Golden Pupil

Chapter 451-452 clearly marked eight, nine

Both of them just saw that most of the prices of the original stone auctioned this time were ridiculously high. Although the two were not very sure about whether the wool could produce jade, they were unwilling to give up. An auction between the two began. Each bid must not be less than 1,000 euros, and the two of you can start bidding..."

Hu Rong looked very indifferent. It was difficult for him to attract his interest to auction such a small amount of money. He was working as a jewelry company in Taiwan for a period of time. If it was not related to the actual interests of his jade mines, he would not be too lazy to come here. 10,000 euros..." The man standing on the left took the lead and directly added 100,000 euros. 15,000 euros..." The person on the right obviously hesitated, but did not give up, and added 5,000 euros. 110,000..." The person who opened first: \} did not hesitate to call out the price.

"I gave up one one one one one one"

People came to Myanmar to make a fortune, not to be angry. The price of 110,000 euros is equivalent to more than 1 million RB. For the general plain material, it is a little high, and the other person wisely chose to give in. Xiao Rui, let's go. I'll take you to meet the next person...

Seeing that the auction was over so soon, a group of people who were watching the bustle suddenly dispersed. Fang Yu pulled Zhuang Rui and was about to come forward and fight with Hu Rong. Suddenly, there was a sound in the hall asking Fang Yi to go through the auction procedures.

Hu Rong, who was packing his things at the table and was about to leave, raised his head after hearing the voice. He happened to see Fang Yu, smiled at her, waved his hand to Fang Yi to go through the formalities first, and made a gesture of telephone contact. In Zhuang Rui's eyes, his mother-in-law seemed to be very familiar

However, this also made Zhuang Rui lose the opportunity to know the legendary figure. After Fang Yu went through the formalities, Hu Rong had left the auction house. Zhuang Rui waited for another minute for another minute. When he heard his name called out on the radio, he also went through the auction procedures.

There are several types of payment. The buyer can sign the "winning contract" on the spot, but it is not necessary to pay immediately. As long as the buyer transfers the money to the designated account in Myanmar within three months, he can ask the other party to entrust the original stone for free.

In addition, it can be paid by its guarantee company in Myanmar. Of course, the money must be settled by both parties.

The last one is to pay the full amount on the spot. If the amount of the original stone is more than 300,000 euros, you can become a distinguished guest of Myanmar's public offer. In the next public offer, you can get a priority invitation, and there are many preferential policies.

The price of Zhuang Rui's original stone is exactly 300,000 euros. He paid the full amount and asked the other party to consign it on his behalf. The shipping address is his villa in Pengcheng. The place is remote, no one disturbs it, and there is a complete set of stone cutting tools, which is the best place for Zhuang Rui to solve the stone

After signing the contract to pay the payment, Zhuang Rui filled in a form at the prompt of the staff and left his phone number. In the future, even if he does not use the name of the domestic jade association, Zhuang Rui will be qualified to participate in the Myanmar jade market, and it is also the most noble one invited by the government. Kind of guests.

After these procedures were completed, when Zhuang Rui left, he was "send" by two Burmese soldiers with live-fired nuclear bombs, which made Zhuang Rui's heart keep thumping. "Participating in the auction and being escorted by soldiers was the first time for him.

From the auction house to the gate of Myanmar's National Jade Trading Center, he needed to pass through the original stone area. Zhuang Rui found that the originally bustling place could not be seen as a wool merchant except for a team of soldiers patrolling, but it had been cleared. Brother Zhuang, you're out..."

Walking out of the door of the jade trading center, Zhuang Rui saw Peng Fei welcoming him. Xiqin Haoran and his wife stood not far away, and parked the minibus that had sent them up early.

When Qin Haoran saw Zhuang Rui coming out, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go back to the hotel and have dinner together in the evening."

After getting on the car, because Zhuang Rui was not there, Song Jun and Ma Fatty were embarrassed to ride the car. They had followed the bus provided by the organizing committee back to the hotel first. Zhuang Rui Pengfei, Qin Haoran and his wife and the four gambling masters were on the bus. Uncle Qin, it's just 6:10. How can people go so clean?

Zhuang Rui asked the question in his heart. Although it is said that the bid ends at six o'clock every day, the efficiency is also a little higher.

