Golden Pupil

Chapter 577 Under the Chicken Blood Stone

There are three famous stones for making seals in China, collectively known as the "Three Treasures of Seal Stone"

The eldest of the three treasures, Tianhuangshi, is the most precious variety of Shoushan stone. As early as the early days of the Qing Dynasty, he was selected as a tribute to the court and was deeply appreciated by the emperor. Emperor Qianlong worshipped Tianhuang, which made it worth a hundred times more. It is expected that he ascended the throne as the "

In the status of the third child is Hibiscus Stone, which can also be called Baishou Mountain Stone. Although the development time of this material is much later than that of Tianhuang and chicken blood, it has won the resonance of literati with literati with its clear and self-clean character. Under their admiration, it ranks among the "Three Known as the "gentleman in the stone".

Moreover, the main characteristics of Xiaosan hibiscus stone are condensed fat, delicate and pure, and it is the easiest to "wrapped pulp". In recent years, it has also been highly respected, and the Tibetans are quite abundant.

There is no need to say more about chicken blood stone. With its gorgeous and bright colors, it is the second in the three treasures of Yinshi, and it has had the reputation of Yinshi since ancient times.

"The Three Treasures of Yinshi" are the main forces in miscellaneous collections. Chicken Blood Stone, as the second of the Three Treasures in Stone, is naturally attracted by the attention and love of Tibetan friends.

When Zhuang Rui followed Uncle De to learn miscellaneous antique identification in Zhonghai, he worked hard on chicken blood stone, so when he heard that Uncle De was going to test his appreciation level, he did not hesitate to come forward to identify it.

Changhua chicken blood stone and jadeite are actually quite similar, but the color in the jadeite is called blood in the chicken blood stone, and the name of the ground is the same. It is divided into four categories: frozen ground, soft ground, rigid ground and hard ground.

As for blood, it is divided into bright red, positive red, crimson, purple red, etc. The shape of chicken blood is red, strip red, star red, haze red, etc., and can achieve fresh, condensation, thick, deep and thick, deep and thick. In the deep stone, it is better to have a collection or

According to the blood color and texture of the chicken blood stone, it can be divided into Dahongpao, glass jelly, Tianhuang jelly, mutton fat jelly, horn jelly, cinnabar jelly, lotus root powder jelly, colorful jelly, peach jelly, bean green jelly, agate jelly, wood grain jelly, fish brain jelly, fish roe jelly, snake

All red or six-faced blood is the best. The red and psychic chicken blood stone is called the "big red robe", just like the emperor green in the emerald. It is a treasure in the stone. It is rare to see without a certain opportunity.

The freezing in the chicken blood stone is equivalent to the glass seed and ice seed material in the jade.

Those with less than 10% of the blood in the chicken blood stone are ordinary materials, less than 30% are medium-grade materials, more than 30% are high-grade materials, and those with more than 50% are treasures. As for materials with more than 70% blood, they are rare.

In addition to the red "chicken blood", the background color of the chicken blood stone still has black, white, yellow, green, blue, gray-brown, purple, blue and other basic colors. In addition, various colors of different shades are integrated with each other. It is natural and does not need to be carved, and has formed a natural and beautiful pattern.

The three colors of black and white and chicken blood are called "Liu Guanzhang", which is also a wonderful product, with beautiful colors and thousands of changes.

Of course, these best chicken blood stones, like the best jade, are mostly legendary existences, which are rare for years or even decades.

Zhuang Rui's mind is recalling the knowledge about chicken blood stones while distinguishing the stones in his hand. However, what disappoints him is that the blood color oozing from these chicken blood stones is not correct, and the distribution is too scattered. The possibility of chicken blood coming out of it is very small. Even if it Dark color.

After identifying this pile of stones with his eyesight, Zhuang Rui was afraid that he would lose it, so he screened it with Reiki. Sure enough, as he judged, there were no good goods in these stones, and the best one was only slightly red under the stone skin, and it was a thin piece, which was not worth much.

From the Ming Dynasty to the present, in the past few hundred years, the chicken blood stone has almost been picked. Zhuang Rui shook his head slightly, stood up, and moved his squatting a little numb legs.

"Uncle Wang, I can't see through the materials you found. Let others have a look when you get them to the market tomorrow..."

Although Lao Wang is an outsider, Zhuang Rui still speaks in a more measured way. These are the fruits of Lao Wang's hard work for a year. You can't let yourself be erased with one sentence, can you?

And the red material inside, the performance outside is not bad. If you take it to the market to bet, maybe someone can pay 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. In that case, Lao Wang's head has not been busy this year.

"Lao Wang, the child is inexperienced, and it's not surprising that he can't see it. Let me have a look..."

Uncle De was afraid that his old friend would be angry, so he quickly added, but this was also what he thought, because although Zhuang Rui knew the chicken blood stone, he had never seen this kind of material, and it was normal to see the deviation.

"How can it be? This young man has good eyesight. Now the chicken blood stones on the surface of Yuyan Mountain have been almost picked up. There is no good material for these I picked up..."

