Golden Pupil

Chapter 323 Family Affairs

His nose is a little sore. As a human son, he can understand his mother's mood, but Zhuang Rui, who has never had the experience of being a father, now seems to feel the joy of his grandfather, which is selfless love for all his children.

Suddenly, a white shadow rushed out of the yard and woke up the father and daughter who were immersed in the sunset. Son of a bitch, if you don't go home for a few days, are you hiding from your grandfather?

The old man followed the figure of the white lion, saw Zhuang Rui, stretched out his crutch, pointed to him and laughed and scolded him. Grandpa, how can't I come back, Mom, I'll help Grandpa..." "You child is not big or small with Grandpa. Just go, mom will help you...

Zhuang Rui stroked the white lion's big head and walked to his mother's side, but Ouyang Wan did not let go of holding her father's hand. She and Zhuang Rui sat down on a stone bench next to her, and the white lion obediently lay at Zhuang Rui's feet.

"This child is really like you. He not only looks like you, but also looks like you. He is very stubborn and bold. If the old man didn't promise to let you come back that day, he would dare not call me Grandpa 11th ▲r,

After the old man sat down, he put his hands on crutches and carefully looked back and forth on the faces of his daughter and grandson. Ouyang Mang was not only in good health during this period, but also in a happy mood. At his age, he was very indifferent to many things in the world, but the only thing he couldn't give up Disobedient daughter.

Zhuang Rui was not afraid of the old man and said with a smile, "Dance, I'm not only like my mother, but also like you. Don't you have the same temper as my mother? I heard my uncle and others say that you always had a division in those years, and you dared to think of making dumplings for an army of the Kuomintang in Liaodong, which was bold..."

Ouyang Gang was a brave general of Siye in those years. He fought a war. As long as he fought with the enemy, he would never take advantage of it and would never retreat. Even the order of General Siye Forest was useless, but he was too straightforward, and he did not follow his old boss after liberation. In that decade, he suffered. Less sin, but this is also where he is proud and respected by others, that is, he dares to stick to his beliefs. Hey, how did you stinky boy know what happened to me in those years? Hey, my grandfather said nothing at that time. When I hit Jinzhou, Mr. Lin's telegram asked me to take some firewood to keep warm up..."

Zhuang Rui's words just scratched Ouyang Gang's itching. He had been ill for more than two years, and his ears were not good, but he didn't recall the past for a while. Now he grabbed his grandson and talked about it endlessly.

Zhuang Rui was still a little impatient at the beginning, but when he listened, he listened to it. Listening to his grandfather's talk about the past, it was a real historical reproduction, which was completely different from what was performed on film and television. With the old man's passionate words, a big era of smoke and fire, a real exhibition Now it's in front of Zhuang Rui.

Ouyang Wan also sat quietly next to her and listened to her father tell countless stories since she was a child. In fact, the old man's requirements are really not many. As long as some children are willing to spend a little time listening to them, it will be enough. Old man, I'm eating, and I'm bragging about the old almanac again, and I'm not afraid that my grandson will laugh. 11th, eleven▲r,

When night fell and the lanterns first rose, Zhuang Rui's grandmother also came out of the yard and supported Ouyang Jun beside him. Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be a little ashamed. The Ouyang army was more afraid of the old man than the mouse and the cat. He also insisted on seeing his filial piety in And it's really something wrong for the whole army to run east and west.

After seeing Ouyang Jun, the old man paused his crutch on the ground and shouted, "Consides, Xiaojun, come here..." "Grandpa, what's the matter? I didn't cause any trouble."

When Ouyang Jun heard the old man calling him, he was shocked all over, and the reflex under his feet was a upright one. It seemed that the shadow of childhood was really difficult to eliminate, and Zhuang Rui's mother and son laughed.

Ouyang Wan shook his old father's arm and said, "Dad, Xiaojun is a good boy. Don't scare him. The way you always stare is scary."

"I feel guilty. What's there to be afraid of, Xiaojun? Your brother doesn't have a job yet. You eat and drink spicy food all day long, so you don't want to take care of your brother?"

The old man wants Ouyang Jun to find something for Zhuang Rui to do. To put it bluntly, he is to find some money-making work for Zhuang Rui. Although the old man is upright, he is not pedantic. The revolutionary work always needs to be done by others. Is it something that others can do, and his grandchildren can't do it?

Although this matter is very simple for Ouyang Gang, there is a manual arrangement for a phone call, but the movement is a little big. He knows that his little grandson has tosed a big industry, which is deliberately cutting a block on Ouyang Jun.