"Can't it be clean? Those soldiers come to drive people with guns. Myanmar is a military government. Many things are not very democratic when they are done. All right, we have something to do it today. Let's have dinner in the evening to celebrate the next one, one, one, one, one"

Qin Haoran smiled and answered for Zhuang Rui. Qin's jewelry bought three pieces of wool today. Qin Haoran was very happy. Normally, as long as one of the three pieces is cut up, it will not lose ruthenium. After all, the current Feicui jewelry market is also rising, and the price is rising very fast. By the way, Xiao Rui, why are you so unsid with the No. 1 label?

After the car started, Fang Yu suddenly remembered this matter. The final winning bid price of the material was more than 5 million yuan, and the cost-effective RB was more than 50 million yuan, indicating that others were still very optimistic.

After Fang Yi asked about this matter, several stone-blocking masters also looked at Zhuang Rui. The wool was recommended to Fang Yi after they agreed that there was a chance to bet on the rise. They also wanted to hear Zhuang Rui's reason why he was not allowed to bet on this material.

"I saw that piece of wool. Although the crack is relatively thin, it has a tendency to extend inward, and it shows that the color of the python pattern is explained. Even if the emerald inside is not damaged by the crack, the quality will not be very high. The possibility of cutting down is very high, and it is not worth gambling..." Zhuang Although he was indated, he couldn't say anything to refute. After all, the stone was not cut open, and no one dared to guarantee whether it was up or down. Hello, really? Well, let's go early tomorrow and take a good seat..."

Qin Haoran's phone suddenly rang. After saying a few words to hang up the phone, Qin Haoran looked at Zhuang Rui and laughed: "Is there a j! Cui Ming knew that the material was bought by a jewelry company in the mainland. Myanmar decided to give them some discounts on the condition that they must solve the stone on the spot in this public market. Let's go early tomorrow and take a better position to have a look..."

In order to expand the influence of the jadeite public market and attract more funds to flow into Myanmar, the Myanmar Organizing Committee will often encourage some people who have auctioned high-priced raw stones to solve the stone on the spot. If it can bet on the rise to solve the high-quality jadeite, it is bound to set off another The wind of panic buying.

Of course, if the gambling collapses at the scene, it will naturally be counterproductive, so the organizing committee is also careful in the selection of the raw stone to be solved at the scene. This time, the original stone numbered 1 Lu 8 was selected. I don't know what benefits they gave the buyer and asked him to agree to solve the stone tomorrow.

After hearing Qin Haoran's words, several cheap stone masters also showed excitement on their faces. They were a little disapproved of the reason Zhuang Rui just said, so they couldn't refute it. They heard that they could solve the stone tomorrow. They had the idea of watching Zhuang Rui's excitement in their hearts. You said that the gamble would collapse. If the Where do you put your face?

Zhuang Rui smiled and nodded and agreed to go early tomorrow. His face looked as usual. What a joke? If the broken stone could be bet, Zhuang Rui was willing to grind the stone into powder and swallow it all his stomach.

After returning to the hotel, Zhuang Rui received a phone call from Song Jun and Fatty Ma, asking him to have dinner together, but he was naturally rejected. Yesterday, he refused his mother-in-law's face. Today, he had to behave well, and after dinner, there was naturally something to talk to them.

In the evening, we had a typical Burmese dinner. The dishes were Burmese prawns, fried eggs, and all kinds of seafood. The staple food was rice and steamed glutinous rice cake. Zhuang Rui also ate it with relish.

"Peng Fei ● You go back to your room first ● I'll fight back one o'clock later..."

Zhuang Rui sat at a table with Qin Haoran and his wife, while Peng Fei sat at a table with several gambling consultants. After dinner, Zhuang Rui said hello to Peng Fei, and then took the elevator to the room where they lived with Qin Haoran and his wife. Xiao Rui, what's the matter? Can't you say it at dinner?"

Just now, when Zhuang Rui was at the table, he mysteriously said that he had something to discuss, so that Qin Haoran and his spouse had nothing to eat at a meal. I don't know what Zhuang Rui wanted to say. The people there are a little miscellaneous, and Uncle Qin, Aunt Fang, if you two can trust me, let me say again, if you can't trust me, then there is no need to mention this matter..."

Zhuang Rui wanted to tell them that the giant red jade original stone can be bet on, but Zhuang Ruixin can't beat those gambling stone consultants. Zhuang Rui asked Qin Haoran before. These gambling stone consultants are all old-fashioned, and they can do it with anyone who gives money. They have been wandering in Myanmar and domestic jade stocks all year round.

