Golden Pupil

Chapter 406 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

For these ordinary girls, stars are superior, visible and unclassable figures. Although they often come into contact with some celebrity ladies because of the nature of their work, they still have a sense of envy and fear for them.

The meaning of Li Xia's words to Zhuang Rui is to ask Zhuang Rui to call his last friend. You know, Xu Daxing's position in the film and television is much higher than the one in front of him. If Xu Daxing is not gone, they must not dare to make trouble again. A female star?

When Zhuang Rui heard the words, he carefully looked at the woman's face, and he was really a little familiar. Isn't this the Taiwanese star in a Qiongyao drama a few years ago, the person who shouted in the TV series all day long? Zhuang Ruishengran didn't swallow it, but he couldn't stand the overwhelming publicity of the TV series, plus the two small words on the woman's mouth! 8 nests, it's hard to remember. It's okay. Even if her emperor Ama is not finished, it doesn't work..."

Zhuang Rui saw that the female star was quite sensible. At least he knew to persuade the man just now. He didn't want to show any power to a woman. At that moment, he kicked the man on the ground and said, "Get up and apologize, and then get out of here!"

The young man surnamed Fan had gasped at this time. Seeing that Zhuang Rui raised his feet again, he was so scared that he quickly hugged his head with both hands, but the sunlight from his fingers was full of resentment. Zhuang Rui, forget it, let them go..."

Tai Xuanbing reached out and grabbed Zhuang Rui. This store is their own. If there is a reputation for beating guests, it will be very troublesome. There will already be many customers coming to buy things around.

A small salesperson was eloquently telling everyone what had just happened, and later people also accused the young man of being ignorant, but after seeing the shocking blue-purple pinch marks on his neck, he came out to persuade the store to call the police and not to beat people without permission.

Zhuang Rui looked at it, and it was not the same to make trouble in the store, so he said to the female star, "Help people away, leave as a matter of time, don't let me see this boy again..." "Thank you, thank you, sir..."

The female star surnamed Mu was also afraid that this matter would spread and affect her reputation. At that moment, she helped Mr. Fan, and the two walked out of the store. Mr. Fan wanted to look back and say a few harsh words, but he didn't dare. The fight just now was caused by this stinky smell. Damn, eating, drinking and playing with women are all at once you shout. Now I'm at a loss, and there is no one to help!"

Mr. Fan didn't dare to look back, but he felt aggrieved in his heart. He grew up, and his family didn't even touch him with a fierce finger. Unexpectedly, he was almost killed here.

What makes Mr. Fan more uncomfortable is that all his cowardly things have fallen into the eyes of the big star around him. This man is a big loss. If he can't find this one, in the future, in the boundary of Beijing

He Fan can't stand up and walk. Hey, man, why did you come here to pick up the floor? Mr. Fan, what's the matter? I'm busy. "... Sister Mu, what's going on? Why is Lao Fan so embarrassed?

Just as Mr. Fan took out his mobile phone and was about to call again, more than one young man came in at the gate of Qin Ruilin, all of whom were brightly dressed, oily and powdered, some with a woman, and several people, with a baseball bat in their hands, and broke in aggressively. Brother, now I smashed this store, smashed it. When I go back to heaven and earth, I will pack the whole field. Damn it, I'm responsible for anything..."

Mr. Fan saw those friends who came in at the door, which was even more intimate than seeing my mother, and he didn't care about the words of these people who hurt him. He shouted with a ferocious face, and his words were already crying. Uncle Wu, you call the police, Xuanbing, you take the naan to the house..."

Zhuang Rui looked at a few people coming in, and his heart was not good. These twenty-year-old little guys were not afraid of heaven and earth at all. He quickly asked Qin Diebing and others to hide in the manager to suffocate.

"Boss Zhuang, you should also come in. Don't be familiar with them. I have called the police: i;... R...."

Wu Zhuozhi didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the store when the new boss came for the first time. No one had come to make trouble before, but they were all dissatisfied with the things he bought and came to ask for a return. It was more civilized. Like today's incident, it was really the first time since the opening.

"Zhuang Rui, come in and let them smash it. Let's settle accounts with them later..." Qin Xuanbing also shouted at Zhuang Rui. She knew the background of Zhuang Rui's grandfather's family. As long as she didn't suffer the current losses, she could always find the situation. Well, I'll be right over." Zhuang Rui knew that children of this age were the most troublesome. When he fought with them, he designated that he would suffer losses, so he nodded and walked to the manager's office. Do you want to call Ouyang Jun?

