward to listen to it.

Zhuang Rui followed the sound and turned out to be a foreigner. He is a white man, and he can't touch any country in the old mountain. Looking around, half of the onlookers were foreign tourists.

"Five thousand dollars, it can't be cheaper. This was used by the emperor. By the way, you are like the queen of your country, whose name is Elizabeth. Yes, it is the same as the queen named Elizabeth. Is 50,000 yuan still expensive?, small

Looking at the stall was a young man about the same age as Zhuang Rui, he opened his mouth and offered a price of 50,000 US dollars, and made an example for foreigners. However, this is a little nondescript. Britain is not a king without a handle. It has to compare a queen with a Chinese emperor.

In the eyes of foreigners, China has always been known for its long history and mystery, and porcelain is the first impression of China by foreigners. There is nothing we can do. Whoever wants to turn over is the meaning of porcelain, so these foreigners pay special attention to porcelain when visiting Pan's home.

However, Zhuang Rui, who was beside him, was surprised by the lion man of the stall owner. He looked at the porcelain at his hand, but it was a blue and white landscape figure pattern lid jar, and a complete set of cans with a lid. The head is not a straight mouth, a short neck and a circle. The lid is flat on the top. With a slightly folded edge, there is a circular grip button.

The whole tank is decorated with the pattern of blue and white landscape figures. The blue and white flowers are delicate and green, fresh and bright, and have the artistic effect of ink painting. The picture is clearly layered. It is full of three-dimensional sense, and the images of the literati Gao Shi and the old man fishing alone in the painting are vivid. Judging from this shape, Zhuang Rui judged that this should be a cover jar imitating the blue and white characters of the year of Kangxi.

Some friends don't understand. Why do they say it's imitation? Isn't that nonsense? The real Qing Kangxi blue and white landscape figure pattern lid jar is collected in the Palace Museum. Can it be sold here? Besides, it belongs to the national first-class cultural relic and is forbidden to export. The foreigner can't take it out even if he buys it. Zhuang Rui doesn't need to look at it with Reiki at all. He also knows that this thing is fake. At most, it is a good imitation. This stall owner is a big fool.

It's just antiques, which can be bought and sold. Both sides are willing to beat and be beaten. What's more, the stall owner is fooling a foreigner. Zhuang Rui's lungs are watching the hustle and bustle nearby, and it is estimated that most of the Chinese people around him have the same mind as Zhuang Rui.

However, the foreigner should have been in China for a long time. He opened his mouth and said, "Two thousand yuan." If you sell it, just buy it. If you don't sell it, just buy it.

"Two thousand dollars?!" The stall owner asked a question. Naturally, he knows in his heart that if he can sell it for 2,000 dollars, it will be more than 30 times the profit.

"RMB, no depreciation, better than US dollars

What's wrong with this foreigner? The words made the crowd around him laugh loudly, and Zhuang Rui and Miao Feifei also laughed forward and backward. These two people are so funny that they talk about the price like a crosstalk.

"That won't work. Look at the firing process. Absolutely first-class, look again"

Although he sold 2,000 yuan, the stall owner also made a lot of money, but he was a little unwilling. It was rare to fool a foreigner. Then he didn't kill him to death. At the moment, he encouraged a three-inch tongue and talked to the foreigner.

After listening to it for a while, Zhuang Rui felt a little boring. He greeted Miao Feifei and was ready to continue shopping. He was also going to find a good object for the old man. He went to the old man's place in the evening. He couldn't go empty-handed.


When Zhuang Rui was about to turn around, his eyes saw a clay pot in the corner of the stall, and his footsteps could not be moved.

"Go, don't look at it. The stall owner is too dark." Miao Feifei had a sense of justice. Seeing that Zhuang Rui stopped, she thought that he still wanted to see the bustle, so she pulled Zhuang Rui.

"Wait, I saw a good thing," Zhuang Rui whispered, leaning forward again.

What Zhuang Rui is looking at is a dark flat-bottomed pottery jar, which is covered with dust and dirt. On the surface, it is black, with no other glaze color, and the pulp does not seem to be very obvious, a bit like an old thing.

"Boss, show me the dark thing on the side." Zhuang Rui squeezed to the side of the clay pot and said rudely in Peng Cheng's words.

"Come and get it yourself. I'm full of babies here. If it's broken, it's up to you?" The stall owner was a little impatient. Didn't he see that he was talking about big business? What's wrong with him?

Generally, these antique stalls are classified, real objects and well-like things. They are all placed next to the stall owners. The slightly inferior ones are placed on the periphery, and those that are almost disposed of the goods. Generally, they are piled up or placed in inconspicuous corners.

This clay pot should be a processed product. In the corner, there are a lot of gadgets piled up in front of it. C