Zhuang Rui was afraid that after he told Qin Haoran and his wife, if they took a few gambling stone consultants to see the stone again, they might have complications and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. If that's the case, Zhuang Rui would rather eat alone than say it.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the mother-in-law who had called her to see the original stone before, and if he had shown disdain at that time, Zhuang Rui would not have said anything about his luck at all and would have made a fortune and secretly photographed it.

But Zhuang Rui has gone out in dialect. If he secretly patted the wool, Fang Yi will definitely know it in the future. He is equivalent to boldly deceiving his mother-in-law tomorrow. Zhuang Rui thought about it over and over again, or decided to give them a little bit. Of course, the secret in his eyes is not even said. Chapter 452 Marked

In fact, Zhuang Rui's Qin Ruilin store in the capital, and Qin's jewelry are both prosperous and damaged. If Qin's jewelry is not well managed and the supply is insufficient, other products in his store will definitely be greatly affected. This is also Zhuang Rui's decision to share resources with Qin's jewelry. The main reason.

Seeing Zhuang Rui's solemn words, Qin Haoran and his wife were a little surprised for a moment. After looking at each other, Fang Yu said, "Xiao Rui, you child, we are all a family. If there is anything, just say it directly. Of course, aunt and uncle can trust you..."

Zhuang Rui showed a wry smile on his face and said, "Auntie, if I say it, you two can't take those masters back to look. If this matter spread, the price of that piece of wool will inevitably rise sharply..." Qin Haoran's eyes lit up when he heard the words and said, "Which material? Is it a clear mark or a dark mark?

"What's the hurry? Listen to Xiao Rui finish his words..." Fang Yu looked at his husband angrily and looked at Zhuang Rui thoughtfully, as if he thought of something.

Zhuang Rui smiled and said, "It's a clear label, Aunt Fang, do you still remember the red jade stone with cracks behind it?" Remember, after you read it, you said that the piece of material that would collapse would be cut, right?

Fang Yi was more and more sure of her idea. At that time, she felt that Zhuang Rui was a little pretentious. With her understanding of Zhuang Rui, although her future son-in-law was young, she was very calm in doing things, but this morning's remarks in the marked area were a little in line with his character.

"Although the crack on the wool is a vicious trap, there is a red fog on the opposite side of the surface, and the color of the red fog is slightly yellowed. Uncle and Aunt Qin know that I have solved the matter of blood jade and jade, right?" Yes, I know, you go on to say that the bracelet sent by Zhuang Rui is in Fang Yi's hand. How can you forget this?

"There must be red jade in the red fog, but according to my experience, there are yellowed crystals in the red fog, and there will definitely be the best jade in the stone. I have observed it carefully in the process of dissolving stone, and this will never go wrong..."

Although Zhuang Rui's words are resolute, they are actually all bullshit. If the red fog of the fart turns yellow, the best jade will come out, which is the reason he is looking for.

The way of gambling stones is basically seven points of luck in three eyes. No matter how big the ability is, it is common for masters to see the wool. The so-called experience is accumulated little by little after a long period of calcite and stone cutting. There is no conclusion about this thing, and no one dares to guarantee it.

With Zhuang Rui's words, even Qin Haoran, who is quite proficient in gambling stones, his eyes lit up. Although he has never heard of this statement, this is the result of Zhuang Rui's experience, which is more credible than those things that have been passed down by word of mouth. That is to say, the possibility of that material will produce the best jade Xiaozhuang, according to your estimate, how much jade meat can be made from the material you mentioned?

Wu Haoran can't wait to put on his wings and fly to the gambling stone venue now to take a good look at the original stone, but he knows that he can't go now, even tomorrow, he has to avoid the material, or when he sees it, he can't show anything.

"Auntie of the original stone has seen it. It weighs more than one ton, but the evil silk will definitely affect the jade meat in the material. I guess that it should be able to produce 30 to 50 catties of jade meat, and the quality of these emeralds can reach the ice seed at the lowest. The material is coming..."

Zhuang Rui is not afraid to tell the truth. With the title of director of the Jade Association, it is natural to have some real materials. In the past, he secretly dared not admit it. That's too shallow.

