Golden Pupil

Chapter 360 Mid-Autumn Festival

Ouyang Jun didn't want to go back to Yuquan Mountain so early. After picking up the car, Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun separated. He went back to the courtyard first and put the password box containing hundreds of thousands of yuan in the basement of the courtyard. He did not dare to throw it on the car at will.

When he was in Zhonghai, Zhuang Rui had heard that two people who picked up rags put five yuan in a Mercedes-Benz. They smashed the window of the Mercedes-Benz with bricks and stole the five yuan, which made the car owner laugh and cry. What can do if they catch those two people? In the end, I went to the insurance company to claim compensation.

After putting the money, Zhuang Rui drove back to Yuquan Mountain. Today, the people in his mother's family will arrive. Zhuang Rui usually runs around. Today, he has to keep his mother by his side, which is also what Ouyang Wan has repeatedly told. Why are there so many good years?"

At the intersection at the corner in front of Zhuang Rui's grandfather's yard, there is an open space. Usually, people park their cars here, but there are few people who can enter here on weekdays. Generally, there are a few cars in the family, but today there are more than a dozen cars parked. Zhuang Rui can only park his car at the intersection Well, brother, why are you standing here?

Zhuang Rui parked the car. As soon as he walked through the corner path, he raised his eyes and saw Ouyang Lei standing at the door of the courtyard. There was a 37-eight-year-old middle-aged man beside him. He was wearing a straight suit and was talking to Ouyang Lei. Brother, are you back? This is your second cousin Ouyang Long. Come on, get to know him. Ouyang Lei saw Zhuang Rui and waved him to go there. Hello, second brother. I thought you wouldn't arrive until tonight.

Zhuang Rui came forward and said hello. Looking at the appearance of the second cousin, he was somewhat similar to Ouyang Lei. Maybe the old man's genetics were relatively strong. Zhuang Rui's appearance was also with his mother, standing with these brothers. Those who didn't know him thought they were all brothers.

"This is my sister-in-law's Zhuang Rui, right? I just talked about you with my eldest brother. It's good. It's much better than us to beat such a big industry with bare hands.

Ouyang Long was very close to Zhuang Rui, which also had something to do with the sister-in-law's meeting gift just now. Before coming, Ouyang Long knew that his sister-in-law had not contacted her mother's family for many years. What he had heard was very poor, but he didn't expect that when he first met, he The family put away their contempt. Second brother, don't drive me to laugh. Several brothers are all alone now. When do you have to take care of my little brother?

Zhuang Rui knows that Ouyang Long is the mayor of a city in the south. The 38-year-old mayor is not often seen in the country. Of course, this has a lot to do with his second uncle, Ouyang Long's father, who served as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in the neighboring province.

The Ouyang family can be said to be luxuriant. There are three brothers of Ouyang Zhenwu's older generation, and the eldest Ouyang Zhenhua's entry into the center after this year's plenary session is basically a foregone conclusion.

Ouyang Zhenshan, the second brother, is a little worse than the eldest brother and the third brother, but he has also been operating in a province in the south for more than ten years. It is also a piece of self-retained land of the Ouyang family. Although the deputy has not been promoted, it is also sacrificed for the family. After all

Needless to say, Xiayang Zhenwu is only 57 years old this year. According to his level, he can work until he is 65 years old. I really hope to go further.

Ouyang Zhenhua has one son of Ouyang Lei. Ouyang Zhenshan has two. In addition to Ouyang Long in front of him, the second brother is called Ouyang Road, and he is also an official career. Now he is a member of the Standing Committee and deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in the northwest. In addition to Ouyang Jun, this family I just heard from my eldest brother that you went to the Pingzhou Jade Market a few months ago. Next time you go there, you have to find your second brother.

Ouyang Long's city is not far from Pingzhou. It is a big economic city. It is easy to take care of Zhuang Rui. By the way, there are so many work in urban construction. Who is not to give it to? Of course, our brothers should be given priority.

Some friends may be very unhappy to see this, but this is also the truth. These days, people who are frank and devoted to the public really can't find a few. The money of the Ouyang Military Office is earned by selling approvals in the past. Thank you, second brother first. Come by the way, why are there so many cars today? Aren't you afraid to disturb the old man's rest?"

Zhuang Rui didn't pay much attention to Ouyang Long's words. He made money by his "silience" and did not need to take advantage of his grandfather's side.

"Hi, it's like this every year. There are a lot of people coming to see the old man during the Spring Festival. In the past, Grandpa was not in good health. He left at a glance, but now he wants to talk to Grandpa. They are all waiting in the yard..."

