Golden Pupil

Chapter 580 Bazaar 3

Chicken blood stone chat is generally scattered. There can be about 30% blood on a piece of material, which can be called high-end chicken blood stone, and if it can reach more than 50%, it can be called a treasure.

So when Zhuang Rui checks these materials, he not only depends on the color of the bleeding, but also on the area of the bleeding. If it is replaced with jadeite, Zhuang Rui can see it in 10 minutes. How can it take more than an hour?

The largest of the three stones picked by Zhuang Rui weighs about 30 catties, three or four times the volume of the other two, and it is also the best one. The middle of this material is no different from ordinary stone, but at both ends of the beginning and end, bright red blood oozed.

There are generally two possibilities for this kind of chicken blood stone raw stone. One is under the stone skin, and there is a large amount of chicken blood, which can reach the whole stone. The other is chicken blood scattered. As we can see now, chicken blood exists only in the first and last two places.

But no matter what kind of possibility, chicken blood will come out of this stone, which is already certain. Generally, the price of a good material like this is not low.

"Second uncle, how much do you think these yuan can be worth?"

After Er Huzi squatted down and carefully looked at the three pieces of wool picked out by Zhuang Rui, he looked at Lao Wang. For the price, the second uncle was much better than himself, and he brought him. The price is more appropriate from the old king.

"This larger one is similar to the one I sold the year before last. Now the market price is also much higher, and it should be about 100,000 yuan..."

Before Lao Wang finished his words, Er Huzi, who stood aside, was already smiling. If 100,000 RB asked him to dig the soil and farm, he would not make so much money in 10 years.

"As for these two stones, where did you find them?" Lao Wang looked at the other two pieces, but there was nothing different. He immediately frowned.

There is still a big difference between the material of chicken blood stone and jadeite raw stone. Many jadeite stones have no performance or signs on the body surface, but chicken blood stone usually has blood in the stone skin. On the contrary, the probability of bleeding inside will be very small, and the price is naturally extremely low.

Er Huzi's attention was put on the stone worth 100,000 yuan at this time. He didn't care about these two materials, which were only the size of a fist, and casually replied, "Uncle, these two pieces were picked up in an old pit in the past. They were not heavy, so I carried them back..."

"Did you find it in the old pit? That's hard to say. Well, the two yuan add up to 5000RB, Brother Zhuang, what do you think?

Lao Wang took out his cigarette bag and took two sips. Then he hit the cigarette butt on the ground and stood up to quote a price to Zhuang Rui.

"Brother Zhuang, as you know, there are fewer and fewer chicken blood stones on the mountain. The old mines have been mined for a long time, and the price of old mines is generally three to five times that of new mines, so the price is very realistic..."

After all, it is a stone with no performance. He offered himself a price of 5,000 yuan. Lao Wang was afraid that Zhuang Rui would be unhappy and quickly explained a few more words.

Zhuang Rui didn't say anything when he heard the words, but squatted down again, turned over the stone of more than 30 catties and over again, and finally shook his head, stood up, and said, "Uncle Wang, this material is too gambling. I can't understand 100,000 yuan. Or let Brother Erhu take it to the market Maybe it can be sold more expensive..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Er Huzi was a little disappointed. He was not demanding. He was very happy to sell it for 100,000 yuan. If no one likes him at the market, wouldn't it be a broken stone?

"These two yuan of 5,000 yuan can be played. Anyway, it's not very expensive, Brother Erhu. I want these two small ones. Do you want to sell 5,000?

Zhuang Rui's last words made Er Huzi's face cloudy and sunny. Although the bigger stone was not sold, the two stones he picked up casually could be sold for 5,000 yuan, which was also equivalent to the money he picked up for nothing. Er Huzi quickly agreed: "Sell, sell, wait, I'll wrap it up for you

After Er Huzi finished speaking, he turned back to the room and shouted, "Mom, mother?" Erqin, come out. Take out the basket you made..."

With Er Huzi's words, a young daughter-in-law in her twenties came out of the small hall, holding a baby in her arms, as if she was breastfeeding, and a piece of white flesh of snowflakes appeared on her chest, which made several men present immediately turn their eyes elsewhere.

"You dead woman, you won't put the baby in the house, go in, go in..."

Although there were such nursing children in the countryside, Er Huzi knew that the people in the city could not stand this, so he quickly pushed his daughter-in-law into the hall again, and walked in. When he came out again, he took a few old newspapers in his hand and a very exquisite bamboo basket.

Erhuzi wrapped two stones in old newspapers and put them in the bamboo basket.

This bamboo basket is a bit like the withering of Guanyin Bodhisattva catching the goldfish monster. There is also a handle on it, which can be sold as a handicraft. If this is chosen by unwitting people, others will definitely take the bamboo basket and throw away the stones.