"Grandpa, do you want me to take care of my little brother? He takes care of me. He is playing antiques now. That value is not ordinary fat. Even I look red. You can't be biased all the time. If you don't believe it, ask him

As soon as Ouyang Jun heard that this was the matter, he felt entangled. For a moment, he couldn't care about fear, and his voice was raised. These are all grandchildren. Why do you want to take out money from my pocket and stuff it into another grandson's pocket? By the way, the word "outer" should be added to . " Oh, and that? Xiao Rui, are you doing speculative business? That doesn't work. We can't do such a thing...

It has been almost 20 years since the old man retired. For the word "inverted" in Ouyang Jun's mouth, he understood that in order to speculative, he immediately stiffened his face. How could his grandson do this? It's not that this is against the law. The key is that the eyelids are too thin. How much

"Dad, Xiao Rui is not speculative. He collects antiques, that is, those calligraphy and painting vases and so on. We used to have them at home, and then sell them. This is legal and the profit is also very high. Recently, he invested in a jade mine in Xinjiang..."

After Ouyang Wan heard her father's words, she explained for her son with a smile. Her tone was full of pride. Her son's whole spine was the money he earned by his own ability, and he didn't get any money from his mother's family.

Ouyangang heard his daughter e! After saying that, he was excited and said, "Hey, you girl, why didn't you say earlier that those calligraphy and paintings are antiques? When I led the army to fight the local tyrants to divide the fields, I made a lot of things, but those paintings and wiped their buttocks were so idle that they all set me on fire... "Haha, haha...

The old man's words were not yet settled, which attracted the people around him, including the guards who had just come out, to laugh. What's the point? When you were fighting the local tyrant to divide the fields, Ouyang Wan was not born yet. How can I remind you? No wonder, the old man is It's inevitable that the brain is a little confused.

However, the old man at this time was more like his own relatives than the majestic big man outside. You know, the old man was known for his strictness. In the 1980s and 1990s, many military generals did not even dare to breathe in front of him. You old man, you are proud of your uneducated all day long. Don't brag, go to eat 0 bar...

Grandma Zhuang Rui scolded the old man with a smile. The whole family returned to the yard. The meal was eaten under the big tree in the yard. As soon as the little girl finished watching the action movie in the house, she was also very excited to see her uncle coming. She kept chatty, which also added a lot of laughter to the meal. Xiao Rui, come out and I'll tell you something.

After dinner, there were a lot of points. The old man and the old lady were ready to rest. Zhuang Rui was also very tired these two days. When he was about to go to his room to wash his bed, he was stopped by Ouyang Jun.

"Fourth brother, what's the matter?" When Zhuang Rui saw the Ouyang army dodging, he insisted on going out of the yard to say something. He couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Actually... it's nothing to do, that is, it's about me and Xu Qing, you know?" Ouyang Jun hesitated for a long time, and what he said made Zhuang Rui confused. Hey, I said, brother, what does it have to do with you and the big star? Zhuang Rui asked puzzledly.

"Hey, I'll tell you directly. I want to marry Xu Qing, but my father doesn't agree. Isn't this asking you to tell me? Now, except for my sister-in-law, you are the most favored at home: i;. R ' + . . Ouyang Army is really a seed of affection. Although it was a little romantic and absurd in the early years, it has been determined in the past few years, and Xu Daxing has also made great contributions.

Originally, Ouyang Jun came here today to ask his sister-in-law for help, but after seeing Zhuang Rui, he changed his attention. He was afraid that his sister-in-law would have the same idea as his father, and Shao would do the opposite. Hey, fourth brother, this family is not my most favored, and there is also a girl..." Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun joked. Don't talk nonsense. Just say whether you can help or not. I still want to introduce Xiao Dong to you tomorrow.

Ouyang Jun was really anxious. He couldn't open his face when he asked his cousin for this matter, and he was teased by Zhuang Rui. At present, he was a little embarrassed and angry. Who is Xiao Dong?" Zhuang Rui asked. It's the antique player you told me last time. If you are free tomorrow, go to the meeting to see him. He has a lot of ways to go.

"I'm not free tomorrow. I have an appointment with someone to go to the courtyard. Let's talk about it later. Fourth brother, one day when you see my uncle is in a good mood, call me. I'll talk to my brother-in-law to see if you can do it... For Ouyang Jun's shit, Zhuang Rui is Let's help people get along.

P: 1 Add the monthly ticket. Thank you, friends. Don't say anything. Let's continue to fight. If you can fight before the monthly ticket 1, the whole 100,000 yuan will come out every day. Although the difficulty is a little high, there is an advertisement saying that everything has something to do... mF