While talking, Ouyang Lei pouted to the yard. Zhuang Rui stretched out his head and looked. Sure enough, more than a dozen people stood quietly in the yard.

What surprised Zhuang Rui most was that seven or eight people were wearing military uniforms, and the lowest rank on his shoulder was also a lieutenant general. In addition, there were two generals with the rank of general. At this time, they stood there straight, just like soldiers waiting for the chief to receive him.

Zhuang Rui now understands why the Ouyang Lei brothers are standing at the door. Leaving aside that they are the grandsons of the old man, as the two of them, it is really not rude to stand here to welcome guests, otherwise the old man can't stand at the door in person. Lao Xie, how is the chief?

At this time, the door of the old man's room was opened, and a man with the rank of lieutenant general came out, and several other generals surrounded him one after another. The chief is in good health, Commander Fang, go in. The chief said you just now..." The lieutenant general surnamed Xie said to a general.

"What did the chief say about me?" Commander Fang asked nervously, but no one laughed at him. In front of Mr. Ouyang, no matter how high their position was, they dared not breathe. The chief said that you didn't send him wine last year, so I'm going to teach you a lesson..." General Xie said in a low voice, with a smile on his face.

"Well, thank you very much. Relying on being a secretary for the chief for several years, I dare to make fun of myself. I'll settle accounts with you later." After laughing and scolding, Commander Fang straightened the wind buckle and hat on the whole military uniform and strode into the room. The one who just came out, we all have to call Uncle Xie. When Grandpa first came back, he worked as a confidential secretary for Grandpa, and now he is also a deputy commander of the Military Region..."

Ouyang Lei saw Zhuang Rui looking at the generals with a shocked face and explained to him. It was only when he said this, Ouyang Lei did not realize that his identity was no lower than that of General Xie. Xiaolei, I haven't seen you for a few years. Why did you separate from Uncle Xie?

Ouyang Lei was talking to Zhuang Rui. The lieutenant general Xie came over, slapped Ouyang Lei on the shoulder, and said, "Yes, good boy, you have been a soldier since you were a child. In a few years, Uncle Xie will call you the head."

"Uncle Xie, what you said, no matter what I do, I'm not a little boy who has been running with you since I was a child." Lieutenant General Xie was very happy with Ouyang Lei's words. He took him into the yard and sneaked into the group of generals. Brother, you just came back. Go inside and have a rest. My sister-in-law, they are all in there..."

At this time, four or five more people came from the other side of the path. Ouyang Long knew that Zhuang Rui had little experience with the receptionist. After whispered to Zhuang Rui, he greeted him.

After Zhuang Rui returned to his room, he was still a little shocked. In the past, when he saw his grandfather, he was just an old man. At most, when he first recognized him, he was associated with the prototype character on the film and television screen, but after a long time, he only regarded him as an ordinary old man.

But when he saw such a situation today, Zhuang Rui knew that even if the tiger was old, it was still the tiger's old wind. Zhuang Rui saw a leader on TV to comfort the old comrades. Every time he said that these old comrades were the wealth of the country, but now Zhuang Rui's understanding is a little deeper. Look at the problem, you still can't float on the surface.

"Ouch, white lion, don't make trouble, let's go back to the courtyard tomorrow..."

There are many people in the yard today. Ouyang Wan was afraid that the white lion would scare people, so she locked it in Zhuang Rui's room. Now when she saw Zhuang Rui coming in, she immediately rushed over excitedly and almost washed Zhuang Rui's face with her big tongue.

After appeasing the white lion, Zhuang Rui went to his mother's room, which was also very lively. After seeing Zhuang Rui, several sisters-in-law and married cousins, they were all ready to introduce him to this little brother, which made Zhuang Rui blush and fled. Hey, Xuanbing, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Hiding back in the room, Zhuang Rui was about to call Qin Xuanbing when his mobile phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Chun Xuanbing.

"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhuang Rui, do you miss me?

I don't know if the romantic atmosphere abroad has affected Qin Xuanbing. For more than half a year, every time she talked on the phone, Qin Xuanbing asked this sentence. The previous coldness has long disappeared

"Well, if you don't come back, my sister-in-law and cousins will almost pack me up and sell me..." Thinking of those women with great potential for matchmaking, Zhuang Rui still shuddered. Can't you come to England to see me? I... I miss you too..." After saying this, Qin Xuanbing at the other end of the phone couldn't help blushing. OK, I'll go to England after the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Zhuang Rui's heart was also hot at this time. Although the two often flirted on the phone, this water could not quench his thirst. After hearing Qin Xuanbing's slightly suggestive words, he couldn't wait to fly over with long wings now. C