Zhuang Rui took the well-numbered 5,000 yuan from Peng Fei, handed it to Er Huzi's hand, and said, "Brother Erhu, your bamboo basket is well made up. It is estimated that you can sell it for more than 10 yuan when you take it out..."

"Hey hey, it's not worth it, it's not worth it. My mother-in-law and aunt made it up casually. Second uncle, you take these people around again. I'm going to load the car..."

After Erhuzi took the money, he checked it carefully. Then he put it in his pocket with a smile and began to be busy. He wanted to put dozens of stones on the flatbed car, and then pulled them to the market. These were all physical work. Erhuzi's daughter-in-law also put down the child and came out to help.

Of course, Zhuang Rui and others will not help, but they can't stand here to work. They said hello to Er Huzi and left the small yard. As for the two stones that Zhuang Rui bought, they were carried by Viagra like a curious baby. By the way, this bamboo basket is really exquisite enough.

"Xiaozhuang, why do you like these two materials?"

When trading in the small courtyard just now, Uncle De has not said anything. If there is no bleeding or variegated performance outside the chicken blood stone, the gambling is countless times larger than that of jade. Generally speaking, few people gamble on such materials.

"Ha ha, Uncle De, these two stone skins are relatively smooth. I guess there may be chicken blood in it. Anyway, it's not expensive. Buy it to untie it and play..."

Zhuang Rui explained casually. Although the reason was a little far-fetched, Uncle De knew that thousands of yuan was really a dime for his apprentice. Uncle De also thought that Zhuang Rui was a practicer and bought it. Then Zhuang Rui and his party followed Lao Wang's head and looked at the materials of several families. Although there were a few pieces of chicken blood on the body surface, Zhuang Rui did not take action. However, under the guidance of Uncle De, Viagra spent 30,000 yuan to buy a fist-sized stone with half a chicken blood on the body surface. Zhuang Rui had already seen with aura that the chicken blood on the material was a piece rather than a pool, which penetrated into the stone very shallowly. Unless it was to make a decoration according to the current appearance, if he wanted to solve it into a seal or change its shape, there would be no doubt. Zhuang Rui didn't stop Viagra when he saw it. Anyway, Viagra was not short of money. His family spent tens of millions of yuan on antiques. This time, he regarded it as a relief for poor mountainous areas. It's really not worth Zhuang Rui to remind him of these tens of thousands of yuan. What's more, it was picked up by Uncle De. If he said it, wouldn't he hit Uncle De in the face? Several people walked around the farmhouse, and it was almost noon. Lao Wang had turned back to his small building to clean up the stones, while Zhuang Rui and others wandered to the greenhouse where the chicken blood stone was trading. At this time, at the entrance of the small mountain village at the foot of Yuyan Mountain, there was already a lot of people. There was no door in this trading center like a vegetable market, and there were people going in and out everywhere. There are many local villagers who pull flat cars to carry stones in like Erhuzi. Some of them were surrounded by merchants who came to buy chicken blood stones before they even entered the market. This is really... Folk market...". Zhuang Rui looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head. It was hard for him to imagine that this chicken blood stone, which also accounts for a certain proportion in jade sales, actually came from such a place. Xiaozhuang, don't underestimate here. I've often seen three or five million or one or two hundred million chicken blood stone wool in previous years. Hey, I forgot that you are gambling on jade. Of course, you don't like it here..." Uncle De noticed Zhuang Rui's expression and couldn't help teasing him, but Uncle De didn't know that whether it was a jade gambling game worth hundreds of millions of yuan or a chicken blood stone, it was just a game in Zhuang Rui's eyes. Uncle De, can you still solve the stone here? When he walked to the door of the market, Zhuang Rui stopped, because he saw that in an open space more than 20 meters away from the east of the market, there was a lithode stone machine there. Next to the lithode machine, there were also grinding wheel grinding machines and other machines. These objects were necessary for gambling on jade. Uncle De smiled and said, "Of course, it can solve the stone. Some people who bet on chicken blood stones here, that is, bet on those inactive chicken blood stones. If the gambling rises, they will be sold on the spot. It won't cost much to gamble. The wool of chicken blood stones is much cheaper than jade wool..." Ha ha, it's a little interesting..." These machines are bought by the villagers themselves, and they have to pay for them. It seems to be 50 yuan a time the year before last. Now I don't know what the price is. What, do you want to solve the stone? When Uncle De saw Zhuang Rui staring there, he didn't know what Zhuang Rui was thinking. P: The second update, alas, I'm really useless. I thought I could write 6,000 words in five hours, but I didn't expect to sit down for an hour to write it. And the last 7 days are over this month. In the last 7 days, please vote for all the monthly tickets. If you don't have a monthly ticket, throw a few recommended tickets. This month still needs to be contested. The body is like this. If you can't win the top 6, it's really sad. D