Zhuang Rui took out his mobile phone as he walked, but it's okay to think about it. Just let the police deal with it later. This is their trouble first.

The guests, who were supposed to be onlookers, saw a group of young people with sticks in their hands coming in outside, and they were also scared to hide around. Zhuang Rui, who was surrounded in the middle, suddenly appeared in the sight of the young man. This young man is going to suffer..." "Yes, can it be simple for those who can bring out female stars?" Let's hide away and book something..."

Seeing a person rushing towards Zhuang Rui, the onlookers talked about it one after another, but they did not disperse. It is Chinese nature to watch the bustle. By the way, people who can come to Qin Ruilin to buy jewelry also have a few money or have a little identity. They have seen some world and are not afraid that things will affect him. On us." It's him, that's that person, brothers, give me the power, it's up to me!"

At this time, Mr. Fan's waist was not sore and his back didn't hurt, and he actually rushed to the front of the group. When he saw Zhuang Rui, his eyes seemed to be angry. He pointed to Zhuang Rui and howled. Because he was choked by Zhuang Rui just now, the sound sounded like an eunuched male Boy, you are unlucky, even Mr. Fan dares to provoke..."

Several people rushed up and wanted to do it. They have done a lot of things, and although they have caused a lot of trouble, they can't stand the money in the family. Even if they crippled people, it's just a little ruthenium at home to settle out of court.

What's more, Mr. Fan just said that this time it's his count, that is to say, it's a useless fight. If there is anything, find Fan to deal with it.

These people are all rich second-generation people in the capital. Because they are still young, they can't get involved in the family's business, and they have nothing to do all day long. Except for drinking and playing with women, they can't find something exciting. At present, some people want to be human meat sandbags. These exciting people' eyes Zhuang Rui.

At this time, Zhuang Rui was still more than ten meters away from the manager's office. He also regretted in his heart. He just wanted face just now. Yes, it was a little slow. Unexpectedly, he was caught up by these people. Now it's too late to run again. Seeing that the person rushing to the Zhuang Rui was so angry that he simply didn't run away. He rushed up to Mr. Fan. Damn it, stop it, or I'll kill him!"

Mr. Fan was overwhelmed by anger at this time. He forgot that he had just been frightened by Zhuang Rui. Seeing Zhuang Rui rushing towards him, he couldn't help shivering. Before the high stick in his hand could be smashed down, he only felt that his throat tightened, but was choked by Zhuang Rui again.

Mr. Fan really wants to cry without tears. Why does this guy like to pinch people's necks so much? It's very uncomfortable to be breathless. Shit!"

Those young people didn't seem to take Mr. Fan who was holding Zhuang Rui's hand seriously. A man still held a stick and smashed it down. Zhuang Rui only had time to turn his body and was hit heavily on his left shoulder by the stick. He scolded in pain. At the same time, he grabbed Mr. Fan's right " Don't...don't do it, I... I***I'm dead..."

Mr. Fan squeezed a few words out of his mouth like squeezing toothpaste, and then came out white foam. A pair of eyes turned up desperately, full of white eyes, and he looked like he was going to die, which really scared the group of people.

Although this group of people usually rely on their family and are used to horizontally domineering, although it is common for them to be jealous and fight, they don't have the courage to let them kill people. Seeing Zhuang Rui holding Mr. Fan's neck with a ferocious face, they want to kill people. A group of people can't help but I was timid and took a few steps back. This big brother, let's put people down in advance. This is going to get out of human life. "You also eat guns." Among this group of young people, there were also sensible people, and a voice came from outside the crowd surrounding Zhuang Rui. You can't help the gun even if you die. Do you believe it?

Zhuang Rui's hand loosened a little. When he heard the voice of the man who had just spoken seemed to be a little familiar, and he couldn't help looking at it sideways. Oh, this is the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple. Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, why is it you?!"

The man who just spoke brought a woman, so he didn't rush forward to the fight. In addition, there were a lot of people just now, and he didn't see who was standing in the middle. Zhuang Rui turned his head and let him see it sincerely. He couldn't help screaming bitterly, quickly separated the crowd and squeezed in. Yang Bo? Is this person your friend?"

Zhuang Rui also recognized the person. It turned out to be the famous young man in the capital that he had seen on the black market. Because the boy deliberately flatted that day, Zhuang Rui had a little impression on him. C