Golden Pupil

Chapter 309 Worship

"Remove this 15 million, and you really have a few money in your hand..."

The cost is so huge that Zhuang Rui naturally has to put forward many requirements for the rebuilt quadrangle courtyard, but what he pays most attention to is the bathroom, which is also due to his childhood life.

Before the 1990s, not only the quadrangle courtyards in Beijing, but also the bungalows all over the country also used public toilets. Friends born in the 1970s may still have memories. The revolutionary work mentioned at that time does not distinguish between nobles. The so-called word "halberd" is actually refers to pooping.

When Zhuang Rui lived in the old house when he was a child, he often threw firecrackers into the toilet during the Spring Festival, and often ran to the toilet with his trousers in the middle of the night. Therefore, for this quadrangle courtyard, the first requirement is that there must be a separate bathroom, and it is best to put the room next to the They are all converted into toilets.

In addition, there is the kitchen. The outside building can follow the shape and structure of the ancient building, but the inside must be modernized, otherwise the whole big stove of the fire is inside. I'm afraid that Zhuang's mother is here, and it will not be used.

"Brother Gu, there is a basement in this quadrangle courtyard. Please help me pick it up and get a new vent. In addition, install a dehumidification device to do a little more anti-theft safety. I'm going to use it as a collection room." When Zhuang Rui first came, he knew that there was a basement for storage in Just not far from the master bedroom in the backyard, Zhuang Rui had a calculation in his heart at that time.

"Yes, there is also the side door of the garage, right? I have written it down. It's too early to say this. After the overall construction renderings come out, you will be asked to sign it. It's not too late to mention any requirements.

Although Zhuang Rui made a lot of requirements like a "mother of things", Gu Yun always smiled and said that the customer was God. Gu Yun obviously understood this sentence very thoroughly. The project cost of more than 10 million yuan, even if he did not cut corners, could make Gu Yun make a lot of money.

After the matter was settled, Zhuang Rui also handed over the key to the door to Gu Yun, and waited for the construction after the renderings came out. For Professor Zhou, who braved the heat to see the house, Zhuang Rui felt a little sorry and said, "Mr. Zhou, shall we go to dinner?"

Professor Zhou waved his hand and said, "No, just ask Brother Ouyang to prepare a few bottles of Na Nian's Maotai for me later. Xiao Gu, you can also follow me. I don't know where they have packed up the information of Kangxi Nian."

Seeing that Zhuang Rui's house was about to be demolished and rebuilt, Professor Zhou felt a little untrusted, so he was in a hurry to find the information. Although those materials were well kept, the number was too large. I'm afraid it would take half a day. It was Professor Zhou who called Gu Yun to help.

But Zhuang She didn't know that the so-called bottles of Weasel Year Maotai can't be bought even if they have money.

After Zhuang Rui locked the door and gave the key to Gu Yun, he watched them drive away, and then got into the car and left. The matter of the house was settled. Zhuang Rui was also much more relaxed, but he didn't want to go back to Yuquan Mountain, because the pass had not been completed, and it was very troublesome to get in and out There was nothing to do, so I simply looked out the phone book and found Professor Meng's phone number.

Uncle De has been urging Zhuang Rui to visit his future tutor. It's okay today, so Zhuang Rui called.

When he heard the call from Zhuang Rui, Professor Meng was very surprised. He asked Zhuang Rui to come home immediately and had lunch together. Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and was not polite. When he passed by a farmer's market, he saw someone selling old turtles on the roadside. When Zhuang Rui was a child, he went down the river and crossed the east. .

The place where Professor Zhou lives is the teacher's village of Peking University. It is located behind the campus of Peking University. It is shaded by trees and a personal work lake. The environment is very elegant. Zhuang Rui parked his car downstairs as Professor Zhou said, and he was ready to go upstairs with two bastards.

"Brother Zhuang Rui, grandpa said you were coming, but I didn't go shopping. What good things did you bring for me? What's in your hand?"

Professor Zhou lived on the second floor. Before Zhuang Rui entered the unit, he heard a crisp shout from the balcony on the second floor. Looking up, it was Meng Qiuqian's girl. He stared at the bastard in Zhuang Rui's hand with big eyes, and his face looked incredible.

Zhuang Rui looked up and smiled. When he entered the unit building, Professor Meng had already opened the door and waited. When he saw the old turtle in Zhuang Rui's hand, he also laughed and said, "Xiaozhuang, I don't accept student gifts. What's the point of holding this thing?"

"Mr. Meng, on the way here, I saw someone selling it, like a wild one, so I bought it to mend your body. It's a student's worship gift." Zhuang Rui spent a little time with Professor Meng in Shaanxi. He knew that he was very kind and joked with a smile.

Meng Qiuqian's girl ran over with a basin for washing vegetables and asked Zhuang Rui to put the two old turtles in the basin.