But now it's different. With the title of expert and another gamble on a stone, it can just establish his position in the gambling stone, and let the old guys in the Jade Association know that the old man recommended himself to join the Jade Association as a director, which is not crony.

"The quality of more than 30 to 50 ice species, now colorless jadeite and red and yellow jadeite jewelry are very popular in the market. The price of jewelry of the same quality is even more expensive than that of green. If it can reach the glass seed, the material of 30 to 50 catties will be worth about 200 million. If it is made into jewelry It can be sold to more than four↑B..."

At the beginning, Qin Haoran only analyzed the price of wool mentioned by Zhuang Rui in a low voice, but the more he talked about it, the more he fluctuated, the louder he said. Finally, he stood up and kept walking in the hotel room, and he was extremely excited.

Qin's jewelry is facing the situation that there is a shortage of jade raw materials and products can't be followed up. This time, it has mobilized nearly 100 million yuan. The original intention is to cast a wide net and catch more fish. It would rather lose some money than let the jade products in the jewelry store be out of stock. This time,

In fact, not only Qin's jewelry is the case. Most of other jewelry companies also have this idea. First, they pinch a batch of raw materials in their hands, and then relatively increase the market price of jade jewelry, slowly forming a balance of income and expenditure. However, in the early stage, they must lose a little money. Of course, they are out of It's another story.

But with the material Zhuang Rui saw, the situation of the coupon's jewelry will immediately change. As long as they can win this red $. In the next few years, there will be no need to worry about the raw materials of high-end jade jewelry, and the focus of the Burmese public disk can be placed on the middle and low-end wool, but It's easier to buy.

Of course, Qin's jewelry can cross the Xiangjiang River for nearly a hundred years, which also has its own background, but it's better not to use the killer. Xiao Rui, that piece of material won't be cut in the sky tomorrow, will it?" No, according to the label, it should be auctioned the day after tomorrow..." "Well, I'll go to see the material by myself tomorrow. Let's think about the following bidding plan tomorrow night. We must make sure that it's safe. I'll answer the phone first...

As the saying goes, the mall is like a battlefield. At this time, Qin Haoran is like a general with a determined command. In a few words, he involved this matter to 100 million yuan! The matter of the golden flow was given, but just as Qin Haoran was talking, the mobile phone on the table rang.

"Arong? If you want to come, welcome, welcome, I'm in the room. Well, you know the room number, I won't pick you up..."

After Tai Haoran answered the phone, his face looked very happy. His old friend visited, and Zhuang Rui solved such a big thing for him. He couldn't help but make Qin Haoran a little excited. Uncle Qin, if you have guests, I'll leave first..."

Zhuang Rui is not afraid of Qin's jewelry to eat alone. Anyway, he accounts for at least half of the material. There is a cycle for the sales of the best jade jewelry. After a year or two, maybe he has found good goods again. It is said that the Burmese public market is two or three times a year.

"Xiao Rui, don't go. I just want to introduce you to this person who is a leading figure in Myanmar's jade world..." Qin Haoran introduced that Zhuang Rui actually heard that it was Hu Rong, and now he also wanted to meet this person.

After asking Qin Haoran, Zhuang Rui knew that the Hong Kongzou jia and the Hu family in Myanmar have been close friends for several lifetimes, and they also have quite close relatives. Mr. Qin's own sister is Hu Rong's own grandmother and Qin Haoran's own aunt. The two families move back and forth frequently. Uncle Qin, Aunt Fang, it's my turn to supervise the conference today. I can't visit you and your aunt. I'm really sorry..."

When the jade tycoon Ten entered the room, he gave Qin Haoran and Fang Yu the courtesy of the younger generation. Hu Rong was more than ten years younger than Qin Haoran and his wife, and they were all juniors in terms of age backup. It's okay, Rong. Let me tie it up for you. This is your sister Xuanbing's boyfriend. He is the new director of the Domestic Jade Association. You can walk around more in the future..."

Qin Haoran pulled Zhuang Rui and introduced him to Hu Rong. After Hu Rong heard Qin Haoran's words, he saw that Zhuang Rui was so young that he couldn't help but be stunned. He only entered the Myanmar Jade Association at the age of 35. He was the youngest one a few years ago. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Rui was much younger than himself. It's just twenty-six or twenty-seven years old.