Although Lao Wang said that he didn't understand, he lived under the Yuyan Mountain all his life. He had never eaten pork and seen pigs run. How could he not understand chicken blood stone? At least what he just said was a saying.

After checking for about half an hour, Uncle De picked out three pieces of material, put them aside, and said to Lao Wang, "These pieces can be marked a little higher. There must be blood in it, but I'm not sure how deep the blood can go in..."

"That's good, that's good, Mr. Ma, thank you. Every time I come, I point out a few stones to Lao Wang..."

Lao Wang put aside a few pieces of material distributed by Uncle De. The year before last, Uncle De once picked a piece of material for him. Later, Lao Wang sold it for 60,000 yuan, which made him very happy at that time.

Lao Wang's things were all here. Seeing that there was nothing to see, several people were ready to go out, but when Zhuang Rui raised his feet and walked out, he suddenly felt a hard object under his feet.

When Zhuang Rui drives, he usually changes into the pair of cloth shoes bought from the time-honored brand of Beijing Inner Union. Although it is a shoe made by a century-old store, the sole of the cloth is thin. It is so cold that it is diaphragmatic, and the soles of his feet still hurt a little.

"What the hell?"

Zhuang Rui squatted down and picked up the thing, but found that it was a stone slightly larger than a lighter. Because it was too small, it may have been thrown aside by Viagra just now.

This stone is yellow all over, and there is no trace of blood on the skin. It smells a little like Tian Huangshi, but it is far less round and smooth than Tian Huangshi. It should be a piece of Chang fossil, which is the kind of stone found by Uncle De mentioned earlier.

"Zhuang Rui, what's wrong?"

Qin Xuanbing, who followed Zhuang Rui, saw Zhuang Rui turn his foot and quickly asked with concern.

"It's okay, step on a stone..."

Zhuang Rui habitually glanced at the aura and was ready to throw it back into the pile of stones, but raised his hand, but he held the stone tightly in the palm of his hand.

The conversation between Zhuang Rui and Qin Xuanbing made several people walking in front of him turn around. Zhuang Rui simply threw the stone in his hand and said to Lao Wang, "Uncle Wang, this material is the kind of fake field yellow you picked before, right?"

"Take it to me and have a look..."

Lao Wang is over 60 years old, and his eyes are not very good. After taking the small stone from Zhuang Rui's hand, he took a closer look and said, "Yes, I don't know how many years this thing has been left here. This was still the time when I said it was valuable, I deliberately stayed. Later, the government said it was ..."

As Lao Wang said, he was ready to throw the small stone back. Although it was worthless, it was not an ordinary rock. He also kept it as a souvenir.

"Uncle Wang, don't throw it away. This thing has caused such a big disturbance. Give it to me. I'll buy it as a reference, and I can compare it with Sanada Huangshi in the future..."

Zhuang Rui hurriedly said something to stop Lao Wang, but what he said was normal. Brother Wei wanted to come and play. Anyway, it was produced by Changhua.

"What to buy, Brother Zhuang, you can take it to play..."

As soon as Lao Wang heard Zhuang Rui's words, he immediately stuffed the stone into Zhuang Rui's hand. This thing is too small, and the most valuable time is only a few hundred yuan each. Now, even if it is sold for a few yuan, no one will buy it.

"Uncle Wang, this doesn't work. Well, I'll buy it for 200 yuan. Do you think it's okay?"

"No, really no, little brother, if you give money, you just look down on the old man..."

"Lao Wang, take it. 200 yuan is not much. Don't push the little guy's intention..."

"Well, I'll take it. Let's have monkey head mushroom stewed chicken at noon tomorrow. Last time someone paid 300 yuan to buy my monkey head mushroom, but I didn't sell it..."

In the end, Uncle De said something, and Lao Wang reluctantly took the 200 yuan handed over by Zhuang Rui, shouting that he would burn wild monkey head mushrooms for them to eat at noon tomorrow. That thing was very expensive, and Lao Wang's head just happened to pick a little on the mountain.

"Ha ha, tomorrow is a blessing. Come on, it's not early. Let's all go to bed. Let's go to the market tomorrow morning..."

After reading the stone, Uncle De waved his hand to let everyone go back to his room. There was no entertainment in this ravine. He went back to his room and slept in his own room.

Of course, this place is a little strange. I don't know how the sound insulation effect of the house is. Zhuang Rui and Wei Ge were very honest after entering the room. Not to mention that, their voices are much smaller than usual.

Otherwise, if you sing in the room in the middle of the night and are heard by others, you will have no face to see people the next day.

"Honey, go to bed quickly. What are you looking for?"

"Look for this!"

Zhuang Rui took out a strong flashlight from his backpack, and then took the flashlight and got into the quilt.

PS: The second update, I got the hospital's test report this afternoon. I'm in a bad mood. Let's fight for the third update. Let's watch the monthly ticket. Don't make it more uncomfortable.

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