Golden Pupil

Chapter 371 Charity Auction 4

After hearing Bai Meng'an's words, Zhuang Rui raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "Brother Bai, what you said is wrong. Who Xuanbing chooses has her own opinion. How can she say it is a conquest? As an international metropolis, Hong Kong will not have the idea of male superiority and female inferiority these days, right?

Bai Meng'an was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Zhuang Rui, who was indifferent in his impression, would refute his words like this. For a moment, he couldn't say anything, but Zhuang Jiao's words told the whole of Hong Kong. The young people behind Bai Mengdu showed an angry look on their faces. I made a mistake. Xuanbing, don't care..."

When Bai Mengyao saw her brother's gaffe, she quickly poked him in the back of his waist. Bai Mengto reacted and quickly apologized to Qin Xuanbing. The two families had a lot of cooperation in business. It was not good because of this little thing. Ku Meng'an was also a little jealous just now, so he said that it was That is to say, the mentality has been adjusted now. It doesn't matter. The auction is about to start. Please go back..."

Tai Xuanbing returned to the previous appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but the tens of thousands of amorous feelings inadvertently revealed between her eyebrows are very different from the coldness shown in the past. Even the young people who are not interested in Qin Xuanbing, they will be stunned. Even those who come with their female companions are also He peeked at Qin Xuanbing. There are too many people here today, Miss Qin. Let's stay here. You won't do it, will you?"

A young man in the crowd, who was about 30 years old, suddenly opened his mouth and said, and several people next to him also came out to agree. After Qin Xuanbing took a look at the man, she didn't say anything, but nodded silently.

"The man's surname is Zheng, and his name is Zheng Hua. He is the grandson of Zheng Tycoon. Now he works in his grandfather's Jewelry Co., Ltd. He is known as the leader of the new generation of Zhou Taifu Jewelry. Xuanbing doesn't know him well, but it's not easy to refuse his face..." Lei Lei was afraid that Zhuang Rui had any idea. She attached it to Zhuang Rui's ear and introduced him to the people who had just spoken. They were all warm in the jewelry industry. The scale of other companies is much larger than Qin's jewelry. If Qin Xuanbing wants to get out of the words to drive people, it's too face-hearted. It's privately owned by her.

If you want to say that the children of these super-rich people are not as interested in Qin Dongbing, they are actually far less interested in Zhuang Rui. With their wealth, what kind of beautiful women do you want? Why go home with a cold stone? Of course, is it cold or hot? Among these people present, only Zhuang Rui knows.

But Qin Xuanbing found a mainlander like Zhuang Rui, which made these people curious. You know, after the Chinese New Year, it is normal for the mainland and Hong Kong to get married. However, in the upper class of Hong Kong, it is still rare to hear who is willing to marry their daughter to the mainland. After all, from the weather, climate and living As usual, it is generally difficult for Hong Kong people to adapt to life in the mainland.

At this time, several people were pulling Bai Meng'an to whisper. Even Bai Mengyao was also pulled aside by several women. She was also trying to inquire about Zhuang Rui's origin. However, although the Bai brothers and sisters and Zhuang Rui had experienced a trip to Tibet together, they didn't know much about Zhuang Rui, except that Zhuang Rui was No useful information has been revealed outside the mainland. Is Mr. Zhuang coming to Hong Kong for the first time?

The charity auction has not yet begun. People of all ages are chatting together. Suddenly, "Zheng Hua, standing next to Bai Meng'an, said hello to Zhuang Rui with a smile and stretched out his hand.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling face. Zhuang Rui and the successor of Zheng's jewelry, who was carrying a pair of gold mirrors, shook hands and replied faintly, "Yes, the first time: 1l! L.... R. . . . "

"Ha ha, I don't know what industry Mr. Zhuang is engaged in in the mainland? I now work in the mainland for four months every year. If you have a chance, you must visit Mr. Xiazhuang's one, one, one, one, one"

Zheng Hua has no idea about Qin Xuanbing. He just wants to touch the bottom of Zhuang Rui. If he has the ability, he will naturally have to date. As the saying goes, there are many ways for many friends. Doing business to this extent, many things are often not solved by money.

For the people who came to Hong Kong from the mainland in the late 1970s, they were despised by Hong Kong people at the beginning, but after the descendants of the red capitalists came to Hong Kong bare-handed in the 1970s, with a small amount of money, they created a huge business of nearly 20 billion assets in the 20th period. The empire can't be eye-catching.

From then on, these super-rich people in Hong Kong also deliberately and unintentionally made friends with the mainland, because they could not give up the huge market in the mainland. At the same time, these people also knew a truth that it is better to have money than power to do business in the mainland.