Hu Rong knows the personnel relationship of the motherland. In a department like the Jade Association, if he wants to serve as a director, there are only ways to each other. First, he runs a large-scale jewelry company, second, he has a lot of research on jade and can be called an authoritative person. Third, he has a deep background.

No matter which of these three types of people, Zhuang Rui can't be underestimated. Hu Rong immediately took out his business card and exchanged it with Zhuang Rui. He and Qin Haoran and his wife had contact from time to time, and now everyone sat down and chatted.

The so-called killer steel of Qinniao brick treasure is actually the Hu family in Myanmar. However, in recent years, the Myanmar military forces have strict restrictions on the export of jadeite. However, if smuggling is found, the punishment is very serious. Even Burmese people will be sentenced without mercy, and the death penalty is the most serious.

So although the Hu family is a hundred dollars in Myanmar, Mr. Qin is not willing to use this relationship easily and let the Hu family take the risk.

"Uncle Qin, before I came, my father told me that you and your aunt would go to Myitna Pagan when you were free. I prepared a batch of wool some time ago, and I had arranged the route, shipped it from Thailand, and then sent it to Hong Kong..."

The purpose of Hulurong's visit this time is to do this matter. They also know that except for Myanmar, the jadeite raw materials of jewelry companies are facing the dilemma of shortage of supply. With the relationship between the two families, it is naturally impossible for the Hu family in Myanmar to sit back, and what he just said is actually smuggling jadeite.

It's just relatives. The foundation of the Hu family can't be changed. They have been trading in raw stone for generations. The rule is that they will never participate in gambling stones. They just wipe it on the good material and open the window to take out, so even if it is sold to the Qin family in Hong Kong, That's also raw stone, not jade meat.

Hu Rong is actually a little repulsive to this rule, because he has also been working as a jewelry company in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and other places in recent years. However, the old man at home is still there, and he dares not break this rule, so he can only sell Qin Haoran's original stone by smuggling.

From Myanmar to Thailand, it is basically tropical jungles and mountains. It is not easy to take those raw stones through the mountains. There is nothing we can do, because from Myanmar to China, the smuggling of raw stones is quite tight. If there is a slight mistake, the Hu family will not be able to eat it. Of course, this Naturally, they don't need to do all kinds of things. There are such people in front of them.

"Arong, I understand my uncle's intention, but now the situation in Myanmar is very tense. Let's not have any problems in this wind. If we really can't support it, let's ask you for help one by one, one, one by one"

If it had been before Zhuang Rui said that piece of wool, even if he took the risk, Qin Haoran would have to go to Pa dare to walk around, but now the situation is different. At least Qin's jewelry does not need to be so anxious to hoard high-end jade raw materials, and the middle and low-end ones can just shoot directly from

In the dark bidding area of this public market, there are still many subjects that have been cut open and are not very gambling. At most, they just spend a little more money. Uncle Qin, don't be afraid of this matter. We have already arranged it..." Hu Rong thought that Qin Haoran was worried about being found out, so he quickly explained it again.

Qin Haoran smiled, waved his hand and said, "A Rong, there is really no shortage of raw materials for the time being. Will I still be polite about the relationship between our two families?"

"Well, Uncle Qin is right. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you must tell us. By the way, grandma also misses you very much. Not to mention the wool, when the public market is over, uncle and aunt will come home with me to have a look, right?"

Seeing Qin Haoran's resolute attitude, Hu Rong did not continue to talk about smuggling. His grandfather had passed away, but his grandmother was still polite. He also invited Qin Haoran to Ligu as a guest.

"I may not have time this time. I'll visit my aunt next time. If not, let Xiao Rui go to play with you. He hasn't seen the jade mining site yet, and his knowledge is not &qu;); I! I. . R. . . . "

Qin Haoran thought that if the red jade was taken, some of the family's business strategies would be changed again. After dissolving the red jade into jewelry as soon as possible, he would put it into the market to seize the opportunity.

This time is very tight. As the current helmsman of Qin's jewelry, Qin Haoran has no time to visit the Hu family, but he pushed Zhuang Rui out. It is not bad for young people to see more. Of course, Qin Haoran will not consider whether Zhuang Rui is busy or not. Brother Hu, is Pa Gan in the Myrchina area?

Zhuang Rui just heard the three words of Mizhi from Hu Rong's mouth, so he kept his attention to it. Isn't the map on his storage card there?

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