Professor Meng stopped on the ground with great interest and looked at the two old turtles in the basin, and commented in his mouth: "Well, the limbs are yellow, the skirt is thick, and it is wild. This head is not small. The old turtle meat can cure sweats, backache and leg pain. It can also nourish yin and tonify The old man took the gift.

After hearing Professor Meng's words, the little girl was anxious. She put her hands over the basin, protected her in front of her, and said, "No, I want to keep it. Grandpa is not allowed to eat it." I dare to regard the two old turtles bought by Zhuang Rui as pets. OK, grandpa won't eat them, Xiaozhuang, come on, come into the house for dinner. I showed my hand today.

Meng Jiaoji still spoiled this granddaughter. After asking her to bring her father to the kitchen, he greeted Zhuang Rui to sit down at the dinner table. Meng Jiaoti's craftsmanship is really good. From Zhuang Rui's call to now, but in thirty or forty minutes, he has already made seven or eight dishes, and there is still an old Brother Zhuang Rui, I made this cola chicken wing. Do you want to try it? Meng Qiuqian put a plate of fried golden chicken wings in front of Zhuang Rui and looked at Zhuang Rui with hope. I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself... Looking at the little girl ready to pick it up, Zhuang Rui quickly picked up the chopsticks and put it in the middle. Is this cola chicken wings?

Zhuang Ruiqiang didn't spit out the chicken wings in his mouth, but his taste buds lost consciousness. The taste was a little salty, right? Yeah, do I cook well? I'll try it, too."

When the little girl saw Zhuang Rui's face, she almost guessed that her masterpiece did not seem to be good. She picked up a chicken wing, but only bit a little. She didn't have Zhuang Rui's endurance, so she spit it out immediately. Failed again, Lucas, come on, there's something delicious..."

The little girl turned her eyes and hit the Lucas she raised. Unexpectedly, Lucas, who was lying at the table, jumped up and got under the bed in the room. Zhuang Rui laughed.

With the little girl's gag, the meal was also pleasant. After dinner, Professor Meng took Zhuang Rui into the study.

Professor Meng pointed to a book on the table and said to Zhuang Rui, "I know you are coming to Beijing during this period of time, and I have prepared the review materials for you. If you have anything you don't understand, just come home directly..." "Thank you, Mr. Yu. I have to bother you often in the future."

Zhuang Rui looked over and found that they were all ancient Chinese and chemistry books, which were highly targeted and suitable for him.

Professor Meng still had something to do in the afternoon. After asking him to guide some review points, Zhuang Rui said goodbye. However, Meng Qiuqian, a little girl who was on summer vacation, was a little reluctant to let Zhuang Rui leave after asking Zhuang Rui to promise to bring the white lion next time.

Zhuang Rui, who was driving, suddenly heard his mobile phone ringing. He looked at the number and felt a little strange. After pressing the answer button, a beautiful female voice came out of it: "Hey, is this Mr. Zhuang?" I'm Zhuang Rui. May I ask who you are? Zhuang Rui leaned the car to the side of the road and picked up the phone.

"Oh, that's right, Mr. Zhuang, I'm from Beijing TV Station. I want to confirm with you about going to Jinan to participate in the treasure appreciation activity tomorrow. Are you sure you can participate in this activity tomorrow?"

It turned out to be the organizer of this treasure appraisal activity. The ancient man said that they would call Zhuang Rui, but he had never received a phone call. Zhuang Rui was still a little strange, and now said, "You can participate. What is the specific itinerary? Please tell me first."

"If it's convenient for you, we will gather at the TV station tomorrow, and then we will drive to Jinan. We will have lunch and have a rest. We will start the on-site treasure appreciation activity at 3:00 p.m., stay in Jinan for a day, and there will be half a day of time in the next morning. In the afternoon Beijing..."

Liu Jia is the host of this on-site treasure appraisal activity and the producer of this activity. She only received a fax this morning about Zhuang Rui, the director of the Jade Association! $$, but the above age made her a little uncertain. She was 2s years old, which was a little younger. After Liu Jia called the relevant person in charge of the Jade Association to confirm, she called Zhuang Rui.

It's not Liu Jia's fault. You know, the people who participated in the on-site Luanbao activity this time are not small. There are associate researchers of the Palace Museum, general managers of famous auction companies, and domestic calligraphy and painting miscellaneous identification experts. Zhuang Rui's 25-year-old mixed in it will indeed make people feel a trace of dis

"Eh, I'll be there on time tomorrow..."

After Zhuang Rui agreed, he hung up the phone. For him, it was not difficult to simply distinguish the authenticity of jade and even antiques. He just said where these objects were? Where is it? This is what Zhuang Rui needs to be pregnant.

Ps: Thank you for the reward of Lindi and your friends. Although the 2D monthly ticket has not been updated yet, the eye has also been updated in advance. Find some motivation for yourself. Friends, read the bookstore, and vote for it if there is a new monthly ticket. Today's third update. Chapter Update H