Zheng Hua is now doubting that Zhuang Rui will not be the prince of the mainland, right? If not, why is thezou family willing to marry his daughter? You know, in Hong Kong at this time, it is still very popular for rich families to use marriage to maintain cooperative relations.

Zhuang Rui didn't know the meaning of Mr. Zheng, who spoke Mandarin fluently, and casually replied, "I'm engaged in some jade business in the mainland. Ha ha, it's not worth mentioning." Oh? Is Mr. Zhuang also from the jewelry industry? Then we should get closer in the future..." Zheng Hua deepened his conjecture after hearing Zhuang Rui's words. No, no, I only do some jade raw materials in the business, and I have no contact with jewelry. Zhuang Rui corrected Zheng Hua's statement. Zhuang Xiansheng is the first home of us. Zheng must visit him when he has a chance in the future.

Hearing that Zhuang Rui was in the jade raw material business, Zheng Hua suddenly lost interest. You know, he knows all the largest jade raw material suppliers in the mainland, and the relationship is very good. There is no one surnamed Zhuang here, and if you think about it again, there seems to be no high-ranking official surnamed Zhuang in the mainland. Now Zhuang Rui is just an ordinary small businessman in his eyes.

In this group of people, it was vaguely led by Zheng Hua. Hearing that Zheng Hua had revealed Zhuang Rui's origin, several other people showed disdainful expressions on their faces, but they did not come forward to find fault. In their identity, if there was a rumor that he was jealousy for a woman, it would be a shame to go home. Don't be scolded by your elders.

However, a few people are already in ', secretly plotting. How can Zhuang Rui make a fool of himself later? After all, this boy from the mainland is too popular today. Qin Xuanbing just took their limelight away.

Zhuang Rui saw that Mr. Zheng was not talking to himself, but changed to Cantonese to talk and laugh with several people next to him. He didn't care. He hugged Qin Xuanbing and walked a little to the side and chatted in a low voice. Zhuang Rui felt a little strange. It was almost ten o'clock, Not much. Why don't you start the charity detention?

At this moment, two people came in from outside the door. One was the British housekeeper. After entering, he stood at the door, as if leading someone, while the other attendant ran to Sir He's table and whispered something.

To Zhuang Rui's surprise, several old people who had been sitting there firmly all stood up. Even Mr. Guo was helped to welcome the door, and the group of middle-aged people who were originally sitting in the middle chatting also closed their mouths and stood up to greet the guests. Brother Bai, who is here?

Qin Xuanbing has always been with herself. She must not know. Zhuang Rui can only ask Bai Meng'an, who is not far away from her.

"Don't you know? Today's charity auction was held by Sir He in order to build 0 Hope Primary School for the mainland. In addition to the proceeds from the auction, the rest of the money is paid by Sir He, so Director Wang of Hong Kong Xinhua News Agency and Commander Huang of the Hong Kong Garrison should have arrived. Bai Meng'an saw that the people around him gathered around the door, hurriedly explained to Zhuang Rui, and then squeezed over.

Although they are all businessmen, they also need a harmonious and stable environment for business. For example, although the Hong Kong Garrison is only a deterrent, there is no harm in making good friends with them. "Not to mention Xinhua News Agency, that is, the imperial minister sent to Hong Kong by the mainland government, if it weren't for the Hong Kong Chief I'm afraid they will also come to this charity dinner.

When Bai Meng'an's group of people surrounded him, two people had come in side by side at the door. On the right was a general in a straight military uniform. A golden star on his shoulder shone in the light. The man on the left was a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed in a Zhongshan suit and looked very lean. Hello, Mr. Guo, how dare you come to greet you? It's rude, rude Y"

When the two entered the gate, they saw several old people walking towards them. Director Wang immediately greeted them and held Mr. Guo's hand. The general saluted the soldiers before saying hello to the old people. As for the people next to them, they just nodded slightly and said hello.

After several people were polite in the hall, Director Wang and Commander Huang were introduced to the table of several old people, and the people in the field who felt that they had a little identity also carried champagne one after another. They went to the table to say a few words to the two distinguished guests and touched the glass. As for those young people, they were not qualified. I can only stand still and watch from a distance.

When Sir He saw that the guest of the finale had arrived tonight, he greeted the housekeeper and immediately came in more than a dozen attendants, coconut the dining table in the middle of the hall to the side, and then attacked a square table covered with red silk and put it in the middle of the hall.

P: The first update, I got up at seven o'clock in the morning to code, but there was no single chapter yesterday, and there are only four monthly tickets today. Is there really no monthly ticket without a single chapter? Alas, if you have a monthly ticket, please vote for it. If you don't have a monthly ticket, give me a few recommended tickets. It affects your mood, four... mF